il 7 ; R II T H E SPUING E IE I.O NEWS pa g e tw o ian. B IB LE SCHOOL STAFF Platts for fall and winter activity ELECTED BY LOCAL were discussed following presentation M ETHO DIST CHURCH of annual reports by the retiring of­ TOWN AND VICINITY ficers. S ? 5 «a 4 -n tf T E 7 I 1 ! V * I -z N } I « y I Officers for the Sunday school of tnc Springfield Methodist church wer” Bike Winners Listed elected at a meeting Monday evening. The work this year will be headed Winners in the bicycle races at Eu­ by H. L. Gillette who succeeds Mrs gene during the Lane count fair con Jda Gantt as superintendent of the ducted under the direction of Moore's Sunday school. Bicycle and Toy store follow First day—fast race, Carlyle Batter. Emer­ Other officers named are: Sam Bar­ tholomew, assistant superintendent ald Templeton, Virgil Walkloy; slow and chorister; Theo Bartholeinew, race, Carlyle Bauer, M.triott Gerhard, »ecretary; Dr. N. W. Emery, treasur­ Fred Kenney; commercial race. Bin er; Bernice Nehr, pianist; Jule Poll- Wilson, Edgar Gerhard. Franklin ard, assistant pianist: Mrs. L. K. Roberts; relay.- Russell Cooke, Edgar Page, superintendent of the primary Gerhard, Howard Parks; Second day department; Mrs. Gantt, assistant —fast race. Emerald Templeton. Sam primary superintendent; Mrs. Robert H. Brakel, Virgil Walkley; slow race. Drury, superintendent of the cradle Eugene Walker. Fred Kenney. Marlon roll; Mrs. Charles Myers, assistant; Gerhard; relay, virgil Walkley. Mar­ Howard Hughes treasurer of the mis­ lon Gerhard. Edgar Gerhard, Willis sionary and benevolent funds; Mrs. Knlckerbocher. Carl Gates; commer­ Chris Hansen, superintendent of mis cial, Marlon Gerhard. Eugene Walkley. •lonary work; Franklin Drury, librar­ Edgar Gerhard. GET YOURS NOW! Frost Cuts Tomatoes Short The E arly Frost is p u ttin g an end to the tom atoe crop in the valley. I f you plan on canning tom atoes you should get them this week. Mr. Franklin In—C II Frunkllu Visit Friend» Here— Mr. unit Mr» Walter l'arrts of Veneta spent Sunday merchant of Jasper, was here on busi news Monday here visiting with friends. Nurse on Vacation—Mrs. Esther Stolbergs Visit — Mr. and Mrs Ikinald Stolberg were visitors here Clapp, office attendant amt nurse o Dr. W C. Relihan, left this week on over the past week-end. a vacation trip to points In California P o rtla n d People Here—Miss Mil Sibyl Carney Visit»—Miss ethyl dred Arey ami Elerv Fay, both of of Portland, were week-end guests at the Carncv of Vetnla is visiting Mrs W. B Crow of Wendllng this week M iss home of Mrs. C. 1 Gorrle. Carney Is well known here. Move to Sunnyside— Mr. and Mrs Returns to Globe— Mrs Ralph Hurl Walter l.ipes and Children are moving this week to (heir new home In Sunny­ butt returned Monday evening to her side addition to the city. The house homo In Globe after spending the week-end here visiting with her par has recently been completed. enta. Mr ami Mrs. O. F Kizer. John Vincent Return»—John Vin­ Mist Hodge Arrives—Among the cent who has been working for the past several weeks in central Oregon, high school teachers Io arrive here this week was Miss Frances Hodge returned here Saturday. She came here from Albany yester­ Former Teacher Here—Mrs. Guy day. Knapp, formerly a teacher of voice in Tonsils Removed—The daughter of the Springfield high school, who is now living in Grants l*ass. visited Mr and Mrs. Fred Furrow of Eugene Thursday afternoon at the home of underwent an operation for the re­ moval of her tonsils here last Satur­ Mrs. Maude Bryan. day. Pohls are Visitors—Mr. and Mrs M A. Phol. former residents of this city, are here on a visit of several days. Mr. Pohl Is chief radio electrician on the U. S. S. Algonquin and is on a leave of absence. He was formerly In business here with hi. U. Huntly, his brother-in-law. Ruth Pollard Homs— Miss Ruth Pol­ lard, daughter of Dr. ami Mrs W. H Pollard, returned last weekend front Portland where she had been visiting for two weeks with friends. . Visitors Listed — Among week end shoppers here were the following Mrs. 8. W Hlchnrdson. Pengra; Mrs Elmer Vun Urden, Marcóla; Mrs George Williams and son. Joe. Ruin M ETHO DISTS TO HEAR bow; Miss Gladys Fawver. Harris REPORTS FOR YEAR; burg; Mrs. Fred Crabtree. Camp SERVICES ARE SET Creek. The prune crop is also very short and you should get your prunes rig h t away. Otherwise you m ay be disappointed. Phone 9 We are always on the job w ith the best lines of staple and fancy groceries. Phone Phone » I E FRONTGRDCERY-9 ■ H B M n H m a n U U ty « TH UR SD AY, K K IT B M R K R 13. l'.H’M ------------- — _--------------------------- ".'-'■ a VOTERS MUST REGISTER REYNOLDS HOST AT BEFORE OCTOBER 6, IS RECEPTION FOR MR. W ARNING OF ATTO RNEY AND MRS. TOWNSEND B p r llig lle ld p e o ple who expect Io Mr anil Mrs Edward Reynolds en let mined last Sal unlay evening with v o te lu th e c o m in g g e n e ra l e le c tio n a m epi Ion In honor of Mr mid Mr« i a nd w h o a re not a lre a d y re g is te re d m ust re g is te r not la te r th a n October Alfred Townsend Nearly I li unesta were present Io 5, u c c o rd lu g to I M P e te rson , c ity a t ­ M i lei good wishes lo Mr and Mrs torney. Unless the voter has liallotid within Townsend, who were married recent ly. The rooms w e re d e c o ra te d w ill! the last two years he must register vari colored dahlias and ferns The Thu same provision hoida true if he lias changed his residence from otte n e w ly w e d s ree e l ve il innny useful gifts A- dsteil by Mrs Ralph Jack, Mrs. precinct to another. Voters who reg­ Arthur Peterson. Miss Virginia lian istered for the primaries and have not sen and Miss Inez Eyler, Mrs Rey­ changed tltelr residence since will not, nolds served refreshments following of course, he required to register. , There will I mi no swearing In at the the Informal evening. Those present were: Mr and Mrs : polls ut the general election, Mr Pet­ Alfred Townsend, HpriliKlhdd. the erson pointed out This practice has guests of honor; Mr. and Mrs. Wll ; been abolished both In the prlmurles limn Hurling und daughter, Alice. Cor und the general election. valila; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meude. Miss Alice Reynolds und James Reynolds, all of Eugen»; Mr. und Mrs. Georve and Shant and James Shaut, all of Cres­ well; Mr. and Mrs Bryce Posey, Miss Maxine Bossy and Vedlln Posey, Mr. und Mrs Ralph Jack and son, Robert, Mr and Mrs. Ira Gray, H W. Eyler and daughters. Helen and Inez, Mr and Mrs. C W Hansen and daughter, Virginia and son Virgil, Mr and Mrs laiwrence Muy. Mr and Mrs. Alvnh WM. RODENBOUGH Armitage and daughter, Marjorie, GARAGE Mrz Arthur Peterson and the host Dealer und hostess Mr und Mrs. Reynolds. Kokter Philco Radios 533 Main St. Mrs. Flansry Away—Mrs Floyd B. Flanery and daughter. Dorothy, made n trip to Portland Monday. They went by train. Phone 95 IF Now Located in Miner B uilding Remoledlog Residence — Mr. and Mis Morris Berg, who live on E s tre e t between Ninth and Tenth, are having the interior of their house remodeled this week Returns After Vacation—Miss Maud Last meeting In the conference y "it for members of the Springfield Me­ Gorrie, who has spent the past three Defection o f painful T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T thodist church will he held Sunday, weeks on u vacation trip to California N O Notice Hight ca tinea im perfect Is h e re b y g iv e n th a t Harold according to an announcement tht.t points, returned here lust Wednesday J Wells, Administrator of the Estate undenttanding, l a c k morning by Rev. Gabriel Sykes, pas­ to visit with ter mother, Mrs. C. 1 of Earl S Powell. Deceased, has Med of concentratluu and tor. The conference will be held at Gorrle She left Sumluy for 1‘ortlund his final account and retort as such, poor memory. Y o >1 and the Court has set Saturday. the where she Is employed. Hood River, September 18. w o n 't forget y o it r Lith Jay of i ember, 1928. at 10 00 A dulfH w ith our glaaaeH. Rev. Mr. Sykes will submit reports McKinnon at Globe— 1>. W McKin M In the County Court Room tn the of the church at the state conference non has closed bis grocery and service C o u rt H o use In Eugene, lame County, and will at the same time ask for a station business on South Second Oregon, as the time and pine» to hear objections to the same, and for th* Make Appointments year's leave of absence from the local street and is now employed in a mill filia l settlement of .aid Estate Whenever Possible pastorate on account of ill health. He at Globe, acquaintances report. Mr HAROLD J WELLS. Admln'strutur WELLS A WELLS. Attorneys. h u. alredy recealvt I the permission, McKinnon -was at one time In the of­ « UI 29 27; t> 4 11 of the local congregation for the rest. fice of the Booth Kelly Lumber com­ The rally at which church reports Dr. $ h rn n a n ill Hlynxlv pany here. FINAL ACCOUNT will be made will be held In the < i H M i l l IS I » I V I 1 I C M T M ’K I A l i s i ts hereby given that th e un church at 7:30 o'clock. Reports o» Will at Walla Walia—Mr and Mrs » o u t •» » itiKXk. r n o s r Administratrix of the Ba »ASÎ OR OAT WAV Christopher (’. Smith. !»• each department of the church will John Will have moved to Walla Wallu. be made by leaders. Special music Washington, where Mr. Will is employ­ ceased, has filed with the County Clerk of Lane County, Oregon, h e r is also being arranged for the evening. ed In a shoe shop, according to word final account and petition for distribu­ Sunday school Is at 9:45 a. ni and at tecelved here by friends. Mr. Will tion as administratrix of said estate 11 o'clock, the pastor will preach on formerly was proprietor of the Electric and that by order of the County Court “Man's place In Nature.” At S;30 Shoe shop now conducted by W. A. of ‘lame County, Oregon. Saturday October 13, 1928, at the hour of 10 o’clock Epworth League will meet. Hall at 333 Main street. o'clock A M. at the County Court Hour of church services has been Room In the Court House at Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, has been fixed advanced for the winter season. SU M M O N S Christian Services Set IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE as the time and place of final hearing STATE OF OREGON F »It LANE of said final account and for settle­ Rev. S. E. Childers, pastor, will be ment of said estate. All persons hav­ In the pulpit at both the morning and J a COUNTY. ii.e s 8 . Smith, Minnie O. Smith, Glen ing objections to r.ald final account evening services at the Christian Smith. Sarah Smith, Lola May Hlle and petition for distribution are here church. He will preach at 11 a. nt on man. Clark Illleman, Della McCue, by notified to appear und present such Peter C. McCue, Katie Teel and objections. If any, on said date above It Is the tlmo of year when “Evangelism, the Need o f th e C h u rc h ." Jesse Teel. Pla.ntifls, vs. James mentioned. roads are beginning to be slip­ At 7:30 p. m. his topic will be “A Vivian C. Schorr, Administratrix. Alfred Smith; Roy E. Smith ann pery and you need tires with S. 13-20 27; O 4-11: Lesson from Hosea ” Sunday school Jane Doc Smith, his wife; Ha lluby good treads for safety suke. It'« and Christian Endeavor will be rt Smith. Gertrude Annie Askew and John Doe Askew, her husbupd, no uso fighting poor tires this the usual hours. Special music wil! Norman Alvin Smith and June Doe winter when good ones can bo be arranged for both morning and S i.n th . Ills w .fe , M e .irle l. tliiu t) bought at low prices. evening services. Pc'ill, Walter Pobll; Mae Loulsi The church will soon select a I Taylor, George Taylor; Nona Clara lk.ifl.olf, John Doe itertholf, her music director to succeed Claud husband; William Smith, Pearl Neely who closed his work here last Smith; Mary Holbrook; and also week to accept a similar position In D on't fo r­ all persons unknown having or is going strong. the First Christian church of Eugene. ■ Iiet us slip nno nr two on your claiming any interest or estate in get to got your share. the property hereinafter described Usual services will be held in the car. Now low prices prevail. Defendants. Springfield Catholic church under the To James Alfred Smith, Roy E direction of Father D. P. Curley, pas­ Smith and Jane Doe Smith, his wife, tor. Ida Ruby Smith, Gertrude Annie At Rev. C. H. Blom, pastor of the Bap­ kew, John Doe Askew, Nona Clara Bertholf, John Doe Bertholf, William Elks B uilding 7th Ave. tist church, announced this morning Smith and Pearl Smith, defendants, that the program at his church Sun­ and also all persons unknown having day would include special vocal num­ or claiming any interest or estate in bers at both the morning and evening the property hereinauer described, de­ meetings. At the 11 o'clock service fendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Oscar Glaridlsh will sing a solo and in OF OREGON: You are hereby sum the evening Misses Iowa and Naomi moned and required to appear and Carlton will sing a duet. Bible answer the complaint of plaintiffs In school is at 10 o’clock and morning the above entitled suit on or before the expiration of four weeks from the services at 11 a. m„ when the pastor date of the first publication of this will speak on the topic, "Essential summons, and you are notified that If “ w h ere saving» are g r e a te s t” Equipment.” B. Y. P. U. meets at yo i fall so to appear or answer ffcr 6:30 o’clock and the pastor will talk .want thereof the plaintiff will apply 942 W illam ette 8 t „ Bug ene, Oregon. to the above entitled Court fsr the at 7:30 on "Where Are We In God’s relief prayed for in the complaint, Program?" viz: for a decree fixing and confirming the respective shares ot the parties hereto In Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Block 5 In the Town of Creswell, .Lane County, Oregon, in the respective proportions set fourth in the complaint on file herein and for a partition of said pro­ perty or If a partition thereof be in equitable for a sale of said property Many people ere like the old man who bought a and the appointment of a refereo to cow, gave the owner his sixty-day note, and re­ muke said sale, und for an order fix Ing reasonable attorney fees to be marked with a sigh, "Thank Goodness, that’s paid allowed to plaintiffs' attorneys for the for!" They buy whatever pleases their fancy of prosecution of this suit and for a de­ cree ordering the distribution of the the moment— blithely charge it— and dismiss the proceeds of suld sale and of accumu­ matter from their minds. lated and accruing rentals of said pro­ perty, a.ter paying reasonable attor­ The Wise Shopper realizes that "charge it" ney and referee's fees and the costs, never paid for anything, hut, on the contrary, that disbursement« and expenses of thl i suit, to the parties hereto in accord­ she must pay a small additional sum for the privi­ METAL CONSTRUCTION with their respective shares in Whatever the need for sheet metal ance lege of buying articles and paying for them a month "aid property; snd for such other re­ we can supply It. Roofing, skylights, lief as to the Court may seem Just or two later. cornices, flashings, piping—these are and equitable. That is why our Pay-As-You-Go plan is proving This summons Is served upon you but a few of the purposes for which virtue of an order of the Hon. C. I*. you can enlist the aid of our thor­ by so popular. Our customers can honestly say, Barnard, Judge of the County Court oughly skilled sheet metal workers. of the. Statu of Oregon for Lane Coun­ "Thank Goodness, that’s paid fori" Let us submit an estimate on your ty, dated September 12th, 1928, and the date of the first publication here next Job. of Is September 13th, 1928. W H. BROOKE, JOHN BRYSON, Of Attorneys for Plaintiffs, 860 Wil­ lamette Street, Eugene, Oregon. 527 MAIN ST. 8. 13-20 27; O 4-11: W- Everything Needed for School Days SI need anyth in g fo r school w ork, send them here. We are well equipped w ith an ample stock a t reasonable prices, to care fo r th e ir needs. FOUNTAIN PENS A fu ll line o f Parker and C onklin Fountain Pens priced fro m $2.75 to $7.00. Also a good school Fountain Pen fo r $1.00. A fu ll line of Books, Tablets, Pencils, Ink, Erasers, Rulers and oth e r things the pupil needs. \ Flanery Drug Store N h ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ R U M ig n n iiM n R W K g B H M B n B iM n a r '. h h r_ » '«a BLAZERS For Young Men— ALL-W O O L Blazers in many com bina­ tions o f small, medium and larger plaids. B utton fro n t. A ll wool k n it bottoms. Regular and convertable collars. $ 3 .7 9 , $ 4 .4 8 , $ 4 .9 5 Blazers w ith zipper fro n t closing, heavier w eight and b ette r workm anship, $ 5 .4 8 PANTS SEE OUR FINE $ 2 .9 8 and $ 3 .9 8 CROUPS WASH FROCKS Guaranteed Tub-Fast We have given good m aterial, we have had A -l w o rk ­ manship put into them, and we guarantee the colors both as to fa b ric and trim m in g — isn’t th a t a lo t to be able to say fo r a fro c k w hich we sell fo r the small sum o f $1? Fine count Prints, in d elig h tfu l girlish models, which are made suitable fo r school wear. Cut in lots o f different models and made fo r lots o f wear. Sizes 2 to 12 Sizes 2 to 8 w ith bloomers $ 1 .0 0 4F- 1 SLIPPERY ROADS Lee Tires Are Nationally Known Quitting Business SALE Samuels Furniture & Variety Store There Are None Better fi. “A ” Street Service Station Saying “Charge It” Does Not Finish the Matter F W. N. LONG f