T lim W lM Y AUdlJHT 30. 1928 t u b B P iu N n m a j) nbwb No. No. PAGE TH R I TRAIN SCHEDULE Sprlngfleld Stop* NORTH 1« at 4:27 A M (F lag) 8 at 3:46 P. M SOUTH 7 at 1:05 P. M 15 at 10:03 P. M (Pia«) Pynea Back From Idaho—Mr. and HIGHWAY CREWS DOING Mrs. E E Pyne returned Sunday even­ work on M c K enzie route ing after a two week's vacation trip. Moat of their time was spent In Idaho Crews of the state highway com­ i where they visited friends and rela­ mission are doing regular malnten tives at their former homes In Fair- ance work between thia city and the No field, Jerome and Hazelton. They re­ McKenzie pass. It was reported today No turned by way of Toppenish. Wash­ at the dffice of Raymond J. Walah. ington, where they stopped for a short resident engineer tnr the commission. F O R SALE W O O D time with one of Mrs. Pyne'a brothers. Because the road la very dry It Old Orowtli Fir. Second Qrowth Fir, Mr. Pyne la linotype operator for the wan found necessary to use water Oak, Aah. All lengths Phone Sprlng­ Sprlngfleld N eva. fleld 1S4. tf. tanks. It was reported Regular grading and graveling to N O TIC K FOR P U B L IC A T IO N NOTICE OF HEARING keep the road In good shape Is under (Publisher) 1'olt HAI.K ALBERTA PEACHES at > FOR HALE—5-roora plastered house SEPTIC TANKS— ON FINAL ACCOUNT way. 015391 Moxlsy’s Orchard. 1*4 miles Hooih Randy for you to Inatall i at 822 E street, garage, woodshed, NOTICE 1» HEREBY GIVEN: That Department of the Interior, U. fl. woat of Goshon. Brio* your boxas; Fof family of Ova — 821 00, Eugene I barn, a dandy garden and lota of Ihe underxlgned administrator of the Juty 30, i» ;» * RoMb“r»’ Or«00'h Prunn« atao. A 30 For family of eight — |28 00, Eugene fruit Will consider car In trade. estate of Flora N. Anderson, deceased, SPRINGFIELD LEGION TO has died hla account for the Anal NOTICE Is hereby given that Wil­ It. NAME STAFF SEPT. 7TH Sewer Pipe. Well Curbing, Drain Tile I - John Robertson. settlement of her estate In the County liam R. Dickert. of Mabel, Oregon, PAINTING and Kslaooilning In all It* and Chimney Blocks. .Court for Lane County, Oregon, anl who, on February 8. 1924, made Homa- Nomination of officer« for the atead Entry. Serial No. 816391, for 8 E 14 branches Itoduced Price*. Ro) E IG H T H GRADE E X A M IN A T IO N S ‘ that Saturday. Ihe 29th day of Sept E U G E N E CO N C R ETE PIPE CO. ember. 1928. at the Court, Room of aa|>! Sprlngfleld post of the American Le­ NW%, Section 33. Township 15 South, Koch Gall 126-J. The State uniform eighth grade ex­ Court, In the County Court House, In CALL AND BEE Dr. N W. Emery aminations will be given In Districts Eugene, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, gion will be held at a meeting sche­ Range 1 West, WJIlamette Meridian, ha« filed notice of intention to make N O T IC E on prices on plate* and other work. U , where pupil« have complied wllh the . has been by aald Court fixed as the duled for Friday. September 7, It wan three year Proof, to establish cllam requirements provided by law, and time and place for hearing phlectlona announced this week. Officers will he to the land above described, before H. NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN that where application has been made for thereto, and for final settlem ent of named for the one-year term. O. Immel, U. S. Commissioner, at Eu­ llenry Odell, a* guardian of the minor N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S Ihe questions, on Thursday and Fri­ said estate heir* of Robert Odell, daceuaad. to­ Election of off’eers arllj be held Sept­ gene, Oregon, on the 5th day of Sep- day, September 6 and 7, 1928 Appli­ D MAX ANDERSON, Adminlstra- tember, 1928. wn Datu« K Odell, Robert It Odell. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That cation for questions should be made ember 21. J. M La a»<- Is p -.in s t ' tor of the estate of Flora N. Ander­ Claimant names as witnesses: Violet Odell, Florence Odell, Margaret the undersigned has been appointed at once to E. J Moore. County School commander of the local post. son. deceased William Black. James Kinman, Odell, unit Harrell Odell, will, pursu by the County Court of l.ane County Superintendent. L. L. HAY. Attorenv for Eatate. .mi to as order of the C o sstj Ctflirl lit Oregon ua aduilnlatrator of the A new national ruling has recently Qeorge Riggs, all of Mabel. Oregon. A 23-30: A 30: 8 6-13-20-27: Bdward Freeland, of Marcóla, Oregon. and for Lane County, Oregon, on thia estate of Emily F. Bteven«. deceased gone in’> erect which provides that Non-coal lOlb duy of SepttJBur. A. D . 1828, ai All pcrslina having claims against officers of each post be Installed fol­ HAMILL A. CANADAT, Register. 11 A M offer for «ale to the hlxhcst said aetata are hereby notified to N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE ON SUMMONS E X E C U T IO N IN FO R ECLO SU RE A 2 9-16-23-30: bidder the following described real present the same duly verified and IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE lowing the national convention. The premia»**, to-wlt: wllh proper voucher« to aald ad NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE m eeting thl« Tear will be held In Gal­ Beginning at the aoutheaat cornar mlnlatrator at the office of Harris, by virtue of an execution and order 8U M M 0N8 COUNTY of (he southeast one-fourth of the Smith and Bryson. Miner Building, of sale In foreclosure Issued out of Sue Dorrl« and Allle M Smith, plain­ veston, Texas, In September IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE northeast one fourth of Section 4. Eugeni, Oregon, within six months the Circuit Court of Lane County. STATE OF OREGON, FOR LANE tiffs. versus C B. Williams and Ire­ Townahlp Nineteen Houth. Range One from the date of the first publication Oregon, on the 20th day of August. COUNTY. New Sign Installed na C William«, hl« wife; the un­ Went, thence running went 30 rod«, of till« notice. Lewvena Wright, Plaintiff, A new electric sign was Installed ! known heir» of 8. H. Friendly and 1928, In a suit wherein on the 19th thence north 80 rod*, thence ea«t 30 versus Hole of first publication of this day of January. 1928. In said court Matilda Friendly, deceased, hla Monday at the Swarts meat market. rod«, thence aouth 80 rod* to place notice la August 16, 1928. Chick C Wright, Defendant. wife; R E. Cartwright and Kathryn L. Wayland, plaintiff recov­ of beginning. containing fifteen ai-rns The attractive electric device extend« To Chick C. Wright, the above named WELBY STEVENS Administrator Cartwright, wife of R. E Cart­ defendant: nt land, more or leaa, in Lane County, of the Estate of Emily F Steven», de­ ered Judgment against the defendants out over the sidewalk in front of the wright: Olaf Haldorson. sometimes Alva A Rice and Mary M Rice, his Oregon; IN THE NAME OF THE STATE f'E ceased. «tore The design centers about a known as "Ole" Halderson, and wife, for the sum of 83500.00 with «aid *ale Io b" held at Room No 1 OREGON, You are hereby required to HARRIS. SMITH AND BRYSON. Interest thereon from February 9. Mary Haldorson; Gina Momb, aome- picture of a cow’s head and the out­ In the h'lrat National Hank Bulldlug In Attorney« for Administrator. appear and answer the complaint filed tlmea known a» Gina Mobb; the un line Is formed by several rows o f, against you In the above entitle 1 1926. to the date of Ihe payment ol Eugene, 1-ane County, Oregon, suhjert A. 18-23 30: S 6-13. known heirs of Mathias Momb. said Judgment at eight per cent per court and cause, on or before (the ex» to the approval of the County Court. sometimes known as ’’Mattle’’ lights. annum and t h e further sum of 8500 00 plratlon of the time prescribed in the HENRY ODELL. Guardian N O T IC E OF P IN A L ACCO UNT Momb. deceased: Henry Ixrretx and attorneys fees herein, and for the Order for Publication, to-wlt: On or A 9 14-33 30 S. 6: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Jennie Loretz; Joseph Loretz and rosts and disbursements herein In the Tonsil Operation Performed—Tn- t-efore the expiration of four weeks Anna lljerke has filed her (Inlfl ac­ ......... Loretz. wife of Joseph Lor- alx-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd from the date of the first publication NOTICE OP 8 1 IKK I E r S SALE ON count aa Administratrix of the Estate sum of 853.05. which Judgment was etx; C. W Washburne and ... .......... hereof, and If you fall to appear ar EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE of William J VanWagner, Deceased, enrolled and docketed In the Clerk's Washburne, wife of C. W Wash- Elliott of Banta Clara underwent an answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will office of aald Court In said County and that the county court of Lane Notice la hereby given that by vlr burne; Charles E. Parke and Cath­ operation for the removal of his to n -; take a decree against yon for the re­ on the 19th day of January. 1928, and tue of an execution and order of sale County, Oregon has fixed 10:00 A. M «aid execution to me directed com­ erine Parke: Rodney R. Rounds and alls Tuesday In the office of a local i lief prayed for In the complaint, which of Friday, September 14, 1928 an the Ip (urwlnpure Issued out of the Clr- is In substance as follows: Rebecca Round«; Millar Morgan and physician. manding ms In the name of the State Urae when the court will take up iu li Court of Lane County, pregon, For a decree of the court diesolving Elizabeth Morgan; James A Mor of Oregon, in order to satisfy said ■aid account for examination and al­ on the 2nd day of August, 1938. In a the marriage contract now existing he gan: Thomas Q. Bntler; Wiley Judgment. Interest, attorneys fees, lowance and will M«lgn the residue of ult wherein an the 31st day of Ju ly.) Visitors Are Iiw-Among the buai- tween plaintiff and. defendant, and for Sparks and Nancy Spark«: Abram All persona Interested costs of suit and accruing costs to 928, In aald court The Wail Coast said estate M. Peek and Laury M. Peek; Marr , neas visitors here Monday were J. B. such other and further relief as to the sell the following described, real prop­ therein may appear at aald time and National Rank. Portland. Oregon, a Ann Beam; James L. Peek. Jr.; El­ Lathrqpe of Marcola and J. B. Elliott1 court may seem Just and proper. erty. to-wlt: N a tio n a l Banking Aaeoclatlon, be heurd Thia summons Is published pursuant len Peek: Charles P eek; and Or- Beginning at a point »62 1 feet ANNA BJERKE, Administratrix. to an order of the Honorable C. P. Trustee, plaintiff. tac"ver«»d Judgment tavla Peek: James Alson Peek; of Jasper. west of a point In the canter of August 14-28-30. Sept 6 Barnard. County Judge of Lane Conn- against the defendant* Edward A Veron» E Peek; all other unknown the County Road known as River ty. Oregon, made and entered August Fegles and Jessie M Regie*, h l* wife N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S heirs of William E Peek, deceased; Veneta People Here— Mr. and M rr.! Road, which nolnt Is North 8 de­ 1928. and the date of the first pub­ for the sum of 83754.18 with InXesast and all unknown heir» of James Walter Parrish of Veneta were vial- - •14. grees and 40 minutes West 177 lication hereof is August 14. 1928. and Mt creep a t 4 per cent par auuutn from NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That Peek, Sr.: the unknown heirs of tore here over Sunday with friends.-j the date of the last publication, hereof chains of a point 49.82 chain« gnd attar July 1st, 1923, together with the underylgn,,,l has been appointed John P. Bddln». deceased: the un­ East of the Southwest corner of Is September 13. 1928 the further »urn of 8300 00 attorney by the County Court of the State of known heirs of Elizabeth Eddlns, de­ the L. ft Dav|s Donation Land HOWARD M. BROWNELL. foes herein, and le te th e r with the Oregon for the County of Lane, Ad ceased ; and all other persons or Waltervllle Merchant In— Charles; Claim No. 42 In Township Seven­ Attorney for Plalnriff. further sum of 8137.60 a* Trust»«'« mlnlatrator. of the estate of Elizabeth parties unknown, claiming any teen (171 South of Range four Sylvester, merchant of, Waltarville, Residence: 177 East Seventh Ave., lHalpn and the cqaia and die- Taylor, deceased and all persons hav- right, title estate, lien or Interest In (4) West of the Willamette Mer­ Eugene, Oregon. A. 16-23-30: S. 6-1J menta herein In the sum of Ing claims against said estate are or to the real estate described In was a business visitor here .Monday. idian. running thence North 360 1 818.50. which Judgment was enrolled hereby notified to present the same complaint; defendants. feet, thence West 98 4 feet, thence SU M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N IN gpd doaketed In Ilia Clerk a offlca of properly vgriOed to me at the office N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N To C. S Williams and Irena C. Wll South 360 8 feet. thence East aald Court "In ««Id County on the 31«« of Frank A. Delhie. the attorney for FO R ECLO SU RE O F T A X L IE N (Publisher) Rams, his wife; the unknown heirs 99 4 feet to the place of beginning, day of July, 1988. and aald execution the eatate at hla office at Sprlngfleld. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE of S. H. Friendly, deceased, and 015407 all In Lan»' County. Oregon. to me directed commanding me In -the Oregon, on or before alx months from STATE OF OREGON. FOR LANE Matilda Friendly, deceased, his D e p a rtm e n t of the In te rio r. U . S. Now. therefore, in the name of the COUNTY. nt th«, S^ate of Oregon. In .order the .data of this notice. wife; R. E. Cartwright, and ......... - Land O ffic e a t Roseburg, Oregon. Arthur L. Matoon and Katherine R. tlsfy aald Judgment. Interest, nt WILLIAM M TAYLOR, Admlnls State of Oregon. In compliance with Cartwright, wife ,of R. E. Cart­ August, 7, 1928. said execution and order of sale and yn fee», »•oat* of atilt and accru­ trator Matoon. Plaintiffs, vs Alfred Starks, wright; Olaf Haldorson. sometimes NOTICE is hereby given that Ly J. D*fendant. ing coat* lo «»'ll the .following de- PRANK A. DE PU R Attorney for In order to satisfy said Judgment. In­ known as "Ole” Haldorson. and man A. Chezem. of Eugene. Oregon; te re s t attorneys fees, costs of suit _ . , To Alfred Btarks the above named scribed real property, to-wlt: the eatate. Mary Haldorson; Gina Momb. some­ M. R. "C”, who. on February 23. 1924, defendant: and accruing costa. I will on Satur­ A. 9-16-23-30: S 6: Lot one and the Houth one half of t im e known as Gina Mobb: the made Homestead entry. No. 915407, for ' IN THE NAME OF THE STATE day, the 22nd day of September, 1828, Ixit two. In Block eight of Bladden’n unknown heirs of Mathias Momb. EM SW>4. Section 27. Township 18 s.. OF OREGON: You are hereby notified at the hour of one o'clock In the af­ Third Addition to Eugene, Lane Coun­ A D M IN IS T R A T R IX ’ NO TIC E sometimes known as ‘'Mattle” Range 4 Vest. Willamette .Meridian. ! that Arthur L. Matoon and Katherine ternoon of said day. at the southwest ty, Oregon Momb. deceased; Henry Loretz and has filed notice of Intention to make R Matoon the holders of Certificate Now. therefore. In the name of the IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Front door of the Countv Court house. Jennie Loretz; Joseph Loretz and three year proof, to establish claim to j of Delinquency numbered 2136 Issued STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR In Eugene. l.ane County. Oregon, of­ Plate of Oregon. In compliance with Loretz. wife of Joseph Lor­ the land above described, before E. O. , on the 30th day of December. 1925 by THE COUNTY OF LANE. IN PRO­ fer for sale and sell for cash, at pub­ «aid execution and order of gale and lic auction, subject to redemption as etz; C. W. Washburne and ........... Immel. U. S. Commissioner, at Eu- , the Tax Collector of the County of BATE In order to satisfy «aid Judgment. In In re Estate of Henry McCollum, de- provided by law. all of the right, title 18th day of Lane. State of Oregon, for the amount Washburne. wife of C. W Wash- gene. Oregon, on the tereat, attorney« fee«, co«t« of null 1928. i Thirteen and '30-100 ($13.30) dol- hiirne; Charles E Parke and Cath­ September. nnd Interest of said defendants Alva ceased. and accruing coat«. I will on Satur Claimant names as witnesses: lars, the same being the amount then Notice Is herbye given that I. Isa­ A. Rice and Mary M Rice, his wife; erine Parke: Rodney R. Rounds and day the 8th day of September. 1923, bella A. McCollum, am the duly ap­ George B Bloomer. C E Shumwav John H. Barr. Marie V Barr. Melvin due a?d delinquent for taxes for the Rebecca Rounds: Miller Morgan and at the hour of one o’clock In the after pointed qualified and acting adminis­ and L. E. Shumway, and all persons , together with penalty, In- Elizabeth Morgan; James A. Mor­ Svarverud, Harry Taylor, all of Eu- i 7ear 1 noon of «aid day. at the «outhweat tratrix of th# above entitled estate: claiming by. through or under them terest and costs thereon upon the gan: Thomas Q Butler; Wiley gene, Oregon. front door of the County Court House, that any one having claims against or any or either of them In and to real property assessed to you, of Snarks and Nancy Snarks; Ahram Non-coal hi Eugene. Lane County. Oregon, of the said estate shall present the sunie, said premises M Peek and Laury M. Peek: Man- HAMMILL A CANADAY. Register. which you are the owner as appears fer for «ale and aell for cash. at pub with vouchers attached to me at th- or record, situated In said County and A. 16-23-30: B 6-13 FRANK E TAYLOR. Sheriff. Ann Beam; James L. Peek, Jr., El­ lie auction, aubject to redemption aa law office of H. E. Slattery, 717 W il­ State, and particularly bounded and len Peek; Charles Peek; and Octa­ provided bv law, all of the right, till« lamette Street. Eugene, Oregon, with­ By BEULAH BRINNICK. Deputy. described as follows, to-wit: Lot Eight A 23-30: S. 6-13-20: via Peek; James Alson Peek; Ver­ and Interest »if a a ld defendants in 6 months from the first publication X E C U T O R 'S SALE (8) In Block Ten (10) in the Original ona E. Peek; all other unknown IN THE E COUNTY Edward A Ft-glen. Jeaale M. Feglew. of this notice, which Is first published COURT OF THE I Plat or Extended Survey to Spring- ORDER TO SHO W CAUSE heirs of William E. Peek, deceased; hl« wife; Jack L Frederick«, nnd Ma' on August 9. 1928. and that all per STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR field. Oregon. and all unknown heirs of James C. Frederick«, his wife, and all per sons owing the said estate shall pay IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE THE COUNTY OF LANE, IN PRO- You are further notified that said Peek. Sr., the unknown heirs of «on« rlnlmlng by. through or under the same to me. BATE. Arthur L. Matoon and Katherine R. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE John P Eddlns. deceased; the un­ In re Estate of Alice Bean McGuire. Matoon has paid taxes on said prem- them or any or either of them In nnd COUNTY OF LANE ISABELLA A McCOLLUM. Admin known heirs of Elizabeth Eddins. to «aid preml»es. deceased. ises for prior or subsequent years. In the Matter of the Guardianship of latratrix. deceased; and all other persons or Notice Is hereby given that on Sept- j with the rate of interest on said Dslus E. Odell. Robert D Odell. II. E. SLATTERY. Attorney for Ad­ FRANK E TAYI-OR. Sheriff . pertles unknown, claiming any ember 7. 1928, at the hour of ten amounts as follows: Violet Odell, Florence Odell. Marg­ ministratrix. By BEULAH BRINNICK. Deputy. right, title, estate, lien or interest o’clock in the forenoon, at the law of­ Tax for 1923, paid December 30, aret Odell. Darrell Odell, Minors. A.‘8-16-23-30: 8. 6: A. 9 162330: S. 6: in or to thp real estate described fice of H. E. Slattery. 717 Willamette 1925, Tax Receipt No. 29574; Amount THE ABOVE MATTER coming dub- -V--- . ---- ------------- In the complaint, defendants: Street. Eugene. Lane County. Oregon. 812.90: Rate of interest 12%. before the Court upon thp petition of IN THE NAME OF THE STATE I, Albert G. McGuire, the Executor ot 1924, Date Paid Dec. 30. 1925 Tax the guardlnn herein for license to sell OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ the above entitled Estate, shall pro- 1 Receipt No. 28283. Amount paid 812.90, the real premises particularly de­ quired to appear and answer the com­ ceed to sell at private sale to the high- | Rate of Interest 12%. scribed as follows, to-wit: 1st M 1925. Date paid May 5, 1926. Beginning at the southeast corner I plaint filed against you In the above est and best bidder for cash the fol­ entitled suit within four weeks from lowing described real estate belong­ Tax Receipt No. 12740. Amount 86 30. of the southeast one-fourth of the ' the date of trfe first publication of ing to the Estate of A lice.Bean M e-¡ Rate of interest 12%. northeast one-fourth of Section Four 44>, Township Nineteen (19) South. t’lls summons, and If you fall to so Gulre. deceased, to-wlt:— (1) I,ot 56 in I 2nd M 1925, Date paid Nov. 2, 1924. appear and answer, the plaintiff will Foster’s Addition to Eugene, Lane Tax Receipt No. 22163. Amount 86.30. Range One West, thence running west 30 rods, thence north 80 rods, apply to the Court for the relief prayed County, Oregon: (2) A tract of land of ! Rate of interest 12%. which the west end Is 20 rods long. I 1926, Date paid April 16. 1927. Tax thence east 30 rods, thence south 80 i for In the complaint, to-wit: rods to the place of beginning, con- J That the plaintiffs be declared to and the north nnd south lines parallel Receipt No. 462. Amount 810.88. Rato talntng fifteen (15) acres of land. 1 be the owners in fee simple of the off from the south side of the follow- | of interest 12%. 1927, Date paid April 9, 1928. Tax more or less, In Lane County, Oregon. premises described herein, and parti­ Ing described tract of real estate, to- And It appearing to the Court that , cularly described as follows, to-wlt: wlt:- Beginning at a point on the E Receipt No. 1330. Amount 829.23. Rate Beginning at the Northwest corner F. Skinner and wife Donation Land of interest 12%. the foregoing real estate constitutes Said Alfred Starks as the owner of the entire estate belonging to said of the John P. Eddtn , Donation Land Claim No. 64. Notification No. 2181, In wards, and that there is no available [ Claim No. 5.3 in Section l.^Townshlrf Township Seventeen (17) South In the legal title of the above described means of support of said wards, ex- : 17 South of Range 4. West of the Wll Range Three (3) West of the Willam­ property as the same appears of re­ cept through the property above de­ lnmette Meridian, thence running ette Meridian. T-ane Conniv. Oregon. cord, and each of the other persons scribed. nnd that said property pro | South 24.20 chains on the West line 20 43 chains North 89” 52’ West from a above named are hereby further notl- vides no Income in Its present status. | of said claim to the Northwest corner point North 27’ East 38.47 chains from , fled that plaintiffs will apply to the anile lt Is necessary for the mainten­ of Survey No. 98. thence East 30 90 the Southwest corner of Block Seven Circuit Court of the County and State ance and support of said minors that chains, more or less, to the East line (7) of Packard's Addition to Eugen« I aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the the same he reduced to cash by said | of said claim, thence North 5.00 chains City, thence running South 89* 52' lten against the property above des­ petitioner In order to provide means i to the Southerly Northeast corner of East 556.32 feet to Intersect East line cribed, and mentioned in said certifi­ for the care and support of said chll-1 snld claim, thence North 25 degrees of Madison Street. If extended North cate. And yon are hereby summoned W est 17 c h a in s , t h e n c e with the same course as said street to appear within sixtv days after the dren, It is. therefore. ORDERED that the next of kin of West 23.32 chains to the place of has South of Chesire Street; thence first publication of this summons, ex­ said wards together with all persons heglnnlng. containing 60 acres, more North 55’ East 165 feet alone said clusive of the day of said first publi­ Madison Street line extended; thence cation, and defend this action or pay Interested In said estate appear before 1 or less. In Lane County. Oregon. this Court in the County Court Room j That the defendants have net, nor run South 89° 52' West 3414 feet to the amount due as above shown, to­ of the Court House In Eugene, Lane have any of them any right, title, In­ the middle of Madison Street. If ex­ gether with costs and accrued Inter­ tended; thence North 27' East 74 feet; est, and in case of your failure to -lo County. Oregon, at the hour of 11 I thence North 68° 20’ W est 65.8 feet: so, a decree will he rendered fore­ o’clock A M on the 3rd day of Sept- j terest or Hen upon snld premises. That the title of the plaintiffs In thence North 839 feet to left hank of closing the lien of said taxes and ember. 1928. to show cause. If any | there be, why a license permitting nnd to said premises he forever Willamette River: thence run north-1 costs against the land and premises onleted against the defendants, nnd westerly along left \a n k of the Wil- above named. the sale of said property for the pur­ This summons is published by order poses set forth should not he granted; i persons cl.atm'ng hv. through or un­ lamette River to a point North 27’ der them, or nnv of them East from the place of beginning; of the Honorable G. F. Skipworth an 1 It Is further ' That the plnlntlffs have such other thence run South 27’ West to the Judge of the Circuit Court of the ORDERED that a copy of this order be personally serv« d on the next of | nnd further relief hrerln ns to the place of beginning, containing 12 State of Oregon for the County of Court may seem meet In the pre­ acres, more or less. The south 20 Lane and said order was made and kin of said minors, and all persons In , rods of the west line of the above des­ date this 17th day of July, 1928, and , terested In the estate nhove described, j mises. at least ten days prior to the date : This summons Is published once cribed 13 acres is to he th » w est line the date of the first publication of thia of bearing above provided; or said each week for four successive weeks of the tract to be sold and the north summons Is the 19t.h day of July 1928. A ll process and paper* In thia pro­ ORDER shall be published at least hv order of the Hon. C. P. Barnard, and south lines of the said tract are to be parallel. The said tracts shall ceeding» may be served upon the un­ three weeks prior to the dnte of said Judge of the County Court hearing In The Sprlngfleld News, a The date of the first publication of be aeparatalv sold to the highest and dersigned residing w ithin the State heat bidder for cash at (fold prlvata of Oregon a t the address h ereafter newspaper of general circulation In this summons Is August 90, 1928 mentioned. IMMET, * EVANS. sale. Lane County, Oregon. C. N. JOHNSTON, Attorney for , ALBERT G. McOUIRE, Executor of DATED at Eugene. Oregon, thia 9tli Attorneys for Plaintiffs the Estate o f A lice Benn McGuire, de­ Plaintiff. Address XJ. S. Nstfl Bank day of August, A. D., 1928. Residence and Postoffice Address: Bid«., Buflens, Ofsaea. ceased. C. P. BARNARD, County Judge. Eugene. Oregon. JL lM fl: A. M-lfl-flfl-S« A. 9-16-SVM: B. •: A. 8-16-23 30 A. 30: S. 6-13 30 27: i M E [ b u s in e s s d ir e c t o r y )