i- * - , m I a n ee Try the H om e P rin t Shop Ftrat THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-FIFTH YEAH 4000 PEOPLE SEE OPENING OF FAIR Record Attendance for First Day Is Shown Wednesday; Three Big Days Left at Fair­ grounds are Packed With In­ terest. With 4000 palil h (I hi I aa li m * on the opening day. * record for attendance on till- lire! day. Ijtlie county'* umuul fair sot under way Wednesday. De spite the tbreatenlnx weather w 'h Intermittent drizzle or rain and rbil y atmosphere, crowd* all day long Joat- led their way about the fair m m toli to *ee the thouauhd and one 'hlng* th e were to see. The largest Mingle asaemblag yea lerdav was at the public wedding In front of the main grand stand. Spec- Islorr who could not get Into tin- grind stand lined the fence for u long dialnnre to peep In Io observe the proceedings. W ed ding D raw s Crowd RPRINGF1ELD. I-ANK COUNTY. ORBUON. THURHDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 192« F rid a y ’» F air P rogram Program at the Mine county fair for Friday will Include the fol­ H. L. Chase, for several years con­ lowing events, although the ar- - ned«, d with the Chase gardens near rangement I* yet to be worked out here, lias become a partner In the Morning hours- E xhibits In audi­ Springfield Laundry company. It was torium, livestock burns and Four announced this week. He has already II liulbllngs. Joined J. W Avltt In conducting th<- Afternoon Races, ludy broncho buslnesa. riding and rodeo eventa; auto polo, t'anadlans vs A m ericans; who Mr. Chase Is well known here, hav­ lorse race. ing spent most of his life at Gasdou- way. Evening Aerlul Halutes, band oncert by Eugene municipal band. AnMtiuncement of the partnership ■Cnrllsh auto soccer, bucking comes at the Marne tlm«- as the move • vents, snmerHaultlng auto. to a new location The laundry, is now Second mtblli* wedding. established In the Elite hotel build nr Fireworks drama, another chap at 309 Main street, haying Just moved tor In "Winning of the West " from the corner of Mill and Main The same program, with varia­ street» where the business has been tions In arrangements and added located for a number of years. f-uturea will be carried out during Within the next few days machinery the remaining three days of the will be Installed so that regular ser­ fair. vice cun he rendered. Mr. Avltt said. Today la Eugene day, tomorrow Even during the move the lauqdry Cottage Grove day and Saturday has been able to turn out a nominal Latte county day. Springfield mer­ umount of work. chants Joined with Eugene busi­ I’uft of the front of the building will ness men In dosing their stores bo occupied by the Service Cleaners, this ufternoon to allow their em­ who will move soon. A building to ployes and tbemaelvea to attend be used for dry cleaning has been the fair. erected In the rear of the new site of the lauudry and dry cleaning work SPRINGFIELD FOLKS formerly sent to Eugene establish­ OUT IN SCORES AT ments will be done here. Their Identity kept a secret until they mounted the platform -where they were to be married. Miss Margaret Medley and lien Kinard, both of Cot- tag«' Grove were the principal* In LANE COUNTY FAIR the wedding Key. Duncan I*. Camer­ Anxious to see the opening eventa on. pastor of the Cottage Grove Pres­ byterian church, performed the cere­ of the I-ano county fair, scores of mony. The wedding procession was Springfield people were at the fair- accompanied to the platform by the ! grounds yesterday and lant night. Eugene Radiator*, drill team of the Members of the boya’ and gtrls* chamber of commerce, who were led Four-H club here attended the dedlca- by traffic officer* mounted on motor­ 1 tlon of the new buildings of the club cycle*. I yesterday morning and entered exhi­ One feature not on the program wa* bits of their handiwork In the cooking, the attempted kidnapping of the groom sewing and other branches of tho Immediately following the wedding Four-H work. Cowboys who had ben watching tho Mrs C E. Wheaton of this city was wedding from their horses attempted one of the Judges In the flower dis­ to abscond with Mr Kinard, but play In the main exhibition room, Radiators prevented It. awards for which were made yester­ Fireworks Unique day. "The Winning of the West,” fire­ The display of flowers of all varie­ works drama, was declared one of the ties this year Is exceptionally good, best pyrophotographlc displays ever Mrs. W’heaton stated. produced In this county. Each even­ ing some event In American history RURAL ROUTE 1 WILL BE will be portrayed In fireworks. As usunl one of the chief centers of EXTENDED SEPTMEBER 16 Interest was the big auditorium In Extension of Springfield rural re- which Jjtne county products were on display. Prom liny flowers to giant livery route Nd. 1 to become effective beds, blue and red ribbons were pin September 16. was announced today ned thereon to show superiority if by F B. Hamlin, Springfield post­ Ihe product. To the eye of the ob­ master. server, however. It was hard to dis­ The announcement followed receipt tinguish between the quality and of a letter from Washington. D. C., in beauty of mnny of the displays. unswer to a request from some 40 Building* Dedicated patrons beyond the terminal of the A feature of the day yesterday was present route that the extension be the dedication of the Four-H build­ made. * ings which were completed Just before The extension Is from the Mason the opening of the fair. Three bund- corner north of Springneld and In­ r«'d children from nil parts of the cludes 17 miles of new territory, county, half a dozen state club lead­ making the total length of the new ers. of Eugene participated In the route 33.8 miles. dedication. Livestock entries filled the barns SKYLINE TRIP ENJOYED net nslde of this purpose and In the BY LOCAL MOTORISTS livestock barns of the boys' and girl»’ club are the prldss of the youngsters A motor trip along the skyline road from every aecllon of the county. fl-om Sisters to Crescent lake was One of the chief features today will be the gathering of the pioneer as­ taken by C. E. Wheaton and H. E. sociation to elect officers. There’s Maxey over Labor Day. They visited always a good time when the early the larger lakes along the summit of pettier« of thia county get together the Cascade* including 8parks, Devils, Elk. Davis, Odell, Crescent and Sum­ to exchange yarn*. mit lakes. Stores W ill Close While the skyline highway la dusty Then tonight comes the regular pro­ gram In front of the grandstand fol and has steep grades In places It *s lowed by another chapter In “The not dangerous to travel. Conditions In the mountains are pleasant and the Winning of the West" In fireworks. Most local stores were scheduled lakes trip Is one of the most scenic In Oregon. The return trip was made to close nt noon today. by Mr. Wheaton and Mr. Maxey by Another public wedding Friday night Is expected to furnish a feature the Willamette pass. attraction for that day. Identity of the young Lane county couple who SPRINGFIELD MAN SEES will be married at that time has not OCEAN FOR FIRST TIME been revealed. All In all. It’s a good fair, and who­ After spending 18 years of his life ever misses seeing all there Is to In Oregon, Ben Smith of this city see at the fair grounds Is missing a this week got his first glimpse of an ocean. real treat. Accompanied by his wife and chil­ dren ho drove to Newport Monday to Methodist Services spend a week enjoying the beach. Services nt the Springfield Method­ Before coming here Mr. Smith lived ist church for Sunday were announ­ In the mlddlewest where It was ced today by the pnstor, Rev. Gabriel hundred« of miles to the nearest Sykos, as follows: Sunday school, 9:45 ocean. Several times Rlnce moving a. m.; preaching services, 11 a. m, here he has planned trips to the topic, "Fnlse Prophets and Heresy”; beach, but somethings always Inter­ Epworth League, 7 «’dock; preaching fered until this week, ho stated. service, 8 o'clock, topic, "A Man of Vision With Blind Neighbors.” Road Conditions Told Louks at Newport—Mr. and Mrs. Fred 1x)uk, son, and three daughters, ac companled by two uncles of Mr. Ixiuk. Edgnr Mills, of Emmett, Idaho, and Chas. Mills of Los Angeles, California, and a cousin of Mr. Louk, Leo Mills, also of I-os Angeles, motored to Now port Saturday and atayod till Monday evening. The three Mill« relatives are Just completing a tour of the United States that has taken them from ocean to ocean. H. L. CHASE BECOMES PARTNER IN LAUNDRY; BUSINESS IS MOVED Bad condition of the McKenzie highway from the end of the oiling at Waltervllle to the power construction operations at Leaburg was reported at the meeting of the Springfield Lions club last Friday. Heavy trucks are cutting deep ruts in the highway, It was reported. The club heard a re­ port on lighting for tho new bridge. Approximately 6700 Is needed to finance Installation of ornamental poles and brackets, It was stated. AUTO THIEVES TAKE CAR BELONGING TO JUSTICE OF PEACE "The People's Paper'* A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 35 TWO ASPIRANTS FOR CITY JOBS NAMED Thieves must have lots of self confidence to steal an automobile belonging to a Justice of the peace Petitions Nominating C. O. Wil­ and parked In broad daylight In son for Mayor and H. J. Cox front of the Lane county court for Council are Filed Wednes­ house within a stone's throw of day; Walker Declines to Wri­ tbe county Jail. But some one of this profession ter Race. • did that very thing last Saturday City politics got their official strat aftern«x>n when they absconded with the machine "of popular yesterday when two petitions of noml make" left there by R. W. Smith nation were filed at the city hall. Springfield now has at least one of this city. M ary and M argaret Gibb, Siam­ certain candidate for mayor and also ese twins oí Holyoke. Mats., aré Mr. Smith still retains the office to be separated so that M argaret for one of the three vacancies in the of Justice, although he has tried frig h t) may marry a young man city council. no cases for some time. He This operation has rarely proved A petition containing more than tbe thought in front of the courthouse ;.i a new coat of plaster and tinting and bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph sent from three consecutive meetings. Trinka on B street. Saturday evening. WAIVE PETERSON AND a new roof. The appointment will hold only until Father D. P. Curley, pastor of the ALFRED TOWNSEND WED another councilman can be elected, so Springfield Catholic church, perform­ FIRST FALL MEETING OF this means that three councllmen and ed the ceremony. Both bride and EASTERN STAR IS HELD groom are former students of Sprlrg- In a quiet ceremony witnessed only a mayor must he elected. It was an­ by their mothers. Miss Waive Peter­ nounced. fleld high school. Mayor Bushman expressed surpried First meeting of the Order of the A wedding dinner for the young son and Alfred Townsend .both of this Eastern Star, Cascadia chpter, to be city, were married at the parsonage this morning when Informed that Mr. couple was held at the Trinka home of the Methodist Episcopal church In Walker will not accept nomination. held since the vacation season started, Bunday. They will make their home was conducted at the 1. O. O. F. hall here. Eugene at 10 o'clock last Saturday He has heard of no other possible candidate for the Job except an un- Tuesday evening. morning. A covered dish supper, scheduled Miss Peterson Is the daughter of authenticated rumor thaf Frank De- Property Changes Made for September 18, will be the first Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peterson and Mr. Pue. local attorney, may be asked to Two real estate deals were reported social event of the fäll program. Other Townsend is the son of Mrs. E. I. Rey­ seek the office. this week at the William Vasby real special features are planned for this estate office. Cassie Smith has pur­ nolds, Springfield People Wed They will make their home near time. chased the Milton Cyr place on Tenth Marriage licenses were issued by Mrs. C. A. 8warts, worthy matron and E streets and C. Hanshett has the Dougles Gardens where Mr. Town­ of the order, was in charge of the bought the A. P. Lyons place on D send Is employed on a milk route. the county clerk to the following dur­ meeting and a good attendance was Miss Peterson was a Junior In Spring- ing the past week: Orval Stanley street, Mr. Vasby reported. Chic Mc­ Fandrem and Hattie Trinka. both of field high school last year. reported. Pherson is building a new residence Springfield; Frank Hackalman, Prine­ at the corner of Tenth and C streets. ville, and Margaret Coffelt. Spring- Baptist Services Newly Weds are Feted Rev. C. H. Blom, pastor of the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peterson en­ field; Alfred Townsend and Waive Lorahs Give Dinner Springfield Baptist church, this morn­ tertained for Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Peterson, both of Springfield; Jack Mr. and Mrs. Jess Lorah were hosts ing announced the following program for a family dinner party at their Townsend who were married last VanDuyn and Helen Jacobs, both of at his church Sunday: Bible school Saturday, at their home last Sunday. Eugene; John Binder, and Velma home Wednesday evening. Those at 10 o’clock; morning worship at 11 present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Twenty-four guests were present, all Riley, both of Elkton; Warner Fuller, o'clock, subject, "The Greek's Re­ Lorah, of Long Beadh, California, Mr. being relatives of the bride and San Francisco, and Florence Buck, quest"; B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 o'clock: groom. Refreshments consisting of Eugene; Harold Ransom, Aumsville, and Mrs. J. B. Brown of Euegne. Mr. Gospel service at 7:30 o'clock, ser­ and Mrs. L. E. Stone and Mr. and Mrs. Ice cream and cake were served fol­ Elizabeth Ransom. Junction City; Clarence Chase, Dexter, and Prudence mon subject, "What Believers Be­ John Lorah. lowing the informal evening. Garvin, Trent; Roy Allen and Beulah lieve.” Conklin, Cottage Grove; Bert Kerns, Political T a lk Booked Petersons Enjoy Trip—Mr. and Mrs. Eugene, and Virginia Lonshury. Port­ Judge John A. Jeffrey of Portland 81' -er Tea Is Held Ira Peterson drove to Bend and Moro Members of the Methodist church over the holidays. At Bend they visit­ will discuss political Issues of the day land; Sherman Chapman. Cottage Ladles' Aid society combined business ed Mrs. Peterson’s brother, E. O. Var­ at a public assembly next Wednesday Grove, and Hazel Miller, Creswell. and pleasure at a meeting held In the ner and family, and at Moro they were evening. The address will be given Mareóla Ranch Sold church parlors yesterday A business In the Bell Theatre, beginning at 7:45 guests at the home of Mrs. S. I. Hast­ Porter Shidler of Marcóla yesterday meeting was followed by a sliver ten ings. Mr. Peterson resided at Moro o'clock. sold his 9-acre ranch one-fourth of a The committee of hostesses Included before coming to Springfield. Hinsons Have Guest«—Mr. and Mrs. mile south of Marcóla to John Vernon Mrs. Bernice Van Valzah, Mrs. L. K. Pengra Family Move»—A. H. Pen- Robert Arnold, of Shedd, Mrs. Bertha of Los Angeles. Mr. Vernon will Page, Mrs. William G. Hughes and gra. principal of the Walker school Nicewood, and daughter, Dorothy, of bring his family here and they will MI hs Morris. last year, who lived in Springfield, Central Point, Fred Croft, of Shedd, make their permanent home on tho Mrs. Larson Leaves—Mrs. John Lar­ moved with his family to Newport last and Mrs. Dell Hinson and daughter, newly acquired property. He plans son left today for Mapleton where she Saturday. Mr. Pengra has been en­ Caroline, of Oswego, visited last to Improve It extensively, making a will spend the next two weeks visit­ gaged as superintendent of the New­ Thursday afternoon at the home of chicken ranch. The deal was handled Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hinson of thia city. by the W. W. Walker realty company. ing with her sister, Mrs. Hans Nelson. port schools for the coming year. i« * a . „ n.