PACE FIVE [serv e her child as ha does hl» part The » la t « bartwr law. paaaad by tha THURSTON and compare him w ith the others 1*17 l«gl*latare. which a muni other Then, too, she ran confer with the thing* linpo««« on barber* cartaio ed Prank Campbell underwent an op teacher who is an im partial and “T h e C hild's F lra t School la the F a m ily ”— Froekal ocatlonal raq ul rani anta. haa baao up oration for appendlcltla at the Pacif­ trained observed, ever ready with sug­ bald by a rafani court darlaluQ. ic. Christian hoapltal In Eugen« laat leaned by the National Kindergarten A ssociation, 8 W est 40th gestions as to the best method of Pira originating from a defective Tueailay S treet, New York City. T hese article* are appearing w eekly in i dealing with each child Principal Events of the Week flue recently destroyed Ihe Circle Bai Mr and Mrs. Fred Gray have re­ our column*. ranch reeld«nca, seven ml 1st southeast ceived word that their son Hubert, Assembled lor Information Plan Plcnle— Mr and Mrs. C. B. of Cruus Tba building waa one of the who underwent an operation for ap­ O B S E R V IN G V O U R C H IL D R E N Wheaton. Mr and Mr*. David S altm sa pendicitis In Klamath Falls. Is not ot Our Readers. old Ismlmurks ol llaruey county. recovering as well us he should and and Mr*. E E Fraedrlck pton to epead Jeann ette Stavanaon M u rra y sened hl* desire to "boas' everything Itnsoj« Cola, euglneai In charge ol had to have another incision made. "We bought Jean a new coat yea and everybody. the day on the upper McKenxle plo- It » » a luum uil r v o n l ly th a t 111*- govurnniMUt work* In Ihe south w est­ Mrs Rosa Pulton from Baker city , terday," said her mother “At every i A mother has much to gaip In vis- ern part of Oregon, has announced the nicklng They w ill vlalt Foley eprtnge J * t ti it»-< > ii m ill would npuu In (.'uqulll* two Jetties ot Coos buy bad beeu ex visited hstr nelce, Mrs. A. W. Weaver, turn today. I've found her standing UJng the kindergarten. She can oh and other resorts. th ia lull, a lta r ii baa buun cioacd lor teudert aa far aa they would go Ibis a few days lust week. In front of me with that coat on." the puat year. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Calvert and "Of course," said the neighbor, “sh e - year Thu illy ot A roll | baa puicbaaed a fumlly from Junction City visited at wanted you to talk about the coat— Work Is now under way on the build 1-too Chavrolat ■ baaala upon which John Edtnlaton'a last Friday. tell her how nice she looked In it.” lag of a two story stone addition to will ba Mounted the (Ira fighting ap Mr and Mrs. Taylor Needham and “Oh, I never thought of that," her * the Hotel Levens In Burns The plans paratua of the city. Mr. and Mrs. John Travis and daugh­ m other replied "1 Juat kept tellin g ( •cull lor a modern botal building with ter. Edna June, motored to Mill City her to take It off and go away and | Tba par capita coal of opafntliig the 3* gueet rooms that jvlll cost about last Munday. high ai-boola of Tillamook county baa play. That w as too bad. 1 remem i 31UU.UU4I At ranged from *76 11 at Cloverdale to Mr*. W ills itlxxl was married to ber now she seem ed rather disap­ _______ J O il Sports ot pioneer daye. combined *312 3* al Wheeler Kenneth G iles last Saturday, In Eu­ Bar/iec Station*. Packs* with the thrills ol a modern air circus, gene. They left Immediately for Med­ pointed.” is kll, IwUh unpr'.v** The J u la lr u iu Pith company of Cuoa Too often mothers are so absorbed • p r i x " , piota, «sarta. will feature the lktb annual Malheur ford and spent tbe week-end with asR*aSi****B"a Bay shipped (ba (Iral full carload ol ■ml ,1 barrel*. county (air which will be staged In Mr. Giles' parents there and returned ■ In their own Interests that they brush Salmon to leave Urogun thia year. The Ontario August 30 to Beplember 1, to Thurston Tuesday. T heir wedding i their children’s affair* aside as of no l car la going to Chicago. consequence. 1 have one m other In Inclusive. came aa a surprise to their many STANDARD OIL COM PANY O F C A L IF O R N IA The bailee oftlca of tba U S. da George Uertoff. (or 36 years keeper friends here who Join In wishing them mind who alts down quietly and ob- s e r /e s her children, even arranging partuieut of agriculture'* (arm labor of tbe seabound light on a rocky lalat happiness In their future. for others to come In regularly that bureau placed 344 workman on Job* off Tillamook bead, led Astoria lor Mrs. W illiam Ilennle returned from khc may have a group to study. T hese during the month of July. bla laat trip to hla station. Within a Jacob bamarla. pioneer of Milton, year Uerlofl will be 70 years old and Salem laat Tuesday, where she h'1M chlldr« n w ill have a great advantage been vlaitlng relatives for several over the tw o lads In the corner cot­ aad a veteran of the civil war. died must retire. daya. tage. foe much of their home traln- following a teu day Illness. Mr be Lyle Bulrd of Wallowa recently Mr and Mrs Bert W eaver motored , ln(f ha(J »„ b(! „„done. marl» waa »8 year* of age proved biuisell the beet swimmer who to P leasant HUI Tuesday evening p sv ld . the elder, was self-effacing Ashland la making ¿laii* (or the has yat attempted to swim the entire Virgil Hanson stepped on a nail J i w h'le John was alw ays wanting to luugth ol W allows lake, swimming the 3ttb aiinuul graud reuulou of soldiers (our aud a half tulles in 2 hours aud and I* unable to work in ’In- harvest LC(.Upy tbe center of the stage. The'r of aoulbei n Oregon, to be bald In Lltb “ w h ere savings are g r e a te s t” field his father Is working In his place j,arentH emphasized th ese character­ IU uiluutoa. la park. August 2k. SU and II. I istics by talking about them before Orgaulzutlou of a state-wide aaaocl 942 Willamette St., Eug ene, Oregon. kh-iaun 41 huigalruui. tialeui contra* Upper Willamette Valley the boys. Mother would say. “John, alluu ol insurance agents was voted tors, have received the contract tot you can tell the clerk what 1 want at a uieetlug of Insurance men (row con st*uttlng the North H igh street Word has been received from Mik" b ftter than David." all parts of Uregou In Salem lust week. bridge Their bid was 827,U76 Fortunately for Dnvld he entered Between 26(1 and 3ou Insurance opera and B ussell Dilley that they w itnessed Work ul laying a two Inch surface the rampage of the five circus ele­ kindergarten alone. The teacher ob­ live* were In attendance. of bituminous macadam ou the atuli phants that broke loose In (¿ewlston served that he was painfully shy and The Clatsop county court has In highway between Coquille and Myrtle J o Celebrate the Anniversary of “Jaciel” last week and drove their truck out „ | wayg giving up to others; so she spected tbu bridge across the north Point was started early tbla week of the way Just In tim e to m iss being j,e(tan com m ending h is work at the fork of the Nehalem river at Hamlet , run down by one of them The D illey I »able«, ask in g him to choose the game The plant of the Lakeview Exauilu and bus found It In aucb poor condi­ er at Lakevtaw waa swept by fire laat tion that it will have to ba lorn down boys have been In Idaho this sum m er an»<’ >n • | off Cooa bay and heavy dutches are gram wus given. fence down In order to stop the fire. being marketed at North Bend, the Organisation of a new Baptist Mr. and Mrs. Bert W eaver snd > i major portion being allveraidea, buf church in Salem was agreed upon al children o f Thurston called on Mrs. a m eeting in Salem, with 173 charter Emma W eyer at the Tinker ranch some chlnooka are being taken. members signing the roll. Practically Tuesday evening. Tba Infant mortality rata In Uregou I* lower than In any other state In the all ot the backer* were minority mem bers ot the First Baptist church, in TRUBERT HENDERSON IS Union, according to a bulletin Issued which a bitter controversy has been at Salem by Di. William bekleln* ot EXCUSED FROM HOSPITAL | raging over the pastorate of the Hev. the Marlon county health demonatra Robert L. Payne. tion. Trubert H enderson, proprietor of Construction of a new cattle barn, Arthur Smith, employed on a steam the Springfield Bow ling alley here, 100 by 30 feet, was authorized by the ehovel working on the state highway who was Injured seriou sly several near Cloverdale, was severely burned state fair board at a meeting held In weeldi ago when he was caught on a ,-ialeui recently. The cost of the struc­ when a can of gusollne exploded. snag In the river while sw im m ing near With his clothing aflame he ran aud ture was estim ated at *1000. For the here, has been disi^jiarged from the i