- \ c r pour THE SPRINGFIE1.D NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H. E MAXEY. Editor. Entered as second cla ss m atter, February 24, 1903 at the postofflce, Sprlngtleld. Oregon M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N RATE One year tn A dvance........ $1.75 •tx Months $l.l>0 Three M o n th s _____ 76c Single Copy _______ be OIL THE STREETS S tre e t oiling is econom ical in tow n ns well as the country. Springfield should oil all her m ain m acadam streets. In a few y ears th e cost of oil­ ing would be saved in low er m ain ten an ce cost. T hink of the dust of sum m er and th e mud in w in­ te r th a t oiled si reels save. The city budget for street m ain ten an ce h as al w ays overrun as fa r b ark as the old tim ers ea > rem em ber, it's $1000 over iliis y e a r with three m ouths yet to go. Oiling is th e best solution to the problem. •’’AIT»’» THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. 192« SEA FISH NOT CAUSE OF DISEASE TO LAKE TROUT. SAYS DORRIS Home Education "The Child'« First School 1« the Family"— Froebel b ,r T ' ' d by th • National Klndergarleit A a,„elation, s W est 40ih •' * t ui k i tty. T h ese si 'II v I vm are appearing w eekly In " A p p le s a u c e '" T hai's the wav lien Dorris, member E ACH'MQ CHILDREN THE REWARD OF HELPING OTHERS Helen Gregg Green ■ o f Hie »late fish m id g a m e c onim i»' «Ion, c h a i a d erig es a report that ocean s ltv e rs ld o tro u t* lire c a u s in g tr o u t In teem of others together with mi added Elk lake to tieconin diseased e | f respect, mid we avoid giving the laical people who have visited Hie '1|||>I e . doll that our presents to him lak e re c e n tly reported th a t fish e rm e n have any connection with Ills eon duct. I'lils, how ever, iloes not prevent In that vicinity litanie spots found on Ills having chrtaln duties for which h e the fish from the lake to planting receives regular paym ent Hint Is an som e time ago of ocean flsh In the Important u part of his training as lake waters I lie other." If Hie fish do have apula Inside of "Thunk .von for telling me this, I them It Is due tn the warm lake water, Mr. Dorris said When the watet answered. g e ls nove a certain tem perature thia condition alw ays develop*, he stated. RAINY WEATHER DRIVES As soon as cooler w eather cornea fish DANGER OF FROST AWAY will cease to becom e wormy, I* hl* "Thors m e no fairy folks who ride about the world nt night, An attem pt will soon be m ade In th e African To give you wings anil other things jungles to get lions to ro a r into m icrophones, the to pay for doing right, unique concert to be broadcast so th a t A m ericans SAME THING R l'T MORE OE IT Ihlt If you'll do to others wtiat ay hear it. On tin 1 day this program is given, you'd huve them do to you. Democrats are bewailing the so called break m we bet m any people will m istake s ta tic for it. You'll tie as blest as If th e best of down of the prohibition laws and Smith proposed • • • fairy tales were true." local option which he knows the country would A New York man deaf for 45 years has sudden­ -—A lice Cary never stand for. If he were elected president the ly recovered bis hearing, but isn’t quite sure day he took office the same conditions would ex­ whether he likes it or not. There When sm all Hobby returned after must he a radio ist as we have now—strict enforcement in some in his home. going on an errand for me. I offered localities and lax in others. But inside of a month hltu a dim e. • • • booze would run riot. The enforcement of the "Thank yen Just the same," he The number of marriages has decreased con­ prohibition law is a m atter of morale in the coun­ siderably this year. And yet they say there’s no sm iled, "lint Mother says. 'No.' " o p in io n . Warmer tem perature provided by try*. Election of Smith on an avowdly wet ticket hope for the younger generation. The next tim e I saw lloby's m other The sla te com m ission wilt do noth­ I asked, "Why Is It vou don't allow 1 ,h ” raln* '’“r,F ln ‘he week was wel- ing almut the »corea of sea gulls would break down the morale to such an extent • • • to pay Bobby for doing errands?" j ’ ””,"d *’> farmer* tn this district A which ........................ „... In tha there would be lax enforcement everywhere. No feed on the sm all flsh There are “wets" and "drys" but most of our us "I'll prohibition officials are going to exert themselves politicians tell you. my dear." she answer- ° f farm ers here on business ’ lake until the situation Is such as to seem to be either “dry wets" or “wet cd, "though It's rather u tong story.” ! *?*p®r ,‘’d ,h,u «Hhough the rain will demand action, Mr Dorrla said. enforcing a law that the head of the nation is drys.” "Let's have It." I urged, "I can't rfo d“ nm*" “ » »««>« crops It will re- Fisherm en report that th against We would have the same thing as we • • • gulls fish Imagine what your reasons would be." j dam age by frost. i »mall flsh have now but more of it. the hundreds Women sleep more than men. says a professor • • • "Well, you know Robby has be >n During the past several days farm- »ml devour them at the University of Pittsburgh. Well, they need SPORTS NOT SPORTSMEN the nelghorhood errand boy for sev- L*r« have found a coat of*frost on their j a m eeting of the game com m ission more sleep—to rest their vocal cords. eral years. Indeed, the first two years f*11 crops which In many cases has < ailed for next Monday has been da- Some sportsmen of the state are reported he made quite a lot of money. Roth done considerable dam age Potatoes, peeved because the governor has postponed the Inyed and probably will not be held of us w ere pleased. Hut one day our "<|u«»h and other crops o f that nature until Friday. Septem ber 14. Mr Dorris opening of the hunting season 10 days on account little Mrs. Fields, who, yon know. Is have been m aterially affected. It was stated today. of the dry condition of the forest and the high lie will attend this 08716798 quite old and has so little of th is "aid. fire hazard. While this may have inconvenienced seralon. world's goods, asked Robby to go to a few s|»ortsmen who had trips planned no real sportsmen would rear up in revolt over such ac­ the grocery store for her. Ills legs Just flew He w as thinking of the tion. The protection of our forests from fire des­ nickel or dim e he would receive when truction should be the first consideration. If E M P L O Y IN G T H E D E A F he got back. Rut when he returned there were no forest Oregon would be a poor What people want most of all. th at Is, the self- from the grocery Aunty Fields Just state and there would be no deer to hunt. Most kind of people, is not charity but em­ sm iled one of her angelic, sw eet of the forest fires are man made and to have an respecting ployment. While our Fall Term has already begun, It Is not too late army of deer hunters smoking cigarettes go into iles and said, 'Thank you Bobby.' A man who can work at all wants to do his bit. sm to enroll, us we will huve a new class beginning the forest at this time would more than likely be In two m inutes he was hom e, angry The most commendable trait in a human being disastrous. Real sportsmen will be men enough MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 is a desire to stand on his own feet and get him ­ •n d “I crying. to wait patiently until the season is opened and self won't go any more errands for off other peoples’ backs. When you give a her! She never gave me a cen t!" ne besides deer hunting will be very poor until it rains anyway. Sportsmanship in Oregon has man a job, therefore, you give a boost to his per­ declared, stam ping him foot. suffered repeatedly not from the sportsmen but sonality. You help him respect himself. amaxed and shocked. 1 real­ . _ _ IT'S A GOOD SCHOOL When you give a man charity it depresses his ly "I felt was A. E. Roberte, President Miner Bldg. Sept. 4 from the sports paradipg under the name of like crying m yself. I had never personality and encourages that spirit in him dreamed Bobby had lost his perspec­ Telephone 666 Eugene. Oregon sportsmen. which makes him a pauper. • • • like th a t We are all sorry for deaf people and none of tive 'Why FAIR IS CREDITABLE Bobby,' I said, ‘don’t you us would object to giving them a quarter now anti get " any satisfaction in knowing you I Probably the best fair Lane county has ever then to help them along. But this is the cheapest had was held last week. From the standpoint of thing we can do. It is mere sop to sentiment. It helped Mrs. Fields, who has alw ays ; displays, personal iirtere£t and amusement it was is giving a little of our surplus money to relieve been so kind to you?1 " far better than the ordinary county fair. It w*as ourselves of the responsibility of giving our time " 'No, I want my nickel,' he pouted, j “W ell I began then and there to I indeed a creditable showing for Lane county and and interest and effort. root from Bobby's mind the Idea that ' one she should reap a great deal of good from. The American Federation of Organizations for Fairs are always educational but more than that the Hard of Hearing with headquarters at Wash­ It Is u seless to perform a good deed i A’s the stuff that our patrons tell the world about. they raise the morale of the producers of the ington, D. C., is seeking to help the deaf by finding unless one receives remuneration ■ Weve made thousands ofthem and everyone sings county—inspire people to produce better fruit, them jobs. The New York League for the Hard From that day to this Bobby's friend their praise. There’s a difference In malted milks; If vegetables, fancy work, live stock and what not. of Hearing has done a great deal for the unem­ ly services have been free of charge. ! you didn't know that you will after you’ve had one while his father and 1 make It a point j of Eggimann’s. The management of the fair deserves credit for ployed deaf. teach him that happiness com es ( the thought and attention given the details of pro­ These organizations are investigating con­ to from helping others." ducing such a good show. Successful county stantly occupations in which the deafened can Whether Its candy, soft drinks or Ice cream you can “W ell, I had never thought of th ese fairs are the result of much effort. depend on uh to have the best. Our trade is not limited. make good, giving advice as to chance of occu­ • • • things in you light efore," 1 told her. They come as far as automobiles will bring them. pations or as to training for available accupa- "Indeed you are w ise!" “Bossy" Gillis, mayor of Newburyport, Mass., tions. "Yes, Robby has become more has been sentenced to jail for operating a gasoline For instance, it suggested to a deafened fur thoughtful way. He's a l­ station without a license. He says that the more salesman that he give up the salesmanship of fur ways trying In to every help folks. We never often he goes to jail, the more popular he be- ' for fur cutting, and he is making a success in that think of rewarding "W here the 8 a rv lc * Is D ifferent” him, except with comes, and he hopes to capture the Governorship line, whereas he was failing in the former line. a few words of praise. W henever I of the state in order to get even with the judge *A New York store employed hard of hearing buy him a gift and am tem pted to w ho sentenced him. We don’t think a mere m at­ cash girls with success because the crash of noise say ‘Here's som ething for being such ter of operating a gasoline station without a lic­ of the carriers does not distract them. good boy!', som eth in g tells me ense is quite enought to make him Governor. There are many occupations which a deaf per­ a If he receive a reward he'll Why doesn’t he put over something big? son can pursue, although he is handicapped in wonder doesn't what's the use of good con ­ • • • many. If he doesn't get anything for Thousands of prisoners now have cells equip­ The public should realize that the best way to duct It!" So Daddy and I keep on trying ped with radios. Everything is being done to help the deaf people, as well as other crippled or make the prisoners feel at home—they can even impaired people, is to give them employment, to instill Into him the fact that the true reward of right conduct Is the es- THURSDAY. SEPTEM BER • • • 13.192$ IT IS NOT TOO LATE EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE Our Malted Milk E G G IM A N N ’ S be kept awake by their neighbors’ radio set. • • • Now that spoken words will take the place of subtitles at the movies, we fear many people will forget how to read. • • • Tunney has gone to Ireland in order to avoid publicity. Probably he thinks one fighter more or less won’t be noticed over there. and the employers of the country would do a great deal more good giving work to people than CALL AND SEE Dr. N W. Emery they could do in giving them charity or dispensing on prices on plates and other work, tf largess in any way. It is not urged that people should let their sympathy interfere with their business, but w her­ R E L IE F F R O M C U R S E ever their business can be carried on just as well O F C O N S T IP A T IO N by those who need it the job should be given ; A B attle Creek physician, says, "Con­ them. stipation Is responsible for more m is­ ery than any other cau se.” But Im m ediate relief has been found. A tablet called R exall Orderlies has been discovered. Tbi* tablet attract* w ater from the system Into the laxy dry, evacu atin g bowel called the colon The w ater loosens the dry food w aste and cau ses a gen tle, thorough, natural m ovem ent w ithout form ing a habit or ever Increasing the dose. Stop suffering from constipation. Chew a R exall Orderlle at night. Next day bright. Get 24 for 26c today at the n earest R exall Drug Store— (A dv.) A Race to Help Him The New, New York—the Choice of Good Taste Th* C ab n a lct t U u d y b j h t b n Now You Can Buy Your Pontiac Equipped With 7 - a S w c c ru /w l Si» winning Fv«a Oreatet Suri — T o provide an even greater degree o f impres- •ive smartness and dash, special w ire w heel eq u ip m en t has Been made available on a ll Pon­ tiac Six closed and open models. T h i* equip­ m e n t— w h ic h costs but $95 e x tra -In c lu d e s the im p o rtan t items that leading custom de­ signers are em ploying; six w ire wheels; two spare tires; fro nt fenders w ith w ells in w h ic h the spares are cradled alongside the hoodf chrom e-plated spare w h eel clamps; and a fold­ ing tru n k rack. I f you are in the m arket for an ultra-m odish car o f extrem ely lo w price, com e in and see how Pontiac s lo w , rakish lines are enhanced by this n ew eq u ip m e n t w h ic h it a v a ila b le in no oth er tix o f co m p a ra b le co tt. J -D o o r S -d a n , » 7 1 1 , C m tfir, » 7 1 1| X borl R o a d x -r » 7 4 1 , P l.o - .o _ « 7 7 1 , C a h r b .1 « » 7 9 1 (S poX A - « l'.« r « ) ^ " j ^ V d ™ iJ S ! Wherever people of good taste gather white gold spectacles and eyeglasses wear Is noticable. Our per- scriptlon work carries a certified certificate. Aqual- lty product that is genuine. Dr. Ella G. Meads •XvTll O p to m e trist WATTS OPTICAL CO. No. 14 » Ave. West Eugere. Oregon A ll - A m - r k a o SO . » % ”l — 2 include low est handllnn charges. (ien rral Motor» l imo P a— mrtu I lan s v u lls b ls at minimum rato. W.R. DAWSON Main Street, Springfield W A R T A X R E M O V E D , D E L IV E R E D P R IC E S R E D U C E D ¡PiDNiriAVC s r e pro duct Of obnbral m o to si