PAGB TWO THURHDAV AUGUST .10, 1D2H T ira SPRINGFIELD NEWS Capplons, Cottage Urove, ami Hasel Frank County vi«t< W. B Dillard baa Brock meyer. Mania Clara; Issued marriage licenses to the fol­ Wh'hke anil Ruth Burke, both of Ru­ lowing during the past week Delhcrl gane; Oscar McNeil anil UerlruG» Carter and Clara O'Conner both of Miser, both of Blue River; Arthur Lowell: Charles Andrews, Berkley, tlray and Muriel Hurley, both of Ru­ anil Rae badensou. Chicago; Samuel tene. M arriage Licenses Issued TOWN AND VICINITY Seavera Hava Guaata— Mr. and Mra Meeker Family Move»—The Curtl* Glen Simon of Snn Jose, California. Meeker family has moved to the burn »re visiting at the hlme of Mr and F. Anderson home at fifth and K >lrs. W. J Beaver in West Springfield | streets. Kester at Coast—Mr. and Mrs Ed Returns from South— Miss Anne Kester spent the past week-end v(at‘- Bid well has returned from a trip to log with their son. Floyd and family. s«n Francisco where she has been for the past two weeks on a vacation »t Marshfield. Stuarts at W altervllle— M r and Renfros Have Son— Mr. and Mrs Baxter Renfro are the parents of a Mrs Enoch Stuart and family were »on born last Friday at their home visitors at Waltervllle Sunday with Bear here. friends . Pastor Is Back—Rev. and Mrs C Here from W illam in a— Mr. and Mrs George Green of Willamina spent the H. Blom, the former the pastor of past week-end here visiting with ■ 11** Baptist church, returned to their ! home here Saturday evening after friends. ! spending a week in Portland. Leave for California—J o e Williams Walkers at Marshfield— Mr. and of Rainbow and his mother, Mrs Mrs. W W. Walker drove to Marsh­ George Williams, left for California field last Saturday evening to be with this week on a week's trip. the latter's mother, Mrs. A. W Sk|p- Flanerys at Corvallia—Mr. and Mrs. | worth, who Is seriously 111. Flovd Flanery and children drove to Morris Family Leaves— Mr. and Corvallis Sunday to visit with rela­ Mrs R E Morris left Sunday for New tives. port. From there they will go north Returns to California—Mrs. W. I. Martin, who has been visiting for the psst four months with her mother. Mrs B. A. Washburn, returned to her hr me In San Francisco Tuesday She Biade the trip by car. G ’ fden T ra c k T ra d e d — James Gav of Cugene has traded his two-acre tract in Douglas Gardens t i George Frank of Bend. The deal was made th-ought the W W. Walker real ertate office. 'tice. -» « ¡e t Jiewdrm dtan>,g a perui»' of Tbe the paper would menu acceptance of tractor. Tlte building will be SC by D alles' Bend and ,he hi«**- candidacy for mayor, 40 feet In dimension. w a y pass. Cox Issues Statement Petersons Plan T rjp — M r and Mrs M r. Cox this morning Issued the fol- Back From N e b ra s k a — M r anil M rs I. M Peterson will leave Saturday lowing statements: S W Sweeney an-1 son. Sam. and evening for Bend here they will spend ! "About two months ago I was soli- daughter. Thelma, returned Monday that night. Sund’ ’ they will go to cited to run for mayor. I informed Moro. Oregon, where they will be over my friends that I was no politician, evening from a several month's vlsjt to Nebraska. the double holiday. They formerly consequently I will not spend any resided in Moro | money or time in the campaign for R e tu r n from Newport— Mr and Mrs election to this office, but I would John Wlnxenreld who have been consent to run provided a nominating spending the past several weeks at petition carried. In my Judgment, a Newport returned to their home here I sufficient number of signers. this week. "While this petition has not as yet been presented for my perusal or ac- ! ceptance. I understand IJ Is being cir- ; culated and now carries between 50 i and 100 signers. Now Located in 1 “I also am Informed that Charles Miner Building I Wilson has been asked by a number | of his friends to. make the race for ’ mayor and I also understand that he is reticent about accepting nomlna- tlon Personally. I know that Mr j i Wilson Is an honorable and very cap-, I able man. and I am certain that At a tte n tio n , yon may Springfield would be fortunate in hav- know w hat your I Ing him at the head of Its govern- friends a re saying, but . ment. H EA LTH P re fe rs Council Job How much is it worth to you to keep your chil­ dren healthy and happy. Certainly no parent would consider the cost of a quart of milk a day prohibitive—for milk is a health food—there is no better body builder. It is a complete food for grown ups as well as children. These are the months when you must build up resistance if you are to withstand winter ailments. Daisy Lane Dairy milk is deliciously whole­ some and pure. Creamy and rich, it will aid you in keeping the school child sturdy and strong Phone us your order today—we will deliver it at your door regularly. DAISY LANE DAIRY Phone 34F3 Samuels Furniture ® Variety Store - "With that thought in mind It would ' please me very much to drop out In favor of Mr. Wilson and in order to keep my promise with my friends and supporters I would be more than wlll- ; Ing to accept nomination for council­ man and support Mr. Wilson *n h's administration if we should be elcc- j ted.” No property qualifications are pro­ vided In the state law nr thp ctfv ! ch a rte r ''ffiecflng candid-**"- *•"* i a councilman nr mover. C itv M tor"*>v I Peterson stated this morning »nv legal voter Is eligible for any cite ; office, he said. .... Wright & Sons " f ' * ** . Over A Hot Stove! EVERYTHING MUST GO REGARDLESS OF LAbOR DAY Don’t Labor Get your provisions for Sunday and Monday meals at the White Front Grocery. We will be closed all day Monday, Labor day. Be Sure to Attend This Sale And Get Your Share 86 W. 7th, Elks Building Eugene The Pay Envelope That Went to College If your Pay tn re lo p e hat never gone thopping in a Penney Store, give it the benefit of thit "higher edu- canon" right etrey. it tak es good e y e s , well fitted, t o s e e th ro u g h them . a n Educating your Pay Envelope about our valuet »til help it do a better job for you. NOTICE TO MILK USERS Milk I’rices in Springfield have not provided T he Dairy men a reasonable profit. Additional equipm ent and extra latwir will be required to comply with th e New O rdinance, and in order to assu re a fair profit it will be necessary to obtain the following prices beginning S eptem ber 1, 1828: Retail Prices Quarts Pints ___ (No reduction for gallon or over.) 15c 1 ■ Pl. 3i ic 1 l*t. 11c stra ig h t 6c straight TABLE ( ’REAM Make Appointments Whenever Possible D r. S H e r m Il trill leern that Quality doetn’t al»avt mean "high priced" and find plenty of example! to illuttrele the point. M’r »ill alto explain »h y " teeondt" and »hod- J y merchandise are never offered our cuttom en el any price. W HIPPING CREAM 20c 1 ■ Pt. 40c— 1 Pt. 80c— 1 Qt. 60c— 1 Qt. We th an k you for your Past Business, and tru s t we m ay continue to be favored with your patronage. (Signedj ÌP . IP .o o d x DAISY LANE DAIRY, II G. Cline. 1 opTOHt-rRiST«cvmoo setciAtitf • » H IT S m t M I M I ) OLbO. PMCNC 361 r AST D R O A O W M I 1.1 . ■ ' Ì PETERSON DAIRY, MONTGOMERY DAIRY, P R LAWSON DAIRY. LAN COUNTY 1 X. Make your table model into a cabinet model. We have a cabi- I net for all popular makes priced from $22.50 to $44.50. Quitting Business LIFE TIME -------------- --------------------