»'V THURSDAY AUGUST 23, 192« THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAG» EIGHT hold such an attitude I'erhupi during the course of this tulk. too, you may convince your parents that they shotilil change their minds However. I thlak Il would he very, very wrong io defy the uttlture of your fat her and mother Home Education “T h e Child'» First School is the F am ily"— Fro etoe I tastoMI by the National Kindergarten Association, S West 40th Street, New York City. These articles are appearing weekly in our columns. For GOOD MILK AND CREAM ffsedrr- dennhg a Ordered to Hospital—Mr and Mrs. FROM T. It TE S TE D I V. Stewart of Nalron left here COWS TR Y T H E Monday morning enroute to San Pranelsco. Mr Stewart, who has own. as In later years we might not been III for some time, has been or­ have such good chances Hut we want dered by his doctor to the Southern R. G. (’LINE to be sure of our happiness when we Pacific hospital In that city marry. IN DOUBT. Dear girls, of course you should wait for the righl man but perhaps each o f yoli kuows the right man alreadv. but has not sufficiently examined her emotions. If this Is not so, the right Not h cloudburst or elect rleal, but Stormlzlng your men are sure to come along. If yon cylinder. have the eyes to see them Analyse yourselves and make sure just what you wrfht. Recondition your cylinder» new pistons rings By no nutans marry anyone that you valve» ground. Motor returned to you same us new In are not In love with but don't make one duy» time. up your minds that you are not In love when perhaps you may be and would find it out If not unconsciously determined to he indifferent. Ponder on the good qualities of the men you meet, think of them affectionately, find more and more things to like A u to m o tiv e M achin ist» about them and ,w,n you may find 824 Pearl Street :: :: Eugene, Oregon yourselves in love. address M w F /e . n> sure o/ lltu Ktwtfxtprr dren covet the good opinion of others S te lla E. F ulton "I saw an educated pig at the circus more strongly than we sometimes today." said Emily Arkwright. "And imagine and especially that of other ] as I rode home I thought of the children. Their extreme dislike of be­ Whom to Marry f hours and days that the trainer had Dear Miss Vera: spent in teaching im those tricks, ing late at school is an example of We like others come to you for and I asked myself. ‘What, after all this. So I gave niv children' the op­ advice. We are three girls ranging does it all amount to* He's only a portunity of having often at meals, from the ages of 21 to 2S We are pig in the end. after all, not really a guests before whom they would Ilk“ good looking, good cooks, can sew more useful animal than the big Po­ to appear well. I found that a blunder quite well, and neither smoke nor land Chinas out on the farm If his made before them would correct a drink, and have ail the fellows we trainer were to let him be for a few bad habit more quickly than a vast want; so you see we are quite popular months he would forget everything amount of talking from me. with (he men. and with both sexes for that he now seems to know.' “I tried, too, not to make a burden tnat matter. "Then I came home and gave Bob­ of good manners, not to be a stickler But we never seem to find a man by his supper, training him In table for them. One ought to learn to we care to marry, as we've had a lot manners all the time as I did so, as | i overlook non-essentials in a child's of proposals from well-to-do line gen­ usual without much success with the ! conduct. It Is better in training him / manners And I said. 'Here I am. on any point to put the emphasis on tlemen. We like these men quite well to go doing just what that animal trainer I what really matters, for a child so with, but not to marry. That is, we did. I teach tricks, and I'm a poor soon grows indifferent to continued do not love them. Do you think we trainer at that. It's so discourag nagging and correction But If the should marry them anyway, and take ta g !" „ Ideal of courtesy Is presented to him a chance? or should we wait till the “I know exactly how you feel. gurh a way ,hat h# w|J| right one cornea along. said her friend. Mrs. Wain. "If there , g|rp ,t h(g own he Everybody tells us we are getting Is anything that is discouraging, it is „ ,o TOany h#bJtg wh|eh to the age to marry, and that It is time to try to teach a child good manners. ; previoug,y been „„ annovlil<... for us to be settled with a home of our But, after all. my dear, with regard to the pig. the reason that his case is ■w I Invite Him to Your Home so hopeless, is that he is a pig and is ; Dear Miss Vera: not capable of reasoning AII the I am a girl. 14. going with a boy, 17. ■ trainer can do is to get the pig into and my parents object to my taking the habit of doing a certain thing in ' car rides and having a nice time with response to a signal of some kind ' the boy. Do you think my parents The pig cannot think. He cannot will are treating me wrongly? Please to follow a course of conduct and answer this letter. BLUE EYES thus work with the trainer. Dear Blue Eyes, you are a very •‘But the child's case is more hope­ S young girl and so no doubt that la why ful because he can be led to see for T H E CONVERSION OF SAUL i your parents object to your actions. himself what a very lovely thing true Acta 22:6-16 605 - 609 Wiliam«tt» St. Eugene. O r e g o n courtesy is and to wish to practice it. Rev. Samuel D. Price. D. D_, Associate General Secretary of the World's ' They feel you are too young to spend your time In the way you mention. Then each little observance of goon Sunday School Association You should obey them, for they know manners will spring naturally from Life's entire viewpoint can be changed In a moment and all that remains what la beat for you. I am sure you that wish and not be a mere trick in years is lived accordingly. It was Just that way In the caae of Saul of can have very nice times with performed because Mother demands it Tarsus who had been so ardent in persecuting the Christians in Jerusalem i friend if he ,.,n . „„ „„ TT T a and as far as he ia concerned with­ and vicinity. When Stephen was being stoned to death for h l. ^ I .r a tlo n s i h , " vening in iour h ” of faith in Jesus, the recently crncifled Jew who claimed that He was the ± 7 £ ’ “ ,r 7 ' '7*“ ° out sense or reason. “I always tried to show my chil­ Messiah. Saul was Involved. Persecutions caused the members of this new haps making vnur „ T *** P*' dren that good manners were just the faith to be scattered in many directions. A colony was assembled in Item «. . , . J* ° ' worr^- finest consideration for other peopl“. cue and 9nul was commissioned by the Sanhedrin In Jerusalem to proceed Obey Your Parents I suppose that idea has never been there, arrest the agitators and bring them back In chains. If necessary, for Dear Miss Vera: better expressed than in the old trial. I am a girl of 17 In love with a boy SHOES FOR ALL T H E FAM ILY rhyme: During the 140 mile Journey northward Saul had time to develop his and my parents object to my going 'Politeness is to do and say. plans, but they were never put Into execution. When in sight of Damascus ’ Breinr presents the Style» and in Shoe» Lodi»» prefer. The kindest thing in the kind­ glory was manifested from heaven. Just as when the Shechlnah was with with him. He says he loves me. Would It be proper to take my parents' est way.' the Israelites during the forty years in the wilderness The ascended Mes- There is a Smart, W ell-Fitting Shoe for every occasion. A person who truly considers other' ’ ¡»8 revealed Himself to Saul who was blinded by the sight. The until advice? I have brown eyes and fair MACY. people will not go far wrong in mat- recently strong man who was causing consternation to those in the city complexion. All the New Types of Girl»' and Boy»' Shoes, for Play, Dear Macy, it certainly would be ter» of politeness. I became helpless as a child and needed to be led by the hand Into the city. for School, and for Dress. “I tried to give the reasons for He had much more to think of now than during the long trip northward for proper to take the advice of your par­ certain manners, explaining how some J®sus had talked with him after the question was raised. "Who are tltnu, ents. They most have some good MEN! Buy your Shoes here. Remember, these Shoes reason why they do not want you to habits were disgusting and so spoiled Lordr’ are from High Grade Brands, and can be sold at sold at Events directed by the Lord have their Interrelationships. A vision and go out with th'is particular boy. Have other people's enjoyment of a meal these Low Prices only because of this tremendous purchase. and showing that many other bad a message came at about the same time to Ananias of Damascus instructing , a long hearl-to-heart talk (not quarreli manners sprang from greediness, and him to seek out this Saul and give him needed friendship and instruction, with your parents and find out Just so on It Interested them and helped After being convinced that there was no longer any need to fear this man why their attitude in and why they them te remember, and It also took who came with an armed guard to make trouble. Ananias came with a friend­ the sting from what would have been ly outstretched hand and another miracle was performed as the words were j arbitrary commands ind obtained for uttered "Brother Saul, receive thy sight.” Fortrwith a totally different life was lived by this extremely strong me their cooperation. "Children covet — but I am afraid minded Jew who became much more zealous for the new Cause than he had been against it. Conversion is called a turning It is as when one is going in r® getting tiresome "No. indeed." said Mrs. Arkwright, a certain direction and then faces about and goes in exactly the opposite “I'm very much interested. Please way. While blind for those three days Saul had prayed for guidance. He was eager to serve Him Whom he had persecuted. When one is ready to go on." "Well. I was going to say. chil- learn he listens with marked attention to any instruction Ananias declared that Jehovah had appointed Saul to "be a witness for Him unto all men of Bulletin Board Placed what thou hast seen and heard.” T h e large bulletin board owned hv It was very natural and an act of obedience for Saul to seal his new the Springfield nost of the American convictions in the rite of Baptism. This was done forthwith, in later years Legion has been placed In front if when Paul wrote a letter to his young friend Timothy he gave a general the William Vastly real estate office declaration of his working principles In the words of the Golden Text Our clothing lines will carry the snap and sparkle of latest New York styles. Our and will l»e kept there permanently. for today: "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that strictly cash policies will enable us to off er merchandise at very great savings. We in­ Al, bulletins and notices of interest Christ .Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief,” to memlHTs of the post will be placed 1. Timothy 1:15. vite you to visit this store and inspect our slocks at your first opportunity. there from Hme to time. Thus a life was foundationed. During the rest of the year we win follow through the experiences of his apostle to thp Gentiles, who, In carry- ' lng on his great work, made four long missionary1 Journeys. Trades For Ranch Hundreds of new Silk Dresses, all Ravmond A Batps has traded his residence on Fifth street to Ed O|- colors, sizes, son for a 52-acre ranch near the Ci- styles ............. $ 1 5 .0 0 burg hridep. The rlp.l 'was m ade 1 through the W W Walker re a lty Daisy Lane Dairy Storm? Storm? Storm? We Storm Service Pembrooke & Moritz Breier’s Shoe Week A Hundred fifty thousand dollar purchase carrying savings of $1, $2 and $3 a pair. AT JOHNSON’S The Popular Priced Store company. Wrights Evoert-d Back—Mr and Mrs. W C Wr'rht are expected to return to thetr home here today >r Fridav following » motor trip to Vic­ toria. R C Thev have been, gone for two weeks From Portland they were accompanied by Mr and Mrs William Price. -Wisconsin Folks Leavr— Mr. and Mrs J. H Bean of La Crosse. Wts.. who have been visiting here with the former's mother. Mrs F E. Bean, re- 1 turned Sunday morning to their borne. They ®ade the trip to Oregon S by auto. Struck by Ligthnlng—Word has been received by W Montjoy of this city that hl« cousin, John Tucker of ! Howard county, Nebraska, was struck ' hv lightning during a recent titorm in that state. The man was paralyzed, the latter stated. One big group of Silk Dresses, all colors and sizes Attend the $ 8 .9 5 One group of Pastel Shades In sleeveless Silk Dresses $ 3 .5 0 Final Week of POWERS’ Annual Organdie and Voile Street and House Dresses $ 1 .0 0 One lot of Ladies’ Percale House Dresses ............ 69c August Sale One beautiful group of fur trimmed Coats, all colors and Savings from 10% to 50% sizs $ 1 5 .0 0 One beautiful group of bet­ ter Coats, fur trimmed $ 2 5 .0 0 One lot of Raincoats, price............. $ 2 .5 0 McVeys Move Away Mr. and Mrs. L. H. McVey and son, 1 Hartford, moved this week to Oro­ ville. C al, to make their future home They have resided here for the past several years and the son was gradu­ ated froh high school last spring. He was a non-commissioned officer In the local unit of the Oregon National Guard. The family left Tuesday by snto for their new home. -POWERS 11th and W illam ette Eugene, Oregon Johnson’s Popular Priced Store 957 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon