THURSDAY. SKITFM BFU <1, 192* THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE TWO Community News By Special Correspondent* II Look T his O ver TOWN AND VICINITY Returns to Portland—Miss Bcatr* • _ _ __( __ __ __ _ _ _ Dows at Astoria—Dr. and Mrs. W Kennedy returned Monday to Port T H U R S T O N X. l'ow * * nt’ s'”' niotored to Astoria II UPPER W IL L A M E T T E land after spending the week-end here _ over the Labor Pay holiday. with Mr. and Mrs Merle Casteel. ! Professor Fred Roth of Monmouth Pollards st Coast—Mr. and Mrs. Miss Nellie Olson arrived from Here for Visit—Mr and Mrs. Frank Washington last Friday to spend a called on friends here last Wednesday. Niel Pollard spent the holiday at the Lorah and Emmett I .or ah arrived In He formerly taught the Thurston coast week visiting at the home of her uncle, Springfield lust Salurdoy to spent! Andy Olson, at Pleasant Hill. Miss high school.’ Endlcotts at Beach— M r and Mrs. several duya here visiting with rela Mr and Mrs. Ray Baugh son. Harry, Belle Olson will return to Washing­ end daughter. Ella, returned Iasi Mon­ Isaac Endicott spent from Saturday lives. ton with her for a week’s vacation. day from an extended trip through until Monday at Newport. Returns to Portland—Miss Grace Mrs. J. A. Phelps who has been at­ the middle states, they left here about ___ Longs at Newport—Mr. and Mrs &,ale ,)a8 i,,ft for Portland after spend tending Normal this summer returned the first of July and have visited sev Lon< 8p^nt the holidays ou Ing the summer with her parents. Mr to her home at Pleasant Hill last eral different states Including Nebras be#ch at Newport. and Mrs M. M Male Mias Male ha < Thursday. She will teach the Pleas­ ka. Wyoming and Minnesota, also the been a school teacher In the metrnpo- Seattle Man Here—Earl Harding of ant Hill primary grades this year. Yellowstone park. They report an en­ Ila for several years. Seattle waa a guest at the home of Miss Gertrude Dilley has moved to joyable trip. Mr and Mrs. C. A. Stwarts Sunday. Miss Mildred Price left last Satur­ Leaving for California— Mr. an« Cotag» Grove where she will teach day for Ttv* Dalles where she la em­ school this year. Hamlins at Newport—Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Roy Howard of Cottage Orova Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mathews and, ployed to teach the coming year. F B Hamlin spent Sunday and Mon who are leavtnr soon to make their home In Sacramento, California, spent Miss Marjorie Grant left Sunday for family have moved temporarily to the day at Newport. the week-end here visiting with Jim Seavey ranch where Mr. Mathews Coquille where she will teach this Hsrv from Rossburg— Mrs. Vertu friends. will run the store during hop picking. year. Miss Flossie Herrington left Mon Thayer of Roseburg was a business Mrs. F. J. Elliott and two daughters. Prances Jane and Emily, arrived from day for Notl where she Is employed visitor here Monday, Entertains for Sister—Mrs. llarrv Other teachers from Phoenix. Arixona Thursday morning as teacher. Wooley entertaln«nl In honor of her . ........ _ ...... Mrs. ED Lilly, Visiting Daughter to spend a month In Oregon. They left Thurston who are soon to begin their of Corvallis Is here visiting with her , •»•<«. Mrs Mabel Taylor of Oakland, Thursday night foi; Newport to spend schools are Miss Eva Phetteplace at daughter. Mrs. F B Flanery California, at a dinner party last Fri­ the week with Mrs. O. M. Wangelin. Blachley. Miss Margaret Russell’ at day evening. Mrs. Taylor Is vlaltlng Mrs. Wangelin will return to Pleasant Junction City. Miss Maude Russell In Rest at Marshfield—Mr. and Mrs. fcere for »everal days. putnam spent the week-end and . Hill the last of the week for the Eastern Oregon. Miss Hazel Edmls- I ton at St. Helens. Mrs. Alberta holMay at Marshfield visiting with p|cnlc |g EnJoyed_ Mr an,i Mrs winter. lx)rah Mr Mr, John Word has been received from the Weaver. Leaburg. Miss Veda Gray at frlendi. Monson family who left Pleasant Hill Edenvale. Ur and M rs Lorah. Mr and Mrs Frank Lorah, Mr. Mrs Jack Heller from Corvallis and Clovers at Coast — Mr and Mrs » last week that they are located at Wavne Clover and daughter. Jun-. and Mrs L. E Stone, and Kmmett Parkland. 7 miles out of Tacoma. The Mrs. Jack Damon and son, Marshall, at Newport last Lorah spent Sunday picnicking on from Shedd visited at John Ediuis spent three days girls will attend school at Tacoma. Fall Creek. week-end. Mrs. Emma Meyer who has been ton's last Sunday. Mrs. William Weaver and grand­ spending several weeks at Newport Dawsons at Albany—Mr. and Mrs Reddings to Move—Mrs. E. J Red- returned to Pleasant Hill last Sat­ daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. R. Dawson and son, William, spent d|ng anj Ormal, are planning to urday and will be at the Tinker ranch Buyers and family from Portland the double holiday at Albany visiting („ Ryderwood, Washington this spent the week-end with A. W. with relatives this w inter. week where her other sons are work- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Canaday and Weaver and family. -Mr and Mrs. > * “K ln J“*«1»* camps of the Long Loren Edmiston and his sister. Enroute to Corvatti three children of Prow spent Sunday Bell lumber company. afternoon with Mr. Canaday’s mother Hazel, spent last Sunday in Cottage J. M Blackly of Wendling were her Grove where Mr. Edmiston Is emplov Monday enroute to Corvallis for the Mrs. Meyer. Bartlette pears have all been har­ ed as organist at the theatre. day. vested In the Upper Willamette dis­ Hughes Have Visitors—David T. Mrs. Page on Trip—Mrs. L. K. Pag«1 trict and the Elberta peaches are now Williams, of Boring. Oregon, visited being harvested. Apple picking will left today on a month’s trip to Call at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W m G. fornia points. She will visit at sever not begin for several weeks yet. al points in that state, going as far Hughes several days this week, The highschool budget will be voted Association Convenes at Silver- Portland People Visit—Mr. and Mrs on Thursday afternoon. September 6. south as Los Anegeles. Mrs. Page for ton; Enthusiasm For Pro­ Members of the cooking and sewing 22 years was a teacher ln Springfield Kar] wtlson and son. Vernon, of Port- , posed Route Voiced clubs of the Pleasant Hill public schools, this being the first year she |an(| j 8pent the week-end visiting at schools received free tickets to the has not been at work at her desk on lhe jjome o[ william Carter near her?, Friday night the executive com fair this week and many hope to at­ the opening day of school. mlttee of the Cascade Highway asso­ ___________________ Tonsils Removed—Mary Smltson. tend. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Smlt ciation met at the Coolidge A McLain-- Mrs. Adrian at Salem—Mrs. W. H submitted to an operation for the hank In Silverton. Dr. P. A. l.oar. LOST—Small Maltese Kitten, Tues­ Adrian spent the week-end at Salem remo¥ai Of her tonsils last week, president of the association presided. day morning near 5th and D streets. where she will visit for several days There was a g<»xl attendance and Tonsils Removed—Hirshev, Cosy Brownsville. Lebanon, Slayton. Scio. Finder please call 82. S-6 with her father. and Echo Tomseth all submitted tJ Silverton, Marquam, Molalla. Oregon operations for the removal af th-lr Cltv and the East Side Commercial tonsils and adenoids in the ofltce of a club In Portlund were represented. Springfield physician last Saturday. Ways and means for pushing th • Pays Traffic Fine—James Potter of campaign for the highway were dis­ junction City paid a fine of $5 ln the cussed. It was decided to inaugurate city recorder’s office Saturday when a membership campaign at once and he pleaded guilty to a charge of start a drive for ten thousand mem ; bers. The secretary, Gordon J Tay speeding. lor, was Instruct«»« to provide mem- E g g im a n n t a t Grove— Mr. and Mrs. liershlp blanks which will be circulated C. F Eggimann spent part of Labor 'n all the territory through which the Day at Cottage Grove visiting friends proposed highway passes. There is and relatives. to be no fees or dues connected with m em bership. It was stated that the Go to Newport—Mr. and Mrs. Karl financing of the campaign would be Webber and children, Mr. and Mrs. r->.«-.rwrltten by the commercial clubs Ben Webber and Mr. and Mrs of the several cities. Harold Stewart spent the holidays at Dunne Bill Target Newport. A resolution was passed condemn­ D rive to P r in e v iP -— Mr. and Mrs. It. ing the Dunne uulo license hill and G. Barnes and children drove to Prine­ the gas tax bill. The organization ville last week-end to spend the holi­ was pledget to work for the defeat of days visiting with Mr. Barnes' Par these bills. It Is evident shou'd elth .r of these bills pass, the consturctlon ents. of the Cascade highway would b W hen we fill your ord er fo r a good steak , we send one th a t Rebhans Have Guests—Dr. and Mrs. postponed indefinitely. W. C. Rebhan had as their guests will m ake a h ungry m an smile with delight. T hick or thin A committee will meet with the Eu- last week-end, Mrs J. Odell and daugh­ gene Chamber of Commerce on .Mon­ as you prefer, b u t alw ays it will be ten d er and juicy. To ter, Marjorie. Mrs. Odell Is Mrs. day, September 10. Rebhan'8 aunt prove it, ju st phone 63 and see how good th ey really are. The Silverton Chamber of Com­ Portland Folks Visit—Mr. and Mrs. merce provided a lunch for the meet- Farmer Franklin and daughter of *nK- All were enthusiastic for the pro­ 4th and M ain Sts. Portland were here for the Week-end Phone 63 E. C. STUART to visit the former’s parents. Mr. and posed highway and encouraged by the P R A TT HOLVERSON Mrs, W F. D. Franklin at Bearer’s reception given the Idea. Much pub­ licity will be needed as there Is a wlde- ranch. Ignorance of the resources and poasl- Lloyds a \ Bellj«*gfian r Mr and Mra. bllltfes of this very section which Wilbur Lloyd and children have gone |8 the cream of the Willamette Valley t$ Bellingham, Washington, to visit and Its development has been handl- for a short time with Mr. and Mrs. capped by not having a highway run- Milton «Cyr. formerly of this city, nlng north and south to carry through They will go to Vancouver, B. C., be- traffic. fore returning here. Tax Valuation Glvan IN T H E W E S T George Keech, of Stayton has pre­ Drive Down Coast—Mr. and Mrs. C. pared a statement of the tax valua- 605 - 609 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon B Kenyon and Mr and Mrs Welby , tlon a„ the contrlbutlng territory Stevens went to Crescent City, Call- ea8^ of | be proposed road and three fornia, for Labor Day They drove to miles west In the three counties trav Marshfield and then down the coast ered. The result was: BLAZERS— For Boys. All wool blazers of heavy m ackinaw highway to the California coast city. Clackamas ......................... $10,555,526 cloths. A large ran g e of color com binations; 3 and 4 pockets. R egular sp o rt colors. Zipper front. Marlon ... . $ 7,539,907 N e w p o rt A ttra c ts Vacationists— Linn $14,480,54» « l° 14 ............... -...... .................... .... 5 3 .9 5 Among local people who spent the Total assessed valuation of property BLAZERS— All wool, large range of broken plaids in bright holiday at Newport were Delbert Me ■ directly contributing to this road colors, 2 pockets. 8 to 14 ........................... S 2 8 r> Bee and family, Lester Bosgerman and I »32,575,982— Mololla Pioneer. family, Mrs. Emma Olson and son. Oswald M, Olson. _ _ l_ Cascade Highway Plans Discussed 100-Acre Dairy Farm on good gravel road, clour la. fair buildings, lota of w ater. Also connected to the M cKen­ zie W ater Line. $75.00 p e r acre. Sm all paym ent down, bal- nnce easy term s. Trad»' good H ouse and on«* Acre of land In Spring Held for Eugene property. , If yon have City or Farm l*roperty to trail«* or »«*11 « all on me. I am In th e 'R e a l Fatal.« B usiness ttxclusly.dy now and «old tw o hom es last w eek . All Exclusive IJstln g s Wl I Be Advertised Until Bold. Call Springfield 3 and I will Ixjok Over Your Place. WM.VASBY, Real Estate C orner 2nd and Main Springfield. O regon IT IS NOT TOO LATE While our Fall T erm ha» already begun, It la not too lato to enroll, a» we will have a new d a s » beginning MONDAY. SEPTEM B ER 17 EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE IT ’S A GOOD SCHOOL A. E. Roberts, President Telephone 666 Miner Bldg. Sept. 4 Eugene. Oregon “ w h e r e aavin ga a r e g r e a te a t _______ 942 W illam ette S t- Fug one, Oregon.________ “Between Pay*Day” Blues» W hat Shall W e Do About Them? Does your spirit droop wearily between pay-d'tys, and do you feel sometimes that everything row really wanted is put in the window just after you have spent your last penny? A ll of us feel that way at times, and the Foolish Shopper turns to charge accounts, gai' mortgag­ ing Tom orrow’s Dollar wilhoct realising how badly she may need it when Tomorrow comes. The W ise Shopper waits until she can pay cash — often paving a tiny deposit so that the article will be laid a» The J. C. Penney Company be­ lieves that this plan saves money and worry and several million customers agree with us. B hat do you think? A SUCCESSFUL SLX NOW W INNING EVEN GREATER SUCCESS I STEAKS For a Hungry Man INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. BLAZERS SHIRTS SH IR TS— For Boys. D ress sh irts in asso rted light colors. P rinted broadcloth. All th e new p a tte rn s for fall. Sizes 6 to 1 2 ........................................................................... 7 9 c S a m e s h ir t in 1 2 ’ /. to 14’/2 ....... ..... ......... 89C E x tra fine quality broadcloth <££ Lot 59-K Union Suits LOT 59-K UNIONS— F o r Boys. P a rt wool, elastic rib, Knox-V brand. A g a rm e n t th a t will stan d real hard w e^r fo r it is well co n structed. Rayon stitched edge, P earl b u tto n s. f itte d w rist and ankle bauds. T an m ottled design. Sm all sizes 24 to 28 ........................... .................... Q ftc Sizes 30 to 34 ............................. ............ ...................... | cj ■ 1 . 1 ' . ......-..... P o llard s a t Hansens—Dr. and Mrs. ' W. H. Pollard and family were dinner ! guests Labor Day at the home of M r J and Mrs. Chris Hansen on the Me Kenzle highway. Dr. Pollard spent the major part of the day fishing. Nadvornlks Visit—Mr and Mrs J. F. Nadvornlk, who, receptly sold their tailoring business here, and who are now loving In Salem, visited with friends here Sunday. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smltson. 'ECTAYCIUILAIR _ ICCIESS is proving it C hiefof the Sixes' I n th e trem en d o u » success, w h ic h Pontiac Six la enjoying la ample rea­ eon for designating this great General — M o to rs car “ C h ie f o f the Sixes.” Never haa any new car risen so rapidly In the estimation of motor car buyer» for, during the first aix month» of 1928, over 136,000 Pontiac» were . o l d - t h e larxeM volume ever achieved by any car d u rin g th e fir»t h a lf o f It» th ird year in production! T h l» great public acceptance tell» more of what Pontiac offer» at $745 than even the most complete liltin g o f »uch featuresas Fisher bodies, 186 cy. In. engine, the G -M -R cylinder head, cross-flow radiator, foot- controlled headlights, coincidental lock, etc., etc.! Come In for a ride today and learn w hy its sales sweep ever upward._______________ 2, »74,1 C ovp' . »74,1 Sport Road»(-r. »74,1 Ph.irton. »77,1 ('u h rii'ir f, » 7 ’ » l 4 O " ° ’ , S‘ l."” - SM2Sj Slnirt I o n d o u S.-.lon. i i o i . O „H ..nd AII.Amrrt. on S b ,» I O 4 , Io »I2O«. All A ll |»»1< p .i. r rt . at fas • c I m i I c ,< H 4 *e » t lor ,. CP.-< u OoHuri.l-Ponlio.- .l.-lli .-rr.l prl. M -lh r v tncludr a i humdiinM t/iarji«*- U sn eto l M o n o , I Imr Payment I Ion uvallultlc axait mmimMnt rate. NEW FALL HATS W.R. DAWSON Main Street, Springfield COATS A N D D R E 8 3 E 3 A R R IV IN G D A IL Y Complete line of Children’s school Hats and Tams. 40 W. 8th Ave — Eugene 8th Avenue Hat and Dress Sho t WAR TAX REMOVED, DELIVERED PRICES REDUCED J WWÌTIAC SÌLX 40 bpi Ave. Went, Eugene raouucT or uhnuhal m otobb