THURSDAY AUGUST 23. 1928 T H E SPRIN GFIELD NEWS M A R R IA G E L IC IN S IO IS S U K D TOWN AND VICINITY > Drive to Roseburg—Mr. and Mrs. Glenff C. Radabaugh drove to Rose­ burg Sunday to spend the day visit­ ing with friends and relatives. O. P. Radabangh and son. Kenneth, of Eugene, also made the trip. Plan Auto Trip—Mrs. J. A Neher and son. Leland, will leave this week with ant »her son. Victor, for Califor­ nia to tpend the next three weeks vis­ iting. Victor Neher, who lives in Cali­ fornia, has been visiting here for a short time Recklessness Brings Fine—R. L. Medill of Eugene paid a f'ne of $5 in the recorder's court here Satnrdav when he pleaded guilty to a charge of recklessness in operating his car here. The charge resulted from a col­ lision on a local street for which Mr. Medill was blamed. P B afternoon and evening. circus; The ten Tengers Arabs an 1 The time-honored custom has al •—>» other well known athletes in astoii- been to refer to each successive year's oshing innovations; Sells Floto Fam circus as bigger and better than ever, ous Menge Act. wonderful Kentucky but the phrase has been so hackneyed thoroughbred equines ridden by 50 that this year Sells Floto hesitate to ladies and gentlemen; The Fisher use it, despite the fact that they affirm Sullivan Troupe, The Flying Wurd . it adequately describes the entertain Emma Ward, world's Champion Lady nient. There is material enough in Aerial gymnast hangiug by one hand this year's circus to make a dozen dr- from a suspended rope, this little lady cusses of the old days. t casts her own body over her own Hundreds of horses, camels, ek- shoulder as many as 125 times without phants. and sacred cattle, richly ac­ pause. Peter Taylor, King of wild ani­ fir coutred, are utilized in the program mal trainers, will pres nt tc. time in circus history a collection i-r The subsequent three-hour arenlc Siberia and Bengal tigers and African performance which Sells Floto gives, lions. The active participants in arena breaks ail records of the past. Every exploits number five hundred an i one of the 500 participants is a champ clowns- a bunch of them right up to ion in his own line. The exhibit of the minute to delight the kiddles. freaks is larger than ever before and Sells Floto promise a rare treat in the menagerie has been augmented. their menagerie, 63 cages of rare Three herds of elephants open the wild animals, 5 herds of elephants, 3 circus tournament presented by Sells herds of camels, a two ton Hippopot.i- Floto circus, introducing lady elephan! musand a Pygmv Hippo of which tra in e rs, Effie Rairden, Irene Led get there are only two in America, one •in ) Bobby < o rn etL with Sells Floto circus the other with Then a ceaseless procession of ath Bronx Zoo in New York City, arranged letic specialists fills rings, rigging, so the public may view the marvels of platforms and hippodrome oval. There forest and jungle. Return to California—Mr and Mrs. Arthur Woodmansee returned to their home in California Monday after vis­ iting with relatives here. Mrs. Wood­ mansee Is the niece of Jess Lorah. I The counle stopped here on their re­ turn. trin from Portland and other northern cities. Evolution Lecture Heard— Rev. J J. 81ms was the speaker at a meet­ ing at the Springfield Baptist church Monday evening. The preacher-edi­ tor delivered an address on the sub­ ject "Was Your Grandfather a Mon­ key?" He is making this address ♦broughout the country. Leaving for California—Miss Maud Gorrie of Portland la visiting rela­ tives here this week previous to h er' departure Friday for southern Call- J fornia on a visit She will stop at Pas-tdena, Los Angeles and other cities in the southern state during her vacation. Lodge 8esslon Held—Members of the Neighbors of Woodcraft lodge whose last names begin with the let­ ters T and W entertalnmed fellow lodeemen at the regular meeting of the Springfield group last night. A huslpess session preceded the social hour. I u a VERY LATEST By CECILE Joliff* Go Camping—Mr and Mrs. Drive to Redmond—Mr. and Mrs. Skirt trimmings run to the side for Nefl Pollard spent Sunday at Red- Hugh Jollff and children spent the the fall season- and usually It'» the past week-end at Lowell bridge on a right side. mend visiting friends. camping trip. In the protogvaph one of the more Here for Week—Theodore Johnson conservative treatments Is shown in Visit» Mother—Mrs John Purcell of Wendling spent the week-end In this city visiting friends and relatives. and daughter, Jewell, of Corvallis, the form o( a soft side drapery dip­ ¡pent Sunday at the home of her ping below the hem in a decided point to accent the uneven hemline and fur­ Louks at Creswell— Mr. and Mrs. mother. Mrs. C. M Pettyjohn. nish the onesided motif for the cos Fred Louk and children went to ('res , Returns to Portland—Mrs. Abbie tume. well Sunday to spend the day visit­ Maasee of Portland, who has been vis­ The frock, which is an excellent ing with the formers father. iting her sister. Mrs N. W Emery type for afternoon and aeml-formal Leaves for Portland—Mrs. Vernon here for the past week returned Tues­ wear, is developed lu a deep beige FToudflt and small son, who have been day to her home. tone of crepe satin, made with a picot visiting here at the home of Mrs. edge and shows both satin and crepe Leaves for Canada—Virgil Jones, Noah Hiltlbrand, left for their home surfaces of the fabric as Its points until recently a pairtner In the Mutt Monday afternoon. and Jeff service station here, left swing below the hem. Drive to Lava Beds—-Hr and Mrs. Monday for Canada. .11» stated that New Fall Color» and Fabrica Eugene Kester. Mrs E W Collins and he will be gone indefinitely. Vivid reds. soft, meltlug browns ami Mrs Clara Fawver drove to the lava beds in the McKemie country Sun-J Doanes Have Guests—E B. Doane a rich wine shade are important con of Crow. Mr. and Mrs. Frit» Doane trlbutlons to the new color group for day. and Royal Doane of Own Francisco, fall. Black and printed satins will be Junction Man Here -Cedi Frum of ^pent last week at the home of their much used Canton crepe returns to Junction City was here last week to uncle, Bart Doane. •avor—either alone or In combination visit with his sister, Mrs. Enoch Ste­ Viaiting Siatar -Mrs. Jessup and with velvets—and its newest Interpre- sons. Watch for this characteristic wart children and her brother. Walter tatlon Is patterned in metal threads In choosing fall togs—If you would Here for Treatment—Mrs. Clinton Scott, all of Portland, arrived here which dimly trace an all-over design have the very latest. Trotter of Walterville was here Sun­ Saturday to spend the week-end vis­ Prints—contrary to expectations— have not "died out," but have become day and Monday for medical treat­ iting their sister. Mrs D. W. McRin- The In Between Hat as much of a staple as plain colors ment. She was accompanied by her non. Just about now you are seeking a and are splendidly represented in fall fresh, trim little hat to bridge the gap small daughter. Anderaona at Rockaway—Mrs. Lum fabrics. between summer and autumn styles. Here for Week-end—Mrs. Ella Lom-• Alderson and chfldren are spending j , Choose either a soft felt In a medium bard, who is attending summer school this week and next at Rockaway Practical— tno’ Feminine shade, with a suggestion of brim to at Monmouth, spent the past week­ beach. They were taken there Sun- New fall frocks indicate a return shatle the eyes, or a light weight silk end at her home here. day by Mr. Anderson who returned to qu,|e practical seml-tallored styles velvet sh ap ed m uch like th e felts, per- for Anytime we8r A„ th,. nattering hapa wUh n)WH of allk china by ^Lere on Visit—Miss Evelyn Walker, Springfield the same day. a student in the state normal school Return to Grove— Mr. and Mrs. C. feminine touches are there.-—but there ■ way oj trimming The latter hats at Monmouth, spent the week-end here M. Parker of Cottage Grove returned an add»d trimness, an efficient, well (,ome (n soft shades of medium green, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. to their home Monday after spending i tailored something about these new amethyst, raspberry, chamois, black, W. Walker and friends. the week-end visiting at the home of er frock» that sets them apart from sbadea of medium blue, sapphire and their daughter, Mrs I V. Stewart at thp compromise styles of other sea i navy Returns to Salem—Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hawke returned Sunday ev- Natron. are riders of note in the circus world, ening to Salem after visiting with his Roseburg People Visit— M r. and which include George Hanneford an-i parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hawke Mrs. Charles Fields and daughter. the riding Hannefords. Irene Ledgett, of this city. Margaret, and Miss Iris Taylor, all the Fashion Plate of the white tops Wendling Woman Here—Mrs. Wes­ of Roseburg, are here this week visit­ B-rt Sloan, the acme of perfection, in ley Shackleford of Wendling is spend­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. F. B Hamlin. the art of tight wire performance, ! ing a few weeks visiting at the home Mrs. Hamlin and Mrs. Fields are sis­ Cecil Lewandi. Monna Conner», who»- I of her mother-in-law. Mrs. C. M. Petty­ ters. They will go on to Portland wonderful feats in horsemanship have I before their return to Roseburg john. never betn equalled. Marve'oas Iron law act bv Dora Lawrence, Kimball l Attend Reunion—Miss Mary Rob­ SELLS FLOTO CIRCUS TO Lamar. and Ktng erts, Mrs. B. Gay, Mr. and Mrs Earl SHOW IN EUGENE AUG. 24 te n in their wonderful exhibition in Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur -------- the high dome of the canvaa. dlsplav- Roberts, all of this city, attended the Sella Floto circus will be in Eugene. ; (ng evolutions in mid air which have Roberts reunion at Wendling Sunday. August 24, for a performance in the no ,jke or equa; ;n all realms of the Spend Day at Beach—Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Kenyon. Mr. and Mrs. William uong. Mrs. A. B. Kessey and son. Dwight, and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Swartz. sDent Sunday on the bench at Newport. Is -------- Two Men Injured—Frank Root of Marcóla and Har/ild Frazee of Left- burg were treated here following ac­ cidents last Friday. Mr. Root was hurt when a double-bitted axe caught on a clothes line and glanced, strik­ ing him in the face The Leabnrg man accidentally cui his leg while saw’ng near hfs home. Several stitches were necessary to close the wound. A L IG H T LUNCH OR FULL M EA L No matter what you want, whether you are sufficiently hungry for a full meal, or Just wish to take the edg> off your appetite with a light lunch, we invite you to drop Into our res taurant for anything you want to eat. You will enjoy our dishes, our cooking, our service, our prices and the delightful environment of our restaurant. Drop-In Cafe County Clerk W. 11 Hillard has Is sued marriage licenses the past week to the following: Hadly Curls, Eu- gene, und Hens Ellingson, Coquille; Grover Gllesple and Myrtle Whit«, both of Cottage Grove; Oliver Klllo't and Edna Alice l*yle, both of Spring field; W. M Warfield, Eugene, and Josephine Pope, Westfir; Wesley llan sen, and Gladys Templeton, both of Eugene; T. Clyde Johnson and lies sle Greene,' both of Eugene; A " Hwyter, Albany, und Florence Ferr. Junction City. "w here aavinga are g re a te st' 942 W Ùlam ette 8 t„ Eug one, Oregon. “This Is My Kind Of Store.” A ty f ic tl J. C. Penney Company rm lm ie r it tpeab. ing, with