THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 192» _ -. . , !__■ .......---J--------------- THH SPR1NGFTCLD NBW8 4 ok W R THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS BRIDGE TO BE COMPLETED T h e letting of a c o n tra c t for th e (Ilia on the new Springfield bridge at th e next m eeting of the •prln gflald , Lana County. Oraffoa. by highw ay com m ission will be received w ith aalla- T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS faction here. It w as beginning to look like the H. E. M A X E Y . Editor. new s tru c tu re w as going to sta n d a while w aiting Entered aa second class matter, February 34. 1903 at the for th e roadw ay. P lans for th e fill on both ends poatofflce. Springfield. Oregon have been received by th e court and bids will be M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A TE received at next m eeting of the highw ay coinm la Ona yea r In A dvance--------31.75 T hree M o n th s ------ 76c sion, it is reported. We should be traveling the K x M o n th s ______________ 31.00 S in g le C o p y ________be new bridge by New Years. . w . Published Every Thursday at T H U R S D A Y . S E P T E M B E R 20. 1928 PRID E IN ONE S TOWN If we don’t boost o u r tow n no one w ill do It for us. T he first fac to r th a t a visitor in o u r tow n or a n y o th er looks for is the c h a ra c te r of th e people. If they are boosters w ith tow n pride he feels th at It’s a gtxxl place to live. If they a re k n o ck ers and com plainers he feels th a t it is a poor place to settle. It has fallen ou r lot to show th e Industrial tra c t to people w ho com e here from tim e to tim e. Al­ m o st invariably th e leading question asked is “W hat kind of a tow n have you h e re ? ” “ Are th e people active and e n th u sia stic su p p o rte rs of the to w n ’s in stitu tio n s, business houses and in d u s­ trie s ? ” W hile we know th a t th e re is an elem ent in every city who con trib u tes n o th in g to th e civic w elfare except w hat the governm ent ta k e s from th em in th e ,fo rm of taxes, we do hope th a t this elem ent will get sm aller and sm aller in Spring- field. It costs nothing to be a booster and in the long ru n you will benefit by it. It co sts som e­ th in g to be a knocker because w hen you attem p t to b reak down the m o ra le 'o f a tow n you are but h u rtin g yourself. D on't be with th e w hining m inority; get on th e bandw agon. • • • * T he resignation of M artin Anderson as county com m issioner will leave a vacancy in th e county c o u rt h a rd to fill. T here a re plenty of m en in th e county who a re capable enough for the job b u t very few would ta k e it a t th e salary of $1500 a year. T he county co urt is ch arg ed w ith th e wise e x ­ penditure of a million or m ore dollars each year. Surely no private business would hire $1500 a y ear help for such a responsible position and why should th e county. T h e sa la ry of th e county c o u rt should be such th a t a m an filling th e job would n o t have to m ake financial sacrifices in o rd er to look a fte r county affairs. T h e salary of $1500 m ight have been sufficient w hen th e com ­ m issioners w ere p a rt tim e officials b u t now they have to fill m an size jobs every day in th e year. • • • We now have a c a n d id a te for each of the offices vacated on th e city council. But th at is not suf- ficient we should have m ore th a n one. L et’s have a little com petition. C om petition is said to he the life of tra d e but it is aiso th e life of dem ocratic governm ent. "T h is is th e best fall w e a th er in the world." we heard one of our happy citizens declare th e o th e r day. T h a t's the spirit. e e • You c a n ’t reg ister nor vote a fte r O ctober •». Don’t lost your franchise as a citizen If you arc not registered go and re g iste r TODAY. O regon looks to us like “ S he is safe in the a rm s of H oover.” was repaid a thousandfold (or 1 time and thought glveu to her sm daughter's numerous Inquiries, question had been too trivial nor III “T h e Child's First School Is tho F am ily’"— Frootool loo precious for an Intelligent answ huued by the National Kindergarten Association, 8 W est 40th Just us a liny plaut grows with st Street, New York City. These articles are appearing weekly In light and wurtn rains, so Helen's <•« a o w i sa s , »* «111 abilities bail unfolded and develop with a mother's thoughtful «are at disappointed Io find that Mary showed attention. W HY? llltln Interest In housework Even Franc«« E. David her UHMoelallon with Helen, who «till "Mother, why do you bout the cake lived next door, did not awaken In so hard?" asked little Mary as aha her the desire to be of service In hwr watched her mother making “ cake own homo Her mother secretly «n "I'm too busy for questions thia vied her neighbor because of Helen « a morning," her mother replied. "Hun ability and luve of home duties und outdoor« and play.” openly lamented the lack of these The "too busy mother tailed to qualities lu her own daughter, notice the wistful look in Mary a eye« The "why" of Mary's early years aa «he closed the door. In the next yard. Helen and her ,'“‘1 ««•’" unanswered and mother were busy together. Ignored. The beating of a cake, the "Conte and see our garden.' called I’1“'""'« “f “ se e d -su c h trivial things He|e„ I t° her mother—had been sources of It Is practical economy lo use good gasoline In your engine The free Glad of the luvltatlou. Mary quickly *'>"lne the causes for doing certain ami cylinders rarhon free und tho was her "very own" garden, all ready “ Particular, approve«! man quick pickup and extra power pro­ for the seeds. Helen s mother place« “”r H,’r «"other bad failed to realise a small slick at each end of the gar- ,h“t h,’r question» were not mere 1,11«. vides more miles per gallon Drive c u r io sity but e v id e n c e of an a c tiv e and In gnd let us till your tank, so ilen and lieti a string to them. "Why do you put a string there. »»«Wlrln« mind you cun test IL Mother?" asked Helen. 1 lt«*r "why»" gradually became fwrer * FREE "It helps us to keep the row until she < «.aseit lo question regarding C R A N K CASE AND straight." she answered as she showed those things she did not understand, B A T T E R Y S ER VIC E them how to make a tiny trench tor When problems had to he solved she the seeds. struggled alone. To some extent, she The girls took turns helping her to *•“*« gained Independence of thought drop In the seeds and cover them with •'"« "o' means enough to com pen- varlh. To every question - and there ’•ale for the luck of mother's guidance were m any- she gave a careful anti Dn the other hand, Helen's mother satisfactory reply. __________________ __________________ When the se««ls were plant««! Mary expressed a wish that she tulgh have a garden, too, but she added with a »tgh. "Mother's too busy.' In later years, Mary's mother was Home Education Good Gas is Economy “A ” Street Service Station MOSES AND T H E TEN CO M M ANDM ENTS M oses w as a Jew , th e great g ran d so n of Levi, the g re a t g re a t g randson of Jacob, who was th e first Israelite, and the g re a t-g re a t-g re a t-g re a t g randson of A braham , who w as th e first Hebrew. IT IS NOT TOO LATE COUNTY ROAD PROJECTS In C hina they b o ast of pedigrees th irty cen ­ UNDER WAY, IS REPORT tu ries long; the only people th a t can show a n y ­ th ing equal to th is a re th e Jew s. T he proud Jew of th is day can look down w ith co n tem p t upou th e H ohenzollem s, th e R om anoffs and ’th,» G uelphs of E urope, “ W hose blood h a s crep t th ro u g h scoundrels since th e flood.” B ut to th e E gyptians M oses w as a slave’s son. He w as to them as a black baby, bom In a L ouisiana slave- hut. would have been to the S o u th e rn aristo cracy in 1850 Several pieces of county road con structlop were begun this week Rock­ ing was started last Saturday on the . . . bal1 ( reek r,m “ni . . . ,wo m "" " neW < ""»«ruction .«•« under way Tu.-»- d“y' »‘'cording to ., w n u ar, c«>un- ,y ro,d »"P*rlnten.l,.nt Work on the Rockett’» road In district 21 has been completed, It Is reported. Tim e h as a grim hum or. T h e m o n arch s of Rocking of 1.4 miles of the Dillard Egypt a re today only know n a s co n tem p o raries road began this week and the Camas Of Moses. T he C zar Of R ussia will be know n as Swale road near Creswell received T h a t g re a t A m erican in stitution, th e free public th e con tem p o rary of T olstoy. the first rocking Monday. The McKy school, is now functioning in th is com m unity ,, , x . project on the Coburg road has been Moses goes up into sm oking Sinai and h a s a leted> ,t w„ Btated. a fte r th e vacation period. New pupils and new con versation w ith th e th u n d e r and lightning. The nHW Arml(aKe brld„ waa com. te a c h e rs have joined th e old in opening th e I d the mlddle of (hlB w„ek ,t w„, schools. It is m ost serious and im p o rta n t w ork A h a t did th ey say to him ? He show s u s w hen about three w,.ekg for thr con. th e preparing of th e y o u th ’s m ind fo r fu tu re life he com es down. T here on a sto n e slab are r floor ,o barden The o|d Cobur„ and service. O ur dem ocratic governm ent, peace, graven th e T en C om m andm ents. prosperity and happiness depend upon th e tra in ­ W hether he really spoke w ith God, o r w h eth er bridge. 54 years old and built of Doug- ing of o u r children. T each ers should give th e ir J he had a hypnotic fit up th e re in th e th u n d er- la" flr- *111 be raxed about ah« first b e st to th e w ork and should have th e loyal sup­ storm , th e fact rem ain s th a t in som e w ay he got °t «he y»ar- port and cooperation of the parents. hold of th e to u g h est, m ost ev erlastin g and fire- — --------------------- • • • proof bundle of tru th s any son of m an ever found. Karl Girard Honored On the anniversary of his 55th T he foreigner, th e radical and every o th er e le - , T he T en C om m andm ents are th e m ost im port- birthday last ‘ Thursday evening, m ent un-A m erican is supporting Sm ith. P erhaps a n t w ords in history. T hey w ere given by M oses friends of Karl Girard surprised him th e D em ocratic candidate does not c a te r to those to th e Jew s, but th ey have been’generally accept- al hl8 home wtth a party in his honor people but never-the-less th ey a re am ong his ‘ ed th ro u g h o u t C hristendom as th e foundation of Tiie group of 1« who called at the chief supporters. W hatever of good m ay be said all law and m orals. Girard home were members of the ] of Sm ith it is evident th a t he appeals to th e w rong T hey are th e basis of societv in th e civilized n« '>‘'k»h 'odge Refreshments follow elem ent in th is country. T he elem ent we are . . ed an Informal evening of games and try in g to subm erge and reform for th e good of world. conversation. society. T h ere Is no o th e r in stan ce in h isto ry w here a ------------------------- • • • rule h a s been recognized and obeyed by th e m ass "NO h u n t in g " and Trespass If th e D em ocrats depend on A1 S m ith ’s radio of th e m ost intelligent people for over th re e notices printed and for sale at the talk to win them m any R epublican votes, w e’re th ousand years. T hey a re not m erely religious News office. . teach in g s inculcated by th e ch u rch . T hey l a y ------------------------------------ afraid they a re going to he disappointed. • • • CALL AND SEE Dr. N W. Emery • th e ir re stra in in g hand on every hum an being W hile our Kail T erm H uh already begun. It is not too late to enroll, as we will have a new class beginning , MONDAY. OCTOBER 1 EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE IT ’S A GOOD SCHOOL A. E. Roberts. President Miner Bldg. Sept. 4 Telephone 666 Eugene. Oregon A Bird o f an Idea! J u s t step into E g g im an n 's and get a nice box of C hocolates or a q u a rt of ice cream and ta k e hom e. T hen ev ery th in g will be lovely. E g g im an n 's m ark is th e sign o f q uality on w h atev er you buy here. E G G IM A N N ’S ® ' W h e r e the Service Is Different” IProducf of on prices on plates and other work, tf j T hey function in the hom e, th e m ark e t, th e To date alm ost a s m any m en have been killed as deer. B ut d eer hu n tin g h a s been poor perhaps stre e t and office. T hey hold in th e wild places of RELIEF FROM CURSE th e e a rth and in th e fa rth e s t seas. and th ere is no bag lim it on m en it seem s. OF CONSTIPATION t Oh I Getting R eady f o r the World's Series By Albert T. Reid A Battle Creek physhnw., says. "Con stlpatinn Is responsible for more mis­ ery than any other cause.” But immediate relief hae been found. A tablet called Rexall Orderlies has been discovered. Tbis tablet I attracts I water from the system Into the laxy dry, evacuating bowel called the colon The water loosens the dry food’ waste | and causes a gentle, thorough, natural movement without forming a habit or ever Increasing the dose. Btop suffering from constipation. Chew a Rexall Orderlle at night. Next day bright. Get 24 for 25c today at the nearest Rexall Drug Store— (Adv.) M o s t M o d e rn P la n t ^[W iu fR L «J Ttvday’s Pontiac Six is b u ilt in A m e r­ ica’s most m o d ern autom obile p la n t— a vast d aylight factory erected less than tw o years ago. H e re are special m a­ chines, special processes and special methods o f precision con tro l far surpassing the accepted practice. H e re are lite ra lly hundreds o f inspec­ tors enforcing the la w o f accuracy w ith an iro n hand. H e re every Pontiac Six is subjected to hundreds o f separate inspections to m ake cer­ tain that every u ltim a te o w n er ohtains a six w h ic h G en eral M oto rs can he proud to spon­ sor— and w h ic h w ill d elive r u n ifo rm ly satis­ factory service for m any thousands o f miles! See and d riv e today’ , Pontiac Six — the best b u ilt car o f its price in the w o rld ! 2 -lfo n r S e d a n . $ 7 4 I t C o u b e , $74*1 S p o rt R n a d e te r, $ 7 4 4 i Phaeton« $ 7 7 4 1 C abrlnuM , $7*>4i 4 l>»nr S e d a n , $H24t S p o rt l.a n tlu u Sedan» $H74. O a k la n d A ll-A m e r l, an S lx .$ l< M 5 fa $12A 5. A ll f»»|. e« a t fa t- tek O a k la n d -P o n tia c d e liv e r e d p r ic e « —th ru in c lu d e lo w e st c h a r g a t. G eneral M otor» T im e P a y m e n t P la n a v a ila b le a t m in im u m ra te. W ,R. DAWSON M tin Street, S p rin g fie ld W A R T A X R E M O V E D , D E L IV E R E D P R IC E S REDUCED TOWUAC S O