THURSDAY AUGUST 30. 1928 TUB 8PRINOFIÖ.D NEWS THE GLORY OF THE SKI ESI FIREWORKS RIVAL BEAUTY OF HEAVENS! SKY Community News FAINTING TO THRILL THOUSANDS PAGE PIV I Mr and Mrs Hart Bsavsr and fam­ ily of Enterprise left Tuesday for i several days vacation at Newport. Mrs. bonis Circle and daughter who ¡'have been afx-ndlng their summer • y Spacial Correspondant* Itelbert Harden took their furniture for them by truck D. G. Linton Is busy selling his Frunk Campbell who underwent an Implements and tools berore depart­ operation at the Pacific Christian ing for Orland. California where he j l.»Hpltul In Eugene, some time ago for expects to move about September 16. appendicitis lias recovered enough to Miss Nellie Olson of Washington be brought Ui hla home here, last Is expected to arrive Friday of this Thursday. week to spend a week at the home | Hubert dray and Miss Flossie Her­ of her uncle. Andy Olson Miss Bella rington motored here from Klamath Olson will return to Washington with Fulls lust Monday. her for a weak’s visit. | Mr. and Mrs Ira Nice and family Mrs. F. J. Elliott and two daughters. have returned from a trip to Califor­ Frances and Emily, of Phoenix. Ari­ nia. zona, will arrive Thursday morning I Mr. and Mrs William Henson and to spend a month visiting her mother, children drove to Newport last Sat­ Mrs. 0 . H. Wangelln at Newport and urday where they spent the week-end. I her slater, Mrs. E. B. Tinker at Pleas­ Mr. and Mrs Arch Shough from ant Hill Vida spent the week-end at John Members of former Pleasant Hill Price's. community club who donated money Carl Cramer and Mr. and Mrs. j toward buying a piano several years Charles Cramer and Mrs Walter Ed ago each received a check this week mlston motored to Triangle lake lust equal to the amount donated. The Sunday. piano was recently sold to Mrs. Andy Mr and Mrs. Taylor Needham. Ray | Olson and according to the agree­ Mitchell. Mrs John Travis and daugh­ ment when the donations were made ter. Edna June, drove to f'ottag*- the money was all refunded. There Grove and with Mrs Teeter motored was a slight surplus which was turned to Row river last Sunday. over to the present woman's club. vacation at the ranch of Taykst Cir­ cle returned to their home near T ri­ angle Lake this week. Carl Linton Is busy plowing on the old Roblnett ranch. THUR STO N UPPER W ILLAM ETTE The mgslery of the fleru universe nboiil us hat thrilled and awed ages of humanity. Prophet* have foretold the future by the biasing glorg of the sun or darkened eclipse of that to lar king. Nations have gone to u>ar at a starry signal. ll'c read In the scriptures of fire descending from heaven Io kindle the altars of the righteous and Io strike down the un­ believers. Jove's thunderbolts biased the Indignation of the (¡ods fo r the medieval*. Camels have stricken the superstitious a n d 'fo re ­ told the coming of the end of the world. Wonderful and splendid, powerful and impressive have been the Ska Pictures from the scenic paths of the heavens. Their only rival has been those brilliant dazzling scenes of the Pgro- Irc n n if Inn. Modern chemistry has stolen the brilliance of the stars and the colors of the firmaments. Foremost In the Magic of Sky Palnllnu the Hilt Fireworks Company stand. Then are soon Io present one of their scenic splendors. l)o not /a il to see this magnificent spectacle. T his flreworkB display will be Been a t the I^ane County F air every n ig h t from S ep tem b er 5 to 8. Genuine Ford Battery ,50 $9 and Your Old Battery Made by Ford and Guaranteed to last. 13 Plates and Rubber Case. The best buy for the money you can make. We still have Ford Ammonia-Sulphate Fertilizer. Just the thing to brighten up the brown spots in the lawn. DANNER MOTOR CO. "Authorized Ford Sales and Service” Fifth and A Sts. Phone 49 1 Mr. and Mrs, Andy Olson and son Henry, left last Saturday for a several day's vacation motoring and camping . In southern Oregon and northern California. Mrs J A Phelps, who has been at­ tending summer school at Normal Is expected to return to her home at Pleasant Hill Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Monson and children left Pleasant HUI last Sun­ day for Tacoma, Washington. Mr HOW CAN 1 REDUCE MY Automobile Expense How often have you asked yourself th a t question? W e can show you definitely how to reduce it as far as if. applies to tires. Hoilneta Group to Meet—The Wit- | lamette Holiness Association Meeting will be held In the Methodist church, | In Springfield all day Tuesday, Sept- ! ember 1 The meeting will be open to the public. Tile secret of this isn’t buying cheap tires. Cheap tire s are not only m ore expensive— often they cost tw o or th re e tim es as m uch. The se cre t of tire econom y is a paradox; it consists of buying th e BEST tires, and then profiting by th e REAL, TIR E SERVICE from th e best dealer in g ettin g th e m ost out of th a t tire., Leave for Baker—Mr and Mrs. Clair Parsons left Saturday for Baker Oregon, where they will stay for three days before gojng to Rockaway beam to Join Mrs Parsons' sister. Mrs Lum Anderson and her mother, Mr« A P j Kepner, both of this cltv The Par sons will be gone for two weeks ’ T here are m any things the d ealer should do to insure tire m ileage. Drop in and let us explain them to you. BUY GOODRICH SILVERTOWNS AT Wm. Rodenbough Garage "E V E R Y TH IN G AUTO M OTIVE" 533 Main Street Newly Remodeled js • L v EIGHTH AVENUE KAT 8 DRESS SHOP . r ' 1 î Phone 95 0 rt°'?atsP ' 4. ' 4 '." ^ 4 . ‘ ' 4. 77'* 7 ta Formal Opening 9 I X Ì * a w 0 d « ta Saturday, Sept. 1st I I e ft I lie rem odeling is finished and o u r new q u a rte rs are ready for your Inspection. T he new sto ck s of Fall Millinery D resses and C oats are on display for your approval and we invite you to visit ou r new larg er q u a rte rs and see these new g a rm e n ts and millinery. 0 g « OPENING DAY SPECIALS DRESSES i fl 1 »ta w « Î 3 Closing O u t 15 Sum m er Dresses F or O pening Day we have grouped these IB sm art Dresses in two price groups— they a re exceptional bargain values to $7.50 and $14.50. Group No. 1 iroup $ 3 .5 0 FREE I 4 1 I V I -ta 1 <9 I $ 6 . 50 With every purchase on Open­ ing Day— we will give FREE to e a c h c u s t o m e r a New Fall Buttoniere. FREE New Fall Felts $2.98 New Fall Coats $9.95 and Up New F elts for fall w ear, In all of F all’s new est colors and designs. New F u r trim m ed Fall Coats, new est p a tte rn s ex ­ ceptional values. 8 45 s a t i s f i e d w i t h t h e c o m m o n p la c e ! You never saw th e eq u a l o f th e se new e le c tr ic ra n g es. Except for s e tt in g th e clo ck and t h e th e r m o m e te r w h en you p u t th e food in th e oven (co ld ), you d o n 't have to w atch or to u c h a th in g u n til c o o k in g is c o m p le te d . No in itia l sea rin g is req u ired . N o h a n d a d ju s tm e n ts arc n ecessa ry . No b a s tin g to d o. N o w ater to ad d . For “ Flavor Z o n e” c o o k in g is e n tir e ly a u to m a tic from e\ 0 *0 A special selection of C hildren’s H ats will be on display in sizes from 2 years and up. sta r t to fin ish and th e r e 's n o g u essw o rk a b o u t r e su lts. < W e ilin g h o u s e ► W e do Cleaning, Blocking, Rem odeling and M ake to Order. We specialize in large head sizes up to size.26 Eighth Avenue Hat & Dress Shop GRACE T. MOORE, P ro p rie to rs ^ 40 West 8th Avenue, Eugene We give S. & II. G reen Stam ps. ing Day. 10 ex tra st am ps to he given to each cu sto m er on Open­ T H I ELECTRIC RANCE W ITH THE AUTOMATIC "FLAVOR IO \E " O V E N ONLY $ 2 j.9 5 DOW N A M ountain S tates P ow er C om pany ( • » ( • ♦ I J t . J i . J