FIELD N Dj U, j 7 $1.25 Hults Pressed ......... ......90 Ijidles Silk Dresses, ... 9 Ladles’ Wool Dresses...... Rose Clean t.ugcne Ambulance Co. SPRINGFIELD. IJ1NE COUNTY, OREGON THURSDAY AUGUST 9, 192K SCHOOL DAYS’ ARE CO M ING SOON So got u iil th o ng o ld llh y< I ph and tukw th e m d o w n to Moore’s Bicycle &. Toy Store 120 W e s t 8 th • • Eugene • • Phone 811 and have tliv in o v e rh a u le d and re p a in te d , n r th e y w ill ta k e H io l i In on Now and K o h iillt on»*H Lane County’s ‘Biggest Store for L ittle Things A. A. Hager Co. POKMKKLY H ILL» ECONOMY KTOHI- YOUR RUGS CLEANED Dirt T hru O ur Service Kearney’s Groceteria and Soda Fountain Silver Anniversary LOW EUG EN E, OREGON IN You can do b e tte r at New Majestic Electric Radio Now On Display Remove th e Germa and 5c - 10c - 25c to $1 STORE 735-4, W IL L A M E T T E 8T . DONT PUT YOI'lt OLD CAK IN THE HI KAP HEAI’- ! P R IC E B U IC K LONG »«•<• uh — W e buy a ll in a k e s a nd modelw o f IN W EAR A Wonderful New Car By Buick U sed Ca rs K E A R N E Y ’S 026 W illam ette Kt. Eugene, Ore R adio Service & Supply Co. Eugene Morphew & Campbell USED CABS E a s t 7 th A v e ,, Fluff Rug Co. Phone 401 • 1636 J e ffe rs o n EUGENE F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 7th and Olive Eugene, Oregon N e g t to A r m o r y (Pat Applied for—Serial No. 21764) The World Color J t - v e v l TV 4A C T • » K U M V i W U M W ' OWW t Ì SPRINGFIELD FOLKS PLANTS AND FLOWERS We have an extra good assort ment of Potted Plants and Cut Flowers tn all the seasonal varieties. ALTERATIONS, CLEANING, PRESSING WORK GUARANTEED Floral pieces and basket work a specialty, and low prices pre­ vail. Service Cleaners By J. F. Ketele VA' I OUGHT To GET 'CAUSE i 'MAS & ON SUNÖAY A H ’ A PRESENT &IRTHOAV COM EVERY W E E K EV ER Y W EE* > R e/n ¿ / u t e r i Phone 124-M ß lß T H 'Ü A V .E D D lE One of the Wise Afen (F orm erly N advornik’s) Famous Detmer Woolens GOOD WORKMANSHIP — • for m v Springfield IN ANI) LOOKTHHM( OVER LOOK ATT T H IS AM DY CAMERA M A GOT AT ; KWT, «A ir \ r u . t •sww vov>'« Oldham, G^Schantvl West Sprlngfleld, AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. Eugen <3 W. 7ih COME ■‘Take It from me folks the A. Street Service Station Is a good place to buy your gasoline and oils. General gas goes farther and leaves less carbon tn your car than any kind I know of." “A” Street Local News! Is always real news. We all like to read about what our neighbor Is doing. You'll always And plenty of live local news In Service Station 6th and A Streets The Sprirg field News x A JH a a .1 ." v - You ju st wish you had a b irth d ay every week w hen you look over our selective gift assortm ent. T he dependability th a t h a s given folks the favor­ able opinion they have of o u r drug supplies is practiced in this line of our business too. We Give Green Discount Stamps