mbulance Dr nu/n Mntnr THURSDAY, 8HBTKMBKR 13. 192» OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST PAGE FIVE T H E SPRINGFIELD NEWS Wtiat in« tour! -it crop Is to ths state la Indented by the fact that one Cottage Grove tourlat camp, the Wood aon camp, registered 25,000 persona during the year, will« li endvd August By Spacial Correspondants tl day for St. H elens where she will teach this year. Arthur Calvert who haa worked for I). O. Baugh the past two months re­ turned to his home near Junction City last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Platt and fam ­ ily visited Mr. I'latt'e parents, Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Platt, at Dearborn last Sunday. Clifford W eaver and Mrs. Mary Mc­ Elroy from Salem visited Mr. and Mrs. A. W. W eaver the past week-end Mr. und Mrs. Bob Davis and chil- from Shedd visited relatives In Thurston laat Sunday. John Edmiston and son, James, motored to Cottage Grove last Satur­ day evening. Mrs. Arch Shough and daughter, Patricia, from Vida spent the week­ end In Thurston. Mr and Mrs. Bough and fam i­ ly drove to Junction City last Sun­ day and visited Mrs. Baugh’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Calvert. was plaintiff and W C. Stwuer, Anna R. flteuer, John E. Grimes, Ada Grimes, his wife, O, J. H ecketsw eiler and Julia E H ecketsw eiler were de­ fendants, I have levied upon and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at 1:00 in the the afternoon of Saturday, October 13, 1928, at the front door of the Court House in the city of Eugene, Oregon, the follow ing described real property, viz, lots four, five, and six In block five. In the E E Kcppner Addition to the town of Springfield, In l^ane Coun­ ty, Oregon, and all the right and title of the defendant in said lands ex ist­ ing on the 15th day of March, 1926, or on any later date, to satisfy the am ounts adjudged tn be due ' plaintiff In said suit, vix, the sum of 3500.00 with in terest thereon at seven percent from March 16. 1928, the sum of $12.67 taxes paid by plaintiff with Interest thereon from July 5, 1928. the sum of $50 00 as an attorney's fee, and the sum of 322.20 costs of suit, together with the costs of making said sale. Said sale will be subject to redem p­ tion as allowed by Law. place ut Cottage Grove laat Saturday night wh«-n Maurice ('. Dilley and An Increase of flax acreage under | UPPER WILLAMETTE Vena Awbrey were united In marriage contract to the state prison to 450b acres for 1929, aa compared to 3500 Mrs. Andy Gla«m returned Monday ut the home of Mr and Mrs. Wayne n< r«-a this year, wua announced by night from Toledo, W ashington, when: Puckett a sister of the groom. Both ( ulon nl W II Ha train in charge of she was called last week by the death ' Mr. and Mrs. Dilley have been very the atate flux Industry. of her step fa th er, August Pearson. ' tsipular students at the Pleasant HUI All-imy i-olleg« w III iipi-it Tli<“«ilay In u i i ' h k , bspti lalli-r IK, for II» ttilll The D eschutes county fair hoard Mr. Pearson has hewn In poor health t high school, Mrs Dtliey starring In y.-ar. amt viiaoagcra are completing plana for over a year und has been practical­ basketball the last three years. Mrs Dilley graduated from the high school which will mean the host county fair ly lu ll fust the past six months. Thw «lulu roum il Of rnrpi'ntur« livid last June. They motored to I x jw I s - Miss N ellie Olson who has been yet held. Managers of the di-part- tin fnurili utitiuul »«'Halon In 1.» Granda ton, Idaho, for a honeymoon and ex- visiting ut the home of her uncle, ■nenta are working on entries. The last Weak. fair will b» hold In Redmond Keptem- Andy Olson, returned to her home I ect to tour the states of the northw est Fir« ul uiiilntiirinluud origin did