s THURSDAY. SEI*TEMIIER 13. 1 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAG R SIX The Human Sphinx S ynth etic Cop! COUNTY COURT COES FAIR ATTENDANCE IS TO SALEM TO CONFER ESTIMATED TO EXCEED ON BRIDGE FILL HERE A LL R EC O R D S. REPORT CITY CASH FOR AUGUST , CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO LAY STRESS ON RALLY LOW. PETERSON REPORTS DAY; DATE TO BE SET Cash received lulu the city coffers (Continued from l'âge 1) cough had annoyed him. "How is Mr j . during the month of August readied Vincent ” Opposition to an earthen flu for the Plans lo make attendance at “rally .'.Jipr. XilUttirly 25,IM)O people pulil • Yes. I’m being careful of it." Nor­ approach of the new McKenxte high , nuns li ;i to the l* n e comity fair only a amali total, according to u re day“ larger Ilian ever betöre In Ilia bert said amt he added, a» he opened way bridge on the west side of the during the four days It was In pro ’ port of I M I’ctersou, city reclinici history o( the Hprlngflelt* Christian Total cash receipts (or the tuonia church were outlined ut a meeting of the door; "Mia. Vincent she'» Jus' river here will be voiced by the I^an» gross, Mcconling to estlinntes of fair O( this amount the (he Bunday school hoard Monday fairly; she ain't no more than fairly county court both at a meeting of tin« ! officials. It Is expected that tllla will were *351 00 No. sir.” state highway commtsston on Septem­ shatter all recorda for attendance at largest wus (rom street Improvement night. levy, which amounted to I1S7.0U The John Prane's fingers tapped the arm ber 25 and at a conference with high ' a (air In this county. Definite date for tile eveiil him not general fund provided »S3 50. the Im ; ,lU, ar„ faV(ir of his chair nervously. He frowned way officials Suturday of this week, Nearly 10.000 of (his number was as his eyes rested on the long tree- according to a statement this morn­ accounted for hv the Eugotta day r«« provement Interest »32 Kb anil » “»' octix.br M The day for the rail, will croft improvement (mid at counted (or , ........... #M ............. wl|„„ studded lawn that ran down the road. ing by County Judge C P. Barnard. 1 cetpts Mrs Mabel E. Chadwick, This nervousness was unusual with | tb«v Kugane church will hold Its rally. Saturday members of the court »11« secretary of the fair board, estim ates H ‘ -W- him. ordinarily he was so calm and go to Bale’ll to Interview Roy A Klein, i that the expenses will more Ilian be Flues (or the iiiouth totaled »44.50. The local church leaders do not wish * cold and unmoved by even the most highway bridge engineer. Io ask him covered by the proceeds, although which Is a small amount compared Io nutke the dates conflict exciting events that in the district that he recommend concrete spaus much money was apent tn providing with other months Complete plans for the day will bo surrounding Wall Street he was call­ | worked out and announced later un- instead of the dirt fill which is pro­ the entertainment. sS ed the Human Sphinx—silent, stern, ! tier the supervfaliin of B (1 Mosher, posed. I’ liu to -h o w s T e le in x , the (am - ' Springfield merchants did their hit HOOVER CERTAIN TO BE unfathomable. » | Bunday school superintendent. Little difference In cost between the to make Eugene day successful by jus auto m atic man's b ro th e r o f the To the town of Westcote John police service of B erkeley. C al . ak dirt fill and the concrete approach dosing their stores during the aftei P R E S ID E N T , S A Y S J U D G E a m eeting <>( the official church Drane was not a sphinx. In Westcote ve appeared on duty T h e little iron would he caused by the court's plan. noon ..ours, ■ Imurd followed the Bunday school policem an is equipped w ith bells How Hoover cun possibly (a ll lo tie „„sslon Only routine matters were When property holders on the east he had made his home some twenty- • nil faces in position to M op traffic. elected next prellldeat ••( the United ,||aeUBaeil five years earlier, a bachelor of forty-. side of the river objected to a fill for Slates Is beyond the explanation of . . - five who preferred a home in the the t’r8t cab ,he passenger had con- th#t approacb tbe highway body at WORK BEING FINISHED country. His purchase of the old ’ 'derable trouble alighting He was flrgt refuaw, the proposed 90-foot ex­ ON WOODMAN BUILDING Ju ige J A. Jeffrey of Portland who | Four L to M eet house and his considerable expendí- 8 huge man- broad of shoulder and ten8|on anij )a(er granted it. Rests .«-poke before an audience of more, Regulnr meeting of the t/ivul Leg With the chief item of work the r ' than 100 tn the Ib ll Theatre last night |OR „( Ixiggors and Lumberman. tures for repairs had been a seven blP. an«I be was trying to bring with (jent8 oj the west side district have day topic and thpn he had been ac-; ll>m a huge yellow oilboard suitcase. I jor 8Omt> ,(m„ strenuously objected pulring of the entire roof, repalis The speaker took up most of the , hupter will be held September 24. It cepted as salient man. possibly suf- tn 8lxe proportioneed to himself He |o * d(rt rt(, there_ r |a i niin g that It are this week being completed on the major political Issues of the day. WN8 announced Imlay by John King, fering from a chronic indigestion that had the awkwardness of a man not ac- wouW serve „„ „ an<| make high Woodman hall on Main atreet. dwelling for the most part on the necretary of the local unit Program The old roof became leaky last win­ p r e s i d e n t i a l battle made him a little cranky, but not custome,l to the frequent use of cabs water conditions worse In the winter He *»* fnr the meeting has not yet can de- ter and the lodge vote«! to repair It. strongly pn.-llix.ver and anll-Smlth, lernilned. lie suld such a bad sort at that. He took no and when he finally stood on the ( t)lnp Talk of an injunction against part in the town affairs that called gravel his face was red and persplr- (he ha8 bet,n heard, with definite While thia Job was under way. It*%as The democrat's acceptance speech ■ - .— for mass meetings and service on ing and wiped his forehead with information that the paper will be decided to put visible overhead beam* was thoroughly assailed, particularly V V IL L A M E T T E H IG H W A Y committees but he gave with fair the back of his hand before he dug the coatrac( for the fill Is let. In the hall and repluster and retlnt the section dealing with prohibition’ Tn cn rrccT P n ti„ FmrtiMtf m«o potato« o«t th a t W O R K TO BE S U G G E S T E D liberality when he approved a cause; in,° his pocket for the cab fare. While in Salem the county court it. It Is understood that the Neighbors Sm ith purposely averted any mention he received those who came to him Black my cats! he cried Come. wjy atend a cai|e,i meeting of the The state highway commlskton w ill, on such affairs and listened to them. m'Kbty near never gettin out of your, highway commission to discuss the of Woodcraft, who use the hall for a of public« schmila, declaring that he requested to let contracts for ' meeting place, will assist In paying silently but with keen attention shebang, son. Half a dollar, h ey ’ ROOgevelt highway work. Lane coun- m o t h e r t h e n o m inee nor any of bis M rM # Ä || v ra r th „ .......... Sometimes. without a word, he wrote T aint bad. here s a dime for you. - ty. ofljt.|a|8 are anxious to see this for the Improvements. . h.ldreu have attended public schools , t((>n(i (>f w „ lan, . „ , hlghWMy „„ a check;-som etim es he merely said. He Packed up his suitcase an I worb g„ forward as rapidly as pos The Judge emphasized the (set that which clearing and grading Is now Going to Newberg— Mr. and Mrs. everyone should register and then gel bw|n< -I am not interested." turnad ,0 lhe 8teP8 slble. d<(||tt „ W>1( by “Well, black my ca ts!” he cried. S«m Goddard of Leahurg were here He took no part in social affairs. out und vote. ty Judge C. P Barnard this morning Tuesday on their way to Newberg As time passed he did become inter- 'You durned old Johnnie Drane! If SERVICE CLEANERS WILL The request will he mad« at the Hep- where they plan lo spend several days ested in some of the financial con >ou aln t JU8t 88 b ^ and 8kln,‘y 88 California Folks Stop—Mr. and j f mber 25 meeting of the commission MOVE TO NEW QUARTERS visiting friends and relatives. cerns—he became a director of one of -vou was * hen we wa8 k‘ds! W e» - . Mrs James Clark of Iluddlng, Callfor- which the county court will attend the banks, and was a regular attend- now who'd have thought I'd ever be | — ------ Judge Barnard states that the court ant at its board m eetln gs-b n t he was b a k in ' hands with Sklnpy Drane The Service Cleaners tailor shop nla. were visitors here fnr a short On a busy day a woman walked In­ time Wednesday evening with Mrs hopes tn have all the work done on known mainly, until automobiles a< a’r down east here« 00 the front n‘‘It <,oor ,he PO8t° mce on ’" >ur,h made horses a nuisance, for his fine i P ° ~ “ 8 r««ular blamed old palace street will move to Its new location to the office of the court rooms at Maude Bryan. They were enrnute all three sections of the road above Ixiwell next year. horses. His coachman alwavs drove llke flll8! How are W « »nyhow. you "n the Elite hotel building Saturday, Atlanta. G a , anil, addressing Judge to l*ortland on a vacation trip. Blank, said; , him to the trains and met him on his ° 'd " • « > ? Good old Skinny Drane! ; it was announced today. "Are you the reprobate Judge?” Spanish A u x ilia ry to M ssl—F1r»t return until the time came when he Well! Well! Well!" The cleaning and pressing establish- There was a young makl at Bryn meting of the Bpanlsh War Veterans “I am the probate Judge" bought an automobile; after that his "Simon. I'm glad to see you. " John ment will occupy part of the front of Mawr. auxiliary will be held In the armory "That Is what I was saying" she chauffeur always drove him to his I1rane 8ald- takln» the fat man 8 hand 1 the building recently leased by the said, "and I have come to you be­ Who longed like the deuce fnr a at Eugene, Monday evening, Beptem- office Just around the corner from '"L* aTe T°ur ‘here, my man Springfield Laundry company. caw r; ber 17, at S o'clock. Local members W all Street on Broadway. He was wl" ,ake care <* “ • >»'• «°od to see A small building has been conatruct- cause I am In trouble. My husband and officers have been requested to not so much a peculiar man as-a self r ° u a«ain- Simon- 1 ne,,er 8,>e “"X ed ,n the r,‘ar of the la,,n,lry wh,ch was studying to he minister at a She'd pull out her hair, he present to participate lu the drill sufficing one In the deals he made in on® tronl R lverbank-none of them | will house the dry cleaning equipment collegp seminary, and he died detest­ Grip the bark of a chair, practice. ed, and left three little Inflels, and 1 And hitch her good lurk to a stawr. Wall Street he played a lone -hand ever come e a s t Yes. It s good to see of the Service Cleaners Thia equlp- ment is now at the former residence have come to be appointed their ex­ He never took part in syndicates, you' It will also be ecutioner.” never allied himself with groups. And He turned then t0 lhe »mallei' man of J. F. Nadvornlk moved on Saturday. some of his deals were sensationally ln black. CALL AND BEE Dr. N W. Emerv profitable. It was the amazing ef- he said to him, “I'd like you on prices on plates and other work, tf frontery of some of these deals that to meet an old friend of mine, a man SMALL GIRL FRACTURES P r e s id e n tia l P o ll had attracted attention to him suffici- ently to warrant his being given a sobriquet of his own—The Human Sphinx. He would not talk of his deals or of the market or of anything. The moment he reached the city he was. for all practical purposes, mute. It was not long before W estcote knew he was an extremely wealthy man. Solicitors for a new hospital. going to John Drane in the hope of getting him to give some hundreds jf dollars or perhaps a thousand, came away from the house with a check for an even hundred thousand There had been no wasted words. “Yes. I approve of it; I will give you some- thing." he had said and. turning to the desk, he had written the check. The solicitor, glancing at it. had thought It was 'or a thousand dollars and had been profuse in his thanks; not until the check was turned in to the treasurer >«'hs it discovered that it was for the amazing hundred thou- sand. The check went through the bank and was paid without question. “Well, the honey old son-of-a-gun!" the treasurer of the hospital exclaim- ed "He must have a heart in his dried-up carcass after all, even if he don’t look It!” At seventy John Drane was still as oney as ever, hut "drled-up” did not describe him. not had it ever He was thin almost to emaciation, but 't was a soft thinness; his skin was not dried nor leathery, and his face had not so much wrinkled as fallen Into Jowls and folds. His cheeks were drawn below his cold gray eyes and «when he removed hla eye glasses the hollows below the eyes were almost ghastly, hu‘ even at seventy he was minutely careful of his body and dress, almost dandtfled. He shaved twice i day, orffce In the morning and once at noon, for he had a complete shaving outfit at his office. In a small dressing-room there he also changed his linen at noon; he could not bear soiled linen. He was a tall man. or his thinness made him seem tall, and now he arose from his chair as one of the non­ descript black taxicabs of the town entered his driveway. "Ah!” he exclaimed, and then frowned because a second taxicab had followed the first. The two cabs, following the wide sweep of the drive, one cab follow- ing close on the wheels of the other, drew up before the veranda and their doors opened simultaneously. From the second the passenger was quick to alight, a small man all In black, and he glanced toward John Drane. The millionaire, still frowning, raised a finger and touched his Ups—a ges­ ture so brief that It was hardly observ­ able, but the man In black caught It and nodded that he understood. From 1 baven t seen for how long it is ARM IN FALL FROM TREE Sim on’ Twenty-five years?" "Black my cats. no. John! Thirty- Failing from a tree while she was bve, anyway. 1 wasn t to home when playing In the yard of her home, f ou w88 there twenty-five years ago. Cleona Maxey, small daughter of Mr the ,at man said. "I d gone down to an(j Mrs. F. E. Maxey who live on 11 Ransas Glty to try to find that boy of , afreet here, received a fractured arm I mine, but you wouldn t rem em ber, Monday evening. that- 1 su ess- Thirty-five years!” The little girl was playing with her "Simon Judd, from my old home brother and both were climbing the *own ° f Riverbank, Iowa. John Drane tree. The girl’s grip on one of the ' sa’d- completing the introduction. .¡¡mbs slipped and she fell several feet 1 And my good friend W illiam Dart, (O (he ground. Her left arm was 1 be added lo u v e heard me speak of . fractured at the elbow. The Injury Riverbank. Dart. was X-raved and treated at the office Quite frequently; quite frequent- Of a joca| physician. 'y' Bart said. I m very glad to know ------------------------------ yo“« Mr Judd Any frlend of Mr- ‘ Wendling School Opens Brane s. of course Yes. indeed, 1 ve Mr. and Mrs. A H. Sacre of Wendl- heard Mr Drane 8Peak of Riverbank! Yes- frequently. " ing were here Monday on business, They w“re Interrupted by a young Mr. Sacre is principal of the Wendllng kirl who cam* hurriedly and m errily, school and his wife Is a teacher, around the house, half running and ! Pupils of that school registered Mon- carrying a tennis racquet in her hand day and began their class work Tues- ^bp evidently had expected to find day morning. Mr. Sacre reported. " r' f>rane alone and had been eager say something, but now she put it FOR SALE—Carbon paper In large sheets, 25x39 Inches, suitable for 8eeln? that Drane had visitors. making tracings. The News Office _______(TO BE CONTINUED)_______ ____________________________________ One Big Shipment o f Children’s C o a ts JUST RECEIVED My CHOICE for PRESIDENT is FOR SALE MOULDING AND FINISH LUMBER a t 3rd and G St. Closing out a n old stock Priced Right HERBERT HOOVER (Republican) ALFRED E. SMITH (Democrat) ■ l Put an X before the one you intend to vote for) A fter tilling ou tth ls T rial Ballot, please m all o r bring it to th e ofllce of this new spaper. W hat TICK ET Did You Vote I^as, P residential C am paign? ( Republican Democrat—etc. ) BELL THEATRE S-P-R-l-N-G-F-l-E-L-D FRIDAY — SATURDAY — SPETEMBER 14 - 15 One of the Greatest of all pictures “THE COVERED WAGON” Also— Comedy and News Reel No Advance in Price SUNDAY — SEPTEMBER 16 REGINALD DENNY In “GOOD MORNING JUDGE” Denny’s Feature Comedies are Great Also Cornetty and News Reel TUESDAY — SEPTEMBER 18 FRED HUMES In “ARIZONA CYCLONE” Comdy and Two More Short Subjects WEDNESDAY — SEPTEMBER 10 TAKE TIME TO SEE IT— T u n n e y -H e e n e y F ig h t P ictu re* BEAUTIFULLY FUR TRIMMED FRIDAY — SATURDAY — SEPTEMBER 21 - 22 HOOT GIBSON In PR IC E d 95 “THE WILD WEST SHOW” __________________ Comedy and News Reel SUNDAY — SEPTEMBER 23 HOBART BOSWORTH In “AFTER THE STORM” AND UP A Royal Sea Picture — Comedy and News At the following merchants you can get Theatre Tickets admitting you to Bell Theatre any Tuesday or Friday until November 16, 1928. Given with each 25c purchase or more— JOHNSON’S Popular Price Store EUGENE JOHNSON'S FOR HOSIERY OREGON INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. LARSON S SERVICE STATION DANNER MOTOR CO. CHIC'S FEED STORE SPRINGFIELD GARAGE SPRINGFIELD TAXI FLANERY’S DRUG STORE DROP-IN CAFE IDEAL GROCERY