OiAiaia &!.«•» n. kinbulance THURSDAY, HKI>TttMRKR fl, 1U28 P A n B T H lW Ads No. No. No. No. TRAIN SCHEDULI Springfield Stopa NORTH 1« at 4:27 A M. (F la g ) 8 at 8:48 P. M SOUTH 7 at 1 08 p. M. IB at 10:03 P. M (Flag) Home Education “Tha Chlld'a First School la the Family"—Froehel Issued by the National Kindergarten Association, 8 West 40th Street, New York City. Tbeae articles are appearing weekly In our columns. « T RESULTS; FOR KALE WOOD CABBAGE AND PLAIN FOLK Mary Eagleatoe Old Growth Fir. Second Growth Fir, candy, he begged. “You know I It all leads up to cabbage, mere ought to have a candy 'cause th« Oak, Ash. AU lengths. Phone Spring- cabbage This kind Is not associated nurse In school said, today. I was u»- Odd 1*4. with ''kings'' but comes In a covered der-nourlshed ** FOR SALK—Two choice Jnrary milk NOTICE OF HEARING LOST—One brown Driving Glove last wagon to plain folk like ourselves and cow* Kivitin Ihr«« K*llo« P«r dar; I SKPTIC TANKS— “Under-nourished ! She aald yon ON FINAL ACCOUNT week on streets of Springfield. has won. Juat recently, such an en­ were under-nourished!” will b« frosh In Fsbriinry. Inquire Ready for you to Install NOTICE 1» HEREBY OIVKN: That Fof family of live — 221 00. Eugene Finder pleaae leave at News office. thusiastic welcome on the part of mv at Soave» a Servie* Htatlon. H 13 O, my poor neighbor! How India», the undersigned administrator of the For family of eight — »28 00. Eugeno 8. 5 estate of Flora N. Anderson, deceased, neighbor that I have been puzzled ant and embarrassed she was, and Sewer Pipe, Well Curbing, Drain Tile has filed his account for the final ever since. She Is a conscientious lit-1 h6w out of place I felt to be fh .r - PAINTING and Kalsooitning in all It* and Chimney Block*. NOTICE TO CREDITORS settlement of her estate In the County tie woman, this lady across the way. I at that tim e’ She explained to « Notice Is hereby given that on the Court for Lane County. Oregon, and branchai. Reduced Urico* Roy EUGENE CONCRETE PIPE CO. 1st day of September. 192«, Lillian D. that Saturday, the 29th day of Sept with three children, all of whom I I at great length the quantities of milk Koch. Can 116-J. Horton McClelland was appointed ex­ ember, 1928, at the Court Room of na|d have noted as always looking very j»he gave her three children, and I ecutrix, with the will annexed, of the Court. In the Codnty Court House, In frail and thin and showing a very | conld vouch for It and tried to make NOTICE TO CREDITORS N O T IC E NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That fcitate of Harriett A. Horton, de- Eugene, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, unchlldllke lark of animation. Some- her feel an comfortable as possible NOTICK IH HEREBY GIVEN that Henry L. Carili» and G. p Hneliatrom ^,‘'“H”d* bY the County Court of Lane has been by said Court fixed as the ted administrators ut * '•“■»Y. -Grogon. All persons having time and place for hearing objections thing stirs them sufficiently to get I Finally, she ejaculated. T tn Just Henry Odell, a* Kunrillan of the minor have been appointed claims against said estate are re- thereto, and for final settlement of them from place to place—but n ever, Ing to se that nnrse and giro her a heir* of Robert Odell, doceaand, to- the estate of Clemons E Carllle. wit llatill K Odell, Robert D Odell, ceasud, by tbe County Court" of Lane f,ulr,’d »“ present them duly verified said estate. Into mischief. Indeed, I have always Piece of my mind!” “ persons having claims as by law — -------- required ' to said executrix Violet Odell, Florence Odell. Marguroi County D MAX ANDERSON. Administra­ thought there would be great rejoicing ' I nerer knew what she got In ra. nt the law office of Alta King. 794 Wil­ against estate are required to Odell, and Darrell Odell, will, purau tor of the estate of Flora N Ander­ In that family If on« of them should! ‘ urn for a piece of her mind but T ant to an order of the County Court In present (hem, with the proper vouch­ lamette Street, Eugene, Oregon, with son, deceased I In six months from the flrst publica­ ors, within six months from the 6th and for t^no County, OrcKun, On till* commit some childish prank Once have noticed some queer things lately L. L. RAY, Attoreny for Estate. tion of this notice. 10th day of Heptcmer. A. It, 182«, ai dgy of Heptembcr, l t t l , to the said ad­ A. 30: 8 « 13 20-27: I saw one o t * them climb a tree and M, Administrators of of the aout beast one-fourth of the rolls under a loose board and nestles j tables I never saw her buy before COUNTY. 8 « 13-20 27: O. 4: northeaet one fourth of Section 4. the Estate- of Clemons E. Carllle, d<- Sue Dorris and Allle M Smith, plain­ beneath the steps. I suppose that I f! "We've all taken to cabbage ” she Townehlp Nineteen South. Rango On.- ceased. tiffs. versus C. 9 Williams and Ire­ one of them had the energy to crawl «aid to me one day when we m et •« L. L. RAY. Attorney for Estate. W r it, thence running w ed 30 rod*, NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT na C. Williams, his w ife; the un­ under the porch, he would find balls »he provision wagon "W e have cola. 8. 6-13-20-27: O. 4: thence north HO rod«, thence cant 30 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that known heirs of S H Friendly and rod«, thence aouth HO rod* to place Anna HJcrke has filed her final ac­ Matilda Friendly, deceased, hl» of beKlnnln«, containing fifteen acre* NOTICE TO CREDITORS count as Administratrix of the Estate wife; R E. Cartwright and •............. tu r , tea MB attar, H r ,« e ,„ . „ tb e |, eaokad ateea aa-ty alrtt." of land, more or le*a. In M ne County, of William J. Van Wagner, Deceased, Oregon; Cartwright, wife of R. E Cart­ mother la an Indulgent parent and "Is that so*' j M kP<1 _w NOTICE ih HEREBY GIVEN That and that the county court of Ia»ne wright; Olaf Haldornon. sometimes keep, a supply of pretty colored i thinking cap on” as they used to ’»aid aale to b~ held at Room No. 1 lha undersigned has been appointed County. Oregon baa fixed 10 00 A M known as "Ole” Halderson, end bouncers on hand, the three children In the Flrat National Hank Building In by the County Court of Lan« County What amazed me moot, though, h a > Mary Haldornon; Gina Momb, some­ Eugene, Lane County. OrnRon. lubjoci Oregon aa administrator of the I of Friday, September 14. 1928 as the I time when the court will take up to the approval of tha County Court estate of Emily F. Stevens, deceased. times known as Gina Mohb; the un are never without a game. pened yesterday as I looked out of said account for examination and al- How. I have been qnlte sure that the window "Johnny. The Elder.” was HENRY ODELL. Guardian. known heirs of Mstblas Momb. All persons having claims against 1 lowance and will assign the residue of A 946 2.1.1« 8 6: sometimes known an “Mattie” It could not be any fault of my good said estate are hereby notified to , said estate. All persons Interested Momb, deceased; Henry Ixtrett and neighbor that these children are so Jumping rope! present the same duly verified and therein may appear at said time and NOTICE (IF SHERIFFS SALE ON with proper vouchers to said ad Jennie Loretx; Joseph Loretx and 1 be heard EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE ........... Loretx, wife of Joseph Lor­ lacking In energy. She baa fed them W INIFRID TYSON CHOSEN mlnlatrator at the office of Harris, ANNA BJERKK. Administratrix. etx; C. W. Washburne and ............ milk regularly. The barn yard has Smith and Bryson, Miner Building, August 16-23-30, Sept 6 Notice la hereby given that by vlr Eugene. Oregon, within six months Washburne, wife of C. W Wash­ been recruited Into service. Often 1 ASSISTANT INSTRUCTOR tue of an execution and order of aale from the date of the first publication burne; Charles E. Parke and Cath­ hear a hen cackle, the back door In forecloaure lanued out of the Cir­ of thia notice. erine Pnrke; Rodney R Rounds and Wlnlfrld Tyson of thia city wIU NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ON cuit Court of lutne County. Oregon, rhUe of first publication of this Rebecca Rounds; Miller Morgan and slams, and next a plump figure has­ EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE on the 2nd day of August. 192«, In a notice thia year act as assistant to la August 16, 1928. Elizabeth Morgan: James A. Mor tens to the chicken honse. Then !n eult wherein on the Slat day of July, Reuben Charlyle Goffrelere. Eugene gan; Thomas Q Butler; Wiley t ___________ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That a short while an egg-mSk WELBY STEVENS Administrator Iff 182H, In aald court The Weet Coast Piano instructor. It was announced Sparks and Nancy Snark»; Abram Ito the child that seem« « ... of the Estate of Emily F. Stevens, de­ by virtue of an execution and order National Hawk, Portland, Oregon, ceased. M Peek and I-aurv M Peek: Mar» « «— lmB3 of sain In foreclosure Issued o st of this week Miss Tyson will specialize N a tio n a l Ranking Aaaoclatlnb I felt sorry for my neighbor one Ann Beam; James L. Peek, Jr.; El­ HARRIS. SMITH AND BRYSON. the Circuit Court of la n e County, Truatee. plaintiff, recovered Judgmoi with younger children, conducting day laat month -when f was calling on len Peek; Charles Peek; and Oc­ Attorneys for Administrator Oregon, on the 20th day of August, agalnat the defendaata Edward / "Johnny.The Elder.” as he Is classes both in Springfield and En- A 16-2.13«: 8 «13 tavia Peek: James Alson Peek; her 1928, In a suit wherein on the 19th Feglea and Jeaale M Feglea. hl* wife Verona E Peek; all other unknown railed, had Just come ln from schoof. gene. day of January. 1928. In said court for the aum of 1278« 1« with interest NOTICE TO CREDITORS heirs nf William E Peek, deceased; He had taken h l. ball and Jacks and Several pupils will be presented Kathryn L. Wayland, plaintiff recov­ thereon at 6 per cent per annum from ahd all unknown heirs of James NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That ered Judgment against the defendants and after July lat, 192«, together with early in the fall season in their first was about to play when he asked hf« Peek. Sr.: the unknown heirs of the further aum of 23OOOO attorney the undersigned has been appointed Alva A Rice and Mary M Rice, his individual recitals Among these are John P. Rddlns. deceased; the un­ mother for a candy, feea herein, and together with the by the County Court of the State of wife, for the sum of 23800 00 with Oregon for the County of Lane. Ad known heirs of Elizabeth Eddtns, de­ Interest thereon from February 9. further aum of 2137 80 aa Trustee« Ho, dear. I’ll g»t your milk for M arie Anderson. Doris Greer, and June Berg, all of thfo city. ceased and all other persons or yon In a m inute." she answered commlaalon and the coat« and dl» mlalatrktor of tha estate of Ellxahetn 1926, to the date of the payment of parties unknown, claiming any bursementa herein In tbe aum of Taylor, deceased and all persons hav. said Judgment at eight per cent pFr Mr Goffrelere has returned from a Aw. Mother please give m < ing clalpj» against said estate are right, title estate. Ben or Interest In annum and the further sum of 2800 00 21*80. which Judgment waa enrolled motor trip to northern points and la hereby notified to present the same or to the real estate described In and docketed In the Clerk'* office of attorneys fees herein, and for the opening a hew stndlo at Li>cuet court, complaint: defendant«. said Court In aald County on the Slat properly verified to me at the office costa and disbursements herein In the NOTtCE FOR PUBLICATION house C. 1163 Oak street Eugene. A Jlay of July, 1928, and aald execution of Frank A. Del’d«, the attorney for sum of 283 08. which Judgment was To C. R Williams and Irena C. Wll (PubMther) Hams, his wife; the unknown heirs to me directed commanding me In the the estate at hta office at Springfield. enrolled and docketed In the Clerk's novelty feature of the new studio ia 015407 Oregon, on or before six months from name of the State of Oregon, In order of 8 H. Friendly, deceased, and Department of the Intertoe. office of said Court In said County a sitting room In futuristic black and u 8 the date of thl« notice. to satisfy said Judgment, Interest, at Matilda Friendly, deceased, his on the 19th day of Jatiuary, 1928. and white off the studio room. WILLIAM M TAYLOR. Admlnls said execution to me directed com- u L«. r m s - ' Ro,ebura ° — torneya fees, costs of suit and accru wife; R E. Cartwright, and ........ . au L trator, Ing costs to sell the following de­ Cartwright, wife of R E. Cart­ r n a T P n , toandlug me In the name of the State hen‘bT »hat Ly FRANK A DR PUB. Attorney for o f " '^ '^ ^ scribed real property. to o f Eu- teen (17) South of Range four tratrlx of the above entitled estate; front door of the County Court House, NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON xan; Thomas Q Butler; Wiley N on-coal (4) West of the W illamette Mer­ hi Eugene, Ijine County. Oregon, of hat any one having claims against Snarks and Nancy Snarks; Abram EXECUTION idian, running thence North 360 3 he said rafale ahall present the same, fer for sal« and sell for cash, at pub HAMMILL A CANADAY. Register M Peek and Laury M. Peek; Marv feet, thence West 99 4 feet, thence lie auction, subject to redemption as with vouchers attached to me at the 18 herebY Riven that bv vlr- A. 16-23-30: 9 6-13 Ann Beam ; James L. Peek Jr El­ South 360 3 feet, thence East ue of an execution and order of sale provided by law. all of the right, title law office of H. E. Slattery. 717 Wil­ len Peek; Charles Peek; and Octa­ 99 4 feet to the place of beginning, lamette Street, Eugene, Oregon, with­ nnd Interest nt* s a i d defendants SU te YrU‘nOi 'hC C’rCU,t Court of th« via Peek: James Alson Peek: Ver- EXECUTOR’S SALE all In Lane County. Oregon state of Oregon for the Countv of Edward A Feglea, Jessie M. Fogle«, in 6 months from the first publication hcirsE of W ^ a m aE. P ^ e K d Y ? ^ ^ ^ C O U R T OF THE of this notice, which Is flrst published Now. therefore, in the name of the his wife; Jack L, Fredericks, and Mn> m tn"ma\ 0? ,‘hp 3L8' da\ <* August. on August 9. 192$. and that nil per State of Oregon. In compliance with C. Fredericks, his wife, nnd all per­ all unknown heirs of James sons owing the said estate shall pay J said execution and order of sale and sons claiming hv. through or under »he 29th day of August, 192?, SVTECOVVrY ° P LA N E ?iN P r S Peek, Sr., the unknown heirs of In order to satisfy said Judgment. In­ in favor of Evelyn Tate and against them or any or either of them In and the same to me. John P. Eddins. deceased: the nn- ISABELLA A McCOLLUM, Admin­ terest, attorneys fees, costs of suit to said premises. AHC* Pean McOu,rp' aJYhKh \ c “vanaugh and Cora Cavan- istratrix known heirs of Elizabeth Eddlns, ’"deceased.** and accruing costs. 1 will on Satur­ n o n on »8n ^ I?d,and *'ife ,Or the sum at ’ FRANK E TAYLOR. Sheriff., deceased; and all other persons or H E. SLATTERY. Attorney for Ad day. the 22nd day of September. 1928. »100 00 and interest at the rate of s is By BEULAH BRINNICK, Deputy. ,dTen that on Sept- mtnlstratrlx. IT.» M.,., "nknown- claiming any at the hour nf one o'clock In the af­ PPJ,bp v 7’ A928, at »he hour of ten per cent per annum from the 25th day A. 9 16-23 30: S. «: A. 9 16 23 30: S. 6: right, title, estate, lien or Interest ternoon of said day. at the southwest nn1928, 8nd for the fur»her sum clock In the forenoon, at the law of- r L ,4 °r00.With -------— —— — I— ■ --- — — ------ in or to the real estate described o Ace interest »hereon at th™ Front door of the County Court bouse. of H. E Slattery. 717 WIIlanTette in the complaint, defendants: In Eugene. Lane County. Oregon, o f-, th l vsifc i j Per -ceP.t from Street, Eugene, Lane County. Oregon th«. vs»h ZT." per an»um iro n ............... „ cash, at pub IN THE NAME OF THF STATF I. Albert O McGuire, the Executor ot h! for for sale and sell for L d“y ot May- 1928- a“d for lie auction, suhjert to re'd"em'pt"|'on " n n s < } R ,EOON: Yo" »re hereby re- Rc auction, subject to redemption as the above entitled Estate shall Lro ^ .h F 8Um of *18 95 and . . of . the right, title o „rert to appear and answer the com- ceed to sell at private sale to the high diaburaen’ent» herein, which costs provided by law. all _______ Judgment nnd Interest of said defendants Alva i .1?,* I ed, a*nlnst You In the above bp8f b,ddey * ”• ra«h »he fol- in ,he A Rice and Mary M Rice, his wife- cntlHed suit within four weeks from lowing described real estate belong­ flee of the Clerk of said Court In said Office Phone 176-J Res. Phone 176-M l w . Phons 1(0 Plano Moving ? p?r8e J? Rloomer- c E- Shumway he date of the first publication of ing to the Estate of Alice Bean Me- m s s V " e 29,h day of A“*™*. Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. and L E Shumway, and all persons t ils summons, and If you fall to so SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER dpcea«ed to-wit:— (1) Lot 56 In 1928. and said execution to me direct­ Gonerul Practice, Special Attention appear and answer, the plaintiff will claiming by. through or under them ed commanding me in the name of the E ’ , A s Addl»lon to Eugene. Lane WILLIS BBRT8CH, Prop. or any or either of them In and to apply to the Court for the relief prayed , to Obstetrics and Diseases otate of Oregon to satisfy said Judg­ ¿y« ? r**°rt: i2) A ,ract '«"<1 of O r n e s AT SERVICE GARAGE »aid premises. ,for In the complaint, to-wlt: which the west end 1» 2(1 rods long, ment. interest, costs of suit, and the of Children. • 833 Main Street That the plaintiffs be declared to and the north and south lines parallel costs and expenses of and upon this FRANK E TAYLOR. Sheriff First National Bank Building Successor to Suttos Transfer be the owners In fee simple of the off from the south side of the follow­ Z la By BEULAH BRINNICK. Deputy. °£ ,lle personal propertv of Springfield, Oregon premises described herein, and parti ing described tract of real estate, to- said Defendants, or if sufficient could A 23-30 : 8. 6-13-20: cnlarly described as follows, to-wit- wit:- Beginning _ .. _______ U1O Q not be found, then out of the real pro- at a point on the E Beginning at the Northwest corner F Skinner and wife Donation Land , / be>