THURSDAY AUGUST 16. 1928 TOWN AND VICINITY gsavsys Havs Gussts- Mr - and Mrs Visits Adrian»- Mr anil Mr». Merton Scott of Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada, Jess Heuvey were host» lo a group »I ■peut a few iluya her» visiting Mr. and their friends at their home at Hop Mrs. Henry Adrian. Mr. anil Mrs. (gland last night Guests wore Mr and Fred Scott of Suing were also visitors Mrs <’. K. Kenyon. Mr and Mrs M M bolstering business at the corner of Perry, Mr and Mrs. Welby «»»»ns Eleventh avenue and Olive street lu here The visiting men are uncles of and Earl Luckey Mrs. Adrian. Eugene next Monday has been an­ nounced by the two proprietors, C M ■ b Manville and B H Bean. The estab tlshment will be known hr the Eugene Mnttress and Upholstering company and will be housed In a new factory * building. Mr. Bean at one time lived in Spring In o rd er to m ake room for tin* c a rp en ter field He attended school here and we are placing on aale o u r huge slock, later was In business us a partner tu Including the Springfield Furniture hospltul Mr. NEW FALL HATS AND DRESSES Munvllle was associated with his HATS from $1 up brother tn the Manville Brothers Fur­ DRESS from $3.98 up niture company at Eugene until the g SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY tustness was recently sold. MATTRESS FACTORY WILL FOUR-H CLUBS WILL BE OPENED IN EUGENE HAVE LARGE PART IN LANE COUNTY’S FAIR Opening of a new mattress and up A special premium list, covering Gueat—Mias Hilda I the 111 club work for Lan» county Enjoy Beach - Dolph Lingo an 1 v Tyaona Have—»lias *- * I « Ditto ... of Portland ia a guest at the is being distributed to all club mem- “Mike" Cogill spent the past week-end home |g)f Mr. and Mrs. W. P Tjson I ben. thia week. The response has at the Newport beach. I been more than was expected, in this week Rest at Rainbow - Mrs. Eugene Rea­ Visiting with Aunt—Klove Sehelwe ‘ that more than »0 exhibits tn sewing lty and Mrs. Clara Eawver spent Sun of Portland arrived here Sunday to and handwork huve been received day at Rainbow. spend two weeks visit ng at the horn­ Indications are that more than «00 hoys ami girls will exhibit at the Iowa People Visit—Mr and Mrs et h< r aunt. Mrs Fred Fread. Lane county fair, September 5. «. 7, j o. Westrum and daughter of Iowa In Hospital—»tank Campbell of Camp and 8. Club members are urged to rtaited here with relatives lost week Creek is a patient at the Pacific Chris­ exhibit so that they may show others Visiting With Friends Miss Bessie tian hospital, following a major opera­ what they are doing in their club work. They enjoy making the ex Robinson of Portland is spending sev­ tion. htbita to enter into friendly competi­ eral days here visiting with friends. Returns From Hospital—Mrs. W. E. tion with members of the oilier clubs. Mrs. Hurlbutt Her«—Mrs. Ralph Nealon. who has been in the Pacific Thia year more thau ever, club Hnrlbutt of Globe was here last Fri­ Christian hospital for treatment, re­ members are putting forth effort to day evening to have her tonsils re­ turned to her home here last night. fulfill the national motto, "Make the MANY JOBS ARE LISTED moved by a local physician. IN CIVIL SERVICE NOW Return to Portland—Mr. aud Mrs. Beat Better." A plan followed last Daughter Is Born—Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams of Portland have re­ year will be used again this year, tn That there are plenty of Jobe for William M. Elston of Leaburg arc the turned to their home, after spending which la provided a bonus for each the jobless Is apparent by the list of exhibit. The prises are done away with parents of a daughter, born at their two weeks near here visiting with and only ribbons are awarded. This ' positions listed in the last bulletin of home Saturday. friends. makes it possible for club members (he United States civil service to tht Leaves for Ranch—Mrs, Paul Brat- to send In their exhibits without any j Springfield board. Fully a hundred Visits on Siuslaw—Mr. and Mrs Willitna Ham spent the past week-end tain left this week for the Brattaln expense, each one sharing alike the i positions nr»* Included In the list, Most of the completltlve places are visiting relatives at Aina on the ranch In eastern Oregon near Paisley expense and the honor. Club members She will spend the next few weeks completing their project before the o( a technical nature, although one Siuslaw. opening date of the fair will be given group Is more or less general. They with her husband. Junction People Here—Mr. and Mis. complimentary season pekets for the i ranKr a|| th». way from typist In the Teachers Are Visitor»—Miss Clara M D. Lingo of Junction City, former fair by the talr.board. ennui gone to associate polnloglst and Springfield residents, were business Wagner and Miss Doris Braat. both On September 5 the 1200 club mein- agronomist at Washington, D. C. Fur of Corvallis, and former teachers in visitors here Monday. bers of the county with their leaders (ju,r information may be secured nt the schools here, called on friends will dedicate the group of buildings the Springfield postoffice from Walter Leave for Portland Mr. and Mrs. here Wednesday. which are now under construction nt Dossier, secretary of the Springfield Earl Baldwin and Mrs. Baldwin's the fair grounds. This will be the (M )ar,j of th*» civil service, Crows Have Gueets—Mr. and Mrs. father, W. H. Lambert, spent the week ........ M. Renshaw of Oregon City are spend­ moat Important day for club mem end in Portland. bers. The entire state club staff will ' Portland People Visit—Mrs. W. A ing the week in Springfield at the Pollards Have Guest—Mrs. Lottie home of the former’s brother-in-law be present and take part In the cole- Ktnerv and two daughters. Mrs. Olive Crawford of Oregon City was a week­ and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse E. bration. The principal speaker wll. Keiser of Portland and Mrs. Doris Mc- end guest at the home of Dr. and Crows. be O. M Plummer, manager of the Elroy and daughter of East Portland, Mrs. W. H. Pollard. She returned to Pacific International Livestock Expo-, are here visiting this week at the Mr. Pollard Surprised—Mrs. Nlel sitlon and member of the National ' home of their father. R W Smith, and her home Sunday evening. * F: Hard was hostess at a surprise Committee on Boys' and Girls club ' si„ter Mrs Lucille Wilson They mill Returns to Bums—Mr. and Mrs. party for her husband at their home work. He win present to the boy-. rpmnln here until Sunday, when Mr Harry Winters and son, Harry, Jr., Monday evening. The affair was in and girls of Lane county a 4 H dub Emery and Mr. McElroy will drive returned to their home near Burns honor of . Swim and son Bruce of Albrahama. Eugene and Lane county. Through- Springfield visiting with friends. Leave for Canada—Mr. and Mrs. out the entire fair, demonstrations will ' Cal., are here visiting for a week or Wyman’s Hav» Guests —Mrs D. C. Ted Harper and Mr, and Mrs. Seth take pioce in the auditorium built es- two- Mrs. Swim is the daughter of Wyman of Portland is here to visit McMullin left Wednesday tor Cal- pecially for such entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Ketels. with her son and daughter-in-law. Mr. t gary, Aierta. Canada on a visit. They and Mrs. Carl Wyman, for a couple of witl he gone for an indefinite period, F A M IL Y R E U N IO N 8 E T weeks. The annual family reunion of the j Now Located In Miss Clover Returns—Miss June Roberts clan will be held at the home Back From Montana—Mr and Mrs. Clover returned home Sunday from Miner Building of Ronald Roberts at Wendllng Sun- 1 William Handcock have returned from , Corvallis, where she has been for sev- • four months’ visit in Missoula, Mon- eral days as the house guest of Miss several members niTthe hmlto'lto tens The» i ____. __ ____ ________ Several members of the family live In They are making their home | Alice Darling. Miss Darling formerly H »4-1-1.«. ui «. temporarily at the American hotel lived in Springfield and returned here Roberta. dxlef librarian, plans" to at- bere. j with Miss Clover to spend some time tend The reunion will continue all Return From N ew port-M r. and »'siting with friend, and relatives. day ' Mrs. A. R. Sneed and children returned Fish at Newport—Leonard Lepic** from Newport Sunday after spending of SprlDgtield and J. H Bean, who is Civic Club to Meet Next meeting of the Springfield a week at the beach. They were ac- visiting here from Wisconsin, have companied to the beach by Mrs. J. L - j returned from a fishing trip to New Women'« Civic Club will be held Allen, Mrs. Sneed's mother. port. It Is reported that they were Tuesday, August 28, It Was smnunrr ; Here From Martines— Mr. and Mrs. ,>aught • h|Kh rock bX U»* tlde a"d this week. This will be the first 8. B. Sneed of Martines, Cal., are here ' fdrced t0 remain there all one night meeting of the fall anl it * •xp.c 1 1 that regular meetings will be hell visiting the former’s brother, A. R. California People Here— Mr. and Sneed. The California man is in the Mrs. Roby Morris and daughter, Eve­ twice a month hereafter. During the grocery usiness In the bay city and lyn, of Maricopa, Cal., were visitors at summer months the meeting on th** , formerly was associated with his the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. second Tuesday evening was dispens ed with. brother in that business here. Radabaugh the early part of thia week. Mr. Morris is a lease foreman Ebbea Have Daughter—Mr. and Mrs. for tbe s,andard Oil company In the H. M. Ebbe, 733 C street, are the par­ Kern county oil fields. ents of a daughter born last Satur­ McLagans Leave Sunday—Mr. and day at the Pacific Christian hospital Mrs. W. C. McLagan and sons. Russell in Eugene. and Robert, left last ¡Sunday on a motor trip which will take them to the ! east for a two months visit. They Return to Minnesota—Mrs. Rate went by way of McKenzie Pass and Hersey and children have returned to , eastern Oregon. They will visit Mrs. their home in Minnesota after v e i­ McLagan's childhood home In Free- ling here with relatives. Mrs. Hersey rnont, Mich., and relatives in other is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ eastern states. liam Lansberry. She is a graduate of Springfield high school in 1914. Peterson’s Car Here—Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson have received their new Pyne» in Idaho—Mr. and Mrs. E. E. two door Ford sedan. They purchased Pyne and the latter's mother, Mrs the new machine through the E. R. Kellie Jordan are now in Idaho on a Danner motor company here. Mr. and vacation. They left last Friday in Mrs. Frank Tibbetts have received company with Mr. and Mrs. William - new model A Ford A. Pyne of Hazelton, Idaho, who spent j the same company, and a short time here visiting the local Phaeton was delivered to B. R. Po:iey people. Mr. Posey drove hls car down from Portland with one of the Danner Motor Pastor at Newport—Rev. S. Earl Company’s firm, iwfco was bringing Childers, pastor of the Springfield down a new sedan. Christian church, and his family are ' enjoying a vacation at Newport. FOR SALE—Carbon paper In large Among other Springfield people there sheets, 26x39 Inches, suitable for Sunday were John Cox, Mr. and Mrs. ; making tracings. The Newa Office John Wlzenreid, who are spending j two months there, and Mr. and Mrs. John Inman. Sojourn at Coast— Mrs. O. C. Ray- burn and mother, Mrs A. B. Kepner, and Miss Robin LeVee are spending the next two weeks at Rockaway beach. Mr. Rayburn took them there In his car Sunday and returned that avening. Returns to Marshfield—Miss Lucille Ohleson left for her home in Marsh­ field Sunday. Her grandmother, Mrs. Harl McPherson, at whose home she has been spending the summer, went (With her as far as Roseburg, returning here that evening. Miss Ohleson was met at Roseburg by her mother, Mrs. Edith Ohleson. , M ONEY CANT BUY A BETTER OIL ■than THE NEW ZEROLEN^: Old Residents Visit Mr. and Mrs. James G. Blair of Los Angeles and Miss Stella Blair of San Diego are spending several days visiting in &p-ingfleld and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. j Blair lived In this section more than 10 years ago. They will go to Port­ land before returning to their Call A STANDARD O IL P R O D U C I fornia home. AT CORRECT LU B R IC A T IO N SPECIALISTS Remodeling Sale of M illin e ry and Dresses HAT OR DRESS UNTIL WANTED WE GIVE S A H GREEN STAMPS 8th Avenue Hat and Dress Shop 16 W. Eighth Eugene. Oregon Factory to You M O N E Y S A V IN G S A L E Sale L a sts the Entire Month o f A u g u st W e A re G rowing Tin* August Fnctory-to-Y ou Salt* finds the 10,000 lloxall S tores, which reach front coast to coast and acro ss the A tlantic, b e tte r prepared th an ever before to serve the »tcadUy-growing arm y of buyers who Insist on quality goods and who Appreciate m oney-saving values. Just a Sample of the Bargains O ffe re d A Bottle of C ara Nome Perfum e G IV E N A W A Y W ITH EVERY PURCHASE OF A REGULAR BOX OF C ara Nome Face Powder All Shades Perfumed with the fragrance and charm of many bloeeoms. Factory-to-You Sale Price BOTH FOR $2.00 To give you the opportunity to know (at rock bottom prices, gome of the m erchandise which th ese factories produce and d istribute Exclusively th ro u g h llexall Stores, we are going to run, th e en tire m onth of A ugust, a big Factory-to-Y ou Sale. T h ere will be m ore th an 100 genuine b arg ain s on stan d ard gu aran teed goods which we sell In o u r sto re every day at regular prices. It is a real opportunity for you to secure unusual values on ItemH used regularly In every hom e, anti to learn, If you have not already, the practical application of our Kexall creed: "You Save with S afety a t your Rexall Drug S tore.” Keep your eyes in style, free from pain o r strain with ou r glasses. Make Appointments Whenever Possible Dr. ^Kerman W. ïliooây O P T C M t T P I S T * E Y E S IG H T SPECIALIST S U IT F e%9 M IN É » OLCXk. P M C R l 5 6 X EAST B R O A D W A Y ^BT* tU C tN fO R E . ■ Flanery’s Drug Stole