ff s M' THURSDAY, SEI’TKMIIWR 20. 102K THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE TWO try and la a big Improvement over ordinary piano instrum entation In that It Includes reproductions of the tones of several Instrum ents at the sam e A threatre organ of the latear d e­ time sign baa been installed and la now In operation at the Hell theatre. It w as Infant Daughter Dias announced thia morning by J. M. l«ar- The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs •on. manager. The new Instrument, which waa put Hit hard Buckner, 165 Mill street, died In at considerable expense. Is capable .it the fam ily home early Monday of producing m usic sim ilar to that of morning. Funeral services ware held a pipe organ and a lso reproduces at the W alker funeral chapel here hand music. Tuesday afternoon, with Rev. V. H. The organ, called a Magnola. is Blom, pastor of the B aptist church, in •Im ilar to that used by many of the ! charge Interment was in the Laurel larger theatres throughout the coun- Hill cem etery. ■ ■' Ramodallng Raaldanoo— Pate ller rlngton la thia wack doing remodeling BELL THEATRE HAS NEW IMPROVED SHOW ORGAN WANTED I am in the market for several gvmd lots in Springfield. What have you? Also have buyers for two houses ou easy terms. TO TRADE If you have any property to trade for California resi­ dences, farms or business, see me. 1 have some good trades. New four-room house and three lots In good town in Montana to trade for property here. FOR SALE 130 gallons of good black roof paint to sell for $1.25 per gallon. Guaranteed for 5 years. If you have any old, leaky roofs get some of this paint and stop the trouble. WM. VASBY Office at Northeast corner Second and Main streets Springfield. Oregon I PHONE 9 Rsturna from N ewport— Mr and Mrs. William» In— Mrs Perry W il­ liam s of Rainbow waa here for med I Mrs. A. P. Lyons and Mr. and Mrs. J K. Cross returned W ednesday after cal attention last Snturday. noon from a two-weeks' outing at New Roseburg W oman Hare— Mrs Vervl port. Thayer of Roseburg was here on busi­ Girardi Hava Questa—G uests at the n ess last Saturday. home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Ulrard ihls L eaves for Fall City— Miss la-nabell week were Mrs N ellie Flaherty, Sun Harper left Saturday for Fall City F lan elscn , Mrs Fred Chllda and Mia.« where she will teach school this year Mabel Childs of Eureka, California. Loves at Portland— Mr. and M rs? Poatmaater Hunting — Postinuatur Ray Love left Saturday for Portland Frank B Hamlin Is hunting deer for the rem ainder of the month Hear for a few day» viali. Drew. Oregon. He has a brother there, Bonnells at S eattle— M I*. Bonnell and hfa m other also resid es In Ihu and daughter left Saturday for S eattle Cn y where they will viatt for a short lim e i Viaita Aunt— M A N ickerson (it Returns from Trip— E It thinner ' Chewelah, W ashington, visited hla and son. Ford, have returned from aunt. Miss Mary Roberta, Springfield Silver latke in Eastern Oregon where librarian, for a short lim e yesterday, they w ere deer hunting. | He also visited other relatives and „ friends. Expected Back In Few Day»-—W I . McLagan and fam ily who have been ’ Roseburg People Here— Mr and Mrs on an extended motor trip east are , Karl D ecker and Mr and Mrs. \\ H Palm, all of Roseburg, stopped here expected to return ln a few days. for a brief visit Saturday wllh Mr Anderson» at Portland— Mr. and and Mrs. W A. Taylor, who formerly Mrs. W. H. Anderson left yesterday j at lh al place. The Rosebuik for Portland on a business trip. T hey had just ended a vacation out- will be gone until Monday. ' (n< at ¡jeiknap springs. To Teach at W altervllle— M iss M ar-' garet H alsey w ill teach at W altervllle I VETERANS JEWEL GOES thia year Her parents returned here TO JASPER ODD FELLOW Sunday evening after taking here to As an en slgn a of 25 years mem ber­ that place. ship In the I. O. O. F. lodge. D. B M issio nary G roup M eat»— T h e mis A llison of Jasp er was last night pre«- sionary society of the Baptist church I ‘ . . , . ented with a Veterana' Jew el at a held a social m eeting at the home of cerem ony In the Springfield lodge hull Mrs. Ada McPherson on C street T u es­ Mr. A llison Is a member of l’ori Neu.' day afterno«*. | lodge, No. 20. P ocatello. Idaho. T he em blem was presented by Lodge Plana M eeting — Regular m eeting and a apectal dinner for m *m Grand Warden L. L Baker of Eugene. bers of the Neighbor« of W oodcraft who ‘""-oduced by Oswald Olaon. lodge w ill be held Septem ber 2«, of. chairm an of the m eeting The Eugene 1. O. 0 . F bund presented selections fleers reported this week. i preceding and follow ing the cerem ony Mrs. Lloyd Is III— Mrs Wilbur Lloyd The cerem ony, which follow ed the was reported quite III w llh pneumonia regular lodge m eeting, w as open ano in the Pacific Christian hoapltul on m em bers o f the Rebekah lodge wer • College hill in Eugene early this week | Invited to w itn ess the presentation. Her condition was reported better | Several visitors were also present. Rogers ThafT, who cam e Io Eugene Monday. recently from Iowa to enter the uni­ Red Cross Work Done— Mrs. M B versity. gave two readings. Huntly and Mrs Mary Annin, made R efreshm ents were served and tw o trips to Mabel yesterday to do gam es were played. work for the Lane County Red Cross I _________________ ±,PnL ’ fiscal year w il l end FOR AMERICAN LEGION , „ „ „ Place YOUR ORDER For Canning Peaches Today! Next week may be too late. If you will phone us today just what fruits you want, we will deliver them to you when we get in an especially choice assortment. This will be the last week for canning peaches, how­ ever, so call us early as we have only a limited supply. Other Fruits and Vegetables are always first quality at Phone Phone IN T H E W E S T 605 - 609 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon t Men: Attention! Special purchase by Breier of 10,000 NEW FALL SUITS Going on sale during one mammoth S U IT McMurray in Fresno—J. C. McMur- ______ ray was called to Freanb, California. ptnal m eetin g of the fiscal year for yesterday tin account of the Illness p„Ht V)) Springfield unit of the ol his brother who formerly resided , ^ WBr,(.Un Jx-glon, will be held Frl- here. day evening, according to n otices sent Occupy New H .u a e - M r ami Mrs. »•“ by W illiam Vasby. adjutant business Marte CMteal moved teat «aMrday to '" K "f bu* for the session will be election of the new house which has Just been officers. N om inees were selected at com pleted at 672 A street. The resl the m eeting last w eek. With only dence Is the property of Mr and Mrs one exception the entire official staff W . A. T aylor and was built for them w hich has served during th is year was by Pete Herrington. i nominated. C. A. Sw arts was the Railway Man Here— Here for a con- only new nom inee. He was n. n i'•' ference wllh Southern Pacific men. T for election to the office of finance of- H. Bussell, traveling passenger agent ficer. T he m eetin g Friday will be in the of the Canadian National railway, w a business visitor in Springfield Wed cham ber of com m erce rooms. nesday. Bag Mule Deer—Olaf and Sankey returned to Springfield day evening from the Silver country with a mule deer. The w as the result of a three-days' In that vicinity. Fred Mon- Lake gam e hunt- Carson on Vacation— George Car- son, Jr., proprietor of C asey’s service station at the corner of Seventh and Main street«, is on a vacation. He will spend part of h is tim e deer hunting. Clarence K ester is In charge of the station during Mr. Carson's absence. 56 S T O R E S W EEK We take this occasion to make mention of our New High $24.75 Suits In addition to our now far famed $19.75 Suit Line. Also Remember our line of SHOES at these low prices $ 2 .9 8 , $3.98» $ 4 .9 8 M rs. H o lv e rto n Hostess Mrs. Pratt Holverson w as hostesr last w eek en d to m em bers of the Krgath,.., the 8un ! (,ay gchooJ h()HU>s„ wag aHHlg„ .(, L KHrv)n(, rt.fr„HhnlPnh, by Miss Fay I jjojvergon and Miss Edna Platt. Mem­ , bers of the cla ss present w ere: Mrs C. W. Hansen, Mrs. Edward Reynolds. Mrs. W. H. Pollard. Mrs W hitles. Mrs E. E. May. Mrs. L. L. May, Mrs W. N. W illiam s, Mrs. It L. Drury and Mrs. Holverson. Supply Pastor Here U ndergoes Major Operation— Mrs Rev. A. B. Mason will fill the pulpit H. B. Smith of Marcóla, who under- at the Springfield M ethodist church went a major operation ni the Pacific ¡ n e x t S u n d a y morning In the Christian hospital In E ugene last Sat-1 ab sen ce of the pastor. Rev. Gabriel 1 urday Is reported im proving n icely j S yk es, >who Is attending the church by the Springfield physician who at- conference In session at Hood River All aervlcea for the day will be at the •ended her. usual hours, the tem porary pastor Lodge Holds Seaalon— F irst m eeting stated. of the Cascade chapter. Order o f the Eastern Star, for the fall was held Tuesday evening. A 4:30 o'clock din­ Now Located in ner was served and was followed by the regular business session and drill Miner Building work. R e tu rn — M r. and M rs. Kenneth W ilson, who were recently married here, returned Tuesday from Han Francisco where th ey have bpetl, on a wedding trip. T hey are visit- Ing Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Wilson. Food Sale Set— Cascade chapter, I Order of the Eastern Dtar, will hold a cooked food sale Saturday at Eggl- ! mann's confectionary at the corner of ! Fourth and Main street. In charge ] will be Mrs. D. B. Raltzman, Mrs. [Clarke E. W heaton and Mrs. C. E. Kenyon. Make Repairs Now Right now. not next month when fall rains start, is the time to make repairs for the winter. A neglected repair that is small now, may cost you two or three times as much next year. Check up your needs and get our prices on R O O F IN G — PRICED FROM $1-50 to $3.50 SLATE COVERED SHINGLES, $5 75. $6.00 ROOFING COATING. 5 Gul'on Cun, $1.00 Gal. $4.50. Wright & Sons HARDWARE — FURNITURE — PAINT BELL THEATRE S P R IN G F IE L D NEW MUSIC JUST INSTALLED A NE W MA GNOLA _______ Come in and Hear It. FRIDAY — SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 21 - 22 Hoot Gibson ‘The Wild West Show’ Comedy and News Don’t forget to use your merchant tickets Friday night SUNDAY — SEPTEMBER 23 Comedy and News TUESDAY — SEPTEMBER 25 “The Phantom Flyer’ Aviation Picture. Also many short subjects. Use your Merchant Tickets Tuesday nights INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. CHIC’S FEED STORE DANNER MOTOR CO. SPRINGFIELD TAXI SPRINGFIELD GARAGE DROP-IN CAFE FLANERY'S DRUG STORE IDEAL GROCERY LARSON S SERVICE STATION iv iie ie lu u in g i a re lir r a tt if 942 Willamette 3t., Bug ene, Oregon. Service to the Entire Country The fact that the public has encouraged us, year after year, to extend our field ol usefulness to new com­ munities makes us realize more keenly that our business is becoming more and more a Service to the entire country. Pollards Leave Today— Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Pollard and Mrs. Jane Cruzan left this morning by car for Hood River where they will attend the state conference of the M ethodist church. Dr. Pollard Is lay d elegate to the s e s ­ sion from the Springfield church. N ew lyw ed s Class Line of work In hla home Jual north of Hprlug field | [ 1 j i [ ♦ Th« Inducement we offer is good work well done, the result of long experience at well doing in eye ser­ vice. In the last year the number of our stores has grown to more than'a thousand— 1024 to be exact—and every one of them is dedicated in good faith to the work of providing greater economics for the home, for hu­ manity. Make Appointments Whenever Possible To serve satisfactorily is the greatest achievement of retad storekeeping. We strive to serve even more satisfactorily with each succeeding day. D r. ^ K e r m a n U l l f lo o d y O P T O M i r U I S r - M Y t S I M I T S P V C IA II4 T 'S U IT S a v i m i n » m o o . i w w r j M VAST O R O A O W A V E U G E N I -O R E .