Dm u/ R mbulance T ry the H om e P rin t Sh op F irst 1fHE SPRINGFIELD NEWS STREET OILING IS TALKED BY COUNCIL FINANCIAL REPORT OF CITY SCHOOLS IS ISSUED BY OFFICIAL A irp la n e C ontest W ilson S till B y H im self in R ace O pens for Scouts TEACHERS-CRADES IN SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL SYSTEM ARE LISTED A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N j SCHOOL BELLS TO BING ON MONDAY Annual report for the Springfield Petitions of W. A. Taylor and Ira Local Boys to Vie for Prizes In A list of teachers and the grades public school system has Just been In which they will teach was la- I Model Plane Building; Later Peterson Filed This Week; Issued by William G Hughes, clerk of sued this morning by William G. , I Summer Liberty of 700 to 800 Contests Are Planned Stewart Is Nominated Complete Oiling Would Cut I the school board The report covers Hughes, clerk of the board of edu- , Children of This City to End Maintenance Cost and Enable i the financial status of the school dis If the local political status remains Boy Scout«, here's your chance to cation. . trlct for the your ending June 30, this This Week; 27 Teachers In City to Live Inside Budget unchanged, ('. O. Wilson will have n > become a follower of Lindbergh. By schools the teachers follow: i year. Three Local Schools Atteno* opponent In the race for mayor. No , Thia morning C. R. Aldrich, scout­ High School Councilmen Believe; Stewart Actual expenditures tolaled »51,955- other candidate had filed a petition of master of Troop No. 11, announced A J. Morgan, supervising princi­ ing Institute at Eugene. Sworn in as Councilman. I 77 as uxulnst the estimated expendl nomination for this office up until I the opening of an airplane bulldlni pal; Frances M. Hodge, girls' glee ! lure« of »54.530 51» This Item Includes j Monday morning school bells will club; Mrs. Georgina B. Peterson; Complete oiling of the main mac­ expenditures for general control, for | noon today and there was no mention contest. ring. of another petition going the rounds. Oscar E. Gladdlah; Glenn R. Cole, And here’s all the dope on the or. adam strn-ts III thv city would enable Instruction, operation of plant, main., For between 700 and 800 Springfield boys' glee club and orchestra; May the afreet department In keep -within team ce of plan*, interest on warrants I The petition nominating W. a . teat: children the summer vacation will be Hewes, Maurlne Lombard, Lucille Boy Scouts of Springfield only are Ila budget lasid«1 nt the next three and Interest on bonds The largest ' Taylor for councilman was filed Sept­ Holman, Leonard Mayfield, ath- over and they will file back to the year» mid also provide thoroughfare* ' single amount under thia head was ember 8. This makes two candidates eligible. class rooms of the three local schools more nareeable Io live beside and »33.824 31 for teachers' salaries fur ; for the two regular council vacancies I The contest, which Is now ."»pen, letlca; Clara B. Wagner. Subjects which each of these to resume their studies. travel over. Thia wua the opinion the yeur. which will occur by thp expiration of will be for the btildlng ci model teachers will Instruct in are not Thia week saw the return of mem­ expressed by count'llmon at the meet­ The revenue column balances with the terms of M J. McKlln and L. L. planes. The planes are not to be listed here pending further ar- I bers of the teaching staffs who live In May. The other candidate Is H. I. - ing of the council Monday night. built to fly, hut only to look like air­ the expenditures, the sources listed rangementa to be made by the other cities. The 27 teachers and Light tiling of atreeta la not expen­ being: state school fund, »1,307.2k, . Cox. planes. principal. principals of this city's schools will Harry Stewart, now serving the un- sive councilman pointed out. Ile*ldea county school fund, »7.175.40; high You can use your own design anJ Lincoln School be ready Monday to tutor children the labor coat the oil expense of the school fund, »5,549 20; elementary explred term of George Stewart, in planes, make any type of plane you Laurence Moffitt, principal; Miss from six to 20, from the first grade to light ell known as "dual Palliative" school fund. »4.938 00; tuition, »75 00; nominated for a two-year term In a j like and submit it In the contest. • Elizabeth James, junior high; seniors in high schooL average* about »9 a block. Six block« special school district taxes, |32v694- petition filed on the same day. W. •?. ' S here are no rules to follow. ' Jessamine Nelson, Junior high; were oiled by the state crews In the 83. Starting today the teachers are at­ Estimated revenue wus »54,- Tyson, present member of the council, Prizes Are Valuable Mrs. Mary E. Walker, Junior high; has yet two years to serve. city thia year In one day If oiling of 539 59 tending the county institute being And prizes, yes, three dandles. Mrs. Ella Lombard, Junior high; all the atreeta were to lie done the held in Eugene at the University it Must Elect Recorder Will all disbursements made a bal­ John Ketela, proprietor of the Ketels Mrs. Crystal Male. Junior high ar.d Oregon. city would want Io turn the Job over Contrary to previous announce­ ance of »10,523 08 Is shown on th e ! drug store, has offered the following music; Edna K. Platt, Fourth B; i to the state next year Three years From the hop yards where they treasurer's books at the close of the ments a city recorder and a city treas- ; prizes: First prize, »5 vest pocket | Crystal M Bryan, Fourth A; Al­ of light nil would make a permanent urer must be elected this year. school yeur. The net warrant debt kodak; second prize, »3 fountain pen; ' lene Basford, Sixth A, one-half s have been busy for the past two or Job, It la said three weeks will come many pupils. Ira Peterson. Incumbent, last Sat­ third prize, »1.50 pocket knife. I when the books were balanced stood year; Marjorie Laselle, first grade; ! The oiling this year, outside of the They were given one extra week to urday filed his petition of nomination ■it (17,797 39 As soon as the planea are made I Opal Roberts, second grade. Second and Main street permanent The recorder's term Is for two years work In the hop fields whn the school B rattain School oil, coat the property holder« a* fol­ and Mr. Peterson will end his first ! they are to be placed on display a: board rcently postponed the opening VETERANS NOMINATE Mrs. Ora Read Hemenway, prln- the drug store where they will later lows: of school from September 10 to 17. term at the end of the year. he Judged A Judge for the contest ! cipal. Third A; Miss Mary E. Vorls OFFICERS FOR POST; William G. Hughes, present city I School Board Meets 3 blouks on I) between 4th and Is yet to be selected. An effort will > Third B; Miss Alta Manning, begin­ With the least possible time for OLD LEADERS NAMED treasurer, has not yet filed a petition, 1 be made to get some ex-aervlce man. ners; Miss Anne I. Gorrie, Fifth B; 7th, 4&0 gals used, at Sc, (27.00 but It is understood that he will ac- ; enrollment and learning lists of books Mill between race and Kauth preferably one who served In the Miss Dorothy Girard, Sixth B; cept re-election to the position. Almost the entire staff of officers to be purchased, classes will be start­ H 176 gals »10 M Miss Pearl McMullin, Fifth A; aviation service, to act as Judge Many Springfield voters have yet to of the Kprlngfleld post of the Ameri­ ed in the Brattain, Lincoln and senior South 4th between South D The contest ends Saturday. Novem­ Miss Hazel I. Murphy, Second register for the election. Mr. Peterson high schools. and South E, 175 gals »10 50 can I-eglon was nominated to succeed . grade and music. said thin morning. He again Issued a ber 10, and prises will be awarl--1 At a meeting of the board of edu­ Total amount for 6 blocks, „. »4».00 themselves In office at a meeting of This year there will be no mid­ ■warning that there will be no swear­ shortly after that. the veteranse lost Friday night. cation Monday night, A. J. Morgan, year first grade if it can be avold- Several similar contests will be enr Naw Councilman Seated J. M. Larson was unopposed for ing In at the polls this year. i ed, members of the school board i supervising principal of tbe high A petition to place the name jf ‘ ducted this winter. The next vtll Harry M. Stewart, newly appointed commander. Election to the office school, reported that all Is in readi­ reported. Students who begin councilman by the mayor, wus sworn would be for .je second time. M. B Marlon Veatch, Eugene mortician on probably be for sustained fly g their work in the middle of a ness for the opening of the tall term. In at Monday night's meeting. He will lluntly, who has served as first vice-1 the ballot as Independent candidate planes. school year are always at a dis- : Before Monday an additional room take the place of George Stewart, re­ ; commander for the past term, was for county coroner, was In circulation For further information on the ore- will be provided In the Lincoln school advantage, officials pointed out. tired. on committees. He Is chair­ I nominated to that ofljee and William here and in other parts of the county sent contest scouts are advised to set to make room for another grade. At man of the he 1th committee. One of . Vasby was nominated to again be- this week. W W. Branstetter, In­ Mr. Ketels, Kenneth Dillard or Mr. the Brattain school a door will be cut the first asslgi ments given him was ' come adjutant. The only new name cumbent, was nominated In the repub­ Aldrich. CLAUD NEELEY ACCEPTS between the library and the princi­ to Inspect his own company's stables ' on the list was that of Tom Kwarta. lican primaries to surceed himself MUSIC JOB IN EUGENE pal's room in order that the principal In answer to a complaint tiled with who was nominated aa finance office. and the democrats did not nominate may attend to the office without going BAN ON DEER SEASON a man for this position. the council. Election -will be held Friday, Kept through the corridor to reach It. , Upon accepting leadership of the LIFTED WEDNESDAY; The V. S Weather bureau was i ember 21. Naw Equipment Ordered chorus of the First Christian church HUNTERS SEEK CAME given permission to put a stag gauge Beginning with the last meeting, SWARTS ELECTED TO Examination of fire equipment at of Eugene and director of congrega­ to measure the rise and fall of the the regular schedule of meetings will HEAD KANSAS ORDER the high school revealed that them With the double ban of the national tional music there, Claud Neely, who : river, on the nW street railway plera ! he resumed. It was announced. The was need for a few more supplies. has been acting in that capacity here < forest offices and that placed by Gov­ C. E. Swarfs, Springfield butcher, which the city now nwna. i post meets on the first and third Fri­ These the board ordered placed thia The ordinance foi* the vacating of day evenings of each month In the was elected president of the Kansas ernor Patterson lifted at 9 o'clock for the past year, will leave the local 1 week. The Lincoln school will also association formed at a picnic at the Wednesday morning the hills and val­ church work this weex, it was announ- i get a few new pieces of fire equl^ the Raeford property at the northeast ' chamber of commerce rooms. Eugene municipal park last Sunday. leys of the McKenzie country and al­ ced Sunday by Rev. S. E. Childers. ■ ment. end of town, was read for the flrat • More than 100 former Kansans at­ most all other parts of Lane county pastor. time. When this ordinance Is flnnlly STANDARD OIL COMPANY When the football boys of the high tended the picnic. Jane Ford was saw hunters flock in to try their luck passed the city limit* will be changed school begin their fall practice they Dr. C. H. 'Hohgatt, who has been tn MAY OPEN STATION HERE at bagging a deer. elected secretary. and this part of the town will be In charge of music at the Eugene church . will probably find a n»w coat of sans — When the rain fell Tuesday. It was j Hoover is the choice of former the country. for several years, is leaving soon for dust on the athletic field. The board Rumors that the Standard Gil com-' Kansans for president, a straw ballot announced immediately by forest of­ 1 puny will construct a service station Southern California where he expects , favored this move at the meeting taken under the direction of Mr. ficials that If the precipitation was PASTOR TO SPEAK FOR | nt the southwest corner of Second - to reside permanently. Invitation to ; Monday and carrying it out depend! Swarts showed. The republican nomi­ general the ban would be lifted. Gov­ LAST TIME HERE SUNDAY and Main streets here were heard on : nee received 77 as against nine votes ernor Patterson was notified yester­ the large Eugene church is considered on the expense, members stated. the streets here this week. No au- [ a tribute to the local man's ability. Teachers who wish to keep the good day that the Are menace was at a Rev. Gnbrlel Sykes, pastor of the - thentk-lty could be obtained tor the | for Smith. No mention has been njade of a suc­ will of the school board should reside The dub picnic will he made an an­ minimum status and his action was Springfield Methodist church, will report because of the absence of F. E. I cessor in the work here. in Springfield during the nine months preach his last sermon In the local Sullivan, manager of the Eugene ! nual event, accoruing to the new presl annulled promptly. they teach here, it was indicated by dent. Many parties of hunters from Port­ church for at least n year on Sunday branch of the company. Dillard Is Officer members of the board following the land and other cities throughout the ‘ Kenneth Dillard was this week morning. It was announced at a meet- j Roports here Indicate that the lot meeting. Although no official action ing of the official board Tuesday even­ on the romer has been leased f : some Home on Furlough—Robert Foster state selected the McKenzie river Springfield's guardian of the law so was taken In this regard. It Is under­ ing. The paator will have a year'» time by the company In anticipation arrived here Saturday from San Pedro, country for the scene of their activi­ far as traffic was concerned. W. R. stood that all members were of the have of absence. If the conference of putting up a new station. Attaches California, where the ship on which ties. Davis, regular traffic officer, is In the opinion that teachers should not live permits, and a successor will be at the Eugene office declined to give he has ben stationed Is docked. He Local hunters added their names woods on a combined fishing and In other cities while teaching here. named for the Springfield pastorute. nny Information on the matter and will spend his 30-doy furlough visiting to the list of nimrods, donned their hunting trip. He is expected to re • The church board Tuesday discus­ Mr. Sullivan could not lie reached friends and relatives in this city. red hats and trekked into the woods. turn some time during the week. FORMS FOR FLOOR OF sed the salary for the new preacher. NEW BRIDGE PLACED; Name of the man being recommended for the position here Is being wltheld PAINT COAT VIVID (lending action of the conference. Dr. W IL Pollard will he the lay delegate Forms for the main floor of the new to the conference and Rev. Mr. Sykes McKenzie highway bridge here are will he the clergy delegate. Other ! being put in this week by crews work­ unofficial lay representatives are ex-1 ing under the supervision of O. Lind­ peettng to attend the Hood River strom, contractor. meeting. Cement flooring for as much of the approach on each side of the river as MRS. O. I. CLEMENTS IS has already been built Is already pour ed and in the process of drying, Mr. BADLY HURT IN ACCIDENT Lindstrom said. When the forms for the main floor Suffering from n fracture of the are ready, reinforcing steel will be put skull, severnl broken ribs and cuts In and the cement poured. This will on the head and face, Mrs. O. L. Cle­ be one of the last major steps In con­ ments, who lives three miles east of chair with his eyes closed in the at- nI certainly don’t feel well. Take this struction of the bridge. I a headache. Thurston on the MoKonzte highway. First Installment A bright orange coat of paint now The Drane place, although It had tltude of a very tired man. One of stuff away will you? I can't eat ’t. Is In the Pnclflc Christian hospital CAST been given no particular name, was the hands that grasped the arm of his I’m not going to use the car; you i covers the steel on the bridge. This In a serious condition. The accident of Principal Character« in this ns good as any In Westcote. Real chair twitched slightly; It was the may tell Amy she can have It. There’s will not be the final cover, but was In which she was hurt occurred yes­ Amazing Mystery Story put on as Is customary to protect the estate dealers roughly estimated It to slender aristocratic hand of a man of nobody come?” terday nfternoon. "Only Mist’ Carter,” the negro said. steel from weathering agencies while Mrs. Clements, who la well known John Drane ....... The Human Sphinx he worth a hundred thousand dollars seventy. Presently Norbert, the color- here, -was backing her car out of her Amy ......................................... The Girl nnd pointed to It ns an example of ed houseman, came through the door "Him and Miss Amy Is playin' tennis the rest to the work is being done. Then the final coat will he sprayed on. garnge when It was struck by another Robert Carter .......... Her Sweetheart how prices In Westcote had im­ carrying a tray on which were a glass out back in the tennis court." Contractors are anxiously awaiting "Alone?” machine. Her dnnghter, who was In William Dart .......... The Underuher proved; Drane had paid fifteen thous­ of’mllk, a plate of crackers, a napkin action of the state highway commis­ "Couple o’ young folks.” the enr at the time, was not Injured, Simon Judd .............. Friend of lbane and for It In 1892 and had spent some * and several dainty sandwiches. He “Yes. When you go out there. Nor sion at Its meeting this month In re­ although the car wns quite badly Dr. lilessliiglon .... The Family Doctor twenty thousand In Improving the moved the wicker stand a little closer Dick Brennan .................. A Detective place, having the pillared veranun to John Drane's chair, removed the bert, tell young Carter I want to see gard to the approaches on each side wrecked. Servants In the Drane Household built on and so on, so that the whole J hat and cane, and placed the tray on him. No hurry—tonight or tomorrow of the river. The prospect of this Dr. C. II. Phetteplaee, who la at­ cost to him had been only thirty-five the stand John Drane opened his will do; whenever he has time. And matter being delayed until the first of tending her. reported that the patient tell Mrs. Vincent to see that the yel­ next year does not appeal to the con­ rested easily last night. The day was splendid, as brilliant thousand. This was mentioned as a ¡eyes, low guest room ts ready for a guest. tractors, since the bridge proper will "All right, Norbert," he said. as a day on Long Island enn be, and sample of the good fortune John "I'll Jus' put this hat an’ cane m I'm expecting a man to stay a few be ready for use long before that time. thnt Is brilliant Indeed. The great Drane had in all his Investments. No H. H. Parker Hurt H. H. Parker, who resides hero and square house with Its mansnrd roof i one knew Just what he was worth but the hall, Mist’ Drane,” the negro said days." Springfield Man Weds “Yes, sir," Norbert said, and he took who Is employed In the A. M Matlock and many wings and additions and he was reputed to be worth at least “I thought how maybe you might llkp Miss Beatrice Edmunson of Eugene up the tray and went. He coughed as mill at Veneta, received on Injury to the grent pillars of the veranda that a million dollars, possibly a great them sandwiches—” he reached the door, coughed sa hard and Roland Kercher of Springfield "Perhaps! Perhaps!' Drane said. his right foot yesterday whon a log gave It a certain nobility wns glisten­ many millions. On this Saturday afternoon he sat "An' Miss Amy say I should ask you that he had to pause with the tray were married at the home of the rolled upon It. Ho was rolling the ing white, for It hnd Just been painted log with a peavey, when the too! The painters, as n matter of fact, were on his veranda Just as he had seated Is you goln' use the car any more this resting on a ledge. It was the dis­ bride's mother, Mrs. Helen Edmunson slipped and allowed the timber to still at work on the rear of the house. himself on his* return from his office aft’noon. She say If you ain’t maybe tressing cough of a man suffering yesterday morning. Only Immediate relatives of the couple were present from tuberculosis. crush his great toe on the right foot. They wore working overtime this Sat­ In the city. He sat tn one of the she go rtdln’ awhlles” “You want to be careful of that cold Dr. J. Franklin Haas, pastor of the Drane dipped a cracker In milk and He wns treated by a local physician urday afternoon, hurrying to finish wicker chairs, a wicker stand beside who found It wns not necessary to the Job, John Drane had complained him, and on this he had placed his hat ate a little without apparent appetite. of yours,” John Drane said, as tf the First Methodist Episcopal church of Eugene performed the ceremony. (OoatintMd ob Pass ■) "I don't feel well, Norbert,” he said. of the paint odor, saying It gave him and cane, and he leaned back In his amputate the toe. READ! Great Mystery Story Starting This Week 1 "Tha People’s Paper" NUMBER 36 RPRINGFIBLD, IJKNE COUNTY. OREGON THURSDAY. KEUTEMBHR 13. 1928 TWENTY-FIFTH YEAH Matar P r