I T1HJRS 1>AY AUdUHT IC, 1928 TUB SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE T H R E E TRAIN SCHEDULI S pringfield Stops □as Ads NORTH No. 1« at 4:27 A. M. (Flag) No. 8 at 8.46 P. M. SOUTH No. 7 st 1:05 P. M.. No. 16 st 10:03 P. M tristo Recovering in Hospltsl— O. A. 8pls NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) ' ney of Marcola Is recovering from s 016381 major operation performed Monday st D e p a rtm e n t of the Interior, U. ! the Pacific Christian Hospltsl. Lend N O T IC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N (P u b lis h e r) 015407 Office st Roseburg, S. O regon, July 30, 1828. NOTICE Is hereby given that Wil­ liam R Dtckert, of Mabel, Oregon. I who, on February 8. 1824, made Homo- stead Entry. Serial No. 016381. for 8E% NW>4, 8ectlon 23, Township 16 South, Range 1 West. Willamette Meridtaai 'has filed notice of Intention to make thrao year Proof, to establish c lla a I to the **“d above described, before E. O. Immel, U. 8. Commissioner, at En- «<■>•- Oregon, on the 5th day of Sep- U. 8. FOR SALE—Carbon paper In larga Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon ehewta, 36x39 laches, suitable for Auguat, 7, 192». NOTICE la hereby given that Ly making tracings. The News Office man A Chesem, of Eugene. Oregon; M. R. “C”, who, on February 23, 1824, made Homestead entry. No 015407, for S U M M O N S FOR SALK WOOD FOR BALK— Small girls Htcycls lu EH 8W H . Section 27. Township 18 a., • tember. 1828. C A L L A N D SEE Dr. N. W Emery IN THE JUSTICE COURT, EUGENE Range 4 Vest, Willamette Meridian^ Old Growth Fir, Second Orawth Fir, Claimant names as witnesses good condition. Can be seen st o prices on pistes and other work, tt JUSTIC DISTRICT, LANE COUN haa filed notice of intention to make William Black. James Klnmaa, Osh, Ash. AU lengths. Phone Spring- Anderson's Barber Shop. Ask for TY, OREGON. / three year proof. to establish claim to Oeorge Riggs, all of Mabel, Oregon. • Seid 184. if Mr. Clover. A 8-18. N O TIC E OF F IN A L AC C O U N T Willamette Collection 4) Credit Ser­ the land above described, before E. O. Bdward Freeland, of Marcóla, Oregon. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that vice, a corporation, plaintiff, va. J. Immel, U. 3 Commissioner, at Eu­ Non-coal A. Owens, defendant. PAINT1NQ and KslaaoHntng In all Its Anna MJerke has filed her final ac- HAMILL A. CANADAT. Register. gene. Oregon, on the 18th day of N O T IC K _ I count as Administratrix of the Estate IN THE NAME OF THE STATE September. A 2 8-1«-23-30: 1928. branches Reduced Prices. of William J. VanWagner, Deceased, OF OREGON you are hereby required Claimant name« as witnesses: Notice Is hereby given that the un Koch. Call 126 J. j and that the county court of Lane to appear and answer the complaint derslgned have petitioned the Com SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION John H. Barr. Marie V. Barr, Melvin County, Oregon has filed 10:00 A M. which has been filed against you In mon Council of the Town of Springfield Svarverud. Harry Taylor, all of Eu- S E P T IC T A N K IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE I of Friday, September 14. 1828 as the the above entitled court and cauee — i-uuri ano cause e. n. n t>. n> that the following described real pro­ Nnn.knli I time when the court will take up within four weeks from the date ol Non-coal STATE OF OREGON FOR THE to Install perly be vacated and taken out of Ready for you _______ Fof family of five - »21.00, Eugene ®“ m,nal,OB al. the first publication of this summons COUNTY OF LANE. the city l.lm lts'as follows: H A M M IL L A C A N A D A Y , Register ,, . . .. ... .. _ lowance and will assign the residue of and If you fall to so appear and an­ Beginning at u point 3 38 chains _ For . family A. 14 2330: » «13 of eight — »28.00, Kugen« , nHld estate All persons Interested swer the ilalnllff will take Judgment Edward Trapp. Plaintiff, vs.. Edmond Hast of the Northwest corner of Dona may appear at said time and against you In the sum of »28 Q8 which P. Pierre. Defendant. lion Number 3808 In Township Seven Sewer Pipe, Wei, Curbing, Drain Tile therein be heard. sum 1« now held under attachment In E X E C U TO R 'S SALE tlon Number 3808 In Ttownshlp Seven and Chimney Illocka. To Edmond P. Pierre. Defendant: ANNA BJERKK. Administratrix. said action and for an order that said teen (17) South Range Three <3| E U G E N E C O NC RETE P IPE CO. August 16-23-30, Sept 6 sum of money be paid Into court to ,N„ J .HJ L COÜNTY COURT OF THE IN THE NAME OF THE STATE West of the Willamette Meridian and STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR OF OREGON, Yon are hereby re­ running thence ¿¡„„j B.S2 chains: N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E ON be applied on said Judgment. b 1 t e COÜNTY ° r LANE' C h ief In ju re s F in ger This summons Is served upon you thence North 2.20 chains; thence East A T T A C H M E N T E X E C U T IO N quired to appear and answer the com- by publication In accordance with an 15 80 chains; I hence South 12.00 George Vulller, chief of police and . _ , plaint against yon in the above <* <*n attach order prescribing the publication '"deceased^ ° f A"Ce Bean McGu,re- : entitled filed chains; thence West 25 22 rhalipi and atreet c o m m issio n e r r eceiv ed a imir. 1 Vn<,*’r and by Coart and cause on or before thence North 8 80 chains to the place " , , «. immissioner, received a pain ment execution Issued out of the Clr- I thereof once a week for four aucces- of beginning, containing 28 2-3 acres, ful Injury to the fore finger on hie cult Court of the County of Ij»n“. «»»« weeks Date of first publication Notice la hereby given that on Sept f° “r Weeka ,rom 016 dat® of th® flrat more nr less of land, all lying and be­ right hand last week end when It was 8 »“ts oi Oregon. In an action wherein . July 26th. 1928. ember 7, 1928. at the hour of ten WhUchUon of this Summons, and If ing within Ihe Town limits of the struck by the adge of a broken lar V"“'* Z ,Bord® waM P|aln»lff* «>"1 „ HAROLD J. WELLS, J u stic e of o clock In the forenoon, at the law of- you so to appear and answer, for ... ... J Jesse ,1 Bair defendant, unon tho Peace. town of Springfield, Lane County, Or« wblch he was loading Into a wagon judgment rimdered on the 27th day of JI. 2«: A. 2-8-16-23: gon . All persons having objections to . Several stitches were necessary to ! lh-<:ember, 1827, In favor of the plain- I, Albert O McGuire, the Executor oi I ‘ th® C° Urt for the rell®f dpmand«d | tiff and against the defendant, for the DEC REE OF L IE N A N D N O T IC E OF the above entitled Estate, shall pro- j *“ 8ald complaint, toswlt: For the sum said proposed vacation are required close the wound, ____sum of Fifty six Dollars and Twenty to file them with the City Recorder of 8A L E U N DER E X E C U T IO N ceed to sell at private sale to the high of Eight and 25-100 Dollars (»8 26) • N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S flv® < ent" • »66.26) and interest there- said Town on nr before August 20th. THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ; J“at and be8t b»ddp«' for cash the fol- for the further sum of Four Hundred i on at seven (7) per cent per annum IN STATE 1838 OF OREGON IN AND FOR owing described real estate belong-, d c , ™ , . 4OO on , , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That from »•»•' 2nd day of August. 1827, and PAUL 8 HARFORD LANE COUNTY ln« »" the Estate of Alice Bean Me- (»400 00), together with ln- the undersigned has been appointed I f,,r tbp further sum of Fifteen Dollars L. E. Bussell, Plaintiff, vs.. Harvey A Uulre deceased, to -w it:— (1 ) Lot 6« In I ter®at »»ereon at the rate of six per ALLENE P. BA8FORD. by the County Court of the Stale of | (»16.00) attorney fees, and for the LKXIE E BASFORt) Wheeler and Ruth W heeler, his i f. . A',d ,tlon to Eugene, Lane cent per annum from and since the Oregon for the County of Lane, Ad further sum of Fifteen Dollars and CATHERINE A HARFORD wife; O. F Nichols and Jane Doe ,r ?£t of. Iand n t , 16th day of August. 1927; for the fur- mlnlstrator of the estate of Elisabeth Ninety Cents (»16.90, for cost and JI. 18 2«: A 2 8 1«: Nlchols. hl* wife; William Kercher ’ J ® " 1 Tnd roda Ion ai »her sum of Three Hundred Seventeen Taylor, deceased and all persons hav disbursements, current lawful money and Olga K erch er h is w ife R ph . i £■ and the nor»h a”d south lines parallel: “ nunoreo •Monroe, a co-partnership; Broth ?ff f™m ,,ve ? ' ,'"h 8,d® of thp follow and n°-100 (»317.00, Dollars, seventeen together Ing claims against said estate are ' of the United States of America, and Kelly Lumer Company, a ' corpora- tTa®» ot r«a( estate, to- with interest thereon from the 19th tlon; O. K .Baldwin; Herbert G. ! a‘ A day of September 1927, and for the Skinner and wife Donation I^nd —.0 . and . Ppvne, Defendants. »Im No 64 N n tifieafion v , e , i - cost« and disbursements of ! this action; ir - a - , „„« . .. Clalm No. 64. Notification No. 2181, In I nder and by virtue of an execution Township Seventeen (17) South in This Summons Is published once issued of lien ” > and Ranve Three i l l ^ West ciu K ,? upon .fi,,nhd a r decree KU’-',1 ° u; ® C order «rcul«!X n MeTr l X . i3I e ^ n nt t v thn ’ 5 w ? in ”^ .» , each week for four successive week« point found by beginning at the most t ourt of the ( ounty of l-ane. State o f , 20.43 chains North 89’ 62' West from a »0 Yhe Springfield News, a weekly suit wherein on the 31st day of July, FRANK A. DE PUE, Attorney for westerly NW corner of the John P. O^Bon, on the 18th day of July. 192S, point North 27' East 38 47 chains from n®W8Pa >>er ° f general circnlation pnh- 1928, In said court The West Coast the estate. Eddlns and wife, rlfe. D. L C. No. 53. Not. n »J1'' •* » « ' en»ltle«l act'on. wherein the Southwest corner of Block Seven < ll8hed ln Lane County. Oregon, by or- Natlonul Bank, Portland, Oregon, a A 9 16 23 30 s 6: 6974 In T. 17 “ J1:..:, ......................................... : i i , K.„B,i” ’,hi- ' . V . — ' X T d, ' S ' ’ .’ ’ ' . i i « “ « ' - A -«»!?» *».««■• I" " « c . p. b „ „ „ . N a tio n a l Bunking Association, running thence South along the W’esl j ,l*1 and »he above named defend 2 S - ^ Ä i f . Ä ä ‘Ä í" " * ’ ä " '« Trustee, plaintiff, recover»«! Judgment M A T ir c TO c o c o . t o » « "h” ° f ’*ald ,Ialni r*' ’hat ° n ,he erthed 12 acres is to be th > west line I Defendant. a. t sprlbed real properly, toovtt: Ihe e sta te . 53. in lame County, Oregon. 2oth day of August 1928, at the hour of the tract to be sold and the north d„*" d 1 , ea y ’arks »he above named Lot one and I b e South one half of JI. 19 26. A 2 9 16: Notice Is hereby given that I will. On®,? ents with interest E X E C U T IO N IN FO R EC LO SU R E i ypar ? 923 together w ith penalty. In- noon of said day. nt the southwest ititled e ______ s ta te ; w"n m u r st ano cost, ana ai thereon and cost as follows: | _______ „ terest and costs thereon u ron th e front door of the County Court House. Iralrlx of the above entitles NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. T h a t; real property''”a8se8serr nto U^ou ^of that any one having claims against Cnr a A ^ E tO o t! J "d«mpnt nt U. E. Bussell aggre In Eugene. Ijine County, Oregon, of E. T A lI /lR , Sheilff 0 » ,gating the sum of »301 99. and legal by virtue of a decree and order of which you are the owner as appear« fer for sale and sell for rash, at pul, the said estate shall present the ««me, . t ountv, Oregon. j in te r e st nn m m tn iv 19, io 14*28, ia o q Rale and foreclosure issued out of the ! or record, situated in said Countv and interest on unme same f from July lie auction, subject to redemption as with vouchers attached to me al the Lallt* By BEULAH BRINNICK. Deputy. and cost taxed in the sum of »14 00. ( ircuit ('’°urt of Lane County. Oregon, j State, and particularly bounded and provided by law. all of Ihe right, 1111« law office of IL’ E. Slattery, 717 Wil­ JI. 26: A. 2 9-16-23: and the further sum of »65.00 at­ on the 18th day of July. 1928, in a suit described as follows, to-wit Lot Eight and Interest o f s a i d defendants lamette Street, Eugene. Oregon, with­ wherein E. C. Hinds was plaintiff and (8) In Block Ten (10) in the O riginal torney fees. Edward A Fegles, Jessie M. Fegles. in 6 months from the first publication A. C. Woodcock. Mrs. E. R. Wallace Plat or Extended Survey to S prlnJ N O T IC E Judgment of defendants O. K. Bald­ his wife; Jack L. Fredericks, and May of this notice, which Is first published NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that win In Ihe aggregate of »201.20 and and ( harles Wallace, her husband, I field, Oregon. OB A n cu -l 9. 192S. and that all per F * C Fredericks. his wife, and all per sons in owing the said estate shall pay ! Henry Odell, as guardian of the minor legal interest on same from July 19, and C. A. Wintermeier and Katheryn ! You are further notified that said sons claiming by. through or under the same to me • heirs of Robert Odell, deceased, to- 1928. and cost taxed ln the sum of G. Ulnterm eier, his wife, were the de- Arthur L. Matron and Katherine R. them nr any or either of them In and I8ABELLA A. McCOLLUM, Admin-¡w?»; Oatus, E^Odell, Robert p . Odell. »7.50. and the further sum of »50 00 fendants; and wherein on the 18th Matoon has paid taxes on said prem- to said premlsea. j Violet Odell. Florence Odell. Margaret a(tor’n ev feeg. Istratrlx _ day of July. 1928 in said court said , ises for prior or subsequent vear«, . ?>/ATTKRY' A’«ornpv for Ad I I «noth Kel.y Lumber Company, FRANK £ TAYLOR. Sheriff.. plaintiff recovered a decree of Ile a , with the rate of interest ou said nt to an order of the County Court In f at| Ju(, ; - • , ant Bv BEULAH BRINNICK, Deputy. mlnlstratrlx tor the sum of Twenty-five Dollars amounts as follows: nf . . . . . , , , nd . A 9 1« 23 .30 8 6: I " nd for Lane County, Oregon, on this | (»25.00) with interest thereon at the A. 9-16 23 30: 8. 6 Tax for 1923, paid December 30, }0(, (n (hf, R Qf . j , Ro d . . from February 24. 1927; the further $1290; Rate of interest 12%. ] bidder the following described real thei sum of »70 00 attorney feea• sum of One Hundred Dollars (»100.00. 1924, Date Paid Dec. 30. 1925. Tax ™. . w i t h I Interest n f e r n o ! t thereon h n r n n n o at t the v>atM i nronilHPH. premises, tn-wit: to-wit with rate - , lien against the property above des­ Carlson. Deceased. nnd required to appear and answer and the Southeast Quarter of the cribed, and mentioned In said certifl- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the complaint filed against ygu In the Southwest Quarter (SE>4SW^4) of | rate. And vou are hereby summoned entitled four V.AW. »1. # . » suit , « within . KI. weeks iS,ePtlon Elghtepn (18) in Township to appear within slxtv davs after the Ihe undersigned' by order of the Coun­ Above DR. N. W. EMERY from the date of the first puhllcat on ^ xtPPn (i 6) South. Range Six (6) first publication of this summons, ex- ty Court of the State of Oregon for the hereof, and If you fall to answer, the West of the W illamette Meridian in elusive of the day of said first puhll- , D E N T IS T County of lame duly made and entered pinIntlff will apply to the Court for Lane C ounty, O regon cation, and defend this action or pav Sutton Bldg. Phone 20-J on the 16th dav of Julv, 1928 was duly j »be relief therein demanded, to-iwlt. Now Therefore, In the Name of the the amount due as above shown, to­ Reeldence Phone 153 M State of Oregon, In compliance with gether with costs and accrued inter­ appointed Administratrix of the eata.e j ^ ' f Z e ^ ^ M ? n ° k ? l ^ said order of sale, and In 4>rder to j of John Carlsbn, deceased, and that Addition lo Eugene. Oregon, being satisfy said lien, interest, attorney's est. and in case of your failure to do Springfield, Oregon so, a decree will be rendered fore­ snid Administratrix has duly qualified west 2 acres of said lot 69. dated fees, coRts and accrued costs, I will closing the lien of said taxes and as such. All persons having claims , November 5th, 1920 to which con on Saturday, the 25th day of August, costs against the land and premises 1928. at the hour of One o’clock in the above named. hereby 'S S J U C S '. 228 Main 81. Residence 125 C 8t ! „ . „ i n . . Gogeral Law Practice afternoon of said day, at the south This summons is published by order to present, the same duly verified as ro- , duding a reasonable attorney fee. and west front door of the County Court 62 J «2M of the Honorable O. F. Skipworth I. M. PETERSON j qulred by law to the said Adminiatra-i other relief. This summons is p u l- House in Eugene, Lane County, Ore­ Judge nf the Circuit Court of the Full Auto Equipment trlx at the office of L. M. Travis. Inc., ! >'8bpd pursuant to order of Hnn. O F. gon, offer for sale and sell for cash State of Oregon for the County of Attorney at-Law ,, , .. Sklpworth. Judge of said Court dated at public auction, subject to redemp­ Lane and said order was made and Lady Assistant City Hall Building ; in Eugene. Oregon, within six months * * ' f,. .1. 11..., a . ., . .1«. mi July 24th. you 1928. by directing service therp„, here- tion as provided by law, all of the date this 17th day of July. 1928, and I from the first date of this notice. T h e ' , ,|pon pub„ patfon right, title, and interest of said de­ the date of the first publication of this Springfield, Ore. first date nnd publication of this notice ' once a week for four weeks ln Spring fendants A. C. Woodcock, M tb . E. R. summons Is the 19th day of July 1928. is Ihe 19th day of July, 1928. j field N Pwa* °f Springfield, Oregon, and Wallace, Charles Wallace, C. A. All process and papers in this pro­ FRANK A. DE PUE LILLIAN It TRAVIS, Adminiatra-i,h ? ,J»nP wl»b»n which yon are re- Wintermeier, and Kathryn G. Winter­ ceedings may be served upon the un­ meier. and all persons claiming by. dersigned residing within the State trlx c o L. 5f. Travis, Inc., Eugene, )»»ulred to answer as above begins t4, A T T O R N E Y A T LAW Oregon ! n ,n from July 26th, 1928, the date through, or under them or either of of Oregon at the address hereafter N O T A R Y P U B LIC them, In and to said premises. mentioned. DONALD W MILES, Attorney for ' nf thp flr"» publication hereof. JEW ELER FRANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff of A VM - K, . FRED E. SMITH, Attorney for C. N. JOHNSTON, Attorney for Administratrix. 610 F lrst^ N atlonel , Flalntir RPS. and P. O. Address, Eu- Sutton Ig»ne County, Oregon. Springfield, Repairing a Specialty Plaintiff. Address U. S. Nat'l Bank Bank Building, Salem, Oregon. By BEVIxAH BRINNICK. Deputy. gene, Oregon. Bldg , Eugene, Oregon. Building O regon Springfield, Oregon D e p a rtm e n t of the In ta rla r . ergTBESUUSJ S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y CHAS. P. POOLE Funeral Director D. W. Roof JI. 19-26: A. 2 9-16: JI. 2«: A. 2 9-16 23: JL 2«: A. 2^9-1623: JI. 13-3«: A. 3-H6-2S 30 >