Try the H om t Print Shop Firat THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-FIFTH YEAIt HPRINOFIHLD. I*ANK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY AUGUST 23, 1ÍJ2S BRIDGE FILL MAY ■ 6 INJUNCTION West Side Residents Are Ready to Oppose Embankment, Say* Rumor; County Court to Take Matter Up With Highway Commission at Next Meeting in September. FOUR-MILL LEVY FOR TWO HIGHWAYS WILL BE ON LANE BALLOT For the Improvement of the Wil­ lamette Valley Florence highway anil the MiKerule river hlahway, people ,,r i^me county will thle fall he asked to vole a four mill levy, it was decided » meeting of the ban* county , han,b"r of p"n"n,’rr" m Florence last Saturday. The plan of conaolldatlnx the two road measures Into one and making Ihn rote for a four mill Inatead of two mill InrloH received unanlmoua aupport. Every precaution will be taken thia year to xuard axalnat technicalities In the uiensures In order that prevl- oua delaya on thia account will not he repeated. Among the 35 members of the conn- ly chamber at the meeting, the vote waa unanimous that the first stretch of the coast highway to he Improved should be that lying between Maple- Klorpn(.p Laundry to Move to Elite Building EMERYS MOVE AFTER LIVING 20 YEARS IN SAME RESIDENCE HERE Service Cleaners Also to Have After spending almost 20 years , In one house. It’s mighty hard to Plant in Same Location; leave It, Dr. and Mrs. N. W. Emery Improvement* Planned ; found this week when they moved Change In the location of the i from the corner of Second and Main streets to the corner of Eighth Kprlnxfleld Kleam laundry and the Service Cleaners wax announced thia 1 and C. The dentist and his wife have morning lived In Springfield for the past 21 The ' laundry, now located at the years and all but one has been rorn,’r Mill and Main atreH», will spent In the house they have Jvst Into the Ellin hotel building at 309 Main afreet The cleaning estab­ left Springfield has grown and de­ lishment will occupy a portion of the veloped pleasingly during thhlr re»-* front of this location. Remodeling of the new location to | idence here. Dr Emery states Many fit the needs of the laundry watt be­ of the business and residence build­ gun thia morning. John W Avltt, pro- i ing? have been built within that span of time. proletor of the laundry, experts to be In the now alte by September 1. New machinery will be added to the | LINDSEY TAILOR SHOP “ The People’* Paper” A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 33 W. C. T. U. AGAINST DRY LAW CHANGE Two-Day Session Devoted Most­ ly to Discussion of Prohib«- tion; Sunday Movies in Eu­ gene Opposed in Final Reso­ lution; Officers Named for County Organization. If the state highway commission After bolstering up their stand derides to carry op, Its plan to put against any change In the 18th amend­ In a fill for I he west approach of ment and voicing strong opposition the McKenxIe highway bridge, an In­ to Sunday movies In Eugene, mem­ junction will be filed to prevent Its bers of the Lane County W. C. T. V being carried out, according to well closed their conference here yester­ founded rumors here this week. day with election of officers. Reside«'* of the west part of this “ The fight for prohibition ran strong city, believing that such a fill would throughout the two days of the con­ form a literal dam on that aide of ference. with Mrs. Ada Jolly, stats Melville Clark of Syracuse, the river, making flood conditions ev­ J “'! " ! ? ‘ ! N. Y., feeds his sand tree a month­ president, giving the keynote address BOUGHT BY EUGENE MAN dry cleaning department will be put en worse during high water than In ly ration of clams and oysters. It on the subject at the opening meet- In. The floor and partitioning of the may sound fishy, but it’s said that ’ ing Tuesday evening. the past ferw years, are ready with After several years In the tailoring the tree derives its main susten­ Ellie building will he changed and the Injunction, It was reported The resolution against Sunday —, Opposition to Ihe Dunne auto li­ all new stcum pipe placed In opéra­ business on Main street next door to ance from devouring sea food. lt.,Ih C I* Barnard. laine county rpnBt, Ka(M)1|n„ meMMre, ,w„ the city hall, J. E. Lindsey last Fri- - moving pictures came at the final tion Mr Avltt Is also considering 7 ' r " c y v r c t IO a Ç PFA K A T Judge, and K. K. Morrison, rhnlrman pressed by Ihe county group, but sc- session shortly after officers had been .............. .. .u ........... d“7 announced the sale of his shop b . EA K AT erecting a small building In the rpar of the bridge commlllee for the ttprlng t)on deferred until the state su- to Walter Gladstone of Eugene. He UNION MEETING; PAS- elected « also Included a section fleld chamber of commerce, have been pr,.m„ roilr, pHI(BPB on w i t h e r the of the building for use as a boiler gave possession Tuesday of this TORS LIST PROGRAMS ¡ S F " X " room If he can secure the permission advised of the rumor, they stated this bills shall go on the ballot , „ .. _ « week. Mr. Gladstone conducted a of the Southern Pacific company , , , _ . . business In Eugene under the name : morning. Account of attendance at the Flor- Mrs. G illette Named Speaking of “Jesus Christ Abroad whlrh owns the tract Judge Told of Plan ence celebration showed that 111 of Gladstone, the tailor. Officers of the county unit elected In Humanity,’ Rev. Gabriel Sykes, The Service Cleaners will have the Judge llarnard declares he will take WPr„ from Junction City, 48 from B l i ­ yesterday were: Mrs. Ella Devereauz. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey are not yet _ . ... _ .. the matter up wllh Ihe state highway K„llp 4, from , 0 frnm , h„ east side office space and In a short decided as to their future plans. , pastor of the Springfield Methodist j Eugene, president; Mrs. Roy Loomis, time the laundry will take the space church will be the speaker at the com m ission at Its September meet r |0 | nlly of s pr|„gf|eld and 38 repr« They will first visit their children In Eugene, vice-president; Mrs. N. E. now occupied by the shoe shining . . . ,, union church service to be held at ing No one has definitely approached a n tin g farmers* organizations Washington Mr Lindsey has three ... , Compton. Cottage Grove, secretary; parlor for Its office. »■ nuw s. . . , . , , , . „ , . The Christian church at 8 o clock Sun him on the matter of the Injunction, ___________________ _ . ... . . . . . -places in mind In which he might I , i Mrs. Mildred Gillette, Springfield, Mr Avltt, who bought the laundry : day evening. the official said, but he has been ad­ locate, but he Is yet to decide which . , . , . ... t j treasurer. METHODIST CONFERENCE here three months ago, with T. An , A union young people’s service will vised several times that It will be of these It will be. The couple may . . , . , .. . . . Since she firmly believes any step . , he,d ,n the same church previous 1 TO TALK PASTOR S LEAVE derson as partner, will soon take In take a ....................... served Juat as soon as come contract trip to their old home In j toward modification of the dry law another partner. Mr. Anderson be­ to the meeting. Is made. Texas. would mean nullification, she and her Request for a year’s leave of ab- came III and was forced to move awsv. At his own church In the morning , An Injunction cannot he served nn the pastor will speak on “Religion and orSanl“ tloB »«» "PP®"« »»7 candidate sence, recently granted by the local , At the time Mr Avltt took over the riD C - e CD. DTUC til a contract for the fill Is let by the Methodist church official board, will Place two women were able to take . Faith and Their Crowd ” Sundav ’rh° lBcludea th,a in h,s platform. Mrs. DEPARTMENT PUTS highway commission he «*11 7* be presented at the state conference care of all the work Now four women school in this church begins at 9:45 ™ ’y’ the 8tate President said. ProhL OUT BLAZES SATURDAY the Injunction Is filed It. validity Sap,„ mbel. „ hy Rpy Oahr(p, mp„ #re o’clock l Litton become a comolete succere must be passed upon by O F. Skip of ------------------------------ I Two fires which for a time threat- Returning from a vacation at New- ' ° Bly after year8 of 8trict enforcement, worth, circuit Judge This procedure ened to be of serious nature called port, Rev. S. E. Childers, pastor of 8aid health during the past year or two LAURENCE MOFFITT NOW Is apt to slow up opening of the out the fire department Saturday ev- the Christian church, will be in the ° ’’car Gladdlsh. faculty member of ha. prompted the paator to ask for ASSISTANTSCOUTM ASTER bridge to traffic. Judge Barnard be­ en 'n r ! pulpit Sunday morning He will R’’r,n*neld h ,r t "ohool. was one of lieves. A fire In the rear of Nelson’s shoe preach on ’’John’« Gospel of Lore." the pr’ncipal at the Tuesday Dr. W H. Pollard has been named t -, At the commission m eet.»« n e a t l y , , , ^ i ^ i S w repair shop at the corner of Fifth and Sunday school will be held at the ' er«’n,n’ He "P°*e on “Wo- month the county court will propose . m . th|„ . . district. It . Is probable __ . . . . *’ that nro,n .istsn "<’»> t «<’1. officially became << » n propone frotn M8,n Main streets was quickly extinguished regular hour, hour men’s Privilege and Opportunity." He that the brldae he eitended on the aereral t h e r la v members m A m h*r« w ill a at- t. qinil.- ° . . . v . w,,h with < chemical before It It had had reached raarbswt Mass will he conducted at the Cath- irare<^ ^ e evolution of suffrage for several o other lay will ,1. . ‘heml<’«l before west side to ,h . Junction with t h e , ,r(|<1 , h„ AMOc1a, |fl. J ™ « 8 ,„e building. hollc church by Rev. D P. Curley, and wom,“n “ "-ough Its development and Pacific highway A request of the t whtrh rnn concurrently with the th| csnacltv r r m »i* 7 " A larre MeW nt *■ ,he north- a service will also ho hold in «h> str*s"*d the responsibility of govern* - - . --------- — * tnts capacity for some time, but last court for a 90-foot extension on this ministerial meetings I night eceived h l. Vr?? ' 7 ° a8t portloB ot ttrKn toT • time be- Bible Standard mission. ,m ent which rests upon the women of side of the river last spring w s. B„ hop T1,„ B of “i , .T J d 7r7m P*” * "»’ 1 C. H Blom, pastor of the Bap- ,h '8 COUntry granted. The aourt fee » ba e ex , h)> ,^ r„ and district, will he In charge , he pank f , . ’ «* control Saturday evening, but -was tint church, will return today from „ Springfield 1« Active tension of the w est side I. Jus, a s , , hp COB, w n c e yPar ^ „ lo r ¿ s £ , s " X u T ^ t e r RLlnh OU‘ h " " " ” r<‘aCh" ’ ” ” P"r,lan(’ " herP h* h88 8’* “'” "< h * Ba,rhp,d*‘r’ Bre8Me"‘ L g h e s w t p r o L t e ? fr7m I t r o l W w had ,h *8 ™ k "" ”,aa8’« and bnslness. ' *hp, chapter, was In gen* Important. Judge Barnard stated ir oatrol loader W an t M atter Settled POWER PLANT MATERIAL leader to senior patrol leader. “We wen, the whole matter settled UNLOADED IN TH IS CITY w '"ion Bnscus was advanced from as soon as possible," the Judge said. --------- j assistant patrol leder to patrol lead- "because we want the bridge put Into Is the distribution points «r of patrol No. 1, aht Billie Wheeler use Jus, as soon as I, Is completed.” , Springfield . . Mr Morrison ssld this morning that i?F “ acW"’ ry "nd "’»‘-rial for the | was appointed leader of patrol No. 2 he Is expecting nt nnv time to hear EUn,la-V at ,hc Pacific Christian hos- Mrs. Vina McLean, a party was given h closing session. Delegates from each of the unions pltal Both the parents and the girl a, the home of Mrs C. F. Egximann were here T ”" ““7 here Z ^ ' e well d ' t known t ? mHes” *' The r=miiv TuP8day eypnina MisS Mary Roberts 'hmughout the county west at the ----------- birthday par Many s Prlnrtiel< nse a, Creswell At lens, 280 fee, of the 1 ' H'"' fr""' ,,I,H P°lni fkome of piBy„rR wf,n arp O||t town on « „ «>, ........ .. of Coburg was - Joint hostess -----------— ' ■ — | reeled a«« a l members are ex- « . , .. . of the machinery we ghlng many ton* , " f o r the past three years. ty pected to attend an open meeting of old span will be used Jus, east of that i „ . . . . . . 8 ™ay ron «heir vacations, regular rehearsals am Rho ___. . — a 17 rl7y’ 7herW ." 'a '7 l,7 ’ h a s " 7 l^ à ;''^ 'e " n '7 a" h"",pd ,ar*P,y n,‘ h’ , being held "emh' ^ u ^ d a'/'èT /n in g Z . Shp. had. hppn a’ ”os-j Many gifts were received by the ,hp Euapnp rhapter a‘ the Eugene z\ut nPis « «««111 S in o rd ì r (n A void tr u ffle . th<* kt n n pltal for the pas, two weeks follow- two women who were completely sur- F*™t ’’«Ptls, church at 2:30 o’clock the Springfield hand picked out. The steel will be torn Ing a serious operation. prised when they arrived at the Eggi- ,his aiternoon when Mrs. Jolly will ba Several Springfield men and bova down and re-erected on the now site With the opening of school In Sep­ Besides the parents the girl Is sur­ mann home to find the guests assem- , ,tle principal speaker. , are finding employment at the camp Jus, ns soon as traffic Is diverted. tember and resuming of other activi­ bled. | ------------------------- - vived by one sister. I and on the trucking crews. ties. officers of the band expect to Funeral services were held at the Those present were. Mrs. McLean, j OFFICERS ARE THANKED see I, grow In Rise. LIME POOLS BEING MADE Walker-Poole funeral home In Eugene Mrs. Montgomery. Mrs. L. K. Page. ACED'TRAVELER HURT AS Prof. Andrew Ijindles of Eugene, FOR PERFORMING DUTY UP BY COUNTY AGENT Wednesday afternoon, with Rev Fred Mrs. William Donaldson. Mrs. W. W ' WAGON GOES INTO DITCH director of the organization, expresses L. Hornshuh. pastor of the Lighthouse Walker. Mrs. Fred Hinson. Mrs. Jess ' Officers of the county, state and tha himself as pleased with the progress Fnrmers who expect to purchase temple, conducting the service. In­ Lorah. Mrs Bernice Van Valxah. Miss w C. T. U„ who have performed their "His team and wagon crowded from niade to date. He Is especially snxl- ground lime rock to apply to land terment was In the Laurel Hill ceme­ Roberts and Mrs. Egglmann. where legumes such as m tch. ’clom r ' l’P ? ' Khway npar Go8he" ln‘° the ! on« to enlist young play®«. duties during the pas, year, are com­ tery. elderly traveler, ' ----------------------- mended In a resolution passed ys®> and nlfalfa are to be sowed this fall Men’s Session Put Off terday at the county meeting of tha or next spring should order It aJ was Injured las, week end and brought L. L. RAY OF EUGENE WILL HAWAIIAN CLUB LEADER here for treatment. His Injuries are l Meetings of the Men's Brotherhood i ,a,ler kroup here. once and apply It this fall, according BE DEPUTY PROSECUTOR Members of the committee which io O. 8. Fletcher, county agent. ° f " nR",rP One of l" 8 kn«"a ; LIKES LOCAL PRINTING of Methodist church may no, be Fonb are now belnjc made up In vnrl- wn" ,ai > wrenched. t, Ru driving yesterday appointed deputy district i .,„mp tn ,u p w illsm et«» Pre«» com nounced hy officers this week. „Ses­ did not apply particularly to the re­ thrniiirh n rcirn n in iw n onuono«i - 1 come io Tne wiiiametTe iTeaR. com- lime will he shipped to any point . 7 7 iZ t v , 7« V " ’ ' T * ,h * I werclal printing department of the sions of the organization were called cent shakeup in the Lane county law where there are orders for thirty tons J 7 location T h a i re.77. h r n° 7 « bT the Springfield News, all the way from off for the summer months and plans enforcement staff. The situation In the county offices made for resuming meetings In Sep­ or more of lime. ! seexing a location They resignation of Gordon 8. Wells. The' Lime in W -pound bags lots » 7 7 T o T n t l Í u T « ^ ’. ' ^ ’"" ¡ ™ " 8dp ”y * p — y Hawaii. tember. The state Methodist confer­ did not come up for discussion during Mabel Greene, boys' and girls’ club ence falls In that month, however, Ihe two-day session, according to Mrs. « nur, on the recommendation of John will cos, $8.35 f. ft, b. Springfield . ____ __________ lender In Honolulu, recently saw the ■ 8. Medley, district attorney and I, may be necessary to wait until E. O. Browning, retiring president. This price covers the cost of limn it ,, _ | sticker labels used by the Lane coun- ■ . .. . * « .* * .. Mr Rnv. a democrat, has been nrnc- . ., , , . . i the following month to take up ac- Family Picnic Held the state lime plan, a, Salem, $5.50; w_____ . _ I ,y Four-H club for displaying products ________ _ Church Nierht Is Held Mr. and Mra. Joss Lorah. Mr. and f,r,n* ,nw ,B Rugene for more than at fairs nnd other exhibitions, and tivitles. It was said. freight from Salem to destination ; The Loyal Friends class of the and a handling charge of 30c per ton Mr8’ John ,x,rah- I-1- K Stone. Mr. . 20 yPnra nn'1 «"TV'-d one term as dis- liked the printing. Small Boy Cuts Foot Springfield Christian church were In A deposit of 10c per bag. or $2.00 nnd Mr" J n Brown of Eugene and i n""r""V fr"«i 1917 to 1921. . She go, In touch with Arnold D. charge of the entertainment at the per ton ,1s required when the hngs are Mr and MrH Arthur Woodmansee of The npw «Ph"’"*"»' has taken the Collier. Lane county club leader, who Wayne Nichols, six-year-old son of returned In good condition. The rail r «HfPn»l» »H attended a picnic at ! "ntb nfflre’ hu* win not assume his referred her to this office and today Mr. and Mrs. N, A. Nichols of this i monthly "church night” program last way returns the empty hags free of C'’,lnr F,a,H Sunday afternoon. The 1 «"I11 September 1. His salary the order mailed August 10 was re j Hty, received a deep gash In his foot Friday. David Remple was chairman freight charges. Lime can be paid for fnml|y gathering was held especially „ ,,hpPn f'*cd a, $200 a month. M celved. Wednesday when he struck himself of the program committee. A large Medley announced. ì for the California visitors. when the ear arrives with an axe with which he was play- crowd of church members heard the musical numbers and readings. Mem­ House Near Completion ,n* at M« home. It was necessary Parties desiring limn may place bers of the congregation served re­ Grass Fires Put Out Boys’ Class Picnics The new residence on A street he- ♦” ,ak® several stitches to close the their orders with County Agent ‘ freshments following the program. The boy picked np the axe Fletcher. All orders nnd the deposit J A grass fire near the Pacific high­ tween Sixth and Seventh, being erect .wound . .... A Swimming, horseshoes and othei ed by W. A. Taylor. Is nearing com- where It had been left on the porch way a short distance from the over­ o $2.00 per ton for hags must he > oilfdoor sportR f(,ntlirp(, a ,(.nlp , Shelton Is Speaker placed on or before Saturday. Septem nlght of , he „ ,Rh S(.h()1)I 3un()ay head crossing was extinguished this pletion and will be ready for use with l»7 « carpenter doing some repair work J. E. Shelton, president of the Eu­ In a week. It wns reported this morn- on 1hp Nichols home. | week by Springfield firemen who were _ Farmers who . , , , . have their . I ¡ Rchool of the gene chamber of commerce, waa the desire to taURht class hy M|.s w Methodist „ pf)llnr(f church Thp called. Two grass fires In the city ing. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Casteel will ; ------------------------------ Returning to Marshfield— Rev. and speaker at the weekly luncheon of soli tested to see If It needs lime enn one at the corner of Sixth and Main occupy the new dwelling. P. Herring­ group went to Swimmer’s Delight ton Is supervising the carpenter work Mrs. C. A. Phillips of Marshfield are the Springfield Lions club last Fri­ get It tested free of charge at the and another at Eleventh and N streets, park. A supper followed the other returning to their home after vlalt- day. Mr. Shelton, who recently acted were reported Tuesday. office of the county agent. festivities. Logger Is Hurt—E. D. Cabett, an Ing here with the latter’s mother. Mrs. as a witness In the cross-state railway employe of the Miller Lumber com­ Carson, and other relatives. Mrs. hearing In Portland, gave an Interest­ Nadvornlks to Move—J. F Nndnor- Hamlins’ Guests Leave— Mr. and pany at Marcela, was brought to Phillips was formerly Almee Carson ing description of the hearing. Here From Bend—Dan Parker, n nlk, who recently sold his tailor shop former resident of this city, arrived Mrs. Charles Fields and daughter of Springfield yesterday to receive treat­ nnd was graduated from Springfield here, announced yesterday that he will here from Bend Monday evening to Roseburg, who have been vlalttng with ment for an Injury to one of his toes. high school. Rev. Mr. Phillips Is pas­ Qora to Oakridge—Mrs. Ada Mo* soon move his family to Salem. He vial, with friends and relatives. He Mr. and Mrs. F. B Hamlin for the , While working In the woods an are tor of the Marshfield Christian church Pharaon left Wednesday for Oakridge has Just purchased a homo In the haa been at Dunsmuir, Cal., for aev- past week, returned this morning to j glanced and severed the end of the where ha haa h«en called for another where she will visit a aon for a fa* capital city. ’ oral years. their home. great toe on his left foot. days. a ssm