T ry the H o m e P rin t Shop F i n t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW EN TY -FIFTH YEAH 3 SCHOOLS REACH HEW ENROLLMENTS Inspects L ocal S ite For N ew P a lp M ill Oregon Frame and Moulding Concern to Start Operations Next Monday Morning Total of 601 Students Sign Up for Fall Term on First Day of A business which will add to Spring 1 School;Brattain, Lincoln and field’s payroll and which will put In High School All Set New use a lumber manufacturing plant Marks; Lincoln Leads List. which has stood Idle for inure than a New York Paper Mill Manager Proposes to Form Company to Build Mill in Springfield A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E TO W N NUMBER 37 HPHINOFIKLD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, S K IT EMBER 20, 192k N ew C om pany To H ave P la n t H ere "The People'« Paper" Meet Miss Trum bull BRIDGE FILLS WILL BE MADE THIS FALL Contract for Roadway on Ea«t and West Approach to ba Let at Meeting of Highway Com­ mission September 25; Fills Will Have No Openings. Prospects for the starting of a pulp and paper mill In Springfield ara bright with the Inspection of the site here by Fred Kruse, formerly man r f ^ e m T T r u L b S ^ C^nnecu, A tb* «»* * * ager of a large plant at Oswega, New cut and alleged fiancee of Joha the roadway on both approaches ot York, and other eastern mills Mr. ^ d ' ^ r a ^ f r ^ r ’r i ' thp «Prlngfield bridge will be let at Kruse, who has visited a number of the September 25 meeting of the high* other cities In the west, expressed cent European trip. ---------------------------- t way commission according to tha an» himself as pleased with the site shown nouncement of Judge C. P Barnard, him on the Industrial tract just east , FOOTBALL TEAM HAS FIRST CONFERENCE; who has received the plans and speck* of the city limits. He proposes to form a pulp and 1 LETTERMEN ON DECK. notions for the work. Both ap> paper mill company to build a mill j -------- , proaches will be solid earth fills with in Lane county. Mr. Krnse Is working i With moleskins and Jerseys tucked no openlnga The roartway wll, b . In conjunction with the Eugene cham under their arms, Springfield high feet wide and the west approach will b**r of Commerce and T. J. Flippin. Jr . 1 school football men ended their first . ... . __ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , j he a wye, division starting about se< retary nt that body, acc ompanied conference with their coach. Leonard u ~ u the . ____ half way between the end of the con» him In the Inspection of the Spring- Mayfield, Monday evening, Crete approach and the Pacific h?b» field site. They were told that practice is to I way. It Is Mr. Kruse's idea to make wrap- stqrt at once, since tentative games Much Filling to be Done ping papers by mixing mill waste with have already been arranged. No hemlock and white fir pulp wood. He ! schedule was available this week | Work of building the roadway la expected to start as soon as the con» expects to find plenty of the raw ma- however. tract is let. Provision is made that terlal close at hand and believes with Among the letter men who will form the fill material on the Sprtngfio 4 a location on the main line rallroa-1 the bulwark of the team are: Everett end shall be taken from the g-avel and with plenty of fresh water a mill and Freeman Squires, Don Palmer, bar In the river. About 3900 cubic using the mechanical grinding pro- Laurence Roof, Jack Danner, Frances . . . . . . . . _ . _ . , ,, yards is required to build the fill a cess would be successful at this point. Deeds, Read Hemenway, LaVerne 7 Information on wood supply and Lawson and Thayer McMurray. All | 1 8 en ° * e r ge' On the west side of the river about Springfield as a feasible paper mill of these made good showings last year i site has been furnished him by H. E and are looked to this year by the - Maxey, chairman of the Springfield coach to make a name In the high bfjd e a roach A heavy *iU Industrial and park committee. Meet- school conference. 1 ® the rn/rfwsv Ings of the Eugene and Springfield ! Last year against the odds of a * ” ad8 for * * ro“fiW!”r Chamber of Commerce committees ' "green” team. Coach Mayfield pro- an ’ e 08 * a[ea ° * .W.^ ' with Mr. Kruse to go Into the details duced a good team, although the re- c” lng , * ,PJ J* of the organization will be held In a cord for victories during the season ' coun y cour y e g a. .w as not brilliant. With an experten- KlnPers few days. .• .v year, - fans f The county z court had asked rh« ced , lineup this are in^vmr looking L . „„„ a i highway department that the concre-.e i for some good games. SPRINGFIELD p . T. A. approach be extended on the w -¡t A PD IN G FIELD REALTO RS end ot the bridge and open,ng8 be TO ELECT SECRETARY S P R IN G F IE L D R t A L l U K b ,n fl„ ThJg hag beeR refu8 ,4 year will open here next Monday. I AU TOO* ft »1 Here's George Zinn, Jr., of Kydal, The Oregon Frame and Moulding 186 company has leaned the mill formerly ■ Pa., the youngest entrant in the High school transcontinental air races from New 60 ran under the name of the Cascade York to Los Angeles, ............r.8 j Manufa< luring company which was SpolininoiHH . 33 closed down u year nr more ago when Frank Anderson, It» manager, was 36 Seniors « 210 seriously hurt when a piece of flying HIGH SCHOOL CLASS 32 1 emery struck him on the head. OFFICERS ELECTED; Flret b O. W. Storey heads the new com Keuoiid B II ROOF SENIOR HEAD puny and will act as manager of the 12 Third II ........ 32 new business. K. W. Holmes of Port Fourth B Three < lasses of Springfield high land and John Oreden of Springfield 21 Fourth A school elected officers when thev met 19 are the other members of the com Sixth A puny. Mr. Oreden will be engaged In for the first time Monday uf-rnoon Junior High Lawrence Roof will head t h e 36 the,work here. graduating class as president this Sis Men Employed Eixhlh II ......« 33 1 12 1 Hix men will be employed at the year. Don Palmer was elected vice- Eighth A plant to start with. Thia number will president and Nadine McMurray sec­ Brattaln SchiMil ................. 205 Eh Ht 2< be lucreused us the hualneas justifies retary-treasurer. Miss Clara Wagner, Second ................... ..... . 22 It, Mr. Storey stated. Wthln a short advisor for the same classmen as time It Is expected that at least a Juniors last year, will serve In that 1. Third B 82 doxen men will he at work regularly In rapacity during their final year of Third A high achool. 29 the mill. Flfi h M Mr. Storey has been In the frame 18 Firth A The Juniors elected F r e e m a n S ix th R 35 and moulding business for the past 20 Squires president. Coy Leathers, vice- Total enrollment, all arhools, .. 601 years, lurgely In Oregon. Mr. Holme« president, Ruth Bettis, secretary- Is an Investor and will take no active treasurer and Audrey Smith, social 1-1 rat day's enrollment In the three 1 part In the conduct of the buslnesa promoter. » Springfield school* totaled 601 here. Mr. Oreden la an experienced Ruth Carlton was named president Thia was the largest reglstration mill man. of the sophomore class. John Lynch, for the first day in the hlatory of local The office of the company will be In vice-president and Fay Parsons, sec­ arboola, according to record« of Prin­ the mill where a room was partitioned cipal A. J. Morgan of the high school, off this week. A loading dock along­ retary-treasurer. Both the Junior and aophomore Principal laiurence Moffitt of the Lin­ side the spur track was built tliia classes elected Miss Maurlne Lom­ coln school and Mrs. Ora Read Hemen- week. bard as class advisor and one or the wny, principal of the Brattaln school. The company will manufacture Lincoln school led the list In enroll­ Douglas fir, with all of the product other must choose another leader at ment total, but only by a margin of going to outside markets, chiefly In a later meeting. Freshmen failed to elect officers be­ Are over the Rrattaln school The the east. AND DELEGATE FRIDAY former school's records show 210 reg­ cause they were not well enough ac­ REPORT GROWING SALES bv the engineers and to keep from istered on Monday and those at lh- quainted with each other. A long -------- ¡holding up progress on the opening of Election of a delegate to the state LIONS CLUB TROOP Real estate transactions are becom- the bridge the county court will not grammar school show 20S. The high list of nominations was made and the Parent-Teacher Association conven­ lng more numerous as the fall season j fartber protest the matter when the OF BOY SCOUTS TO school enrollment reached 1H6 a new staff of officer« will be chosen from tion In Portland on October 17 and gets under way, Springfield realtors commualon meets on September 26. high figure for the opening day of HAVE FOUR PATROLS thia group later. naming of a secretary will be on the j reported this week. ; according to Judge C. P- Barnard. the first week of the fall term. order of business for the first meet­ The W. W. Walker realty company Engineers V isit Court Records are B e tte r Enrollment In the Lions club troop i BROTHER AND SISTER ing of the Springfield P.-T. A. this reported two transfers of property on I at st year the first day the total of Springfield Boy Scouts will be In-’ Roy Klein, state highway engineer, school year. The session will be held MEET FOR FIRST TIME Tuesday. enrollment of all schools was 648 : creased from tBree to four troops to | and J. S. Sawyer, district engineer at the Lincoln building at 3 o’clock Rrattaln school led the list then with provide training for 33 Instead of 25 IN THE PAST 36 YEARS Friday afternoon, according to Mrs. I , \ Fifth and K con,erence W,th the C0U” t7 C° Urt approximately ISO registered Lincoln boys. It wan decided at an executive Pratt Holveraon. who last spring was Jeph' ott ¡ Z ^ h e newly M° nday’ deClar