THURSDAY AIHHIHT 23. 1928 PAGE FIVE THE 8PRINOFIELD NEWS Ths llth annual Coos county farm­ Chew a Rexall Orderlle at algbt. Next FO R B A L * —C a rb o * paper la large ers' picnic was held at Norway, near day bright, (let 24 for 26c today at sheets, 26x39 inches. suitable tor Coquille, last week. tbe nearest Kexall Drug Store— (Adv | making tracings. Tbe News The plant of the Beaver company, operating a small sawmill 16 miles frutn Corvallis, was destroyed by fire { began digging the basement last Frf I Principal Events of the Week last week. day and are making good headway ' UPPER W ILLA M ETTE The fruit picking and packing sea Assembled for Information having a lot of lumber on the ground I son Is now at Its height around Med' Mrs J. A Phelps. Miss Gladys already. of Our Readers. ford, with five switch engines engaged Wheeler and Miss lluxel Wheeler, who I Lwaln Buell from Klamath Falls. I every day In the yards, and between are attending yiortnal this summer at visited bis aunt, Miss Lena Heersma i 611 uud Hi) cars of pears being taken Tin' «*r m H im past y«ar. but lout Mrs. Merl Dunn and daughter. Iris, their families ut Pleasant lllll. are speedily made Into trains for ship 118 by ili'iilh, IkU by ilwuill uml 148J by While going for water about a quar­ from Portland, and Mrs. John West ' ment east. Hon t>»ynn>iil of ilui'» ter of a mile from the lookout house and Mrs. Seth Hollis and daughter, j T. L. Billingsley, superintendent of nt trigger Butte above Oakridge last Dorothy, from Coast Fork spent Tues­ Killing of a rouKHr J uki a. It aprsnii the Houthern Pacific motor transports on II ik bu> k of it di'«r 1« ruportsd by Friday Mrs E E. Kilpatrick came day at John Edmiston's. tlon, and A. Mickle, assistant super- ' Both of the Thurston thrashing ma­ J. A, of Mai'HhflvId, Coo» conn face to face with a large cougar. Drop­ Intendent of pussenger and traffic I ty district fire warden. ping her water bag Mrs. Kilpatrick chines finished work the first of this mnaager of the Houthern Pacific rail­ carefully aimed the gun she was car­ week. A new bridge haa been completed ways, perfected arrangements to oper­ Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Weaver motored scroaa Ilei-p creek at Bandy rtdge by ate stages from Albany to Newport, rying at the cougar's shoulder and to Junction City last Tuesday and at fired. The bullet passed through the tbe county bridge force. The «true beginning August *1. cougar's heart and It died almost In­ tended the funeral of Price Gilmore, lure la called Holtano bridge. The Oregon Historical society has stantly. Hhe was 60 feel away when at Miller chapel. They were old time Twelve cars of celery have gone out Just secured deed to two and a half she fired. Mrs Kilpatrick then got friends. of Qulnaby since (be beginning of the additional acres at the site of Old Mr. and Mrs George McAllister and her water and returned to the house. season In June and two other cars Fort Clatsop on tbe M wls and Clark When measured the cougar, a female, George Milan from Eugene, motored are loading for eastern points. river, where the explorers spent the was found to be eight feet six Inches out to Thurston last Friday evening. winter of 1606 06. according to an an Fire In the business section of North Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Weaver spent long Mrs. Kilpatrick Is wife of E Foods that whet the appetite at the same time stimu­ nouncement made by T. C. Elliott, Powder caused estimated loss of *4000 the w eekend at Newport. E Kilpatrick, principal of the Pleas­ late the digestive organs, making them better able to care director of the society. It partly destroyed a brick building Misses Hazel and Leone Edmiston ant Hill high school and has been for tbe food entrusted to their action. Tasty foods, such At the close of August 14 a total of occupied by a restaurant and shoe spending the summer with him on lo g ­ spent last Sunday at Newport. as you get from us, serve as appetite teasers and appetite 72 660 visitors had entered Crater Shop. Several of the young people from ger Butte above Onkrldre satisfiers. Lake park In 22.140 automobiles, as Uovernor Pattersou appointed Don­ D. O. Linton of Pleasant HUI has Thurston motored to Springfield last compared to 47.966 visitors In 13.68* ald B. Ith'hes Justice of the peace of Tuesday evening and charlvarled cars to the same date In 1927. Every traded his farm which consists of Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Giles In their the Turner district In Marlon county, 122 acres for a 20-ai-re farm at Orland. to succeed H. L. Karl, who died re­ state In the Union was represented, new home In Springfield They were California, owned by Orson Stltz. It Phone all the territories except Alaska, and Phone cently. married a few days ago. They both being planted mostly to walnuts, al­ nine foreign countries. spent their childhood In Thurston. Pioneer bistory of Oregon and the In celebration of the opening of the monds and alfalfa Mr and Mrs. Lin­ northwest was linked with the life of road from Tillamook to Bayocean, the ton have seven children, six of them Josephus Thompkins, DO, who died at HIG HW A Y ATTO RNEY Tillamook Bayocean company enter­ attending school Both Mr and Mrs. the home of tils son on Grand Island Linton have been active In social, PLEASED W ITH GOOD tained with a dance, clambake, beach last week. sports, bathing beauty contest and school and church affairs and their PROGRESS ON BRIDGE loiwta O. Leach, 58. was killed In tbe other features. Fifteen hundred cars children have taken nn active part In Connie Dye camp on tbe Netarts road drove to tbe resort with an estimated dramatics and athletics In both public Pleased with the progress and con In Tillamook county when a log fell and high achonl. They w*ll be greatly fl