The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 09, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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"»O W rO U B
THB'BPiUNQFIgLD NEWS_______________
H oover believes th a t th e E uropean nations
should pay their w ar debts— not saddle them onto
th e A m erican tax payers, who have so fa r put up
Published Every Thureday at
the m oney w ithout interest. So do we and so do
Springfield. Lane County, Oregon, by
most people in th e United S tates. T h e exception
is those bonding com panies and o th e rs who have
H. E M A X E Y . Editor.
som ething to sell to E urope w hich she c a n 't buy
debts paid-
Entered as second class matter, February 24. 1903 at the I until she gets her w ar
. . .
postofllce, SprtngfltU. Oregon
One year In A d vance-------$1.75 Three Months ____76c
B ti M o n th s___ __ _______ »1 00 Single C o p y --------------- be
— ■ .......
rtlURHPAY AUOUHT 9,^1928
agination he found reasons for every
pleasant little favor or aacrlltoe, and
to have omitted such coilrtosles would
Io him have been an ulfrnut to (ova
and friendship,
Home Education
“The Child's First School Is ths Fam ily"— Frosbsl
Issued by th«> National Kindergarten Association, S West 40th
Street, New York City. These articles are appearing weekly *tu
our columns.
.i ll
■ -
500 stu d e n ts at Yale recently jam m ed th em -i
selves into a space accom m odating only 200 to
Mother, "and when you try lo save
Edith Lockridge Held
listen to a lectur on S hakespeare, w hich ouffcht ! "Why do 1 have to say ‘Pleuse' when mo work, you add more lovo to tho
to enco u rag e those who th ink o u r college boys I aak tor anything. Mother?" Stanley home where iwe live.”
I a re not Interested in higher things. T he lecturer, looked earnestly for the reply, and as
So from that one hour of discus
by the way, was Gene Tuttney.
he was blessed wltti an understanding aton Stanley caught a tasting spirit
• • •
mother who respected her little son's 1 of good manners and kindly courteay.
• •
Never again did he question these
R obbers entered th e G reensburg, Pa., i»ost o f­ intelligence, the answer to his quea amenities of dally lift, because their
tlon was not only Intervatltig hut cun
fice and Rtole $20,000 w orth of stam ps. We su g ­
value had been submitted to his Intel
gest th a t if they a re caught they should be mad* structlve.
Ills mother explained ''manners" In llgence Instead of their form being de
to lick them all.
inanded of him as a matter of «tb<«U-
Lane county should begin a policy of oiling c e r­
tain of her county roads each y e a r until all th e
m ain th o ro u g h fa re s' have been tak e n care of.
N early all the $2,000,000 bond program has now
a way that appealed to his tmagtua
been expended as well as thousands of dollars of
tlon ami which likewise. Inspired him
general and special road tax m oney each year.
to want to be mannerly She could
W e have o u r county road system p retty well com ­
have mad* the mistake of telling hliu
pleted. Now it m ust be protected or In a few
to observe thia little courteay hecaus^r
years we will have horrible roads again. And it
T en c e n ts straig h t will be charged for all o bitu­ she aatd that was the proper thing
is nearly im possible to keep the m ain traveled ary notices to all business m en who do not ad- or because tt Is the way that polite
highw ays in condition by dragging, scraping and Ivertise while living. D elinquent subscribers w ill persons do; but Stanley's mother
the usual m ethods to keep m acadam roads in be charged fifteen c e n ts a line for an obituary knew a better course So she said:
shape. T he traffic is too great.
notice. A dvertisers and cash subscribers will re ­
"Now. I'm so glad you asked tno
T he M ohawk valley road and th e Elm ira road ceive as good a send-off as we a re capable of writ - ' that, dear, for it would be hard to go
B etter on saying something every day of
should receive a tte n tio n next year. These are ing, w ithout any ch a rg e w hatsoever.
tine highw ays when they a re fixed up but they do send in your ad v ertisem en ts and pay up your gub- your life tf you couldn't think of a
n ot last long. Oil is the only th ing th a t will hold scriptions, as hog cholera is abroad in the land good reason for doing It And when
you get puxxlcd this way you must
them . W hile the expense of oiling is g re a t we —A ltoona, K ansas, T rlbude.
• • •
always ask me. so that w<* can atianth
m ust m ake a s ta rt som etim e.
T he budget
If you have som ething to sell, be it m erchandise leu the puxsle out."
m akers th is fall should tak e th is into considera­
By this time Stanley's eyes were
o r service, second hand o r new, th e business you
• • •
lose th ro u g h lack of turnover, lack of work, or beaming Hla mother knew how io
lack of volum e w-ould pay double w hat the a d v e r create Inter,«»! In little every day at
tising would cost to sell th a t com m odity. So you fairs.
We a re told th at our Ben Dorris baited H erbert a re paying for good advertising w hether you are
"When you say 'Pleas»' In asking
H oover's hook and said nice things to the fishes using it o r not, the sam e as you pay for good for an apple, that means that tf I give
in the R ogue river but ’n a ry a one would leave roads w h e th e r you have them o r not. Vernonia. you the apple you will be happy. Then
w et w ater to tak e a chance w ith the G. O. P. dry Oregon. Eagle.
you see that u.tikes Mother happy li
candidate. T he result w as Very poor advertising
’cause she has dolte a little act for
for the fishing in Oregon. We should give these
some one she loves very much
fish a course in biting before tu rn in g them out of
you didn't say 'Plegsu* I might (Inna
th e hatcheries. Or b e tte r still we should have a
think that you didn't care much
few trick fish like the Black Hill's folk used on
whither I gave von what you itsked
Coolidge last year. We simply c a n 't have ou r
for, and then 1 couldn't be sure
fish falling dow n on the job when a million dollars
whether you were much happier or
w orth of free advertising is a t stake.
• • •
Editorial Comment
After that he preformed auch acts
of polltenuna with understanding The
motive came from within, which was
as It always should he ‘ By using Un
For vacation trips
T ak e along a box of Egglinuntt's candles.
the m ost popular part of your equipm ent.
Albert T. Reid
But Immediate relief haa been found.
A tablet called Kexall Orderlies has
been discovered. This tablet attracts
water from the system Into the lazy
dry, evacuating bowel called the colon
The water loosens the dry food waste
and pauses a gentle, thorough, natural
movement without forming a habit or
ever Increasing the dose.
Btop suffering from constipation.
Chew a Rexall Orderlle nt night. Next
day bright. Get 24 for 26c today at
the nearest llexull Drug Stnr-— (Adv.)
Eye glasses at
$2.5 Are C heap
They last a t least tWo yearn
and cost 3c per day. Silk
hose for 2 y ears costs
ab o u t 12 c e n ts per day, a
- m a n ’« su it or w om an's
dre«« costs 15 cen ts per day
and n eck ties cost 6’ cen ts
per day, tw ice as m uch as
th e glasses.
T hese a r e in terestin g
facts a n d com parisons.
D on’t add up th e pennies,
h u t add to your eyesight
with good glasses.
Dr. Ella G, Meade
O p t o m e t r is t
No 14 R Ave. West
Eugere. Oregon
T hey’ll I»«
We'll puck you
a box assorted to suit y our taste. ’
T his is lee oream ami soft drink w eather.
Follow the
crow d to
, Mserf -Where the Service Is Different"
Back she came . . .
millionaire's nife
Stanley's face lighted up and he
We o ften wish th a t we could live ou r lives over. scented to catch a new vision of what
A B altim ore b arb er was arrested for shaving a
m an on Sunday. T he policeman who caught him j We see w here we have piade m istakes, and see folks call politeness. He queried i
in the a c t allowed him to finish th e shave, but in th clu tch es of w hat u ntow ard things we have further:
"When I thanked Mr Barnes this [
presum ably checked him from suggesting extra been ca u g h t, and we would like to s ta rt again
for letting me take his hum­
services to his custom er W a sn 't th a t p u n ish ­
M ost resolutions th a t are form ed are useless mer to flx my wagon, do you think ;
m ent enough for any b a rber?
• • •
! because they have not enough steam behind he liked me better?"
Mother smiled indulgently.
them . We hav en ’t th e power to carry them into
Miss E leonora S ears set o u t recently from effect.
madp him huppy to think that he had >
N ew port, R. I., and hiked 74 miles to Boston. 74
T h e one m otivating power th a t we all have at helped you, for you must remember.
miles is quite a walk, but it doesn't seem a big one hand a n d w hich we can call on in any em ergency Son, that these words of politeness i
to som e flappers of our a cq u ain tan ce who have is love.
and deeds of thoughfulncss are happi­
gone out on joy-rides!
ness makers. They help folks who '
i . Love som ething.
• • •
Find som ething o r som ebody th a t you love. hear them and see them to feel lo w i
All new spapers in Italy have now been ordered M ake y o u r resolution for th e sake of th a t love and friendship."
"What about folding my napkin it -
to print daily lists of all persons arre ste d and the , and backed by it.
A resolution th a t is purely intellectual o r purely the table?” Inquired Stanley, now j
reaso n s for th e a rre st. V anity being w hat it is.
we are su re those m entioned in these colum ns from th e will is not of as m uch value as one which swept away with his Interest. "Grand­
ma told me I was being polite when >
is backed by the pow er of a suprem e love.
will tre a su re th e clippings!
• • •
It m ay be th e love of a m o th er th a t you have did that.”
neglected so fa r but for whom you really feel
Again Mother laughed a pleasant
Captain Franz R om er has put out to sea on a stro n g affection. It m ay be love of a wife, o r chil­ little ripple of loving merriment She
Europe to Am erica voyage, row ing in a 20-foot dren, o r a friend. W hatever it is, it is a life buoy threw him the challenge. "Now you
boat. M aybe a fte r th e first m onth h e’ll wish he for your sinking will. Lay hold of it and it'w ill think har«J and tell m-- the reason—
had been old fashioned and gone by airplane.
keep you up.
< . for we rdust not do things all the time
• • •
As well try to run a locom otive w ithout steum unless we understand why It Is better
! or an autom obile w ithout gasoline as try to ste e r to do them."
It has been discovered th a t m any m uch-feared your life w ithout love.
Stanley paused for half a seconiT
varieties of sh a rk s are quite harm less— except,
It is th e m otive pow er th a t underlies th e will.
Then he exclaimed. "It would inak«-
for one, the loan shark.
; All of us love som ething.
• • •
the table look bad if I threw my nap I
S earch your heart for som e object upon which kin down! And then you would have'
Many persons w ork so hard a t playing they you can c e n te r all y our affection and by th a t love to work harder folding It up for me I
you shall be saved.
have no energy left even to play a t work.
after meats."
• • •
Love is the keeping of all th e C om m andm ents
"Then If the table would look bet- j
and love is th e tru e savior of m an.
manners .help to make the world j
One way to becom e a sharp business m an is to
We rem em ber an instance in the S crip tu res of more tidy and beautiful,” continued j
keep your nose to the grindstone.
I a w om an who was a g re a t sinner, but who w as!
• • •
pardoned because she loved m uch.
Love is th e only thing th a t co u n terb alan ces RELIEF FROM CURSE
Some women shoppers act like they were ta k ­
.o u r w rong-doings.
ing inventory of the th e store.
All conclusions th a t are reached by an y th in g I A Battle Creek physician, says, "Con
• • •
| else th an love are falsehood. Ixtve sees and u n ­ stlpatlon Is responsible for more mis­
A loose tongue h as gotten m any into a tight jam . derstands. H ate is blind.
ery than any other causeP’
Plans for a slug» trip around th e
eastern Oregon lakes were announced
( this week by L. L. Graham, dial riel
freight and passenger agent for the
Southern I •nettle contpuny.
Mr Graham was In Jtprlnglleld Mon­
day following a trip, to Klk lake and
other lakes In that district, lie re­
lumed from llend by way of the cen­
tury drive.
The tour of the lakea «will start at
t'hemult. south of Betid, and will In­
clude a circle Io the shorea of the
beautiful lake*. Exact date for the
tour has not been announced, hut It
will be within the next few weeks. It
wan Indicated,
S far back as Cherry could re-
-member, poverty and squalor
»he came,
ig beai
she »aw i snatched from iter a II
k n o w n . M a n y a lo n e ly , a c h in g n ig h t,
th r o u g h h o t (ears o f a e lf-p ity , th e h a d
g a te d w ith « u t if u l, lo n g in g cyca in to
a d re a m -w o rld o f lo v e , te n d r r n c n ,
t mipainon, beauty — a w o r ld th a t
it e m e d to re v e r b e y o n d h e r teach.
she h ad fo u g h t f o r so b ra v e ly and
so Io q g
' had ever
w6re the oniy ‘ life she
B u t as C h e rry h lp u o m e d in to y o u n g
w o m a n h o o d , h e r d e te rm in a tio n to
c o n q u e r life
b r o u g h t fre e d o m ,
frie n d s , success.
T h e n r o m a n , e came.
As (h e w ife o f D ic k
B e r r in g e r — y o u n g ,
lic it, b o y is h ly ha n d ­
s o m e — C h e r r y 's
m easure o f happiness
s e e m e d c o m p le te .
> '
Then — catastrophe!
A m erciless f ir e dc
< ree d th a t she g o back
t o th e g u tte r w h en ce
the love, comfort and hippie
happiness •
W h a t strange c ircum stances c o n -
s p ite d t o crush h e r u n d e r th ia In g in
f u l lo a d o f m is e ry ?
W h y m ust she
e xch an ge an h o n o re d n a m / t o r th e
b ittern e s s o f sham e a n d d e g ra d a tio n ?
Y o u w i l l w a n t t o read th e w h o le
h e a rt-b re a k in g a to ry. r i s e , ly as C h e rry
tells it.
I t is e n title d " S h a t t e r e d
D re a m s ," a n d appears
c o m p le te in th e Sep­
Content! for
te m b e r issue o f T r u e
S to ry M a g a z in e
»•rana« Bondit«
Do«« Lo«« t a t u a AU ?
th rr V tX’o«a
H«r Suprvmr la triti, •
Lova in iha W ild .r o « .
W ai Love W orth
Th«»« Lorca
This Price ?
— an d m e r e t
other ttoritt
T u n e in on the T ru e
Story H o u r broadcatt
every F rid a y night o te r
tt O R a n d the C o lu m ­
b ia c h u rn . C o n lu ll
Y ou r P a le r ¡or E a u t
T im e .
Out Now!
True Story
A t AU N e w ssta n d s—o n ly
Plan Your Trip Here
.—fla n leisurely u ith your own
Southern P a cific agenL>
A void the hurried choice o f out-of-
town buying. Start on your trip confi­
dent that you arc going the best way,
and th a t no a n n oyin g complications
w ill mar it.
W h e th e r it is a tr ip o f a day o r a
month, South or East, to San Francisco
or to Europe, your resident1 agent can
be o f utmost value to you.
In b u y in g " tra v e l," rem em ber the
slogan o f your htcal mcrch m ts," It pays
to buy in your own home tow n.”