mbulance Dr nuu n T U B B P R IN G F IR L D N B W fl •flIURSDAY. RR ITttM H H Il 13. 1928 PAGE T U R E » Fame and Fortune Beckon to “Miss Small Town America” F L O E N Z Z IE G F E L D T O U SE B E A U T Y C O N T E S T AS M E A N S O F F IN D IN G N E W S T A G E M A T E R IA L ; O T H E R S U R P R IS E S IN S T O R E . W ritten Especially for thle Newspaper by F R ED J. R U N D E , Editor-In-Chief, Autocaster News Service, O riginator “ Mias Small Town Am erica," Beauty Contest HOU9EKEEPING ROOMS For R e n t- SALE—Two choir« Jer*«y uillk S E P T IC T A N K S — The glr! who I* picked a* "Ml** the winner of the title of "Miss Small Room* suitable for students going row* giving throe gallon p«r day; Knady for you to Inatall to school. Priced low. See Mrs. Small Town America" In the beauty Town America." will b« fresh In February. Inquire Fof family of five — »21.00, Eugene She will be given an opporunlty, Lee Put man. 14« Mill Street. 0-20 contest now being conducted by dally «1 Heaver'* Service Station. H 13, For family of night — »28.00, Eugnuo and weekly rural newspaper* the If she so desires. In the Zlegfeld or­ Hewer Pipe, Well Curbing, Drain Tlla PAINTING and Kalsmotning In II It* country over, will be presented with ganisation. and Cblmnoy Blocks. N O T IC E O F H E A R IN O branches. Reduced Prices. Roy | many opportunities. Naturally It will all depend on the E U G E N E C O N C R E T E P IPE CO. ON F IN A L A C C O U N T For one thlnr. It gives me the great- , j)er COB,hlnatloo of talent and Koch. Cafl 126 -J. _____ — est pleasure to announce that Florei I- lorenz , ,)Pau(y jM «m p a„ to please the dls- NOTICE I » IIK IlK ilY G IV E N : Thai N O T IC E OF F IN A L AC CO UNT FOR SALE WOOD Zlgfeld, the foremost producer of (tlmlnating eye of Floenz Zlegfeld, thn undersigned adm inistrator of lh« Notine I* hereby given that I. M Old Growth Fir. Second Growth Fir, musical shows In the United Statea, , |h(} r)jad (fJ fame and fortune beckons «‘alato of Flora N Anderson, dereased, Pnteraon, adm inistrator of the enlato lui* fllvil Iti* arenim i for the Unni of Louise M Unit lelinlm. duieased, Oak, Aab. AU lengths. Phone Spring- j who la one of the Judges In the Beauty nell lenient of her estate In the County has filed h l* Huai aeeount of h l* ad­ fly hl 104. tf. I Contest, will employ this contest In Think of It! This "Miss Small Court for tame County, Oregon. u til ministration of anld fata ta with the his constat:’ search for new talent. that Haturilny, thn 29th ilay of Sept Clerk of the County Court of lain» Town America" beauty contest may Soup: "What do you expect to be Zlegfeld. who Is known far and wide he the means of giving some Amerl- | ■ nilier, 192R. at the Court doom of nald County, Oregon, and that thn «aid Court. In thn County Court lloiian. In court hu* «et a* thn ttmn and plant rben you become of age?" as the glorlfler of American girlhood, can girl her start—a girl that may Eugene. at ten o’rlo rk In thn forenoon, for thn ftnul settlement of aald ac­ Suds: "Twenty-one." has announced his desire to glorify come In time to have the world at her ha* linen by *nlil Court fixed a * thn count, Saturday October 13th, 1938, time and plane for hearing objortlon’i at thn hour of 10 o’clock In the fore­ feet. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S SUM M O NS therein. and for final settlement of noon of hu I i I day nt the office of the I want to urge every pretty girl in «aid estate Notice Is hereby given that on the IN TH E CIRCUIT COURT OF THE County Judge In th * County Court- STATU OF OREGON FOR LANE I want to be able to pick a winner for D. M A X A N D ER SO N , Admlntstra- house of Lane County, Eugene, O re­ 1st day of September, 1928, Lillian D. tor of thn n*tnte of Flora N Ander gon. ~ ex -- COUNTY. Zlegfeld. A ll person* haying objection* Horton McClelland wa« appointed Dorris and Aille M Smith, plaln- non, deceased. Io nnld final account mu*t present ..'ciltrlx, with the w lll^ n n l x.-d. of the Roe tiffs versus C 9. Williams and Ire-1 ,n originating this contest 1 was I. I, HA T. Attorenv for Estate thent on or before said date of linai J estate of Hncrlett A Horton, de- na C Williams, hl- wife: the un- inspired by the thought that there are A 30- H 8-13 20 27: ceased, by the County Court of Lane «ettlenient known heirs of 8 H Friendly and 1 Just as pretty girls in the rural dis- County, Oregon. All persona having I M P E T E R S O N . Adm inistrator. Matllda Friendly, deceased, his trlcts of America as there are In the I claims against said estate are re­ S 13 20 27; O 4 11: N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F S HA LE ON wife: R E Cnrtwrirht : pig cities. I want to prove this feet I quired to present them duly verified N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S us by law required lo said executrix E X E C U T IO N wngM ^Glaf Ha?dor"on. sometimes , 'o the satisfaction of myself and I NOTICE IS H E R E B Y G IV E N . That I at the law office of Alla King, 784 Wil­ , Nolle«« Is hereby given that by vlr | Henry L. Carili« and O. P Hnellatrom lamette Street. Eugene, Oregon, with- known’ as "Ole” Halderson. and - others, and I'm pretty certain I can Hie of an execution and order of »ah- j have been appointed administrator* of j In six months from the first publica­ Mary Haldorson; Gina Momb. some- provp it. The winner of the contest, I h s iii - i I out of the Circuit Court of Ihc tp„ ,.„iate of dem one E. Carili«, de tion of this notice. time* known as Gins Mohh; the un ' prodlct„ j PBM> l . I^asky, first vice- Slat«« of Oregon for the County of ceased, by the County Court of lame ; First publication 8<«pt«-mber «th, M iillnoianh on the Slst day of August. County. All persons having claims I 1928 Momb. deceased; Henry Ixiretx and Paramount Film Corporation, who 1928. upon a Judgment rendered there against said estate are required to ■ LILLIAN O HORTON McCLElc In on the 29th «ley of August, 1928. present them, with the proper vouch ! LAND. Executrix. Jennie Lorets; Joseph Loretz and | with Floenz Zlegfeld and myself Is In favor of Evelyn Tate and ugslnat era, within six months from the «th ; ALTA KING. Attorney _...... Loretz, wife of Joseph Ixir Judge In the contest, will be a beauty George A Cavanaugh and Cora Cavan day of September, 1928. to the said ad etz; C. W Washburne and 8 « 13-20 27: O. 4: Indeed Floens Zlegfeld Is also en­ nugh, husband and wife fur the sum of mlnlstrators at the law office of L. L. j Washburn«, wife of C. W Wash­ The above coupon filled ’ out fully thusiastic about the rural girl, saying »100 00 anil Interest at the rate of six |tay, In the Miner Building. Eugene. burne- Charles E Parke and Oath per cent per annum from the 26th day Oregon. erlne Parke; Rodnev R Rounds and that the conditions of her life and en- and your photograph mailed or N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SALE ON of June, 1928. aud for the further sum HENRY L CARLIl.K. anil O. P. | E X E C U T IO N IN FO R EC LO SU R E Rehecva Rounds; Miller Morgan and vtroment are conductive to great , brought to this newspaper Till enter of »40 tie with Interest thereon at lb* HNKLI-HTROM. Administrators of j Elizabeth Morgan: James A. Mor k , j you in this nation-nvtde "Miss Small rate of six per cent per annum from the Estate of Clemons E. Carllle, d« NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN. That gan; Thomas Q Butler; Wiley There are more surprises com ings ' Town America” beauty contest the 2fith day of May. 1938. and for [ MaaiM| by virtue of an execution and order Sparks and Nvncv Sparks; Abram Then the further sum of «1« 96 costs and of sale In foreclosure Issued out of L. L. RAY. Attorney for Estate. M Peek and Laury M Peek: M arvil am at work on several plans for; THIS IS TOUR OPPORTUNITY disbursements herein, wlilrh Judgment 8 8-13-20 27: O. 4: the Circuit Court of Lane County. Ann Beam; James L Peek. Jr ; El further honoring the beautiful girl 1 PRETTY MISS TO SPREAD YOUR was «-nrollwd and f Willamette Meridian, contain A 18 23 30: 8. M S ._________ erty, to- w it: unknown heirs of Mathias Momh. Ing eighty (80) acres of land more or ... t . ¡„. after a marked slump, according to Beginning at a point 982 1 feet sometimes known as "Mattle" Never will the twin fears of worries N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N less In lame County, Oregon west of a point In the center of Momb, deceased: Henry Txiretz and about accidents and sickness trouble . J- O. Newland, one of the leading Now. therefore In the nnme of the (Publisher) the County Road known as River Jennie Lore I z.; Joseph Loretz and State of Oregon, In compliance with 016407 the minds of the 300 odd employes of ' automobile distributors of that city, Road, which point Is North 8 de­ ............ Loretz. wife of Joseph Lor­ „aid execution. snd In order to satisfy Departm ent of the Interior. U. 8. grees and 40 minutes West 1.77 the Mountain States Power Company. w^o wag a visitor here Monday. Mr. etz; C. W Washburne and said Judgment, Interest, costs of suit Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon chains of a point 49 02 chains Washhurne, wife of C. W Wash­ stationed In tue 50 Oregon towns and ! an(j j^rs. Newland, who were on a and the costs and disbursements of August, 7, 1928. East of the Southwest corner of burne: Charles E. Parke and Cath­ cities, which it serves. and upon thia writ. I will on Saturday NOTICE Is hereby given that by trip to Portland, stopped over to visit the L. E. Davis Donation Ijind erine Parke: Rodney R. Rounds and the «th day of October. 1928. at Ihc man A. Chezem. of Eugene, Oregon; Negotiations have been completed postmaster and Mrs. F. B. Hamlin, Claim No. 42 In Township Seven­ Rehecca Rounds; Miller Morgan and hour of one o’clock In the afternoon M R. "C”, who, on February 23, 1924, teen (17) South of Range four Elizabeth Morgan; James A. Mor­ with the Industrial Hospital Associa- (The two women are sisters, of said day. at the southwest front made Homestead entry. No. 016407, for (4) West of the Willamette Mer­ gan: Thomna Q Butler; Wiley tion of Oregon, which afford complete door of the County Court House, In E»4 8WI4, Section 27, Township 18 ^-tth the tourist season still good idian, running thence North 380.3 Sparks and Nancy Snarks; Abram protection against these hazards, U ' and with produce coming in in big Eugene. Lane County. Ori'gon, offer Rang«- 4 Vest, Willamette Meridian, feet, thence W«'St 99 4 feet, thence M. Peek and Laury M Peek; Mary for sale and ««ell for cash, at public has filed notice of Intention to ninke South 3R0.3 feet, thence East Ann Beam: James L. Peek, Jr.. El­ has been announced by Martin E. j vo,ume bustness men of Roseburg auction, subject to redemption as pro three year proof, to establish claim to 99 4 feet to the place of beginning, len Peek; Charles Peek; and Octa­ Sands, assistant to the vice-preslden,. afe pro8pering more than at any time vldcd hv law. all of the right, title and the land above descrlb««!, before E O. all In Lane County, Oregon. via Peek; James Alson Peek: Ver­ "Regardless of where he may be, j during the year Mr. Newland Interest of said defendants flporge A Immel. U. 8. Commissioner, nt Eu­ Now, therefore. In the name of the ona E. Peek; all other unknown or at what time of the day or night. gtatied Con8truction of a big mllL Cavanaugh and Cora Cavanaugh, >r gene. Oregon, on the 18th day of State of Oregon. In compliance with heirs of William E. Peek, deceased: nnv nr either of them, or any other September, 1928. said execution and order of sale and and a!) unknown heirs of James the accident occurs or sickness de- whjch |s un(jer way there. Is expected person or persona claiming by Claimant names na witnesses: In order to aatlsfy said Judgment, In­ make up in a measure for removal Peek, Sr., the unknown heirs of velops, the power company employee through or under them, or either of John H. Barr. Marte V Barr. Melvin John P Eddlns, deceased; the un­ will receive first class doctor's., of Southern padfle „hops from there them In and to the above dearlbed 8varverud. Harry Taylor, all of Eu­ terest, attorneys fees, costs of suit and accruing costs, I 'will on Satur­ known heirs of Elizabeth Eddlns, nurses', hospital's, and ambulance property. . Oregon. day, the 22nd day of September, 1928, deceased; and all other persons or services, as required, without cost and some two years ago. FRANK . TAYLOR. Sheriff of Ian - gene. Non-coal at the hour of one o’clock In the af­ parties unknown, claiming any County. Oregon. HAMMILL A CANADAY. Register. ternoon of said day, at the southwest right, title, estate,’ lien or Interest 1 addillo". wl11 »* reimbursed for ’oss R A | L W A Y C O M P A N Y P A Y S Bv BEULAH RRINNICK, Deputy A. 18-23-30: 9. 6-13 Front door of the County Court house, 8 8-18-20-27: O. 4: In or to the real estate described of earnings. If any, according to the In Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, of­ L A R G E S U M IN O R E G O N In the complaint, defendants: staate compensation act." Sands said. fer for sale and sell for cash, at pub- IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Prior to September 1, when the He auction, aubject to redemption as OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ A total of »13,477,976.68 In wages, provided hy law, all of the right, title n„|red to appear and answer the com new protective measures became ef­ taxes and for material and supplies and Intereat of said defendants Alva plaint filed against you In the above fective, employees were covered only A. Rice and Mary M. Rice, his wife; entitled suit within four weeks from during the hours actually engaged in during the past year’s operation was B. Bloomer. C. E. Shumway the date of the first publication of spent by the Southern Pacific com­ Office Phone 176 J Res. Phone 176-M George and L. E Shumway, and all persona t’Hs summona. and If you fall to so pursuit of their duties in the state of pany according to a statement by J. tea. Phone 160 Plano Movlng Carl H. PhettepTace, M . D. clnlmlng hy. through or under them nppear and answer, the plaintiff will Oregon. The new arrangement covers S P R IN G F IE L D T R A N S F E R General Practice, Special Attention or any or either of them In snd to apply to the Court for the relief prayed “all general medical and surgical A. Ormandy, assistant passenger traf­ WILLI9 BERT8CH, Prop. said premises. to Obstetrics and Diseases I for In the complaint, to-wlt: care; eye, ear, nose and throat; and fic manager. Just issued. FRANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff. (WF1CE AT SERVICE GARAGE That the plaintiffs be declared to for both sickness and accident, for 24 Taxes accounted for »1,517,360.69, of Children. Bv BEULAH RRINNICK, Deputy. 633 Maln Street he the owners In fee simple of the wages for »8.960.616.00 and material First Nntlonal Bank Building hours a day every day In the month.” A 23-30: S (1-13-20: premises described herein, and parti­ Bnccessor to Hutton Transfer Springfield, Oregon cularly described as follows, to-wlt: Both men and women employees are and supplies for »3.000,000.00. SU M M O N S Beginning at the Northwest, corner entitled to full privileges provided by The company has more than 5,200 of the John P. Eddln Donation Land the signing of the new contract, it employes in Oregon. The company OF THE I claim No 53 In Section 1. Township now has 1400 miles of track in this STATE OF OREOON, FOR LANE 17 South of Range 4. West of the Wll was said. WM. G. HUGHES DR. W . N. DOW COUNTY. state In addition to the highway ser­ F I R I A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E lamette Meridian, thence running D e n tis t I^wvena Wright, Plaintiff, South 24.20 chains on the West line IN D U S T R IA L S U R V E Y O F First National Bank Building vice of the motor transport division. N O T A R Y P U B L IC versus of said claim to the Northwest cerner Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon Chick C. Wright, Defendant. Office a t of Survey No. 98, thence East 30 90 C O U N T Y IS C O M P L E T E D Office hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. To Chick C. Wright, the above named chains, more or less, to the East line Wedding at Eugene FIRST NATIONAL BANK defendant: Evenings by Appointment of said claim, thence North 5.00 chains Miss Hattie Trinka and Orval Fan- Industrial survey of Lane county on Bgrlngflsld, Or*E°w IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF to the Southerly Northeast corner of OREOON. You are h«'rehy required to said claim, thence North 25 degrees which the school of business admlnls drem, who were married September 1. appear and answer the complaint filed LL'1 '7 17 c h a in s , t h e n c e tration and the Eugene chamber of were married at the Central Presby­ against you In the above entitled 1 w p ” 1 DR. N. W. EMERY West 23 32 chains to the place ef commerce have been working for the terian parsonage in Eugene and not at court and cause, on or before the ex plraflon of the time prescribed In the beginning, containing «0 acres, more past seVeral months is complete and the home of the blrde's parents here OENTIBT Order for Publication, to-wlt: On nr or less, tn Lane County. Oregon. mimeographed copies of the data as was reported In this paper last That the defendants have not. nor utton Bldg- Phons 20-J before the expiration of four weeks from the date of the first publication have any of them any right, title. In- gathered are elng run off this week week. Rev. A. H. Saunders, pastor of Residence Phons 1BS-M according to T. J. Flippin, Jr„ secre­ the Eugene church, performed the herpof, and If you fall to appear er j fprp<,t Or Hen upon said premises ceremony. The young couple will answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will That the title of the plaintiffs In tary of the Eugene chamber. Springfield, Oregon tnke A decree against von for the re and to said premises he forever All Industries in the county, in­ make their home here. Hef prayed for In the complaint, which quieted ncalnst the defendants, nnd cluding bustness houses and farms, 228 Main St. Residence 125 C St- Is In substance as follows persons claiming hv. through or un- Genomi Law Practice have been covered together with a "The autumn leaves are f a l l i n g For a decree of the court dissolving , df>r thpm or nnv of t»,Pm 62 J 62 M the marriage contract now existing be | Thnt thp p,a|ntiff<« have such other survey of tax figures and production down!” I. M. PETERSON tween plaintiff nnd defendant, and for flnd fnr,hPr rPitef hrertn as tn the and Income data. • The long-faced poet cries. Full Auto Equipment such other nnd further relief ns to the ; r f nlay appm mBpt ,n t»,e pre­ Attorney at-Law But would he have them falling up court may seem Just nnd proper. Lady Assistant City Hall Building and Cluterlng to the skies T This summons Is published pursuant mlses Little Johnnie put his gun, This summons Is pahllahflA once to an order of the Honorable C. P. Just behind the nurse's ear; Springfield, Ore. Barnard, County Judge of l4»ne Coun­ each week for four successive weeks He-he: “One of tn? profs, told ms Pulled the trigger, Just for fun: ty, Oregon, mnde nnd entered August hy order of the Hon. C. P. Barnard, Judge of the Conntv Court this morning that our class was as Strange that nursle didn't hear! 14. 1928. nnd the dnte of the first pub­ F R A N K A. D E P U E lication hereof Is August 18, 1928. and i The date of the first publication of good as a ball game." ATTORNEY AT LAW the date of the last publication hereof this summons Is Aueust 30, 1928. Ha-ha: “How’s that7” She:“I hear yon get yonr haircuts IMMET- # EVANS. Is September 13. 1928. N O T A R Y P U B L IC He-he: “Oh. he Just sits there and Attorneys for Plaintiffs. at the barber college.” HOWARD M RROWNELL. J B W R b B K He: "Well, we college men mast watches the score board till the last Attorney for Plaintiff Residence and Postoffice Addre««: 8prlngfleld, Sutton Repairing a Specialty Eugene, Oregon. Residence: 177 East Seventh Ave., man Is out!" stick together.” Oregon Building A. 80 : 8. 8-18 20-27: Eugene, Oregon._ A. 1« 23 30 8. 8-13 Springfield, Orcgou FOR b u s in e s s p ir b c t o k v I Walkir-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors D. W. Roof ftJnlnr P r