THURSDAY, SUUTEMUKR 20, 192M TUR SPRJNOFTKLD NEWS PACE THREE T R A IN S C H E D U L E Springfield Step* Classified Ads t 1 1 " 1 BUYING 0 2 SELLING FOR SALE WOOD S E P T IC T A N K S — Old Growth Fir, Second Growth Fir, Heady tor you to Inalali Oak, Aeh. All lengthe. Phone Spring 2 * 4 persona 821 00 fltld 184. i t S ■ 6 persons .... .... __ 28.00 Sewer Pipe, Well Curbing, Drain Tile and Chimney Itlocka N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G ON F IN A L A C CO UNT E U G E N E CO N C R ETE P IPE CO. NOTICE IR HEREBY GIVEN: Thut thn unilrmigniMl a <1 m In I el r 1» I or of th« estute of Flora N Arwlxraon, deceased, hue fllxil hie account for thn final aettlemant of her «Mute In thn County Court for Lane County, Oregon, uni that Saturday, thn 39th day of Sept ember, 192», nt thn Court Room of «aid Court, In thn County Court House. In Eugene, nt Inn o'clock In thn forenoon, hue been by said Court fixed ne the tlmn nnd place for hearing objections thereto, and for flnnl settlem ent of nnld natal« Il MAX ANDERSON, Admtnlstra- tor of the natntn of Flora N Ander­ son. deceased L. L. RAY. Attorcnv for Fatale. A SO: 8 6 132027: HOUWEKEKP1NG ROOMS For Reut— get results ; POLES W A N T E D "Wanted Cedar and Mr l’ole«, nil alxna Quote price« f. o. b «iilpplng point. Adrian quuutltlea can nupply, when cun ship. Spot cash. Nlnder- mnyer Martin Lumber Co., Portland, Oregon.” 8.20-27: O.4: N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S S U M M O N S HAL HOSS APPOINTED 'IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TO SUCCEED KOZER AS | STATE OF OREGON FOR THE NORTH COUNTY OF LANE. No. 1« at 4:27 A. M (Flag) SECRETARY OF STATE | Edith Allison, Plaintiff, va. Clarence No. 8 ut 3:52 P M. Churlea Alllaon. Defendant. liua connection for train leaving TO Clarence Churlea Alllaon: | Hal E H ob «, of Oregon City, will IN THE NAME OF THE STATE J be appointed by Governor 1. L. Pat- Eugene ut 2:20 P. M. OF OREGON You are hereby required teraon ahortly to serve aa secretary SOUTH to appear and anHwer the complaint « «xa.a No. 7 at 12:3» P M died agalnat you in the above entitled ot stat®’ f|l*lng the unexpired term No. 16 at 10:03 P. M. (Flag) Court and Cause on or before the 18th of H“m A Koxer. who is resigning day of October, 1928, said date being to take over new duties aa director more than four weeks from the date of the state budget. The change In F IN A L AC CO UNT 0®«Uto 88t for Monday, Sept- Notice la hereby" given that the un­ moi'a'herein entered of r^ o r d 'J ld T f d esign ed Administratrix of the Ea- you fall so to appear and answer for j ’ “ her 2• r*M«i ta b e r com vntil January 7, 1929, the end of the Anal account and petition for distribu­ tion aa admlnlalratrix of aald eatate and that'by order of the County Court divorce dissolving the bonds of m atrl-! ‘-'*®ctad- of"* Lune "county, "()r«g<>n!'*"saturd'ay ™ ny a"d, h8rJ 't,,‘ore b” Mr HoB" U ,he r8p'lblk:an nominee October 13, 192», at the hour of i o ' " * , , Ui^ntlff above named and for the office of secretary of state o'clock A M at the County Court 1 y"“r"elf ‘he »ri'und1a ° f d‘‘*ert,,’n Room in the Court House at Eugene. "uch other .rel,ef a8 t0 Lane County, Oregon, ha« been fixed! Th # BPein meet as the time and place of final hearing I ™ “.,v tb‘" "um®ona 88rv1ed “P°" of said final account and for settle- T*1*"" *herof ,n ™ K merit of said eatate. All peraona hav-1 NEWS Pursuant to lng objections to said final acco u n t ’ be ^ ' ’nori*bI® ( ■ P- Bar- and petition for distribution are here- i "J '? County Court of the by notified to appear and present such ma,$- a * n ^°,r County, duly . objections, If any, on aald date »hove I 17th . entered ,° 7 rf»?5d on tbe mentioned. 1 ?7’b day nt September, 1928, ordering that this summons be published once Vivian C. Schorr, Administratrix. I each week for four successive and 8. 13-20 27; O 4-11: I consecutive weeks in The Springfield News and that the date of the first publication will be September 20th SUMMON8 p> : 1928, and the date of the ------- last publlca- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE ;tio" *'>}.,be October 18, 1928. COUNTY 1 FRANK A. DePUE, Attorney for Sue Dorris and Allie M. Smith, plain-, Plaintiff. tiffs, versus C. S Williams and Ire-i 8 - zo «"- O. 4-11-18. na C. Williams, hla arlfe; the uu- “ ' known heirs of S. H. Friendly ane SUM M O NS Matilda Fr’endly. deceased, his 1N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE wife; R E. Cartwright and ............. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Cartwright, wife of R E Cart-! COUNTY OF LANE, wrlght' Olaf Haldoraon. sometime« Lyle Horton, Plaintiff, vs., V’vian winning In the primaries by a wide known as "Ole" Halderson, and Horton. Defendant margin over H. H. (I»rey and Tom B. Mary Haldorson; Gina Momb, som e-, TO Vivian Horton. Defendant: Handley. Prior to entering the race times known as Gina Mobh; the un NAME OF THE STATE known heirs of Mathias Momb., OREGON You are hereby required for election as secretary of state, Mr, sometimes known as "Mattle" "J “Wear and answer the complaint t Hoss served as private secretary to Momb. deceased; Henry Ixmetz and ”, d a7alnst you In the above entitled Governor Patterson and before that Jennie Loretx; Joseph Ixiretz and d a " ofa Q , the was manager of the Morning Eat r- ......... Ix»retr. wife of Joseph Lor- - or October. 1928, said date being uh . k ^ . „ r-o., 11» etz- C W Waahburne and ...........¡more than four weeks from the date prUe> Published at Oregon City. He Washbume wife of C W Wash- of the flr8t Publication of this sum has been active In newspaper org»nt- hurne; Charles E Parke and Cath- mona herein entered of record and If zatlon work, and has held a cumber erlne Parke; Rodnev R Rounds and a.h ahppea|alabr rel,e>f as t0 thp state more familiar with the operative 1928. and aald execution to me direct* Oregon. Smith, his attorney, 445-6 Miner heirs of William E p V e k .ï^ e T e d ï Í ‘ HENRY L .CARLILE, and O. P Building. Eugene. Oregon, within six Th«» » m . fiscal affairs . of the common- ed commanding me In the name of the m at this summons is served j THE upon ¡ i : and SNELLSTROM. Admlnlatratora of Pee / s rl,nkth°eW " nkrow n " h e l ís T f you by PubH cXn^tá^róf'Tn" weaIth than Mr.Kozer. due to his long State of Oregon to aatlsfy said Judg­ months from the date of this notice. the Estate of Clemons E. Carllle, < b ment, Interest, costs of suit, snd th» X ’ p? d eX Z X l: the un : Sr{UNGriELD NEWS, pursuant to ! contact with all its various depart- GEORGE T. HALL. Executor coats and expenacs of nnd upon this ceaaed. FRED E. SMITH. Attorney for Ex­ known heirs of Elizabeth Eddlns, de „“ 7 ? ^ C'*P meDt8 A" dlrector of the bud*et* L. L. RAY, Attorney for Eatate. writ out of the personal property of ecutor. cpaned; and all other peraona or f County ^ ourJ working directly under the governor 8. 6-13-20 27: O. 4: aald Defendant., or If aufflclent could S. 20 27: O. 4-11-18: and «"‘"red ^ 7 e c o r d on t"hi whom the 1827 designated not be found, then out of the real pro­ E X E C U T IO N SALE perty belonging to aald defendants o r V o ’t h e F e l l ’ e s t a t e L s r H h e d n ' l 9 , h d a y o t September, 1928. ordering aa state budget officer, Mr. Kozer will N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R 8 In Lane County, Oregon, and being defendants that thls l,um,non8 be published once (give Oregon taxpayers the advantage Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ Notice Is hereby given that on the To comnlalnt- unable to And any personal property U ^ 'w ilU s m s and Irena C. WII- I Ae’ek ^ ln V o r i n ^ d °< h‘S V“ 1 fUDd ° f kn° W’edKe ab° Ut tue of an elocution and order of aale 1st day of September, 1928, Lillian D. belonging to aald defendant, or either issued to me out of the circuit court Hams, his wife; the unknown heirs NewsCat n de thaetekthe "da^AoAt'he'flrM pubUc ba8‘“®88' a» d "» aa *«"- Horton McClelland was appointed ex­ of them, upon which to levy, I have levied upon the following described of the State of Oregon, for the County ecutrix, with the will annexed, of the ... £¿1 nl . (’f’cea8ed• ’J"* publication will be September 20th portant place in the administration's real property In lame County, Oregon, of Lane. In u suit wherein J. B. Young estate of Harriett A. Horton, de- wife R F ^ ^ 1 ^ »'ad 1928' *nd ,he d“te ° f ,he la8t PUblica' “ffieial famiIy- was plaintiff and W. C. Steuer, Anna I ceased, by the County Court of I-ane to-wlt: wife: R E Cartwright, and tlon wf„ October 18. 1928. R. Steuer, John E. Grimes, Ada [ County. Oregon. All persons having There will be no drastic changes The Foist half of the Northoast rn f‘’ ; ' « b • wife of R E Cart- , FRANK A. DePUE. Attorney for Grimes, his wife, O J Hecketswetler I claims against said estate are re- 1 quarter excepting right of way of wrlght; Olaf Haldorson. sometimes pjaintiff * in the personnel of the office of and Julia E. Hecketswetler wore de*lqU|re(, , o prP«ent them duly verified Dec. Eleven (111 In Township Twenty known as ”OIh" Haldorson. and secretary of State, according to Mr, S. 20-27: O. 4-11-18: one (21) South of Range Three (1) fondant«. I have levied upon anil will , as j)V jaw required to said executrix : Mary Haldorson; Gina Momb. some­ —— ----------------------- j Hoss. who has let. it be known that sell at public auction to the highest at , he iaw o(nce ot Aha King. 794 Wll- ! West of Willamette Meridian, contain times known as Gina Mobh: the S U M M O N S he intends to conduct affairs as effl- lng eighty (80) acres of land more or bidder for cash, at 1:00 in the the j inmette Street, Eugene. Oregon, with-1 unknown heirs of Mathias Momh. afternoon of Saturday, October 13, |n gj* months frqm the first publlca-! sometimes leas In Lane County. Oregon. known as “Mattie” IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE clently as possible, without regard to 1928, at the front door of the Court tlon of this notice. Now, therefore In the name of the Momb, deceased; Henry Loretx and I COUNTY*'1 OREGON FOR LANE professional Job-hunters and political First publication September 6th, State of Oregon, In compliance with House in the city of Eugene, Oregon, Jennie Loretx: , Joseph Loretx and ; Jameg-g s m,th Minn(e Q G,en hangers-on. The Hoss family has the following described real property, 1928. anld execution, and In order to sutlafv Loretr. wife of Joseph Lor Smith, Sarah Smith, Lela May Hile- moved to Salem and taken up resl- LILLIAN D. HORTON MCCLEL­ aald Judgment, Interest, costs of suit viz, lots tour, five, and six in block etz; C. W. Washburne and ........... LAND. Executrix. nnd the coats and disbursement« of five, lu the E. E. Keppner Addition to man, Clark Hileman. Della McCue, dence in the Fairmont hill district. Washbume, wife of C. W. Wash­ ALTA KINO, Attorney. nnd upon this writ. I will on Snturdnv the town of Springfield, In Lane Coun­ Peter C. McCue, Katie Teel and ____________________’ burne: CharleR E. Parke and Cath­ ty, Oregon, and nil the right and title 8. 6-13-20-27: O. 4: the 6th day of October, 1828, at the Jesse Teel. Plaintiffs, vs. James ______ . erine Parke: Rodnev R Rounds and of the defendants in said lands exist­ hour of one o’clock In the afternoon Rebecca Rounds; Miller Morgan and : Alfred Smith; Roy E. Smith an., OUTDOOR CLUB WILL ing on the 15th day of March. 1926, or of anld day, nt the aouthwe.t front Jane Doe Smith, his wife; Ida Ruby' u r iT C c m m a m c c u a m c c Elizabeth Morgan; James A. Mor­ VOTE ON NAME CHANGE door of the County Court Houae, In on uny taler ‘ date, to satisfy the N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SALE ON gan; Thomas Q. Butler; Wilev , Smith; Gertrude Annie Askew and amounts adjudged to be due plaintiff E X E C U T IO N IN FO R ECLO SU RE Eugene, I.nne County, Oregon, offer John Doe Askew, her husband, Snarks nnd Nancy Snarks; Abram 1 Annual meeting of the Eugene Out- for snle and sell for cash, nt public In aald suit, viz. the sum of 8500.00 M. Peek and Laury M. Peek: M arv’ Norman Alvin Smith and Jane Doe NOTICE IS HERERY GIVEN, That auction, subject to redemption ns pr> with interest thereon at seven percent Smith. his wife; Mearle Lillian door club, when the board of directors Ann Beam : James L. Peek, Jr., El- j by virtue of an execution and order; vlded by law. nil of the right, title nnd from Man h 16, 19X, the sum of J12.67 len Peek: Charles Peek; and Octa- i Pohll, Walter Pohll; Mae Louise will be eiected, will be held in the Intereat of anld defendants George A taxes paid by plaintiff with Interest I of sale In foreclosure Issued out of George Taylor; Nona Clara „ „ . • . . . .... via Peek: James Alson Peek; V er-, Taylor. Bertholf. John Doe Bertholf. her McMnrran and Washbume building Cavanaugh and Corn Cnvnnntigh. >r thereon from July 5, 1928, the sutn of the Circuit Court of Lane County, ona E Peek; all other unknown I any or either nt them, or any other >50.00 as nn attorney’s fee, and the Oregon, on the 20th day of August, heirs of William E. Peek, deceased: i husband; William Smith, Pearl on October 2. it was announced this person or persona claiming by. sum of 822.20 costs ot suit, together : 1928, in a suit wherein on the 19th nnd all unknown heirs of James ! Smith; Mary Holbrook; and also week by officers of the club. The through or under them, or either of with the costs of making said sale. ! day of January, 1928, In said court Peek. Sr., the unknown heirs o f 1 all persons unknown having or directors elect the executive officers them In nnd to the nbove desrlbed Sal,l sale will he subject to redemp ' Kathryn I*. Wayland, plaintiff recov- claiming any interest or estate in . . . ,, John P. Eddlns. deceased: the un­ tlon ns allowed by law. ered Judgment against the defendants the property hereinafter described and aPP°,nt a11 rommittees. property. known heirs of Elizabeth Eddins, Alva A. Rice and Mary M. Rice, his Defendants. H. E. Maxey of Springfield Is among FRANK . TAYLOR, Sheriff of Lnn FRANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff of wife, for the sum of 13500.00 with I deceased; and all other persons or County, Oregon. To James Alfred Smith, Roy E the list of 18 who have been nomin- parties unknown, claiming any Lane County. interest thereon from February 9. I By BEULAH BR1NN1CK, Deputy. ?»mitn 8raitb. his wife. ated for ,he board of directors. Nine 8. 13 20 27; O 4-11: 1926, to the date of the payment of I right, title, estate, lien or interest 8 6-18-20-27: O 4: Raid Judgment at eight per cent p er! JSSSiS? . . ^ annum and the further sum of $500.00 j rx THE NAME ' O f ' T h "« 'sT A T E I 8 1 attorneys fees herein, and for t h e , Smith and Pearl Smith, defendants, tlon from the Outdoor club to Obsidl- costs nnd disbursements herein In the c u OREGON: You are hereby re- and also all persons unknown having ang w(n be Up for a vote at the meet- sum of $53.05, which Judgment was ottlrcd to appear and answer the com­ or claiming any interest or estate in , . . , , Blrtures taken of the recent enrolled and docketed In the Clerk’s plaint filed against you in the above the property hereinafter described, de- nK office of nnld Court In said Countv entitled suit wltJHn four weeks from fendants. climb of the North Sister will be Office Phone 176-J Res. Phono 176-M on the 19th day of January. 1928, nnd the date of the first publication of Rea. Phone 160 Plano Moving IN THE NAME OF THE STATE shown at the meeting. said execution to me directed com­ this summons, and if you fall to so OF OREGON: You are hereby sum- Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. ____________________ appear nnd answer, the plaintiff will SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER manding me In the name of thn State 1 General Practice, Special Attention moned and required to appear and' a r r NIK1 « . a i c i m u apply to the Court for the relief prayed answer WILLIS BERTSCH, Prop. of Oregon, in order to satisfy said the complaint of plaintiffs In o C O U T b B E G IN M AKING to Obstetrics and Diseases for in the complaint, to-wit: Judgment, Interest, attorneys fe e s ,' OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAOE above entitled suit on or before a id d i a m f q c c d of Children. That the plaintiffs be declared to the the expiration or four weeks from the A IK F L A N E b l- U K C U N I E b I costs of suit and accruing costs to 633 Main Street be the owners in fee simple of the First Nationnl Bank Building sell the following described, reah prop-, date of the first publication of this ! Successor to Sutton Transfer premises described herein, and parti­ summons, and you are notified that if erty, to-wlt: Springfield, Oregon Several Springfield Boy Scohts are Beginning nt a point 962.1 feet ' cularly described as follows. to;wlt: yo t fail so to appear or answer for expected to start this week to make 1 west of a point In the center of I Beginning at the Northwest corner want thereof the plaintiff will apply model airplanes to be entered in the of the John P. Eddln Donation Land the County Road known as River »'hlrh ber* last W8ek’ Claim No 53 in Section 1, Townshlt) t e ll e r ± VS fn,ltlie<1 ,h °Urt f° r, ?.*' WM. G. HUGHES Road, which point Is North 8 de­ DR. W. N. DOW relief prayed for in the complaint. .. x ” _ ... , . . 17 South of Range 4, West of the Wll grees nnd 40 minutes West 1 77 viz: for a decree fixing and confirming according to C. R. Aldrich and FIRE ANO AUTO INSURANCE D e n tis t Inmette Meridian, thence running chains of a point 49.02 chains the respective shares of the parties Kenneth Dillard, scoutmasters of the NOTARY PUBLIC First National Bank Building South 24.2(1 chains on the West line hereto in Lots 1. 2 and 3 in Block 5 in East of the Southwest corner of two troops. Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon of said claim fo the Northwest corner Ottica at the L. E. Davis Donation Land Just as’ soon as the planes are com­ of Survey No. 98. thence East 3(1.90 the Town of Creswell. Lane County, Office hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Claim No. 42 In Township Seven­ Oregon, in the respective proportions FIRST NATIONAL BANK chains, more or less, to the East line pleted they will be placed in the dis­ teen (17) South of Range four Evenings by Appointment set fourth in the complaint on file Springfield, Oregon of said claim, thencp North 5.00 chains (4) West of the Willamette Mer­ herein and for a partition of said pro play windows at the K etels’ drug to the Southerly Northeast corner of idian. running thence North 360.3 said clnlm. thence North 25 degrees perty or if a partition thereof be in­ store. J. F. Ketels, the proprietor, is feet, thence.W est 99 4 feet, thence W est 17 c h a in s . t h e n c e equitable for a sale of said property donating the prices for the contest. DR. N. W. EMERY South 360.3 feet, thence East and the appointment of a referee to West 23 32 chains to the place of make said sale, and for an order fix­ Scouts are to use their own ideas in 99.4 feet to the place of beginning, DENTIST bopinning, containing 60 acres, more ing reasonable attorney fees to be constructing the planes which are to nil .In Lane County, Oregon. Now, therefore, in the name of the , or less. In Lane County. Oregon. allowed to plaintiffs' attorneys for the be made to look like real airplanes, Sutton Bldg. Phone 20-J That the defendants ha”e not. nor State of Oregon. In compliance with prosecution of this suit and for a de although they will not be built to fly. Reeldence Phone 153 M said execution nnd order of sale and ! have any of them any right, title, In­ cree ordering the distribution of the '_______________ In order to satisfy said Judgment, In­ terest or lien upon said nromisos. proceeds of said sale and of accumu­ Springfield, Oregon Thnt the title of the plaintiffs In lated and accruing rentals of said pro- MANY PHEASANTS SEEN terest, attorneys fees, costs of suit nnd accruing costs, I will on Datitr- nnd to said premises he forever petty, aiter paying reasonable attor «■ n N (1 M r K F N 7 IP R O U T E A L U N U MCKE N Z IE K U U I t 228 Main St. Residence 125 c Bt- dny, the 22nd dnv of Snpfemher. 1988. I ouleted am lnst the defendants, nnd nev and referee s fees and the costs, j General Law Practice nt the hour of one o'clock In the a f-' nersens claiming hv. through or un­ disbursements and expenses of t h is ' 62 J 62 M ternoon of said day, at the southwest ; der them, nr anv of them. suit, to the parties hereto in accord- j When pheasant season opens on % Front door of the County Court h o u se.; Thnt the plaintiffs have such other ance with their respective shares In October 15. there will be plenty of 1. M. PETERSON In Eugene. Lane County. Oregon, o f-' nnd further re lie f hrerln as to thn said property; and for such other re­ birds within a short distance of Full Auto Equipment Attorney ut-Law for for sale nnd sell for cash, at pnh Court may sepm meet In the pre­ lief as to the Court may seem Just Lady Assistant Springfield, believes C. E. Wheaton, City Hall Building He auction, subject to redemption as! mises. and equitable. provided by law, all of the right, title This summons is served upon you w ho with Mrs. Wheaton made a trip This summons Is published Once Springfield, Ore. nnd Interest of said defendants Alva eneh week for four stlrresslve weeks by virtue of aq order of the Hon. C. I’. up the McKenzie highway Sunday. A. Rice and Mary M. Rice, his wife; h r order of the Hon C. P. Barnard, Barnard. Judge of the County Court “We saw several flocks of Chinas George B. Bloomer, C. E. Shum w ay! Judge of the County Conrt of the State of Oregon for Lane Coun­ on the trip,” Mr. Whehton said. “They FRANK A. DE PUE nnd L. E. Shumway, and nil persons ty, dated September 12th, 1928, and The date of the first publication of ATTORNEY AT LAW clnlming by, through or under them ■ this summons Is *n«mst 30, 1923 the date of the first publication here­ were all fine looking birds and tempt­ or any or either of them In and to 1 of is September 13th, 1928. ing to look at.” NOTARY PUBLIC TMMEL » EVANS. je w e l e r said premises. W. H. BROOKE. JOHN BRYSON, Attorneys for Plaintiffs Mr. Wheaton said he never saw so FRANK E TAYLOR, Sheriff. O( Attorneys for Plaintiffs, 860 Wil­ much traffic on the highway as he did Sutton 8prlngfleld, Residence and Pnstofflce Address: Repairing a Specialty By BEULAH BRINNICK, Deputy. I lamette Street, Eugene, Oregon. Eugene. Oregon. Building Oregon Sprlngfleltl, Oregon A. 23-30: S. 6-13-20: | Sunday. S. 13-20-27; O 4-11: A. 30: 8. «13-80-87: B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y Walker-Poole Chapel F u n eral D irectors D. W . R oof