I m v ty > ur THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at gprtngflsld. Lane County, Oregon, by TH E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H E. MAXEY. Editor. Entered as acconti eta*« m atter, February 24. 1902 at the poetofflee. Springfield, Oregon M A IL SUBSCRIPTION RATE Ona year 1« Advance------ 1175 Three M o n th «_____ 76c ■tx Month« ......__________ 61.00 Single Copy ______ be It is evident th a t tw o m onths m ore will see th e new bridge hen* practically finished as far as the s tru c tu ra l w ork Is concerned. T h e low sta g e of the river and the efficiency of the build­ ers have b rought th e bridge along ah ead of sc h e ­ dule. T he county court and highw ay com m ission would do well to sta rt m aking th e highw ay co n ­ nection to the new s tru c tu re soon, th u s giving th e public th e use of the bridge before th e w inter rain s sta rt. Editorial Comment» A TAX TURNED BACK (N ations B usiness) HOOVER SPEAKS FOR COMMON PEOPLE W ho pays th e tax'? A m oot question but m ost Clear, concise and clothed in simple terms of th e an sw ers a re th a t it's th e consum er who w as th e acceptance speech of H erbert Hoover. pays. D ue tax th e conusm er paid and knew he Republican can d id ate for president, at S tanford paid w as th e ta x on th e pu rch ase of an a u to ­ U niversity S aturday. He did n o t “beat aro u n d mobile. A utom obiles were sold at a price based th e bush" or use phraseology th a t th e com m on on th e point of m an u fa ctu re and freight and tax everyday person could not und erstan d but he stood out. W hen th e autom obile Industry w ent to W ash­ w ent straig h t to the point. W hatever m ay be said about th e Republican p arty platform being g en ­ in gton and urged th e repeal of th e tax It went eral no one can say th a t H oover's speech founded largely on behalf of its custo* tera prom ising th a t all th e benefits should In* tu rn e d back to the a u to ­ on the principles <>* th is platform w as general. He said he believed in prohibition and th e en ­ m obile buyer. forcem ent of th e eig h teen th am endm ent and j P e rh ap s th a t's one fac to r th a t helped to bring would not be keeping his oath of office if he ¡ab o u t th e repeal of the tax. A tax in plain sight, allowed a part of th e con stitu tio n to be m ade is one the public know s about and feels. It Is the invisible tax th a t puzzles. Explain to the non- void by indirection. He said he believed in farm relief and th a t if rea l-e sta te ow ner th a t his tax es are in his rent elected he expected to loan m illions of g o v e rn ­ and while his com m on sen se tells him you're right, he isn 't n e a rly as m uch concerned over a m ent m oney to cooperative m ark etin g agencies change in tax ra te a s th e m an who ow ns a house. to help dispose of th e su rplus crop of the farm ers. T h e tax on autom obiles w as out in the open. He would also place a ta riff on th o se foreign a g ri­ cultural products th a t e n te r this co u n try in com ­ It was a burden on the buyer who knew it was there. T he au tom otive industry which fought to petition of th o se Am erican. He would also m ake have the tax repealed, wisely am i prom ptly tu rn ­ tra n sp o rta tio n costs less th ro u g h the develop­ back to th e buyer. m ent of river navigation connected up with flood ed T th h e e re benefit ’s a v irtue in openness, in a “cards on the control. ta b le ” policy, th a t pays in m aking, selling and It w as in th is w ay H oover delt with 'all the problem s c o n fro n tin g governm ent of this c o u n ­ in tax a tio n too. try today. One m ay ag ree o r not agree with Hoo­ ver's m ethod of solving th ese problem s, but they con now say “ no one know s w here H oover sta n d s.” H e's on record forcibly w ith a program of a ctio n ; m ore so th a n h a s ever been any public m an. • • • THURSDAY AUGUST 1«. 1968 LOYALTY SHOULD BE DEMANDED S heriff F ra n k T aylor has long been the victim of his deputies. B ecause he is good natu red and has placed a g rea t deal of confidence in m em bers of his force he has been tak e n a d v an tag e of. Our advice to him fo r th e rest of his term and o th er sheriffs who m ay follow is to be “h ard boiled" in handling the force. S trict discipline and a tte n tio n to orders of th e chief is needed in law enforce­ m ent work. No m a tte r how m uch ability a deputy m ay have he has no business w ith a s ta r if he will not obey orders and act harm oniously w ith the rest of th e force. A sheriff who insists on th e stricte st discipline will save him self a lot of grief from irresponsible deputies. • • • "H erb ert Hoover, in m y opinion, is th e best qualified m an ever presented by any pycty in Am erica for th e presidency d u ring my lifetim e,” declares S e n a to r R obert L. Owen, D em ocrat. Ok­ lahom a. a u th o r of th e federal reserve banking act and also th e farm loan act Vance M cCor­ m ick national chairm an of the D em ocratic nartv in 1916 S e n a to r F. M. Sim m ons, D em ocratic lead ­ er of N orth Carolina. P rofessor Irving Fisher of Yale, sup p o rter of W oodrow Wilson, and other leading D em ocrats are m aking sim ilar assertions about H oover’s ability. T ruly he m ust be an o u t­ standing m an to pull these life long D em ocrats aw ay from th eir party. • • • The Lions club has been seriously considering for several r eeks th e advisability of holding a ce le b ra t’on when th.p new bridge is com plete. S ta te officials good road boosters, and th e people of Snn'ngfie'd and E ugene would particip ate in this celebration. It’s a good move and tow nspeople should indicate to club m em bers th eir willingness to stan d behind it. • • • T he h u ndreds of dried up law ns in Eugene is evidence th a t n o t alw ays is the lowest rate s en ­ joyed by localities w ith m unicipal owned plants. R esidents in Springfield who can have all the w a te r th ey w an t for law ns and gardens for *3 a season m ore th a n th e house ra te should be satisfied. I TH E FUMBLE FAMILY F M F L t S tx /jU S T LOOK A T VOUR96LF - ABOUT A V N E A T A S A P IG -P E N / NO \ COVuAP, e 3Gy TCOUOEKC, sVc • 1 jrwnrN * C-*— ***. -—— 1 THE SPRING I do not know th a t I ever heard of any h e a th ­ en people w orshipping a spring. W hy, I do not know . I have read of nym phs and such things h a u n tin g springs, but I do not recall any case w here a spring w as worshipped. J u s t w hy I c a n n o t tell. It seem s to ni° that if I w ere a h e a th e n m an h u n tin g for som ething to w orship, I should consider a spring very fav­ orable as a good candidate. T o be sure, th e re is th e sun, which is th« source of all pow er, and th e m ountain which sta n d s for g rea t stre n g th , and o th e r objects of n a tu re th a t a re ap p aren tly sym bols of the divine, to say n o th in g of an egg. which perhqps is the m ost w onderful of all n a tu re , as it co n tain s tne se cre t of grow th. B ut th e spring is so m anifestly o th e r worldly. It ju st com es out of the ground w here it has no business and everything about it com es to life. You see a spring on th e hillside crush forth from a fissure in th e rock. W eeds and lilies grow in th e rivulet th a t Is form ed, and even trees sp rin g up ab o u t it. Men and anim als com e to r e ­ fresh them selves of its w aters, it is so m anifestly a source of life. Som e folks are like springs. W hen they e n te r th e circle everybody picks up. T hey are life bringers, conversation m ak e rs and th o u g h t p ro ­ ducers. T hey stim u late all ou r nerve ganelie«. W hy, I do n ot know. T hey m av not .be p a rticu ­ larly p retty or shanely or intellectual. T hey just have so m ething a b o u t them th a t se ts people going. , Most of ns a re dead ones Iving aro u n d like old slabs of dead e arth . One of these spring peo­ ple com es along and g rass and flow ers im m edi­ a te ly appear, and th e desert bloom s like a rose. W hat is it? , I suppose these people are imbued with a s u r­ plus of life. W hat we all w a n t is life. It m av ta k e a th o u s­ and form s and w ays of expression, but, su b ­ stantially, it is all th e sam e. “Gnaw m y w ithers, rack mv bones, Life, m ere life, for all a to n e s.” By DUNKEL | JiljT ifflllie.,; LeMueL ALEXANDER FUMBLE-- »!:! you (?&• A FINE EXAMPLE OE THE , THURSDAY AUGUBT I«». T H E SPRINGFIK1-D NEWS /z. N a il In ju re s Foot V irg il Hunsen who llvns near Thurs­ ton stepped on u nail at h l* home Sat unlay evening and injured Ilia tool He came hero tor treatm ent Sunday morn­ ing I .oral physicians advise ltunie.il ate treatm ent of such eases especially during warm weather. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N That the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Iatne County Oregon a« adm inistrator of the e»t»te of Em ily E. Steven«, deceased. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same d ulr verified and w ith proper vouchers to said ad­ m inistrator at the office of Harris, Smith ami Bryson, M iner Building, Eugene. Oregon, within ala months from the date of the first publication of thia notice. Ikite of first publication of this notice Is August 16. 1928 W K L B Y S T E V R N 8 Adm inistrator of the Estate of Emily F Stevens, de­ ceased H A R R IS . S M IT H A N O BRY5K7N. Attorneys for Adm inistrator A 16-33-30: S 6-13 POSTMASTER JOB STILL U N IV E R S ITY FRESHMEN UNFILLED AT W ESTFIR TO HAVE BUSY PROGRAM Applicants for the position as post master st W estfir must have lived fo r the last two years within the delivery radhts of that office und net of the Hprlngfleld office as was stated in Ibis (taper last week. T h « postal I epulatloaa provide that the applicant must he a resident of the pluce whets the vacancy occurs As yet no applicant who Is ellglhls has requested the Job. according to W alter (lousier, secretary of the local civil service board Applications must A ll entering students w ill be sub be filed with the postal departm ent by m ilted to three seta of examination August 34 Examinations w ill he con during rreshmun week Medical and dueled by the Hprlngfleld hoard some physical examinations w ill start on time following that dale. Saturday. September 33, and w ill con tlnue through the week. English and Diver 1« Injured psychological examination« w ill star* Diving Into the river here Saturday on Monday, and continue for three evening Tom Lusby of Portland. who days, an exam ination of each type he Is visiting his parents, M r and Mrs. Ing given In the morning and another Charles N. Lusby, received a long In the afternoon. rite la tte r tests gush below his right eye. He was must be taken before registration treated at the office. of a Hprlngfleld m aterial Is released to the student. phsyclnn. The prog runt of the evetit of "fresh man week." which atari« Heptemher 34. has been worked out by Registrar Kart M. Ihillett and Indicates that the first year atudenta w ill have a busy tim e of It during the few day* before upper classmen arrive In full force. The week w ill he large!) devotod to acquainting the newcomer« with the campus. the library, ami registration priM-edure. and Includes u large social affair al which freskinen w ill be in trodured Into college social life. O RDER TO SHO W CAUSE IN T H E C O U N T Y C o C ltT O F T H E S T A T E O E O REG ON EO ll T H E C O U N T Y O E LANE. Ill the M atter of the Guardianship of Oatua E Odell. Ilnbert l> Odell, Violet Odell. Florence Odell. Murg aret Odell. D arrell Odell, Minors T H E AB O VE M A T T E R coming dub before the Court upon the petition of the guardian herein for license to sell the real premises particularly de scribed as follows, tie w it: Beginning at the southeast corner of the southeast one-fourth of the northeast one-fourth of Section Four (41. Township Nineteen (19» South. Range One West, thenee running west 30 rods, thence north 80 rods, thence east 30 rods, thence south 80 rods to the place of beginning, eon tnlnlng fifteen *16» acres of land, more or less. In Lane County. Oregon And It appearing to the Court that the foregoing real estate constitutes the entire estate belonging to suit! wards, and that there Is no available means of support of said wards, ex­ cept through the property above de scribed. and thut said property pro­ vide« no income in Its present status, und It Is necessary for the malnten ance and support of said minors that the same he reduced to cash by said petitioner in order to provide means for the care and support of said chil­ dren. It Is. therefore. O R D E R E D that the next of kin of said wards together with all persons Interested lu said estate appear before this Court In the County Court Room of the Court House in Eugene. lame County. Oregon, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M. on the 3rd day of Sept­ ember. 1928, to show cause, If any there be. why n license permitting the sale of said property for the pur poses set forth should not he granted; ami It is further O R D E R E D that a copy of this order be personally servt d oh the next of kin of said minors, and all persons In terested In the estate above described, at least ten days prior to the date of hearing above provided; or said ORDER shall be m ild -lo - d at least three weeks prior to the date of said hearing In The SpLngfleld News, a newspaper of general circulation In Lane County. Oregon. D A T E D at Eugene. Oregon, this 9tli dav of Ai/gtiat. A I).. 1928 C. P. BA R N A R D . County Judge. A. 9-16-23 30: Judge Your Gas and Oil by Results We are glad to have you check up on A hhoc I ji I p i I Gasoline- and Oils because we know they will show you good r e ­ sults. We claim lhal Assoclai»-«l products are th e best that m oney can buy and we a re right here to d e m o n stra te th u t fuet'. Drive In and let us talk II over. W e’ll meet you with u smile w h e th e r you buy an y th in g o r not. T h a t's us. Lum’s Service Station LUM ANDERSON. Prop. The New Place at Second and Main Streets The Most Popular Place in Town K ggim an’s h as been th e most popular pluce in tow n during :ho hot spell. We are glad to see all the folks how ever, and l. -ve been doing o u r best to serve them . We have a w ond­ erful a sso rtm en t of soil drinks and Ice cream s. W aternn-I'on on Ice too! TGGIMANN’S “ "W here the Service Is D ifferent” W ouldn 't y o u Jneje fer a car bu ilt in the World's Most Modem TXs IcAooi o, Qvoiitv Thai Saras« tAs E n tira gists automobile Plant ? A thoroesh cultural und wmlcastona, scholarship is ths outstanding char­ acteristic of ths S U U University Tra in in g is atara d is 12 departments of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts Architecture and Allied Arts— Business Administration— Kdu- tation — Journalism— Graduate Study— Law— Medicine— M usie — Physical Ednestion — Hoeiolu ogy— Soeisl Work— Extension Division. Colise» Tsar O p s m B sp t X«. IM S Far inform ation or aatalagna nrrill T«s Hagiatrar. Vniaaratgg a t Oesgsa. »«pens. Oes. Today you demand infinitely more in your automobile than you did five year» ego. In order to satisfy you, Oakland now'buiid» the All-American Six end the Pontiac Six with greater care than ever before. Oakland and Pontiac Sixes are built in fac­ tories constructed almost entirely within the past two years. The New, New York—the Choice of Good Taste W herever people of good ta ste g a th e r w hite gold sp ectacles and eyeglasses w ear Is noticable. O ur per- scrlption work c a rrie s a certified certificate. Aqual- ity product th a t is genuine. Oakland is constantly discarding and replac­ ing equipment, content to use only the very newest, most accurate designs. Oakland In­ spection standards are second to none. Wouldn’t you prefer a car built In the world’s most modem automobile plant with standards of precision such as Oakland employs? Drive an All-American Six or a Pontiac Six, and you’ll find the answer in superior performance, stamina and reliability. O a k la n d A ll-A m erica s St«, J I 0 4 1 m 1 1 2 6 1 . P o n lla r S t« . 6 7 4 1 to SS71- A U Pr<<*f a t fa c to ry . ( K«ek O ak I a tv 'l* n n tla c l i f l l i r r t d frrlcat Uhciwd« lo w e st h a n d lin g rk a rg r» . ( ¡ e n s r a l Motor« T im « P a y m ent P la n tit>«liable at m in im u m rat«. W.R. DAWSON M ain Street, Springfield Dr. Ella C. Meade O p t o m e t r is t WATTS OPTICAL CO. No. 14 p Ave. West Eugere. Oregon WAR TAX REMOVED. DELI VERED PRICES REDUCED OAKLAND-PONTIAC PRO D U CT