i n i R8DAÌ M C I ST S, 1928 KOLSTER TO GO WITH ‘ BYRD TO SOUTH POLE Ellery W Stone, p r .sln .n t o t the Kulater Itunto < <>>'pi■ rt«11<>11, anuounieU thin iiiniiilii» tliH> on order I iiim bean plui i'il by tin Byrd A ntarctic ExtAidl tlnn, acheduleit to sal: fro m N e w Y o rk on A ukii i IS fo r a year unit a half of exploritt , . mound the Mouth Pole, for Kobitcr rudlo compeskt-a, *broad- cent receiver», loinl «leaker» uu I head •at*. , " T ill» »(t.n tific expedition of f>s no II »III be better ¡ltd more com plete ly eiiuipfed with radio uppuratua than any bend of explorer» In hlntory and, becauae live» depenii upon It, great tare ba» been taken In It» »election," »aid Mr Mtone "It 1» a m atter of profound »all»factlon to Kulater Radio and t'omniundnr flyrd and bla »tuff of rutllu expert» have choapn Kulater equipment (or auch un exacting teat. Much of the aticce»» of the expedition will depend upon accurate rudlo direc­ tion-finding, both on the voyage down to the Ice baae at the Hay of Whalea and during aubaequent exploration» by radio-equipped airplane» and »led partle» aettlpg out from the baae near the South Polo. "The Kolhtec rudlo compaa» will be Uaed, one, on the baae trip and an other In a portable rudlo boune about 10 mile» removed, to form n baae-llne for triangulation on radio algnul» from advance partle», an their exact loca­ tion »111 alway» be known. THE RPRINUKIKÆ) NEWS PAGE EIVW OREGON STATE NEWS SPRINGFIELD CLUBS TO RECEIVE ,R0SEBURG boys HONORS FOR PROJECT WORK; OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Assembled for information of Our Readers. back Club Meeting Bet N ext m eeting of tbe Springfield Wo­ m en's Civic club will be held on the 'Mewing, E lsie M. Anderson, Noti; Slaters region, boy scouts of Rose . ced thia week. D uring the sum mer Several Springfield Four-H d u o» Wedneaday. »topping in ; m onths when there is little club bust- J k iorrn te nay M ills ills,- burg - returned ................... are included In the list of 110 clu b. t F r l,’r”n ,e newiri*. « nitzci •» •» H ay M UUb" 01 Florence; Florence Cooking Hazel HprlnigiU.W for a short I line They neas to transact the m eeting on the Lane county to receive 100 per per cent . made the trip with truck and trailer orat Tuesday even in g of each month thin the i M *' ’i1"ren,'*L F lorence < amp i an(j report a good tim e The) - - -----report a good tim e They climb- . ,, . ... "achievem ent certificates" within the Cookery and Florence Handwork, I ed the South and Middle Mister ami dispensed with and only the second next week. Georgia Walrath. Florence- Florence ' bntte. A E Britton, scout •»»'«••»>* held. Regular m eetings will Lane probably be resumed In Septem ber. ounty again triumphed In n Ka| Home mamnR, Making. irirh. Mrs D’L eta t'xe< :Mtlve' accom panied the boys. - a n nb<)W iw w ttuuirj d u b work, for this Is the largest num ’ Belfert. F lorence; Trull's End Garden- bur ever sent In at one time to any»* ,„ K Mra D, u u g e|fert n „renre; F)r WE STAND BACK OF EVERY JOB WE TURN OUT county In Oregon C ertificates ar- Oro¥„ an