* T H E SPRINQFTOLD NEWS PAGE SIX TIIIR SD A Y A l'iil'S T M I9JS He was possibly i the sole result of the ten Inches of couldn't see plain rsln; now It was done, and the river fifty feet distant; and If we ha I not possessed such all accurate know ledge « mi * quickly falling The Florida darkness Is nlwiiv* of the geography of Hie hill lie iiilgjii worth watching It comes sn gently, have easily been mistaken for a shrub or stump He was doing Ibul which so like a dark mist that the w it blows up. The color of the water ull hunter« learn tu do, standing per­ changed and deepened. The shallow fectly still to avoid detection lie was that were the Jungle grew black truatliig to the shadows to obscura Again s # heard the sounds of wild luei. We both stopped on the trail. Ilf» that the storm of the previous nlgltt had stilled. “Who's Ihgrs?" the detective de We smoked cigars and talked. And ms tided The shadow did not waver. after while one of the colored men “Who's thVre? Answer, or I'll came tu tell us of a discovery. seen this contingency. The detective ches of dark brown stain. shoot," Freeman Insisted, lie start W H A T HAS H A P P E N E D B E F O R E — well.” A fiat rock Jutted from th e h ills id e ed across the turf toward him And Freeman leaped toward me and “Because we went to different searched swiftly for twenty minutes; Dr. Long, out lishing with Alexan­ der Pierce, a detective, tells of h .. schools. Both of us are comparative then paused to wipe the little beads took the garment In hla hands. Just about fifty yards from the scene of aa a deer springs, the other aped dowg of perspiration from his lean face for an Instant he examined It. “Good the murder, he said Just at twilight the hill In flight projected trip to Southerly Downs. strangers to Southley Downs.” "It's no use,” he said “No clews Lord!” he exclaimed "You've found he had walked near It. and had no­ The detective turned to Josephine Pierce advises him to keep his eye« There was somethin« startling In It after all. Do you know what those ticed a queer discoloration on the the speed with which he mu "And what light have you to throw worth llndlng.' wide opea while there. On the way We stone It was evidently clotted blood flung nut In pursuit. Freemen firing He started toward the door “There's ! spots are?” tai a train Dr. I King is attracted by a on this matter, Miss Southley?" he he thought, amt what looked like frag his pistol In the air. Hut even If ha one place you haven't searched at “No." girl, who later faints. Dr. Long treats asked ments of fiesh. It's convincing ' “None at all," the girl replied all," I told hit», “They're blood her. and looking into her bag, is as- has wished. It would have been liu "You don't mean human flesh?" IHiaalhle, except by the hllndeal luck, "Where?” He turned in amaxe- proof. And It's Ahmad's shirt, too." “And where were you, after the ounded to find a loaded revolver. ment. for the detective to have hit the fug| Dr. Long meets Ahmad Dws. an scene in the den?” Swiftly he compared the laundry | Freeman asked “That drawer full of linen." 1 iiMirk on it with the mark of the other 1 His eyes narrowed, ever so slightly. tlve “1 went straight to bed. My maid Oriental, who conducts him to South A pistol Is never accurate at pointed to a drawer in the dresser. lev Downs, where he meets Mr South- helped me undress." garments In the druwer, I didn’t It was evident that the colored man long range, and few marksmen ran “And the Haywards must not have lev sod his son, Ernest South ley, Mr. “I glanced Into it. He wouldn't dream that this austere man was cup 1 waa terrified almost beyond the power shoot at all in ihe darkness In an been so unpopular with you as with put It in such an obvolus place as able of such exultation. His eyes sc of speech Hayward and his son, Vilas, and then Instaui our quarry faded, slipped “Yes. sub I couldn't te ll ft»' »b •' away and melted in the shadows. that. Even Ahmad Das wouldn't be tually seemed to glisten; and a high Josephine Southley, who is the girl your brother and Ahmad?" “I was with both of them a great that much of a fool. he had met on the train. Josephine color Buffered his lean, dark face I , But It was aome kind of flesh, sub * (T O BE C O N T IN U E D ) j '¿Perhaps. Inspector Freeman, you thought of a hound hot upon the trail 1 We didn't waste any more I me tells him the story of Southley Downs i dea*-' Son la Born—Mr ami Mrs ('hassle And I think you took Vilas' part haven never heard of M Dupln?” and its ghost, which is not the ghost “It's the final proof!" he cried We'll ‘ We hastened down the footpath Al against Dr. Long. of a human being but of a tiger. Inspector Freeman stopped to con­ get him now "I'll wring a confession though the night had fallen, the dark Nevt of Weudllng are Ihe parents of Her voice lowered. sider. Dr. Long has a quarrel with Vilas out of him." * ness was nothing of the In tently of a son born at the home of the former s “Yes." - HaVw-ard over Josephine, and finds “His name has slipped my mind. ' Then both of us drew up sharply. the night before I was able to dis­ father at Second and (' »tree,. hets* “And why did you do that?” he confessed. that the Haywards have a strange "Ahmad Is coming Into his room." j cern the outline nr his figure as he Monday, August ft "Because I couldn't do anything authority over the Southleys. He is Drive to Corvallis— Mrs Medi "M. Dupln was a very famous detec­ I whispered For 1 was sure that the walked ten paces In front of roe. I ordered to leave Southley Downs. The P’8P under the circumstances.'' tive—a frenchm an. A very great fiflnt sound 1 had heard had been in I could detect t(ie shadows that were Catching and Mrs Al Montgomery rain prevents him leaving at once. ' ou evidently didn't like Dr. Anver lean wrote about him long ago." the corridor. the stables and garages, and the near­ drove to Corvallis Wednesday tu *ls:t Dr. Long and Ernest go out on the Long’ Both of um Instinctively braced our er of the cottage« of the colored rartn with friends and relatives * “Oh. you mean a story-book detec­ road in the rain looking for the tracks 1 dld ,ike Hr. Long. But his re- Resort People H a re — Mr and Mrs tive," Freeman scorned "I'm glad selves. We"didn't know whqt frens? hands And then, at the aano Ipstant. of a tiger that Ernest says are there 1st ion with me was greatly different A. J Kuhn of Cascade resort »ere In to say I've never wasted my time of desperation we would have to face both of us saw another shadow They find the tracks. Later Ernest from that of V ilas. reading such tri^-k. None of 'em if Ahmud saw us with thap condemn- ; Some one was standing perfectly Springfield yesterday transacting busi­ and Dr. Long see a prowling creature She looked squarely into his eyes Of course we ness were ever practical. Practical men ing evidence In our hands. A long still on the hillside in the hall at Southley Downs. This as she talked. The room faded ex- Brt> the gn noWBqBys The tiIn,. , h(.y .moment dragged away ■ ■ -*■■■■....... ■ frightens the elder havward. who also cept for her. The faces of the watch- wasted In theories and talk—” • Then Freeman stole to the door. sees i t Ernest begirs to feel that Ing circle became as m ist I don't He looked up and down the corridor. "Yet sometimes their theories came Ahmad Das is perpetrating some know why each answer she made "Must have been a rat.." he exclaim We have rea rra n g e d our stock of M en's Wool S u its in Mp. Dupln would have deviltry. seemed to go so deep into me— each out right. J uki tw o groujiH for easy selection and quick disposal. been the first to tell you that for The elder Hayward is later found word—each inflection of voice an in­ "Rather a noisy ral." GROUP 1 — dead, his neck broken as if by a delible imprint in my memory. I the very reason that you would think Maybe the wind. Hut we'd better A splendid asso rtm en t of grey and navy blue wool gaint's blow. couldn't turn my eyes from Aar white that drawer too obvioull a place for a He'll come back any Suits, sold form erly up to $37.50. Your choice of this group The coroner and police arrive in or­ face. I hardly heard the detective's men to hide a garment. It would be <*•* oul ° f here der to investigate. questions when he turned to Southley. the very place an astute criminal moment." I started to pin the dinner shirt Because of the murder. Dr. Long They came from somewhere far off would hide it. He would know In ad must remain at Southley Downs. All "Please tell me. Southley, Just what ‘ vance . that you wouldn’t look there. Into even folds. Just as I had found it. “ Low Prices Plua Standard Value«’’ "M Dupln did the same with the the persons there are questioned by were the relations between you and a?d therefore 11 would bp • *ood GROUP 2 — the Hawwards.” I p,acp He proved it with the story envelope of the letter." I explained Inspector Freeman. In this lot you will find an unusuul selection of ull woo, . of a stolen letter, hidden among a "Then the criminal didn't know It h.i# NOW READ ON— “The elder Havward and I wer» t h . ! ” 2 ' nuvy blue, grey, a n d brown m ixtures, sold form erly a t ______ nW»,, .. he Packet of other letters. In plain sight. ’ been found (oldest friends, the old man answered J - j f , ri„h, bu, , d $49.75. Your choice of th is group “I do believe you've got the mak­ Of course his reason for wanting to He spoke falterlngly. In the hesitant work out comm„nf. ings of n detective!" Freeman told know was perfectly obvious. He want- \ wa>’ ot aKe . ' «a me with a little amuxoment. ' ed to see whether I could have pos j “They had been here almost a “ Low Prices Plus Standard Values” Of course I knew that as a whole Then we crept down the stairs. He sibly had time to hire one of the Month?” A choice of any dress straw h af In th e store he spoke the truth But It had begun 'Yes.' took the shirt Into the room that negToes to murder the elder Hayward. ■ "How long did you ask them for?" *° dawn on mp ,bat Treeman was not had been given to him for his use He knew that I had not done the deed His voice changed ever so slightly. ,flf" bigbP8t of official detective, and rejoined me in the library. with my own hands, from the fact that "As long as they would remain " If he had bppn' 1 w°uM never have "I've got a hunch." he said 1 had already established an alibi. "You were In the den. in the scene a’"‘p(1«he question about Dupln; and f>(.e WHH p|oU(JM , "We’ve got a motive for you. Long." tween Dr. Dr Long l^r,„ and „„,i the .u - younger _______ 1 "of ha*e had th eco ld courage ___________ between courage wrjnk|eg were flickering between his he told me at the end. "but not much to lecture to him now. eyes I waited for him to explain. else. There are others that we have Hayward ?” "Then there was a later detective “Yes." fome of th«- other things, but no mo­ "I've got nfi Idea that some one's tive.” “You sided in with Vilas Hayward?” —a little, fat Catholic prleat," 1 went been following me this Inst three on- “He asked his friend where a "Yes." He called on Ahmad Das The lat­ minutes. I m not an Imaginative man, "Did you think he was in the wlsp man fWould hide a pebble." ter told him how he had gone out to Long, but I've had that bunch before “And his friend. If he had the garage after the car; how h,-Jhad right?"* I never believed It; but once I woke Department Store sense, would have said to bury It six I I didn't know for sure.1 looked in vain for Hayward s r the ------ i __ . .. , . up In a hospital with a bump as hlg "Then driveway, and how, later, he had fouTiQ h h WhV d'd r°U takP the 8tand !he top" " 8 ,'rn'>O'h °" an °V’-r OBP pye Whprp 8 you did? the hodv. had hit me and knew that it had STORES AT SALEM, PORTLAND. SPRINGFIELD His answer called me from my pre- The detective flushed slightly and "His friend told him to hide It on been been It's a queer thing; yet leaned forward. occupation. It rang In the quiet room ,hp b«a <'b Then the detective asked i felt that way when I was going to You didn't like the eider Hayward. Hp lea! my room Just now. The noise we . sP°ke it softly, hesitantly; ya( where a wise man would hide a ----- Ahmad?” Freeman asked abruptly” ail other sounds became as nothing • And tbp ahswer was— in the forest. 1 heard In the corridor seemed to bear "No, sahib.” X Because, Inspector Freeman,” he don ‘ ’hat Ahmad Das would have it out. But It Isn't Ahmad. 1 stole "Why didn't you? What had he ever said simply. “I couldn't do any other rh08Pn this drawer if he had time out and took a look at him Ills done to you?” thing with wisdom. Because Vilas to choose a better place. But It is hands are burled in flour. There is “He was not pleasant to serve, Havward Is going to marry my daugh­ certainly the most likely place In this no one In the servant's quarters hut a ter, Josephine.” sahib. Many times he swore— ” ■ colored man or two, and that long- After dinner I met Inspector Free! 1 WPnt to ’he drawer and hunted legged ___________ _ that ......... "And I believe he struck you once. whiskered ____ bird brought i Ahmad." man in the hall. He called me to one 8’non” thp »«roienis. And I'm afraid ouTthe rowboat? Robin. I believe you Ahmad's voice lowered. “Yes." side. Perhaps he was a little more thp co , or came ’« mv face. Evidently call him " "And why did he?” intent, a little more nervous and quick ® y f^ t8 or,e" WPrP to «" “""upported There waB no BnRW„r worth mBltlnK “I was slow in a service that be i Motion than in the afternoon So we sat and watched the darkness asked.” “I'm in need of your help," he told ! gue8S Ahmad Das didn't hide his steal over the marshes. It seemed "He didn't like you either, Ahmad.'' mp- i pebble on the beach," the detective to me that the waters had already “It is true." “And I'm ready to give It.” j exulted. begun to recede. The flood had been Look in the kitchen and see where , Then I looked twice at a newly j "Considering his influence with your master, did it ever occur to you that Ahmad H“« 1». and what he is doing." laundered shirt that I had picked up FOR SA L E he might get you thrown out of em- ' obeved- a plausible excuse. and lald down before. It struck me B IC Y C L E P ?.t-mel?t r .. , Ahmad Das was polishing the silver. , 88 b«inp an unusually heavy garment. Good Bicycle for sale cheap. Strong Employ—“ ( I came back to report. j Some Inspiration made me unpin it. Double Bar frame. Good tires. In "Get you kicked out of your Job?' The coast is clear, then," the !n j And folded within it was found an- quire E E. Pyne, Springfield News ‘ No. sahib; I never thought of that." spector exulted. "Long, I want you to , ° ’her shirt, covered with great splot- office. tf. 'Yet you knew of this influence. come with me and search Ahmads The fact that Southley let his guest roon>s. I can trust you, I think when strike you before hia face." ( I say that I haven't any further ques- "It seemed to me that they were tfon but that the Hindu is the murder- the closest of friends.” er.” P R O D U C T OP O B N B R A L M O T O R S "And where were you Just before “Then you must have discovered In answer to the widespread demand for a low- the bell rang, when Southley told you S(”nething naw.” to get out the car?" "No; but he was the one man who priced six of ultra-smartness, all Pontiac Six Paint can make your house an asset. Neglect fiaint, and your "In the kitchen." went out of the house with Hayward body types have been made available with home becomes an eyesore, as well as a lowered investment. '•How long?” —the one man In striking range. I The paint you use should be chosen wisely, else you’ll loa« special sport equipment. "At least an hour before.” don't believe the 8outhleys were Im- both time and money Six wire wheels In attractive colors—two spare« And he told him what he was doing PUcated; and knowing you as I do by Not only should the colors be beautiful, but the paint to prove It. j reputation, it la absurd to think that w ith chrome*plated clamps cradled In fender quality must be durable. Ernest corroborated my story per W“ were. That leaves Ahmad. We wells-*a folding trunk rack . . . all are Included , ’y , know that he hated him. so we have at a slight Increase in price. 'And what did yon think of the a Motive. But the H indus a funny elder Hayward?" he was asked duck, isn't he? On no other six of comparable cost Is this ultra, didn't like him." “Did you ever see a man croa. the smart and ultra-new equipment obtainable . . . * nd/ ? yi “Ot?" ! r° ° m wlth Buch a fun"/, catlike just as no other low-priced six provides the ,* I didn t like his attitude with my ''trlde? He walks as !f he had cush- inherent style advantages of Bodies by Fisher father. He was too arrogant, and ! 'on* on his feet.” For more than 40 years Acme Quality Products have been and the performance superiorities of a 186 cu. demanded more than a guest should. w * mounted to the third flight; the choice of those who insist on the best. We can guarantee in. engine with the G-M-R cylinder head. The His manners were often boorish. Nor ! ’hen turned Into Ahmad's room My their lasting satisfaction. Let us figure on the job for you, did 1 like the way he threw his son ™mlratlon for Freeman Increased price is only $94 extra. Investigate this excep­ on my sister." . mightily when I was him In action it tional “buy” today. I believe that was your sister’s ! wa” Impossible to Imagine a more ACME HOUSE PAINT, Gal........................................... $4.00 part to object—not your».” ¡complete search. __ KaitHMrr, S7 b»«y since the murder, and I don’t be­ ta amazement. Ifeve he'd have time to dispose of all "And what do you mean by that b<» things. That's the chance I’m M ain Street, Springfield unusual speech?” the former asked. ! playing for.” “That you don't know your sister very I But evidently Ahmad Das had for- WAR TAX REMOVED. D E LIV ER E D PRICES REDUi $19.75 Í25.00 $1.00 Formerly Farmers Exchange „ , ". UlLTriRA §MM\IKirvllllLinUA R Jcw v andavai/ab/e on ly to brn/ers c f By your house shall they know you - PONTIAC S IX ACME QUALITY Paint»“dVarnish Wright & Sons HARDWARE — FU R N IT U R E — PAINT W.R. DAWSON