T X A ilIT THURSDAY AUGUST T i n o R P R I N O F U e iJ l N E W S «TW A a 23. 192H via Peek; Janiea Alaon Peek; V e r­ ona K Peek; all other unknown heirs of W illiam E Peek, deceaaed; IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E and all unknown heirs of Janies S T A T E O F OREGON FOR L A N E Published Every Thursday at • • • Peek. S r, the unknown heirs of C O U N TY Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by SELLING SAWLOGS BY T H E POUND Jtdin P Kddlns, deeeau'd; the un­ Sil«1 Dorris and Allte M Smith. plain O RDER TO SHO W CAUSE T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS (Salem S ta te sm a n .) tiffs, versus C B. W illiam » »nil lr * known heirs of Elizabeth Bddlna. deceased; and all other persons or mi C W illiam ». his » I f « ' . I l l * im T he P o rtla n d Jo u rn al of last evening speaks IN T H E CO UN TY' C O U R T O F T il l : H . E. M A X E Y , Editor. (Nirtles unknown, claim ing any known heirs of S II Friendly anil of the selling of saw logs by th e pound S T A T E O F i ItFO O N FOR T H E right, title, ealnle, lien or Interest M atilda Friendly. decease 1. lt(s Em »red as second class m atter, February 24. 1903 at the COl S T Y O F Uk.NF M entions it a s a rem a rk a b le and u nusual thing. w ife; It E Cartw right and In or Io the renl estate described poatofflce, Springfield. Oregon T he referen ce is to the fam ous m yrtle wood of In the M atter nt On G iiarillanahlp of j Cart". , ’.l v In the i-oninlnlnt, defendants or It E Cart Hants E Oilwlt. Robert II (W ell, C urry county, the saw logs of which are m ade w r ig 'ii ' I . » O i l or in. »onp-ttme IN T H E N A M E O F T lt P S T A T E Violet Oilell Florence Oilell, M il'S M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A TE • known "tile " llalderann, and O F O ltEG O N arct Oilell, Darrell Oilell. M iooi You are hereby re One year In Advance____$1.75 Three Months ---------75c up into m atch boxes, fruit trays, floor lam ps, n a p ­ T .IIK A B O VE M A T T E » coming dulv « Mary lluldoi on. Gina Month. sonic tjulred le appear ami answer Ihe c m - kin rings, ami various o th e r articles of beauty Vtx M o n th s______ ________$100 Single Copy ----------- be fib Court III oil the ttetltlon of I limes known ns ( lir a Mold», the nn plain! flb'd again«! yell In th * ala.ye and utility. T his is out of the usual, as the before the guardian herein (or license to sell I known helis of M ath's» Motnb entitl.'il silt: w ithin four weeks from T H U R S D A Y A U G U S T 23. 1928 m aple wood of th e so u th e a ste rn c o rn e r of this the real premise» particularly de i sometimes known as "M attle j the date of Hie flrsl publ’eatlon of s ta te is sui generis; th e only wood of its exact scribed a» follows, to w it: Month, deceased; Henry Lorela and t'tla summons, and If you fall to so Beginning tit the south<-a»t corner - Jennie Loretx; Josepll l.o re t* and appear and anwwer, the id aln tlff w ill kind so fa r found in th e world. RAILROADS PESSIM ISTIC one fourth of the I Lorets. wife of Joseph lair anplv to the Court for the relief prayed But selling saw logs by th e pound, or ra th e r o( the southeast one fourth of SA'ctlon Four ' ets; C. W W aahburne an I for In the complaint filed In the above If th e testim o n y of th e railroad officials and selling the pro d u cts of saw logs by the pound, is northeast (41. Township Nineteen 1191 South. Washburne. wife of C W Wash entitled cause. th eir w itnesses before th e in te rsta te com m erce not un u su al It is done every day in S alem : done Bunge One West, thence running i burn*; Charles E. Parke and Catli This summons Is published once com m ission h ea rin g is tru e O regon is a country to th e ex teq t of about a hundred to n s a dav. at west 30 rods, thence north 80 rods, J erlne Ib t'ke - Koilney It Rounds and ' each week for four successive week» thence easl 30 rods, thence south 80 R> becca Rounds M iller Morgan and by order of the lion C P. Barnard, Incapable of suppo rtin g herself. She doesn't th e Salem paper mill. Done over again, w ith re­ rods to the place of beginning, eon Elisabeth Morgan; James A Mor Judge of the Counlv Court raise sufficient of a n y th in g to supply herself with finem ents. a t th e paper converting plant on F ront talnlng flflei n (15) acres of land, salt; Thomas Q B utler; W iley ) The dale of the first publication of th e possible exception of lum ber and she is in stre e t. more or less. In L in e County. O regon’ Sparks and Nancy Sparks; Abrntn . this summons 1» August 23. 1928 And it appearing to the Court (hat ' po hu rrv to get th a t to m ark et (usually w ants And a t th e la tte r place th e m arket, value is M Peek and I-aury M Peek; Mar» IM M E L A KVANS. th e railroads to haul it aro u n d th e co u n try until aw ay above 8 c e n ts a pound, the ruling price for the foregoing real estate constitutes j Ann Beam; Jxm in L. Peek, Jr.; E l­ Attorneys for Plaintiffs the entire estate belonging Io said | len Peek; Charles Peek; uud Or Jt can be sold in tra n s it). th e best specim ens of th e m aple wood. A good wards, and lhat there Is no available I tavla Peek; James Alson peek; ! Residence and Poatofflce Address KUff**OC*. O rrio ti. We knew th a t the m o to r tru c k s and buses were deal of th e paper turned out at th e mill here goes means of support of said wards, ex- i Verona F. Peek, all other unknown A 2.130: H 0 1120 gettin g business aw ay from the railro ad s so fast a t m ore th a n 8 c e n ts a pound. Som e of th at sent cept through the property above de- ; heirs of W llllum E Peek, deceased; and that said property pro th a t it w as m aking them ditzy, but we did not out from th e paper converting plant goes a t sev­ scribed, and all unknown heirs of James — vide* no income In its present status. . Peek. Sr : Ihe unknown heirs of believe before th a t th a t they w ere so so u r on O re­ eral tim es 8 c e n ts a pound. and It is necessary for ihe malnten j John P. Bddlns. deceased: Ihe un gon. It isn 't our fau lt th a t th e railroads can not R oughly, h alf the co n ten t of the saw logs used ance and support of said minors that i heirs of Elizabeth Kddlns. de keep up w ith m odern progress. We expect to for m ak in g paper at th e Salem mill is cellulose. the same he reduced to cush by said I known In order to provide means ! ceased; and nil other persona or sec nearly all th e m ail and express go by airplane T he rest is lignin. T he cellulose is used for th e ! petitioner unknown, claim ing any for the care and support of said ehll- I parties In th e next decade. T h e salvation of th e rail­ m aking of about 100 o th er com m ercial articles, i dren. it Is. therefore. right. Illle esiati*. lien or Interest In or to the renl estate described In O R D E R E D that the next of kin of roads is to get into th o se o th e r m odes of tra n s ­ besides paper. Som e of these go at aw ay above com plaint; defendants said wards together with all persons po rtatio n to supplem ent th e ir own service. a dollar a pound. Interested In said estate appear before To C S W illiam s ntid Irena C W ll • • • Every plant th a t grow s and will sta n d tin c o n ­ this Court In the Countv Court Room Hams, his w ife; the unknown heir- of S H Friendly, deceased, and P o rtlan d pays less tax es th a n S e a ttle and T a- ta in s som e cellulose. T he chem ists a re finding of tie Conn ii u • In feugnaa. Lane Brecon. at the hour of I I M atilda Friendly, deceased, his coi:.a, says th e O regon V oter in one article. In w avs to use m any p lan ts fo r th e profitable m a n u ­ County. o'clock A M on the 3rd day of Sept- 1 w ife; It F, C artw right, and a n o th e r it sets o u t to prove th a t P o rtla n d and fac tu rin g of cellulose prod u cts; as for Instnnee ember. 1929. to show cause, If any | Cartw right. wife of It E Cart Mt-’fnom ah co u n ty pays "its full sh a re and then corn stalks, th e stra w of grains. T hey will use there be. why a license perm itting w-rlzht. O laf Hnldoraon eom times A Ih.»F” uurn»h«n>— tlraduntn t folks. It’s bigger and b e tte r th an ever and a So m uch for S alem ’s paper m aking cult, which is ltD F It shall he published at least j etz; Washburne. wife of C W Wash Study— Medicine- Music three weeks r r ’or to the date of said ( hurne; Charles R Parke and Cnth large an d increasing. show we should well be proud of. hearing In The i vision. Rllzalieth Morgan; James A M or­ F R E S H AFTER LONG HAUL D A T E D at Eugene. Oregon, this 9tli ing dishes m akes h ands beautiful, and vou should gan; Thomas Q ltu tler; W iley I |l#«a Y ear O pens R a p t 14 T here a re about 70 prim ary m a rk e ts in th e dav of August. X D.. 1928 have seen th e n u m b er of husbands who cu t th e Sparks and Nancy Snarks; Abram C P. B XR N A R D . County Judge Far »wf#r#4#iwm •* celai r«* «rrtls M Peek and laniry M Peek; Mart- ad o u t of th e p a p e r to ta k e hom e and show “ the I nited S tates, which consum e upw ards of 92 per A 9-1« 23 30: TA# tfsrwOar. (/mvacMt* af ¡cent of th e tre e and vine crops. Aim Beam; James L Peek. Jr.. El litt’e w om an.” <>r«f#a. ffagaaa. Or» ten Peek; Charles Peek; and Octa T he s ta te of W ashington leads in production THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS L • • • D espite th e alleged sh o rta g e of Oregon freight we bet th e re w ould be a lot of em pty box cars h a r ’cd th ro u g h th e m iddle w estern s ta te s going e a st if it w ere n o t for O regon lum ber. • • • ‘‘Music h a th ch a rm s to soothe th e savage b east ” w rote S hakespeare. But he never heard It at m idnight— com ing from th e neighbors' radio •e t. • • • T h e line “ Man w an ts b u t little h ere below " m ust have been in th e m ind of th e designer who m ade up th ese new S um m er g a rm e n ts we are •eeing. • • • * If anyone su g g ests it. w e’re su re M ayor Wil­ liam H a le ' T hom pson will change his nam e to Hail William T hom pson! • • • T he four-foot w om an w ho recentlv m arried a circu s giant over eight feet tall certainly has a husband to look up to! • • • Editorial Comment» of apples. A rizona crow ds C alifornia in yield of lettuce, Florida leads in g rapefruit. N orth C aro ­ lina in straw b erries. New York in cabbage. Indl-1 an a in onions, M aine in w hite p o tato e s and Vir­ ginia in sw eet potatoes. C alifornia in grapes. T he necessity for a w ell-ordered svstem of ra il­ road tra n sp o rta tio n for th e successful m a rk e tin g ' of th ese p ro d u cts is a t once ap p aren t w hen it i t ' realized th a t m uch of th is traffic moves u n d er I refrig eratio n , all of it requires expeditious ser- ' vice, and in scope it em braces the producers, c o n ­ sum ers and m ark e ts of a continent In 1927 a b o u t 43 n e r c e n t o f C iH 'n r n i,,'» r n ,!, ! an d v e g e ta b le s re q u ire d a h a u l o f a non m b «« i the 66 different m ark e ts In which i h « v wr»r « , about 60 n e r c e n t o * 'W a s h in g t o n ’s w e n t to 65 di*- i fere n t m ark e ts with a haul of ?500 nd)eS J A rizona’s can talo u p e and lettu ce cold in mow« th an 60 different m ark e ts with n H» m ,1 nvonorlf«*» ' 2.non miles Over «9 n e r r p n t o f P lo r t d a ’s n r o d - u cts 73 ner cent of I d a h o ’s f ii n p r n n n f r y t P o l ' y ! r a d o ’s a n d 58 n e r « « n f o * *„-».,1^0» „ ...... ket haul of from 1 onn to 3.000 miles. A h ig h o n a l it v o f fr->n « n p rt'> flo n f from i coo • " ««« miles, cantaloupe, lettu ce a nd such ««”’ -•», film ’’ m ore often th a n not! • • • products a re placed on th e tables of New Yorn in as good condition as when tak e n from the vine If we know little a b o u t affa irs in N icaragua, and field.— Industrial News B ureau. w h a t does Sandino? FO R B A LE— Carbon paper In large sheets. M i l l Inches, suitable tor m aking tracings. The News I ’fllc« SUM M O NS !|The New, New York--the Choice of Good Taste W herever people of good ta ste g a th e r w hite gold spectacles and eyeglasses w ear is noticable. O ur per- scriptlon v ork c arries a certified certificate. Aqual- ity product th a t is genuine. 4 a Pure Candy! —best for kiddies P ure ran d y Is a splendid food for children. It Is co n ­ c e n trate d food In a most pala­ table form . M ake It a habit to alw ays have a generous supply of o u r candy on hand, and let th e children e a t It w henever they wish. F G G IM A N N ’ S "W here the Bervlce is Different" Dr, Ella C. Meade O p t o m e t r is t WATT-: OPTICAL C O . •o 14 * Ave. W est State College Regents Name New Men’s Dormitory A SUCCESSFUL SIX NOW W INNING EVEN GREATER SUL'CESl EftUHlBCIWEi) in Color *‘1’ (Enhanced in Style a n d O f f e r in g lEven •Greater (Performance * B e a u tifu l as P o n tia c Six has been in th e past — great aa it» p e rfo rm a n c e has p ro ved — — to d a y ’» P o n tia c S ix Is even m o re b e a u tifu l, e v e n m o re t h r illin g th a n e v e r to d riv e ! J -rs r; v R aw ' v c f b » structure made’ up o f five men’s residence halls in one, and men fo r which units were named. F rom left, C urtis lw ( E. Cauthorn, James K. W eatherford, Daniel V. Poling, and Austin T. Buxton. Placing corresponds to location o f unit«. W z tn the I. . <1 o f regents of D rc n S 'a‘ ‘ ' ':::r" l colic«* met to name f ■ nt,» men's d o rm i­ to ry now raindly n e e riii" comp‘c- lion, it foui'd the b -■ structure > - issentially five halls in one, each gnit being separated from the oth- srs by solid fire walls. Such plans had been made both to afford pro­ tection and facilitate social organ­ isation among tha 340 studenta the Wuilding will accommodate. Five names ware aonsequantly aalected instead of one, honoring iv a man who hava bean or era ominently connected with the itory of tha institution. Dr. Jamas K. W eatherford of A l­ bany, for 41 years a member and SI years president nf tha board nf C regents, was given the leading honor, that of having his name on the central tower hall which rises 129 f t in five stories above the ground, making it the highest »tructure now on the campus. It is the key unit fo r all future men’s d o rm ito ry development. The unit next to it toward the southeast is named for Dr. Daniel V. Poling, secretary of tha campus Y , M. C. A, during and immediate­ ly after tha war period and for whom tha old converted war bar­ racks which served for years as a dormitory* "*med. Dr. Poling is at present pastor of tha First Presbyterian church of Albany. Farther to the southeast the and azdt la named for Austin T . Bux­ ton, a native of Forest Grove who ' missioner. He was appointed rw became master o f the state grange gent in 1909 and served u n til h i| and a regent of the college from 1 death in 1923. Renaming old Cauthorn hall wai 1905 to 1909. He was a '95 alum-, nus o f the college, now deceased, j necessary so the regents honored W est o f W eatherford ball is Mrs. Ida A. K idder, librarian o| Thomas R. Cauthorn hall, named the college from 1908 u n til hef fo r the famous st c.f7S4|Sf9or( R o o d rtc r,Ì7 C * i r h o c t o n .$77 1/ ('flh rin fc r.l7 9S |4-I> < H »r S e d a n , S p o r e l .im liiu S e d a n , O a l s » la n d A ll-A m e rfe a n S<*f 9 l< M 9 to $ 1 2 6 5 . A l l |> rkr$ a t fa c to ry , ( hcuk OaAland-i*»»n