T ry the Hom e P rin t Shop F ira t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS t w e n t y - f if t h year FINAL PUNS FDR LANE RUB SHAPED SPIUNOFIBLD. iJtNK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY AUGUST 80. SPRINGFIELD COUPLE CELEBRATE FORTIETH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY R iveters Finish Job on New Span a L iv e n e w s p a p e r IN A LIVE TOWN NUMBER 1928 LABOR OH WILL BE OBSERVED QDIETLF "The People'» Papar" LIGHTING FOR NEW BRIDGE IS SETTLED Just how the new McKenzie highway bridge here will be lighted has been decided as a result of word from the state highway com­ mission thia week Mayor O. O. Bushman and E. E Morrison, the latter chairman of the chamber of commerce bridge committee, have each heard from the commission. The commission favored the pro­ posal of the city to Install 1* lights on life bridge, eight on each »Me. The lights, 30« watts In size, will be evenly distributed over the »40- foot bridge. The commission will Install the conduits leading up to the post« and the city must maintain »he lights. Committees of the IJons club and chamber of commerce are expected to raise the 2700 neces­ sary for the lamps and brackets. Mayor Bushman said. 34 VOTERS 10 CHOOSE 3 0111OFFICIALS Mr. and Mr«. It ». Oldham have Structure Will Be Completed been married for 40 year« Within Next Two Month», Mayor and Two Councilman Tuesday they celebrated their 40th Four-L Will Provide No Celebra­ Says Contractor Muat Ba Elected in Novem­ Record Crowd» Anticipated at wedding anniversary at their home In tion Thi» Year; Booth-Kelly ber; W. F. Walker Latest Hprlnxfle Big Exposition Sept. 5 to 8; Weat ■prlngfleld. Borne 50 guest» Before election lime the new Mr Mill Will Shut Down for One present to congratulate the Name Mentioned For Mayorj Kenai« highway bridge will be com Public Wedding», couple. The evening'» program Day Only; Bank«, City Office» pleted. It waa announced thia morn­ Danner Declines Council Job. Pageant. Rodeo». Auto Con- B u, 1916. Hlnce that time they — ’ and In the mountains ends January 1. His successor must testa. a wild weat show, two Wedding*. hayp madp their home In different " 1 „ . _ _ t ,,r. | chapter of the Four-L organl Two hlg cement mixers are now In , lx»™' rnap r I he nominated by a petition and the n varied array of agricultural and ,,f j^ n e county. They have re- paper filed on or before October ». operation, preparing cement for the announced this educational exhibit« reflecting the cpB|| y been engaged In the florist floor of the bridge Workmen are , tlon thia year. retarv On the council, L. L. May and M J. prosperity of thia region, and a host |,ug, BPgg with Mra. Shantol, their ¡’h.’ V rurtura "d" “ d mMd,° ¡Heretofore Ibe lumt* workers' group FRI2ELL SISTERS IN McKlin. senior members, will both of other features, are expected to daughter. have ended their terms at the first of ___________________ « bring record crowd« to the fair- , ;;T i; ALBANY t w in round - up 1 next year. Men to fill these two posts grounds In Kugene September 5. ». ■ NATIONAL GUARD UNIT 750 more yards of cement and It Is ' * a l „„m o. ,n --------- , must also be nominated by petition and 8. HAS THREE VACANCIES leveled out by the men. the bridge; ^ ^ . W“ h. ' 1^ a^ . an'’" " L am’nrhlc!¡ Albany, °r»., August 30 (Special! and their names placed on the ballot proper will he completed. Mr Lind i staging a full day's Pr"ar“"’ sprlngfleld Is represented In the stale­ For the flrat time, afternoon and I In the fall election. • ------------- — a - st rom as.d This will be ..th in two 'included ' * tiflubt program* are to be held each wide twin round-up to be held here For the first time In two years there Council Now Incomplata number of other celebration features. gatur(laJf by jjPBa and Frances Frlzell. day of the fair, and In them the fair are three vacancies In the ranks nf months. It was stated. In the meantime It Is the doty of the M ill to Shut Down , board feels It la presenting the best t h e The contractor has received no fur­ S p r in g fie ld unit o f Whether the Wlndllng locals will , fh>n geU twlBB arp I present mayor to appoint a successor grandstand offerings ever attempted the Oregon National Guard, It was ther word regarding the west »Id-» . . . __ , More than Oregon's flrat an nu al, Stewart who recently wa. at a tJ«ne fair In addition to Hits, reported yesterday by Lieut. C. A. aprnach Objections to a fill at that have any entertainment has not been reglatered automatically dropped from the conn- however, plaba for «vary other depart Bwarts, company commander round-up to be staged here Sat- place will be voiced by the coun’v annonneed. The Booth-Kelly Lumber company 1 aft„ n„„n ,t ha. been ann ou n -c" ”F failure to »Uend two successive ment of the fair are booming, and Two men have been granted d!s court at the September meeting of th« mill here will be closed down for the ¡ J ™ ronn(J comm,ttee of the regular meetings without sirin g there will be «core« of Interesting charge papers and another has been state high way,comm ission and In the notice of his absence. The city one day Monday to allow employes , rhaJnbir of Commerce, sponsors of attractions throughout the grounds transferred to another company meantime It Is expected that noth- charter provides that when a member to take advantage of I he double boll- pvent. during the four hlg days. The discharge papers are for Ifsrt- Ing will be done shout the matter, dav, according to O. H. Jarrett, super- j ElaboratP preparations have been Is absent two times without serving Hundreds of county • — — - — people are ex ford m ivny aim v n ic oniuuci -------------— McVey and ru Private Samuel Bet notice, his position Is "deetr.ed vac- lntendent , completed for the reception and enter- . .. pected to come to the big fair, many , , B private Kdward Tomseth has STEVENS HOPYARD WILL The Wendllng camps of «>t. com- of thp twins and T,„,tors aB„ ant". City official, take this to mean of them for several days, according beeB transferred from the Company to that the council Is not required to START WORK SATURDAY panv have been closed down all this . ___________ J to word from the fair offices at Eu reserves take any action to declare the office week A. C Dixon, general manager. ¡ Mpe<.t f^e only entrance requirement ’ ' large, although an effort Is usually Frank Deeds and Mrs. J. R Trotter. A dnyllght fireworks program will fob niF<5 IN E U G E N E S U N C X Y h**re ,h i" week d,d not mPasure nP t0 being that they muat live In Oregon. ' ... D IE S IN t ______ U U t N t s u r v u . v state .............. ................., rp„rdlnr according to _ . . _____ _______ __________ made to distribute the positions aa At the close of an afternoon nf con­ traffice provisions, to Each low the dedication of the buildings, set of twins will receive an entrv M uls R. Richardson. 82. died at the . W. R. Davis, city traffic officer, -who prize of 2100. Cash prlxes of 210 00 that each section of the city will bo and there will be luncheon at the fair­ versation refreshment« wore served Rugene hospital Sunday following a assisted Sergeant Earl Houston. Eu- each will be given the oldest and i represented. grounds. A Afternoon programs will start at R .bskah. Hold Social vounxest twins, the twins that most A ne’ namp entered the list of brlef Illness. He was for many years ' Kpne. of the state force. 1:30 sharp, and will feature horse Two sides In the Rebekah member- a resident of the Fairmount district , The city officer stops from 15 to 0 closely resemble each other and th- P«*Pecta for the mayoralty race thl» races, rodeo events and a number of ’ «»"P renewal campaign enjoyed „ In Eugene and was well acquainted In whpn R announced that W. p«<’h "«*»” “ » WBrn drlvpr’ ,hat pair that travel the greatest distance ; surprises Then there will be that ’’nr'»1 ,hp ,od«p haM Monday even this city. Just prior to his death he to compete. The special prize for F local mortician, will be »«»> 1,ah’ or one, hpnd ’'*ht I ‘»elr car Is not functioning he said. triplets Is so far unclaimed. All , nominated and that a petition is at- most thrilling and exciting of hors« Ing Mrs. Clara Walker's side enter­ had been living near Junction City No relatives aurvlve him. His wife | Philip Koke of Eugene paid a fine twins should register with the A^anv rpady »>eing circulated to place h i. events, the wild horse race A small ' tained Alice Doane's side for the even­ 50 yp"»ppd«V whpn he pleaded Chamber of Commerce but may defer name on the ballot. herd of absolutely untnimed nnlmnls I ing Games were the feature of the died several years ago and they had «* Unique refreshments were no children, Funera Iservlces were Mr. Walker told the News he has “ *'har*p of *Pppd‘"* ° n registration until their arrival in has been brought to the fair for the evening Fifth street. not yet given the matter his considera­ wild horse race, and notorious buck served following (he entertainment. Albany, If necessary. held Monday afternoon In the Odd tion and is not certain whether or not Ing broncos await the cowboys Names Fellows cemetery In Eugene under th« j _ ~ Office Is Established he would accept nomination. He was of note from the Pendleton and other direction of the Walker-Poole funeral 1 0 LOCAL SCOUTS TAKE Church Leaders Back A down town business office In Eu- formerly president of the chamber of round ups will be noted nmong those WEEK-END CAMP JAUNT home In Eugene. Both Rev S. E. Childers, pastor. ’ commerce and Lions club and has of the cowboys who w ill perform | 8pno has been established by th«.| An overnight ramp at Fall Creek and Claud Neely, music director, of been a resident of this city for th» Dave Anderson, of Union, well known , F,uff Ru* romP"n>r- The factory of took 10 Sprlngfleld Bay Scouts into ti,e Sprlngfleld Christian church will round up cowbov. has ‘hp company will remain at the pres- MILL EMPLYOES LEAVE past 40 years. He has been in busi­ Pendleton the woods for the week-end last Sat- be here for services at the church ent location at 1838 Jefferson T h e, q N j q |NT AUTO OUTING ness here for 25 years. charge of this department. Sunday. Both have been enjoying urday. --------- In the uncanny glow of search- 1 new office Is at 888 Olive htreet. A l Cox Still Undecided The boys, all members of Lions club vacations. Rev. Mr. Childers was In -llghts, auto pushball, a wild, exciting display of new and rebuilt rugs will ( w hen employes of the Hill Creek troop No. 11. left here Saturday even­ the pulpit last Sunday. Announce­ The only other petition now In cir­ ; Lumber company near Jasper heard contest, and auto polo, more danger­ be arranged at the office. ing aad returned Sunday afternoon. C. ments for Sunday were not available culation la that to place H. J. Cox itt --------------------------- ; that they were to have a two weeks ous and thrilling than polo on horae- L. Aldrich, scoutmaster, accompanied today because the pastor w as on a ' nomination for mayor. Mr. Cox said Going to Laka— Mr. and Mra. Roy vacat|on while the mill there was shut hack or In the water, will take place buslneas trip to Albany. However, i thia week that he was not certain the boys on the trip. There will also he a somersaulting Carlton are going to Carter I^ke the down they got their heads together the trip were: regular morning and evening services that he will run. Those who kook latter part of this week to bring h-nne t0 tJj(, beat w>y t0 g|M,Bd that time. automobile, novelty auto races, and Mayor Bushman, who is understood ' Lloyd Ellison, Robert Starks. Earl will be held, with Christian Enedavor who has been their daughter, Iowa other features. The resu t was a en m Wheeler, Billy Wheeler, WIston Bacus, ( a| the usual hour. to be aupportlng Walker for his suc­ working during the summer ---------- __ __ aa _ a ( par|,pd camping equipment, loaded it cessor, stated that he believed the lat­ Forsworkt On Program Donavan Montgomery, Gordon Wright, ine n rm ■■ ,n lhp f TBt*r Lakp ,od