A TIGER TRAIL Til P its HAY. SEPTEM HEH 6, 1 PPS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE SIX compulsion, not from choice." She nodded. "And for the same reason you could­ n't come to my defense that night In the den—when I had struck Vilas. An t the reason that you told the detective of my quarrel with Hayward that day as I was leaving was not that you were afraid that Vilas would ho Implicated, but why was tt, Josephine?" “I don't think you should ask me that. You've thought ill of me—so many times. The reason was—" Wide Straw Votes Indicates Close Battle in November □ Motif» I io Ktulin vice, through •which untlonwldn or­ ganlMtlon we ale served. Then th>> national vote Is tabulaled In New York, by ihe Autocaster News Ser­ vice, anil the results forwarded to ue for publication In this nawspaper WE EXPECT EVERY VOTER IN THIS TOWN TO MARK ONE OF Ol'lt SAMPLE BALLOTS AND MAIL OR BRING IT TO THE OFFICE OF THIS NEWSPAPER Du your bit In giving expression io (lie nation of the political thought eg- tant In the smaller centers of Amer­ ica. How the rural districts and small cities will vote will have u great Iwar lug on the final results of III» Hoover- Smith competition In November. (Continued from Page 5) defeat (heir own ends in that it might draw attention to the past life of I Southley. He knew that Aiuthley couldn't satiate their rapacious ap­ Nationwide Poll Give* Hoover 499,284 and Smith 489,708 petite« They would cling and suck The general consensus of opinion 1« that the many switches till the last cent was gone. Southlev in sentiment being revealed in the Straw Vote this year are partly bought those clothes—paid for their due to the dry Issue many, it is believed, voting for the man who I cars. Other things were planned for pleases them most in reference to this one m atter rather than i this winter. So Ahmad Das conceived voting for a candidate because of party affiliations. In the Na- j of the desperate scheme of scaring the “Yes." tionwide Presidential Poll being taken by this newspaper In co - ' Strumhurgs—or the Haywards as they "That I wanted you to stay. Dr. operating with 2000 others the country over, It has been reveille«! called themselves—from the estate by Long!" that 95.374 former Democrats are to vote for Hoover and 60,922 1 means of the tiger legend. We were silent a long time. And former Republicans are to vote for begun. He also leans In (he National ? "Ahmad Dns had all the material all the while I was searching about Smith. The slackening of party lines, Poll of the lleurst Newspaper«, huv- I In the world to work with. He knew in a mind suddenly gone empty for the political observers believe, is jjue to, ing- 170.94# votes to Smith's 181.967, [ It when he thought out the plan This Phillips on Trip words I wanted to say. They simply the wide difference of opinion on the Adding the result of the Nattonwidq j Jaguar—a tawny streak in the Jungle, Mr and Mrs II K Phillips and wouldn't come. Presidential Poll In which this news- j prohibition question. and leaving its tracks in the mud—■ Frank Conrad, WsstinghuUM two sons left Monday for Newport And then 1 became aware of some­ Howerev that may be, the Nation­ paper ts cooperating to the results of expert, with h it mvsnlion, th« where they will spend a week’s vaca­ was of course his greatest card. His thing rapturous past words to tell several other newspaper polls, the wide Presidential Poll Indicates that movie broadcattlng machine which own natural feline grace and Hay­ Mr. Phillip* I» bea'I clerk »t Something was stealing along my the presidential race this year will be grund total Is; will ntgks it possibla to raceive (no­ tion ward's naturally superstitious nature tion oiclure programs at horns, Cray's Cash and Carry store here und arm. so light that 1 could hardly feel a very close one. and prophecy a« to Hoover, 735,951; Sintlh, 736.911. were cards, too. Wicked men usually Cashed qa the wall by radio. Mrs Phillips Is a telephone operator It through my coat sleeve, and finally the outcome is well night impossible It does look us if a close election are superstitious Of course Ahmad in III» Springfield office. it nestled In the hollow of my elbow. Hoover still retains his lead In the is on the way. couldn't get the Jaguar into the house; And then 1 found myself whirltng, and poll, but it is constantly narrowing, If you have not yet voted, send in lion of them by whatever P dltlcau but it was a simple matter to rig up DePues at Newport— M r ami Mrs. speaking breathless words. and everything points to a severe your ballot today—you will find the opinion« we may hold. that tiger skin. Every day he put a “You'll forgive me, Josephine—all tussle In November. ballot printed In this newspaper— The votes received by un are for Frank Delhte spent the w e e k e n d a n d piece of meat out on a certain flat those things I said—and did?" I plead­ As the Nationwide Presidential Poll every single vote counts. Let us know warded to the -AUtocaster New . Ser holiday at Yachats. rock on the hillside. It wasn't human ed. "Oh, sweetheart—” now- stands, Hoover has 499,294 and what you think. blood and flesh you saw there. It And no mortal eyes could believe Smith 489,709. There Is a difference This papor is non-partisan In this was good red beef; and Ahmad Das the change In her that came when of less than 10.000 ballots. poll. got blood stains on his shirt carrying I spoke those words. It was one of Hoover however has been consist­ We are printing the plain, actual It down there. And tt wasn't any time the miracles of these latter days. At ently tn the lead since the balloting results uninfluenced In our presenta at all until they got the big cat so My CHOICE for PRESIDENT first she simply waited—as if for me that he stayed around the Jungle at to continue. And then, after a while, \ is the base of the hill. The inside work she made me an answer. Part of it •_____ HERBERT HOOVER . n. , couldn't be done In the bright light, was Just words. Part was the look so It was necessary to pretend that ALFRED E SMITH .... . that the moonlight showed on her 1 loover Smith tne lighting plant was broken. The face. But what w as' by a thousand I I’m an X-before ihe one you intend to vote fori 499,2X4 489,708 Nationwide Poll of 2,000 Newspapers faint light of candles gave Just the times the biggest part, the part no 12,742 11,405 Nationwide Poll of The Farm Journal After lining ou tthls Trial ttallnt, please mull or bring It to proper atmosphere. human being could have been hopeful 2,785 2.096 Poll of The Yonkers, N. IL, Herald the office of thlH newspaper. “I'm crasy about the whole scheme. enough to believe, was a thing that 28,140 29.806 New York Daily News Up-State Poll Long It worked out to perfection ex­ her arms did. And then— What TICKET Did You Vote Last ¡»residential Campaign? Hearst Newspapers Nationwide Poll 170,949 161,967 cept for one tfling. Nobody had What happened then ts a secret 31,240 22,740 Buffalo, N. Y.. Times Poll counted on the Jaguar killing Hay­ between us and the marshes; and the ward.“ marshes are famous for not telling (Republican— Democrat—etc.) 735.951 726,911 GRAND TOTAL “What were you doing with that their secrets. One of their secrets ts shirt—and the beef blood?" a ring that Vilas had given Josephine; "Simply making the necessary tests and it lies In the mud of their bottom —so to prove my story to the Jury to­ today. After a while a great owl hoot­ morrow. If 1 hadn't Freeman would ed and called from the Island, hoping have had poor Ahmad—the most faith­ to repeat his triumph of a few nights ful soul in the world—convdncted and before. But Josephine turned her face for murder by now—mentally, at just long enough to laugh at him least." "And lastly, how did you come to THE END be involved in this affair at all? Did you come Just because I sent for you?" "I'm a private detective, Long,” was BUSINESS COLLEGE IN MINER BUILDING NOW his quiet answer. “I don't work for the state, although the state employs Established in new quarters In the me sometimes. Southlev himself Miner building and with additional wrote for me to come—to help him out. I told him I couldn’t at first—that capacity, It is probable that the clas­ was some weeks ago—but I knew a ses of the Eugene Busness College young man that would be the greatest will be filled this year, according to assistance to him in the hour of need. A. E. Roberts, president of the school. The new quarters on the second That young man had been in two or M onta« Colonial Jr. Ran«« tn three bad messes before—the affair at floor of the Miner building Include a full porca lain anamal : Mallo-«r»an, large assembly room and study ball, Canary-Yallo. Maada-red. fian tona, WiMmarsh, and the story of the cobra «ray or w hite; lí-ln c h porcelain anamal Pranah ovan bottom ; and curse, and the Mole. Southley had met a shorthand room, a typewriting room, French plate top. Ab«>ea ranga the young man in a visit in Tampa, a recitation room, a teachers' rest may alao ba had with drvp door room, a girls’ rest and cloak room and hycloeet. and he liked him. So the next day this young chappie—and what a bone- the offices. The first term nt the school openel head he has been—got a letter from Southley asking him down for a last week with 34 enrolled. More week's shooting, fishing, and rest. He are registering each day for the was a doctor, and his name was Long .' second class which begins Septembsr Vilas left on the night train. He 17. packed his bag and in silence, and was rowed over to the railroad track whence he could go to the station. Now Located in When the midnight hung still and mysterious over the water wor’ii, Miner Building Josephine and I found ourselves alone on the great veranda. “Let's walk down to the water's edge,” she suggested. "It's drying up so quickly. It will be gone in a few days more." “And I will be gone, too.” I told her M onte« bl« Colonial Ran «a More often it is eye Full poroa lain anamal ; drop She walked in front of me, down hl«h «loaat; 18- Startingly Beautiful New Colors A Valuable Prem­ ium to every visitor I“ Low First Payment SEPTEMBER 10 to 15 Drop-In Cafe Wright &. Sons A Seven-Piece Enamel Ware Cooking Set