• PAGE SEVEN THE 8PRIN0FIELD NEWS THURSDAY AUGUST 28, 1 !>2K TRAIN SCHEDULE Spi 'ngflald Stop* NORTH No. 16 at 4:37 A. M. (Flag) No. 8 at 3:45 P. M SOUTH No 7 at l:O í P. M No 16 at 10:03 P. M (Pia«) Goss to Portland— Mrs. Walter Grif­ fin left Monday for Portland where ahe will receive medical attention In a specialist’s sanatorium. PUR SALE WOOO S E P T IC T A N K S — Old Growth Fir. Second Growth Fir, Ready for you to Install Oak, Aab. All lengiha. Phone Spring r o t family of Ave — »21 00, Eugene fl. M 104 U For family of eight — »28 00, Eugene Sewer I’lpo, Well Curbing, Drain Tile PAINTING und Kalauniining In all Ita and Chimney Blocks. branch«». Itedufced Prlcae. Roy E U G E N E C O N C R E T E P IP E CO. Koch. Call 126-J. N O T IC E NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Henry Odell, a« a m in i I un of the minor heirs of Robert Odell, deieaaed, Io wit Datua E Odell, Robert D. Odell, Violet Odell, Florence Odell, Murgaret Odell, uml Darrell Odell, will, purau ant to un order of the County Court lu and for Lane County, Oregon, on thia 10th dny of Septi mer, A I).. 1928, at It A M. offer for sale to the highest bidder the following described real premises, to wit: Ifoglnnlng nt the aouthenat corner of the aouthenat one-fourth of tile northeast one fourth of Section 4. Township Nineteen South, lluuge One West, them e running weat 30 rods, them e north 80 rods, thence east 30 rials, them e south KO rods to place of beginning, containing fifteen acre» of land, more or lesa. In l.ano County, t ire g o n , sale to te- held at Room No. 1 In the First National Hunk Building In Eugene. Lime County. Oregon, subject to the approval of the County Court II F N R Y ODELL, Guardian A »16 22 30 8 «: NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE ON EXECUTION IN FORECMJ8CRE Notice Is hereby given that by vlr tue of an execution and order of sale lu foreclosure issued out of the Cir­ cuit Court of I-nne County. Oregon, on the 2nd day of August, 1»2K, In a suit wherein on the 3lst day of July. 1»2K. In spld court The Weat Coast National Bank, Portland, Oregon, a N a tio n a l Bunking Association, Trustee, plaint Iff. recovered Judgment against the dnfendnnta Edward A Fegles uml Jessie M Fegles. his wife for the sum of »275«.IK with Interest thereon at 6 per cent per annum from and after July 1st. 1»2K, together with the further sum of »30000 attorney fees herein, and together with the further stun of »137 50 as T rustees commission and the costa and d ie huraementa herein In the sum of »16 50, which Judgment waa enrolled ami docketed In the Clerk s office of said Court In said County on the 31st d u of July, 1928. and said execution IdTne directed commanding me In th« name of the Slate of Oregon. In order Io satisfy said Judgment. Interest, at torneys fees, coats of suit and accru­ ing costa to sell the following de­ scribed real property, to*wlt: Lot one and the South one half of lx>t two. In Block eight of gladden'» Third Addition to Eugene, lume Conn ty, Oregon Now, therefore, In Ih'e name of the Slate of Oregon. In compliance with said execution and order of sale and In order Io satisfy said Judgment In tereat. attorneys fees, costa of sull and accruing eoala, 1 will on Satur day the Rth dny of September. 1928. at the hour of one o’clock In the after­ noon of snlil day. at the southwest front door of the County Court House. In Eugene, |ju ie County, Oregon, of fer for »ale and sell for caah. at pub lie auction, subject to redemption as provided hv law. all of Ihe right, title and Interest o f s a i d defendants Edward A Fegles, Jessie M Fegles. his wife; Jack I. Fredericks, and M»> C Fredericks, hts wife, and all per sons claiming by. through or under them or nnv or either of them In and to said premise». ’RANK E TAYI/tR. Sheriff . B R IN N IC K , Deputy. 4 Iv BEULAH A. 9 16-23 30: 8 6 | 8 U GRADE E X A M IN A T IO N S I S U M M O N 8 . 1\* THE JUSTICE COURT, EUOENE The Stale uniform eighth grade ex-1 j j jc DISTRICT. LANE COUN- nnilnatlona will lie given In District» : TY. OREGON. where pupils have compiled with Ihe W||U m etU Collection « Credit Ser requirements provided by law, and vice, a corporation, plaintiff, va. J where application has been made for A. Owens, defendant. Ihe question», on Thursday and Fri­ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE day. September 6 and 7. 1928 Appli­ OF OREGON you are hereby required cation for questions should be made to appear and answer the complaint al once to E J Moore. County School which haa been filed against you In C A L L A N D SEE Dr. N W Kraerv Superintendent. the above entitled court and cause A. 23-30: on prices on plates and other work, tl within four weeks from the date ol the first publication of thia summon» N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S 8 A L E O f/ and If you fall to so appear and an N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S xwer the plaintiff will take Judgment E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That against you in the sum of »29 08 which NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the uildoralgned haa been appointed by virtue of an execution und order sum Is now held under attachment In by the County Court of laine County of sale In foreclosure Issued out o f , said action cod for an order that said Oregon ua administrator of the the Circuit Court of lame County. "um of n,aney b" pald lnl° court to estate of Emily F. Stevens, deceased Oregon, on the 20th day of August, ! be applied on said Judgment. Thia summons la served upon you All persons huvlng claims against 1928, In a suit wherein on the 19th publication In accordance with an said en tn te an- lien-hv notified to day of January. 1928. In said court present the same duly verified und Kathryn L. Wayland, plaintiff reeov I <»rd«-r prescribing the publication with proper vouchers to said ad ••red Judgment against the defendants thereof once a week for four succes- nilnlslrntor at Ihe office of Harris, Alva A lllce and Mary M Rice, hts Klve weeks. Date of first publication Hmlth and Bryson. M tier Building, wife, for the sum of »3500 00 with Ju*> *6, h. 1928 Eugene, Oregon, within nix months Interest thereon from February 9 , 1 HAROLD J. WELLS, Justice of from the dale of the first publication 1926. to the date of the payment of Peace. Jl. 26: A. 2 9 16 23: of thia notice said Judgment at eight per cent per Dale of flrat publication of thl.. annum and the further sum of »500 011 notice la August 16. 192K. attorneys fees herein, and for Ihe D E C R E E O F L IE N A N D N O T IC E O F S A L E U N D E R E X E C U T IO N WELBY STEVENS Administrator costs and disbursements herein In th of the Estate of Emily F. Stevens, de­ sum of »53 05. which Judgment was | IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR ceased. enrolled and docketed In the Clerk's LANE COUNTY. H A R R IS. SM ITH AND BRYSON. office of said Court In said County A tto rn ey s for A d m in istrato r on »he 19th day of January. 1928, and L. E Bussell, Plaintiff, vs., Harvey A. A IK 23 30: 8 6 13 "all execution to me directed com­ Wheeler and Ruth Wheeler, his wife; O. F. Nichols and Jane Doe mending me In the name of the State N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T N ichols,'his wife; William Kercher NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that of Oregon. In order to satisfy snld and Olga Kercher, his wife; Read & Anna KJerke lias filed her final ac­ Judgment, Interest, attorneys fees, Monroe, a co-partnership; Booth- count us Administratrix of the Estate costs of sull and accruing costs to Kelly burner Company, a corpora­ nr w illiam J VanWagiier. Deceased sell the following described, real prop­ tion; O. K. Baldwin; Herbert G. and that the county court of Lane erty, to-wlt; Payne, Defendants. Beginning at a point 962 1 feet County. Oregon haa fixed 10:00 A M west of a point In the center of Under and by virtue of an execution of F rld av, S ,|,t im b e r 14. 192K us the the Cnuntv Rond known as River issued upon a decree of lien and order time when the court will take up Road, which point Is North 8 de­ of sale, anil Issued out of the Circuit said account (or examination und al Court of the County of Lane. State of grees and 40 minutes West 1 77 lowunce and will assign the residue of Oregon, on the lKth day of July. 1923. chains of a point 49 02 chnlns said estate. All persons Interested In the above entitled act'on, wherein East of the Southwest corner of therein may uppear at said time and L. E. Bussell, the above named Plain the L. E. Davis Donation iaind he heard till and the above named defend­ Claim No. 42 In Township Seven­ ANNA BJERKB. Administratrix ants Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, a teen (17) South of Ranee four August 16 23-30, Sept 6 corporation, and O. K. Baldwin, ob (4) West of the Willamette Mer­ N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S talned Judgments and decree of sale idian. running thence North 360 3 against the defendants Harvey A. feet, thence West 89 4 feet, thence NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Wheeler, and Ruth Wheeler, his wife; South 360 3 feet. thence East Ihe undersigned has been appointed O. F. Nichols and Jane Doe Nichols, 99 4 feet to the place of beginning, by the County Court of the State of his wife; William Kercher and Olga all in Lane Countv. Oregon. Oregon for the County of laine. Ad Kercher, his wife, on the 18th day of Now . th e re fo re . In the nam e o f the mlnlstratnr of the estate of Ellxalietn State of Oregon, In compliance w’th ¡ ¿ " yi„ Btt d.2®cret' ' T B. ?n Taylor, deceased and all persons hav­ said execution and order of sale and j IJ1*’ ,1Sl h - date of this notice Lot Two (2) In Block Three (3) in WILLIAM M TAYLOR. Adminis­ Front door of the Countv Court house Chambers- Addition to the City ot In Eugene, I.ane County. Oregon, of­ trator Eugene, Lane County, Oregon FRANK A. DE PUB. Attorney for fer for sale and sell for cash, at pub Notice Is hereby given, that on the lie auction, subject to redemption as the estate 26th day of August, 1928. at the hour provided by law, all of the right, title A. 9-16-2330: 8 «: of One o'clock, P. M. of that day at and nterest of said defendants Alva , he , outbweit fro„, door of the Court A Rice and Mary M Rice, his wife; HoUBe Ijinp Count>., Oregon I will A D M IN IS T R A T R IX ’ N O T IC E J c B Shumwav ( ln obe d|tn ce t0 ga|d order of sale an I IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE and L. E Shumwav and all persons ;deCree of lien, sell all the right, title, STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR claim ing by. through or under them claim, and Interest of the defendants THE COUNTY OF LANE, IN PRO­ or any or either of them In and to Harvey A. Wheeler, and Ruth Wheeler, BATE said premises his wife; O. F. Nichols and Jane Doe In re Estate of Henry McCollum, de­ FRANK E TAYLOR Sheriff. Nichols, his wife: William Kercher ceased. n.v BEULAH BRINNICK Deputy. and Olga Kercher, his wife, or so ■ 1 Notice 1» herbye given that I. Isa­ A 23-30: S. 6 13 20: much thereof as may be necessary to bella A. McCollum, am the duly ap­ satisfy said plaintiff's Judgments and pointed qualified and acting admlnts NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON defendant's Judgments with Interest tratrlx of Ihe above entitled estate; ATTACHMENT EXECUTION ¡thereon and cost as follows: that any one having claims against Under und by virtue of an attach- Judgment of L. E. Bussell aggre- Ihe said estate shall present the same, ment execution Issued out of the Clr-1 gating the sum of »301.99. and legal with vouchers attached to me at the cull Court of the County of lame, t Interest on same from July 19. 1928. law office of H E Slatterv, 717 Wil­ Stale of Oregon, lu an action wherein and cost taxed In the sum of »14.00. lamette street, Eugene. Oregon, with­ Louis A, Borde was plaintiff, and and the further sum of »65.00 at- in 6 months from the flrst publication Jesse H. Buir defendant, upon the' tornev fees. of this notice, which Is first published Judgment rendered on the 27th day of Judgment of defendants O. K. Bald- on Airgust 9. 1928. and that all per­ Decemher, 1927, In favor of the plain- win In the aggregate of $201.20 and sons owing the said estate shall pay tiff and against the defendant, for the legal Interest on same froir. July 19. the same to me. sum of Fifty-six Dollars and Twenty 1928. and cost taxed in the sum o’ ISABELLA A McCOLLUM. Admin­ five rents ($56.25) and interest there­ »7.50, and the further sum of $60 00 istratrix on at seven (7) per cent per annum attorney fees: H E SLATTERY. Attorney for Ad trom the 2nd day of August. 1927, anil Booth Kelly Lumber Company, mlnlslratrix for the further sum of Fifteen Dollars corporation. Judgment in the aggre- A. 9-16-23 30: 8. 6: ($15.00) attorney fees, and for the gate of $431 11, and legal Interest on further sum of Fifteen Dollars and same from July 19. 1928, and cost tax- Ninety Cents (»15 901 for cost and i ed In the sum of »11.50. and the fur- dlshursements, current lawful money i ther sum of $70 00 attorney fees: of the United States of America, aud To the highest and best bidder for with accruing cost; 1 have this day ' cash to satisfy said Judgm nts w.lh In- levied upon all the right, title, claim, i terest and cost, and accruing cost, Office Phone 176-J Res. Phone 176-M and Intorest of said defendant In and | Dated this 26th day of July. 1928. to the following deacribed real pro- "RANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff of Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. perly, to-wit: ¡Lane County. General Practice. Special Attention The North 3 acres of the following I By BEULAH BRINNICK, Deputy, to Obstetrics and Diseases described premises: Beginning at a JI- A. 2-9-16-23: point found by beginning at the most ’ ------------------------------ of Children. westerly NW corner of the John P. A L IA S S U M M O N S First National Bank Building Edilins and wife. D. L. C. No. 53, Not. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Springfield, Oregon 6974 In T. 17 8. R. 4 W of W. M and STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE running thence South along the West • COUNTY. ■ — ! line of said claim 6.00 chains, thence : O. S. Penney. Edna W. Penney, Amv S. 71 degree E. 9.89 chains, thence R. Smith, Plaintiffs, -vs- Eunice M. DR. W. N. DOW S. 64 degrees 30' E. 17.36 chains to Edson, S S. Bdson. Maude De- the place of beginning and from Raid ‘ Vaney. T. C. DeVaney, George D e n tis t First National Bank Building i beginning point run N. 26 degrees 45’ j Ware, Defendants. Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon 1 E. 12.65 chains, thence 8. 63 degrees J To Eunice M. Edson( now Rdsnn M 16' E. <49 chains, to the most Easter • Chapman) one of above named De Office hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Iy ° f L?no Cendant«: In the Name of the State Evenings by Appointment vejed to I arl J Hullgren and Ben II. of Oregon—You are hereby summoned i ' i m , k -' required to appear and answer , HT S I N E S S I 11 R E C T O R Y j Rea. Phone 160 Plano Moving SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER WILLIS BERT8CH, Prop. OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAGE 633 Main 8treet Successor to Sutton Transfer WM. G. HUGHES FIRE E IG H T H AND AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield, Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY 1 DENTIST Sutton Bldg. Phone 2OJ Residence Phone 153 M Walker-Poole Chapel Springfield, Oregon Funeral Directors r General Law I*ractlce 1. M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Law City Hall Building 228 Main 8t. 62 J Residence 125 C 8t 62 M Full Auto Equipment Lady Assistant 8prlngfleld, Ore. FRANK A. DE PUE D. W . R oof » JEW ELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Sutton Building Springfield, Oregon gen and Ben H. Hultgren, thence S ! pln|nt|ff w„, npp,y to the Court’ for 26’ 45' W. 11.66 chains, thence S. 3.1S ; the relief therein demanded, to-iwlt. chains, thence N. 54° 30' W. 5.55 foreclosure of contract of sale of west chains to place of beginning, contain-j 241 8 feet of lot 69 in College Crest Ing in all 6 acres, more or less, all j Addition to Eugene, Oregon, being being a part of aforsaid D, L, C. No. j west 2 acres of said lot 69. dated 53, In Lane County, Oregon. j November 5th, 1920 to which con- Notice Is hereby given that I will. | tract you were a partv, and for the on the 26th day of August, 1928, a t ! costs nnd disbursements of suit, in the hour of one o'clock, P. M., of said .eluding a reasonable attorney fee. and dny at the southwest front door of other relief. This summons is put- tlie Court House in Lane County, Ore- | llshed pursuant to order of Hon. O F. gon, sell, at public auction, for cur , Sklpworth, Judge of said Court dated rent lawful money of the United July 24th. 1928. directing service here States of Amcrcla, all the right, title. ,,f npon you by publication thereof claim, and Interest of the snld de once a week for four weeks In Spring fendant In and to the above described field New», of Springfield, Oregon, and property, or so much thereof ns may ; the (¡me within which you are re- be necessary to satisfy said Judg qulred to answer as above begins tp ment, with interest anil cost, nnd ac run from July 26th, 1928, the date crulng cost, to the highest bidder. 1 of the first publication hereof. FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff of FRED E. SMITH, Attorney for Lane County, Oregon. Plaintiff. Res. and P. O. Address, Eu- By BEULAH BRINNICK, Deputy. .. gene, Oregon. Jl. 2«: A. 2 8 16 23: I jj . 26: A. 2 8-16-23: Waak and Visitors Listed— Among the week-end business visitors here were the following: Mrs W J Tauf- ker. Rainbow; Mrs. George Shields, Lowell; Fred Mlllenberger, Donna; Viola Easton, Waltervilte; Mrs. E. Bricker, Trent; J B Elllptt, Jasper; H. J. Wilson. Wendliag; Mrs. B I* N O T IC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N (Publisher) Rausch. W altervllle; Mrs George Wil­ 015407 liams. aird son, George, Rainbow; Mrs. D e p a rtm e n t of th« In te rio r. U . 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon Hazel Findley, Portland; Mrs. E. J Van Orden, Marcola. August, 7, 1928. NOTICE Is hereby given that Ly man A. Chezem, of Eugene, Oregon; i N O T IC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N M It ••(”’, who. on February 23. 1924, • (P u b lis h e r) made Homestead entry, No. 015407, for 015391 E% SW ‘4 . Section 27, Township 18 I p a rtm e n t of the In te rio r, U. 8 Range 4 A’est, Willamette Meridian, i D e Land Office a t Roaebura, Oregon, has filed notice of Intention to make July 30, 1928. three year proof, to establish claim to NOTICE is hereby given that Wil­ the land above described, before E. O. liam R Dlckert, of Mabel, Oregon, Immel. U. S. Commissioner, at Eu who, on February 6, 1924, made Home­ gene, Oregon, on the 18tb day of stead Entry. 8erial No. 015391, for SE>4 September, 1928. NW(4, Section 23. Township 15 8outh. Claimant nam e« as witnesses: Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, John H Barr, Marie V. Barr. Melvin haa filed notice of Intention to make Svarverud, Harry Taylor, all of Eu­ three year Proof, to establish cllam gene. Oregon. to the land above described, before E Non-coal O. Immel, U. S Commissioner, at Eu­ HAMMILL A CANADAY, Register. gene, Oregon, on the 5th day of Sep­ A. 16-23-30: 8 6-13. tember, 1928. Claimant names as witnesses: William Black, James Kinraan. E X E C U T O R ’S 8 A L E Riggs, all of Mabel, Oregon. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE George Freeland, of Marcola. Oregon STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR i Hdward Non-coal THE COUNTY OF LANE, I.N PRO­ HAMILL A CANADAY, Register. BATE. A 2^9 16 23-30: In re Estate of Alice Bean McGuire, deceased. SUMMON8 Notice is hereby given that on Sept­ ember 7, 1928. at the hour of ten IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. FDR LANE o’clock In the forenoon, at the law of­ COUNTY. fice of H. E Slattery. 717 Willamette Lewvena Wright, Plaintiff, ñtreet, Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, versus I. Albert G McGuire, the Executor ot Chick C. Wright, Defendant. the above entitled E state,’shall pro­ ceed to sell at private sale to the high­ To Chick C. Wright, the above named defendant: est and best bidder for cash the fol­ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF lowing described real estate belong­ ing to the Estate of Alice Bean Mc­ OREGON, You are hereby required to Guire, deceased, to-wit:— (1) Lot 56 la i appear and answer the complaint filed Foster's Addition to Eugene, Lane against you in the above entitled County, Oregon; (2) A tract of land of court and cause, on or before the ex which the west end Is 20 rods long, I piration of the time prescribed In the and the north and south lines parallel Order for Publication, to-ovlt: On or off from the south side of the follow­ before the expiration of four weeks the date of the first publication ing described tract of real estate, to- from hereof, and If yon fail to appear »r wit:- Beginning at a point on the E answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will F Skinner and wife Donation I .and a decree against you for the re­ Claim No. «4, Notification No. 2181, In ; take lief prayed for in the comnlaint, which Township Seventeen (17) South In i is in substance as follows: Range Three (3) West of the Willam­ a decree of the court dissolving ette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, the For marriage contract now existing be 20 43 chains North 89’ 52’ West from a tween plaintiff and defendant, and for point North 27’ East 38.47 chains from such other and further relief as to the the Southwest corner of Block Seven court may seem Just and "roper. 17) of Packard's Addition to Eugene This summons is published nursuant City, thence running South 89’ 52' to an order of the Honorable C. P. East 556.32 feet to Intersect East line Barnard, Countv Judre of I^anc Coun­ of Madison Street, If extended North ty, Oregon, made and entered August with the same course as said street 14. 1928. and the date of the first pub­ has South of Chesire Street; thence lication hereof is August 16. 1928. and North 56' East 165 feet along said the date of the last publication hereof Madison Street line-extended; thence Is September 13 1928. run South 89" 52' West 34’4 feet to HOWARD M BROWNELL, the middle of Madison Street, if ex­ Attorney for Plaintiff tended; thence North 27' East 74 feet; Residence: 177 East Seventh Ave.. thence North 68’ 20' W est 65.8 feet; Eugene. Oregon. A. 16 23-30: S. 6-13 thence North 839 feet to left bank of Willamette River; thence run north FOR PUBLICATION IN westerly along left bank of the Wil­ SUMMONS F O R E C L O S U R E O F T A X L IE N lamette River to a point North 27' IN THE CIRCI’IT COURT OF THE East from the place of beginning; STATE OF OREGON, FOR LANE thence run South 27' West to the COUNTY. . place of beginning, containing 12 Arthur L. Matoon and Katherine R, acres, more or less. The south 20 Matoon. Plaintiffs, vs Alfred Starks, rods of the west line of the above des­ Defendant. cribed 12 acres Is to be tl- » west line To Alfred Starks the above named of the tract to be sold and the north defendant: and south lines of the said tract are IN THE NAME OF THE STATE to be parallel. The said tracts shall be separately sold to the highest and , OF OREGON: You are hereby notified best bidder for cash at «aid private that Arthur L. Matoon and Katherine R. Matoon the holders of Certificate sale ALBERT G. McGUIRE, Executor of of Delinquency numbered 2136 issued the Estate of Alice Bean McGuire, de­ ion the 30th day of December, 1925 by j the Tax Collector of the Cornty of ceased. Lane. State of Oregon, for th* amount A. 9-16-23 30: S. 6: , of Thirteen and 30-100 ($13.30) dol- i lars, the same being the amount then due and delinquent Tor taxes for the N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E ON year 1923 together with penalty, in­ E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E terest and cost.: thereon upon the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That ; real property asses -ed to yon. of by virtue of a decree and order of ! which you are the owner as appears sale and foreclosure issued out of the or record, situated in said County and Circuit Court of Lane County, Oregon, State, and particularly bounded and on the 18th day of July, 1928. in a suit described as follows, to-wit: Lot Eight wherein E. C. Hinds was plaintiff und (8) in Block Ten (10) in the Original A. C. Woodcock, Mrs. E. R. Wallace Plat or Extended Survey to Spring- and Charles Wallace, her husband, field, Oregon. and C. A. Wintermeier and Katheryn You are further notified that said G. Wintermeier, his -wife, were the de­ Arthur L. Matoon and Katherine R. fendants; and wherein on the 18th Matoon has pain taxes on said prem- day of July, 1928. in said court said ■ ises for prior or subsequent years, plaintiff recovered a decree of lieu , with the rate of interest on said for the sum of Twenty-five Dollars amounts as follows: I $25.00) with interest thereon at the Tax for 1923, paid December 30, rate of eight (8) per cent per annum '¡1925, Tax Receipt No. 29574; Amount from February 24. 1927; the further »12.90; Rate of interest 12%. sum of One Hundred Dollars (»lOO Oh. 1924, Date Paid Dec. 30. 1925. Tax with interest thereon at the rate el Receipt No. 28283. Amount paid $12.90. eight (8) per cent per annum from Rate of interest 12%. February 27, 1927; the further sum if 1st % 1925. D3te paid May 5. 1926. Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) with Tax Receipt No 12740. Amount »6.30. interest thereon at the rate of (7) per Rate of Interest 12%. cent per annum from May 18, 1927; 2nd H 1925, Date paid Nov. 2, 192«. Ihe furtrer sum of One Hundred Fifty Tax Receipt No. 22163. Amount $6 30 Dollars ($150.00) as attorney's feev. i Rate of interest 12%. with interest thereon at the rate of 1926. Date paid April 16. 1927. Tax ¡six (6) per cent per annum from July Receipt No. 462. Amount $10.88. Rate 18. 1928; and the further sum of i of interest 12%. Twenty Dollars ($20.00) costs and dis­ I 1927. Date paid April 9, 1928. Tax bursements; which said decree of lien Receipt No. 1330. Amount $29.23. Rate was enrolled and docketed in the of interest 12%,.. clerk's office of said court in said Snld Alfred Starks as the owner of county on the 18th (lay of July, 192S, the legal title of the above described and said order of sale to me directed property as the same appears of re­ commanding me in the Name of the cord. and each of the other persons State of Oregon, in order to satisfy above named are hereby further noti­ ¿aid decree of lien, interest, attorney’s fied that plaintiffs will apply to the fees, costs of suit and accruing costs, . Circuit Court of the County and State to sell the following described pro­ t aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the perty, to-wit: Lot Number Four (4) lien against the property above des­ and the Southeast Quarter of the cribed, and mentioned in said certifi­ Southwest Quarter (SEUSW Í4) of cate. And you are hereby summoned Section Eighteen (18) in Township to appear within sixty days after the Sixteen (16) South, Range Six (6) ! first publication of this summons, ex­ W est of the Willamette Meridian in clusive of the day of said first publl- Lane County, Oregon. , cation, and defend this action or pay Now Therefore, In the Name of the the amount due as above shown, to­ State of Oregon, in compliance with gether with costs and accrued Inter­ said order of sale, and in order to est, and In case of your failure to do satisfy said lien, interest, attorney's so, a decree will be rendered fore­ fees, costs and accrued costs, I will closing the lien of said taxes and on Saturday, the 25th day of August, costs against the land and prem'sea 1928. at the hour of One o’clock in the above named. afternoon of sa’d day, at the south­ This summons is published by order west front door of the County Court of the Honorable G. F. Sktpworth House in Eugene, Lane County, Ore­ Judge of the Circuit Court of the gon, offer for sale and sell for cash State of Oregon for the County ot at public auction, subject to redemp­ Lane and said order was made and tion as provided by law, all of the date this 17th day of July, 1928, and right, title, and Interest of said de­ the date of the flrst publication of this fendants A. C. Woodcock, Mrs. E, R. summons Is the 19th day of July 1928. Wallace, Charles W allace, C. A. All process and papers In this pro­ Wintermeier, and Kathryn O. Winter­ ceedings may be served upon the un­ meier, and all persons claiming by. dersigned residing within the State through, or under them or either of of Oregon at the address hereafter them. In and to said premises. mentioned. FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff of C. N JOHNSTON. Attorney for Lane County, Oregon. Plaintiff. Address U. S. Nat'l Bank By BEULAH BRINNICK. Deputy. Bldg , Eugene, Oregon. JL 26: A. 29-16-23: JL 19-M: A- $-9-18-23-30 Reeidence Changes Hand»—The raa- Idence of David Link of Eugene on Weat D street here ban been sold to D L. Thomaa of Chase Gardena The deal was made through the W. W. Walker realty company. ,