PAG» SIX THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ¿tA U M THURSDAY AVGUST Hi. I!»2K S IL V E R T O N W O M A N B A DLY IN J U R E D IN A U TO CRASH Mis II A Hutton of Sllvgrton re­ ceives! serious Injuries and her hus­ band mid children suffered minor hurts when the car In which they were riding collided with a machine driven hv Tom Cowen. Berkeley, Cal , .!# £ d Χ O ll JHlC&l 1 ¿ I l ’illustrations by MJLFREWb tulles east of her«' on the McKenzie highway yesterday afternoon Mrs Hutton sustained a fractured skull, fractured nose uud other In­ juries Mr Hutton hail n scalp wound anil the children were silly bruised and shaken The woman was tuken to the Pacific Chrlajlan hospital. where she was reported recovering this morning Their trip the McKenzie has been In thidr plnns for several years. Mr Hutton said. hasn't any nails in it." ‘So you're sure of it, are you?" ,he house Itself But the moonlit hill —...... «» relief What Dr. Long, out fishing with Alexan­ “A rubber heel, then?” •It's a clear case Bloodstained ’¡’le WUBtit much of a n renei "Evidently—but not the kind of rub­ shirt—ancient enmity—above all things w|n«| there was brought curious smells der Pierce, » detective, tells of his . . . . that v he's ... ---------------- ------- ^ (>m ,h„ mBrsh The moon looked projected trip to i&tutherly Downs. ber heel you wear. Most of them have ““ the fact the one man. except Pierce advises him to keep his eye.i some sort of non-skid devices. This of course Hayward's own son. that wan and pul«' and strange. wide open while there. On the way heel Is solid rubber." hasn't an alibi. He' went outdoors There was a light In the powerhouse In a train Dr. bong Is attractea by a him. — Nothing to It at — all. . Long He took a long bladed hunting knife with ............. ............“ >• — ttttle building at the rear of tlv girl, who later faints. Dr. bong treats from his pocket, and with Infinite care, I We climbed the steps of the great manorhott«e that contained the engine feer, and looking into her bag, is as- cut the earth around the Imprint, and house and parted in the hall The 4e which had previously generated elec LODQES HO LD SOCIAL eunOed to find a loaded revolver. lifted It from the ground. I thought it tectlve took the clod that held the ,rlc for the house Hoping tor Dr. bong meets Ahmad Das, an would crumble at first. But the soil Imprint up to his room to deposit with ., friendly word from some mellow. Forty members of the I O. O F and One of Setts Kioto downs utop a Oriental, who conducts hint to South itself had a sticky quality, and some tf the shirt., He was to meet me iu the African voice, 1 walked around to tt. Rebekah lodges Inst night enjoyed a I giant elephant. Both will be seen nt ley Downs, where he meets Mr. South- the grass roots around tt helped 'o library Immediately after The workmen were busy at the plant, social time at the lodge hall. Follow­ the performances In Eugene on Fri ing the regular business meeting of ley and his son, Ernest Southlev. Mr. hold the little cube of earth together. I waited a long time for him to trying to repair the break Hayward and his son. Vilas, and then ! day. August 24. But the workmen weren’t colored the Odd Fallows, a committee took “It Isn't safe to leave tt here," ae come. And when at laat I heard hint Josephine South ley, who Is the girl explained. "But I'll be lucky If I get on the stair, he walked as slowly as ,t people, after all They were bending charge of the entertainment. Rnbek- he had met on the train. Josephine it to the house. And this. Dr bong, aha furnished cakes and Odd Fellows pallbearer with a bier. Every step over the engine when I first ap­ MRS. BAINBRIDG E LEAVES tells him the story of Southley Downs gives us something else to think provided the lee cream for the refresh was distinct and slow, Instead of the proached the door, and I couldn’t see ON V IS IT TO OLD HOME and Its ghast, which is not the ghost. about.” tnents which followed their faces. They didn’t hear me usual tap-tap of his quick motions. of a human being but of a tiger. J __________coming In the soft grass, and they Then I saw him In the candlelight l-enving here Sunday. Mrs M Bain­ We thought about it as we walked Dr. bong has a quarrel with Vilas at the door of the library And never seemed very Intent. Then they start­ bridge is enroute for Iowa where she back toward the house. And I thought SUM M O NS Hayward over Josephine, and finds ed up as my foot grated on the thresh will visit for three months with relg IN THE CIRCVIT COI'RT OF THE have I seen such b«‘wllderment upon of many things else, particularly those that the Haywards have a strange STATE OF OREGON. FOR LANK old. the face of a hpmun being lives nt her former home. Mrs. Bain­ COUNTY authority over the Southleys. He is never-to-be-forgotten words of the eld- One of them was the elder Southley 'This is the damnedest house 1 ever bridge Is the mother of Frank mid bewvena Wright. Plaintiff, ordered to leave Southley Downs. The 1 er Southley: The other was the lean, bewhlskered John Bainbridge of Springfield. This versus saw!" he cried. rain prevents him leaving at once, j "My daughter Is going to marry ( hick (’ Wright. Defendant old man who had brought the boat— will be her first trip to her old home He stalked into the room with eyes ”,u ......... Vilas Hayward," the obi man had said Dr. bong and Ernest go out on th e , To Chick C. Wright, the above named I noticed In many years defendant: Her face had given no sign whether wide and staring front sheer amaze- i Robln' he called himself road in the rain looking for the tracks ...... ...................... Just one Impressing thing about him IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF She will spend most of her lime near of a tiger that Ernest says are there. or not he had spoken the truth. In the ment. He sat down In a great chair, He wore rubber boots. DesMotnes. This fall a large group OREGON. You are hereby required to They find the tracks. Later Ernest seconds that followed, it might have and rocked himself back and forth, his He was the only man on the planta­ of the members of her family will appear and answer the complaint filed and Dr. bong ye a prowling creature been that she glanced at me. But eyes on the floor. And now and then agulnst you In the above entitled tion. so far as 1 knew, who did. They gather there for a reunion which has court and cause, on or before tin- ex in the hall at Southley Downs. This ■ she didn't hold the glance long enough he swore gently, dazedly. I have seen were little, ankle-length, quaint af­ been planned for Severol years. plratlon of the time prescribed In the frightens the elder hay ward, who also for me to tell for sure. Her face as .t the same look. In my professional ex­ Order for Ihibtlcatlon, to-wlt On or fairs; and I was amazed at my own sees it. Ernest begins to feel that | had been was still before my eyes; perience. in the faces of men Just before the ezplratlon of four weeks stupidity that I had not remembered from the dale of the first publication Ahmad Das is perpetrating some soft-lined, shadow-eyed. And I was picked up alive after startling automo­ REV. C. H. BLOM W IL L BE , the fact before. 1 had noticed the hereof, and If you fall io appear or deviltry. scornful at my senseless optimism that bile accidents. UNION »ERVICE SPEAKER answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will You look a trifle upset. Inspector , 1 boots the minute he had stepped from The elder Hayward is later found I even presumed to doubt but that take a decree against you for the re­ i the motor boat. They had plain rub­ dead, his neck broken as if by a her father had spoken the truth—that I said. "What's the matter now?" Rev. C. H. Blom, pastor of the Bap- lief prayed for In the complaint, which ber heels, such as had made the track gaint's blow. ■ list church, will be the speaker at the la In substance as foltowa: I was even fool enough to hope other­ He turned slowly, still numbed and j W(> h#(, on h,1Iw|