T 11U RS DAY AUGUST 30, U*2H THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE SIX IV In the d a rk a lo n e ' And If the sahlh has despaired of Miss S outhley inert lug him here, and wishes to go Io hie room. I w ill go thence w ith him , too ' « Edison Marshall Hop Pickers WANTED (TO Bff CONTINUeO) Class Has Plcnle The young men's class of the ("hirst Ian church enjoyed a picnic at Mid way park Tuesday evening Friend* of the class member* attended Game* and contest* preceded a picnic supper served at i:S 0 o'clock An Informal program was held following the sup­ per. Illusiratiatis by PAUL FföHft past us by. Starting Saturday morn­ ing. S ept/1. at Steven'» hop- yard. Truck come» in on Mill street at 6:30 a. m. and goes out Fifth street to pick up those who wish to pick hops. Phons 38-F-5 to make arrangements. J. A. SEAVEY But after one glance > lower, and once more he was on hls It waa after nine when I saw the j “But I tell you that Isn t safe. .... . Bash of « laqtern across the water. | cried. "He U «et away. Alexander, you , through! the doorway I felt sure that knee. And now 1 didn't look at Vilas My Thin clouds were in the sky. and the promised to keep a watch out for j no such attempt would be mnde. The darkness of the hillside where Hay pypil wprP froxen upon Ahmad Dae. him. He ll be gone when we get to Boon had not yet risen. The whole ward had died would, |n this man's Hts position, as fsr a» externals were wilderness world was blotted out by the house H'prom ised I'd see that he didn't mind, seem more terrible than the concerned, was one that every house Tuesday, September 4, we will open In our new quartern In the shadow, and the soft light oyer the away" Alexander answered > room Itself. keeper get» In many time a day. But the Miner Building As this will be the first day of the water brought a queer flood of earllv "He'll be there when we ' The library at Southley Downs w >s , hprp waa something different about regular Fall Term, It will he a good time to enroll for a thoughts. I welcomed its approach. He tremendously long It had rows of this. There was a luxury, a paaalon. Stenographic, Bookkeeping, or Secretarial cours«'. Ask At the moment it seemed the only come. Don't fear. Inspector, windows at one end. and the other |n the way he spread his long body on about It. reminder that life still existed about turned to the others. "Then every opened Into the hall. The tapestries ,h P floor. 1 can't describe It except to this great, bleak estate of the South thing is ready. Miss Southley—if you and furnishings were rather dark.' say it was as If he felt a rapture In it. leys. Without- it. it might have seem w(|| g0 with Inspector Freeman His after the manner of Victorian llbrnr Nor was he calm any more There ed a realm of death, where- human he- j arm is strong and his atm sure IT’S A GOOD SCHOOL And beBides. the Southley. you and Ernest can take the les At one side was built the great was s strange nervousness upon him. lags never came Ana m»iaes. ui<- ^ “iniey. J»» will be an fireplace, now cheerless and cold like an Intense eagerness, and his lips A. E. Robert». President Miner Bldg. Sept. 4 .trea, Alexander Pierce was returning south windows You. Ix» - £ •« m(|ny Telephone 666 Eugene, Oregon mm, his expedition. and I did not un,rejudlced witness. Bat you ve know but that this gleam across the t0 know h o w to walk jjB.nHy wastes was the breaking of the light n It, damp and strange from the marsh. Then Vilas spoke again in the the W est” of truth in the darkness against our faces. i silence— the words sharp and clear. •Good. Then you'll come with me I heard step« behind me. It was When I say that Vilas Hayward Mv eyes flashed to him He was lean And now—out goes the light.' Inspector Freeman. He lifted the lantern and turned sat alone I do not mean that there |pg forward In his chair, every muscle “I see he's coming Just at the time To us they com e from near and far he promised." he said with a note of down the wick. Then he blew out the were no other occupants In the room set. every tendon rigid And each complains about bin ear; flame Of course I understood. In There was one other, and it la true, "Ahmad Das!" he commanded. "Go wonder. "She eats up oil and fouls her plugs; The up to to tne the snore. shore. our our preseni present position of that ........................- at first 1 didn't see him at all and gOmp candles ’ The boat boat drew drew up pusiuu.. at the — base —- ...................- She has no pep; »he's full of hugs." and the colored men got out to make the hill, it would not he visible from He kept at the very edge of the cunnot „„hlb." the Hindu an "She m isses fire and drag» her fe e t; It faat. The lantern light was dim. the wjndows of the house. It would candlelight, and he moved so so y. wwprpd from the floor "They are all The way she lags has got me beat !’’ I and I could not see plainly. It seemed , be visible as we approached the house so unobstructlvely that is was ver» Ronp bu, these two. Every one But gently now we calm folks down; to me that something was huddled in ( And Just as the shadows fell a easy to Ignore his presence. It was can not bring more." "Your ear's all right, don’t »cowl & frown:" the bottom of the boat—something hand touched mine. It was a warm Ahmad Das. Just all you need to give her wing» "Then I'm going out to look for A white face Is always comparalve- rather large—but I couldn't see what hand, and soft, and the fingers rested 1» new pistons, pins and rings!" Southley." It was because a rubber tarpaulin a single fluttering Instant In my palm ]y risible in the dim light. That is "He will be hard to find, sahlh had been thrown over It. But I did t It was a little hand. too. and I had in why soldiers going on to No Man's There are shadows and water and see Alexander's face. He held the a single Instant of never-tobe-forgob Ijln(, al night darkened their faces I««torn up in look at us. and it showed ten knowledge of its power to soothe with lamp-black But Ahmads face seemed to grow Indescribably eager A utom otive Machinists hjs feature« plainly. He seemed and hold, and a tenderness beyond all wag naturally dark, and It blurred in Tou will need a guide." 824 Pearl Street :: :: Eugene, Oregon reckoning. And I knew whose hand our 8iK ht Sometimes I saw the whites curiously Intent. j of his eyes when the candlelight shone "A g u ld e -w h et do you mean?“ We walked up the path, and three ,t was. “Maybe you can understand after on them Vilas Hayward was not try 'If the sahib goes. I will take him shadows made black streaks across the light that the lantern threw. They this." she whispered. “Perhaps yon lnx to read; and the fact that the light there. The sahib must not start out was too dim for easy reading had , were of the three Soathleys. who had won't condemn me so." come out «t the house to meet us Then like a squad reploying In nothing to do. with it. He was watch They also eemeed grave, determined, battle, we started climbing up the Ahmad Das out of the corner of hts eyes. Something gleamed in the old man's giooe of the hill. hand As Alexander held the lantern We soon left the others In the dark- The lighting effect was one in high. 1 saw what it was. It was a ness. Alexander and I crept to the which a great artist would have re­ p istol., { • j postern door. joiced. It was yellow and dim. of POPULAR PRICE STORE "What’R this?" Alexander asked. “One sound will spoil the play." he course; and perhaps It had a quality “Vila«' pistol." Southley replieJ. whispered to me In the instant that of unreality. unreality. The The atmosphere atmosphere of "you told me to get jt." we waited at its threshold. ''Keep candiea at any time Is distinctly me- “Hnr»' did you do it without arous- your ears and eyes open." , d,PTa] Then there was the gradation Inr eusoleion?" ' Then we crept through Into the of ghadows—dusky close to the fire- ALBANY HALSEY HARRISBURG "Took it from the drawer in the little hall. The door Into the library p|acp j,ut ghadlng off to a deep. In- JUNCTION CITY Hhrsrv table. He keeps it there in the was open, hut scarcely any light came tenae black. The light from the two daytime. Usually carries its at night through. 8o deep w as the shadow can(j]eg raet at the very extremetles. Ernest and I left him with the excuse that Alexander was at once invisible jeaT|ng a dusky path between Vilas' -SALEM COBURG that we had to talk to some of the We lay down on the oppoalte sides hpftd and ghouHers cast a distinct colored laborers at their cottages of the hall, so that we could look '„badow on the wall, blurred, however. -LOWELL Josephine ust slipped away." , through into the library But we left by thp pffpct of a candle across the CORVALLIS- Alexander turned to Ernest. “How the passage open, as Alexander had i rf)om Thp shadow thrown by Ahm^d about the candles?" instructed The reason was simply waR gomPth|n(t gliding and dusky and -DEXTER “Two burning in the library. All that he thought the man we had come d(m aKaingt tj,e curtains of the win­ MONORE the others have been misplaced, os to watch might want to make an dows you d'rected " • egcane through the doorway, and ft There was an effect of silence, too, -SPRING FIELD FLORENCE- “And the servants?" i would have spoiled the plan for him possibly Induced by the accentuation “No one in the bouse hut Ahmad." to see us on the way out. "Lying clos° of the faint sounds that were present. The inspector suddenly gasped, to the walls, It was likely he would It seemed to me that 1 could hear -LEABURG CUSHMAN- ' distinctly the rustle and whisper of portieres dragged on the floor by the -W ALTERVILLE wind. A window shade wavered with ALVADORE the faintest stir of sound Ttrnn there were the hushed, manifold sounds of -VIDA the night that came hushed and VENETA strangp through the noises—noises .to obscure that the ears had to strain -OAKRIDGE NOTI to perceive them. Vilas' face was lighted by the near­ -WESTFIR est candle. 1 could really see It more ELMIRA- plainly than anv other detail In »he room. The fact fascinated me at first, -OAKLAND ! All other things were dim and blurred MARCOLA- and unreal; hut It was sharo and ; clear. And even this early In the -S U TH E R LIN WENDLING- ’ drama It had a oualltv that was dis- ! turblng to the spirit. He had endured . much these last three davs. SUPERIOR "Good God! Where Is every one?“ COTTAGE GROVE DRAIN CRESWELL C IR C U LA TO R YONCALLA i he exploded at last. “Ahmad! Ahmad ' D as!” ANNOUNCEM ENT EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE Automobilus Lullaby Pembrooke & Moritz JOHNSON’S ALL ROADS LEAD TO J o H N S o N ’S Montag and Superior Circulators SPECIAL OFFERING the next two weeks. home w ithout a cold furnace type heater. or mahogany. on these famous circulators during You can heat every room in your or hot spot with this good looking Porcelain jackets grained in walnut FREE FUEL given w ith each circulator sold— your choice of 1 fu ll cord Booth-Kelly dry slab or i/2 ton Rainier Fuel Co.’s best coal or briquets. $5.00 DOWN PAYMENT delivers yours. Then easy terms on the balance W ITHOUT Interest. TRADE IN your old stove as part payment. ''y ETHER -PO W ERS 11th and Willamette Eugene, Oregon The servant arose and came near him, half obscured In the shadows He stood straight and tall. “Yes. sahib—” “Where Is everybody? Southley and hls son ought to he hack bv now, What direction have they gone?” "I do not know, sahlh. They told me thpy were going toward the cot­ tages of »he laborers. But they did not turn that way after they had gone out the door.” "And Miss Southley? She was to ' loin me here.” "She has gone. too. T don't know where. The detectives are spending j the day across the marsh—on the ' hetehts " "But It's time' they were hack by now Good Lord, what did they go ! there for, when the trouble Is here* ! Here, T tell you. and von know It, too. Ahmad. You know It too devil­ ish well. "T do not know what the sahlh means." "Damn vour black fane!” Then VI,as tried to regain hls self- control. We saw htm strucgllng The fight was Inserlhed on hls face. And It was a hard fight, too—a losing fight. For a long moment he was quiet, and Ahmad Das resumed hls furniture dusting Tie bent lower and THE “BIG 10 HERE ARE TEN ITEMS TH AT SPELL REAL VALUES Please Read On SPECIAL CO ATS Big a s s o r t m e n t of One Lot of Fur-Trimm ed Coats L'“1'e” Purses $ 1 .0 0 95 $10. D ress e s A SPECIAL FULL FASHIONED HOSE- Price .. FIBRE SILK $1 .0 0 ONE LOT OF SEMI-FASIIIONED FIBRE HOSE— 50c All colors ..... ............... A SPECIAL I LOT OF BEAUTIFUL SMOCKS— Price ........ $1.79 SILK DRESSES All colors and sizes $8 .9 5 SILK DRESSES All colors and sizes ... $ 5 .9 5 SILK DRESSES Sizes up to 5 6 ........ $4 .9 5 PRINTED RAYON DRESSES -All sizes ............. $ 3 .5 0 FLAT CREPE DRESSES — all colors, sleeveless $ 3 .5 0 ONE LOT OF HOUSE DRESSES -P r ic e 2 fo r ...... $ 1 .0 0