4 THU HB »A V AUGUST », 192« TUB SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAOE T H R E E T R A IN SCHEDULE Springfield Stop* NORTH No. 16 at 4:27 A. M. (Fla*, No. 8 at 3:45 P. M NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, That Henry I,. ('g rille and O P. Hnellstroro Lave been appointed adm inistrators of ( tne estate of < lernt.nn E. Carllle. de j NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ^ O lS ^ l* 0 Department of the Interior, U. * . Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon, July 30, 1928. ceased, by the County Court of Lan< NOTICE Is hereby given that WII- No, 7 at 1 :0 * p, M JC'.n V p<‘r*"n’' ha¥,n« claim« Ham R. Dlckert. of Mabel, Oregon. I against said estate are required to . who. on February 6, 1924. made Home- No. 15 at 10:03 P. M (Fla*, _________________ | PNWBBJ them, with the proper vouch stead Entry, Serial No. 015391. for SEU ~ *r «‘D ’ *? ',“« « **? ,r 7 n U7. 9th N W '*‘ A c tio n 23. Townahlp IS South, FOR BALE—Carbon paper In large day "f August, 1928, U> the «aid ad Range 1 WeaL Willamette Meridian sheets, 24x39 Inches, suitable for ? 2 7 ’'t17 ti i 7 u .0“’ n * , / , L L ha" fl!ed not,ce of Intention to make' making tracing.. The N ew . O fflc I f ^ g o n - "U *" 1‘“ree year Proof to establish Clam ___________________________ 'j i i p v p v I ? the land above described, before E. HENRY I* CAHLILh and O. P O. Immel, U. 8 Commissioner, at Eu- I 8NE1-1-STROM, Administrators of gene. Oregon, on the 5th day of Sep- SUM M O NS FOR BENT—If you wlah to rent a FOR RENT—A nice little House on FOR ' BALE- Small girla Bicycle In 1928. IN TlfE JUSTICE COURT, EUGENE the Estate of d em on E. Carllle, de- tewber. (rnoin liouan on JCa«t Multi atroel, Claimant names aa witnesses: corner of pili umf F, partly turnlnh- good condition. Can tut seen at dUBTIC DISTRICT, LANE COCN , , „»v . — William Black, James Kinman, wllh 'one acre land, burn, garage, wlth garage, and ggrden-already In. TY, OREGON. Amlernon'a Barber Shop. Ask for L. L. RAY, Attoreny for Estate ~ — George Riggs, all of Mabel. Oregon. chicken park. Bee A. T. Brewer at Special ralea to permanent renter. Mr. Clover. a -9-14. Willamette Collection tk Credit Ber K. 9-14-23-30: g. 4: Edward Freeland, of Marcola. Oregon. Hotel k llte. vice, a corporation, plaln-.lff, 9«. J. Non-coal Bee A. T. Brewer at Hotel Elite. A. Owen«, defendant. H /liT L L A. CANADAT. Register. HOUSE FUR RENT—Call 703 Seveath IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Buaineae Visitors Io—Among shop- A. 2-9-14-23-30: FOR SALE— Modern 5-room houaa on Street. A-» OF OREGON you are hereby required' per. here Monday were J N Cook - f N O T IC E D etreet between 7lh and 8th. Two ______________ _ to appear and answer the complaint Nntl .. . _ . SU M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N garage«, fine lawn. Will sell or trade N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S 8 A L E ON which ha« been filed against you in Nolle« 1« hereby given that the un ' Mr and Mra ° A s P,nn«T »* for acreage or vacant lo t. Easy ATTACHMENT EXECUTION drralatied huve petitioned the Cum- the above entitled court and cause J Marcola; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pratt, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE iiioii Council of the Town of Springfield STATE OF OREGON FOR THE term«. Hyde Realty Co., Eugene. ' Under and lyy virtue of an attach- within four weeks from the date oi Marcola; O A Cunningham. Harrls- thul llib following described real pro­ the first publication of thia summons burg; and Mr. and Mrs Wilfred Cook COUNTY OF LANE. L ~ , ,J"7S-7r ment v-xecutlon Issued out of the Clr- perty be vacated and taken out of rA IN IIN U und Kalaowtnlrg Id all Its cult Court of the County of Laae, and If you fall to ao appear and e n Garden W a v the City Limit« aa follow«: Edward Trapp. Plaintiff, vs., Edmond swer the plaintiff will take Judgment y branches Reduced Prices. Roy Blnte pf Oregon, In an action wherein Beginning at a point 3.38 chain« against you In the sum of »29.08 which I ------------ ----------------- P. Pierre. Defendant Louis A Horde was plaintiff, and Koch. Call 126-J, Kaat of the Northweat corner of Dona­ E X E C U TO R 'S SALE Jesse H. Bair defendant, upon the sum Is now held under attachment in j To Edmond P. Pierre. Defendant: tion Number 3808 III Townahlp Seven said action ami for an order that said FOR SALE WOOD Judgment rendered on the 27th day of lion Number 3808 In Ttnwnahlp Hoven IN THE NAME OF THE STATE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE sum of money be paid Into court to Old Growth Fir, Becohd Growth Fir, 1M7, In favor of the plain ♦ «-on (17, South Range Three (3, STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR OF OREGON, ________ _ You are hereby re* be applied on said judgment. Gak A«h All I . n . i h . Phrm. tlfr “n< 1 «auinal the defendant, for the W est of the W illam ette M eridian and 7 U , h Sprl««- j „„m of F ifty »lx Dollar« and Tw enty BATE* O,’ S T ' Ol" LANE, IN PRO- , quired to appear and answer the com- This summons is served upon you runninK th em e Eaat 9 32 chain«, “• W 194. * tf fly»« cents ($f»G 26) and Interest there- by publication in accordance with an I Plaint filed against you in the above thenre North 2 20 chain«; thence kai»t ~ — — I on at «even (7, per cent per annum order prescribing the publication In re Estate of Alice Bean McGuire, entitled Court and cause on or before I 90 ( li,tin , , I h.'iire Si-Hili I 2 Of S E P T IC T A N K S — It<»m the 2nd day of August, 1927, and thereof once a week for four su cces-1 Is 981*40^8 44 gk/x I chain«; thence W est 25.13 chain« and dat8 ° f the flrSt, ___ _______ for Ho- fu rth er aum of Fifteen Dollar« , ! »>»e week« Date*of first publication | I Notice 1« hereby given that on Sept- ‘“ ¿ J " 0 fr° m thence North 9 80 chain« to the place Ready for you to Install (»15.00) attorney fees and for ,tlie i July 26th. 1928 ¡em ber 7. 1928, at the hour of ten ’’“Wtaatlon ot th<8 Summons, and If1 of he^lniMnic. containing 28 2-3 acre«, Fof family of five — »2100. Eugene ffirth.-r sum of "’Fifteen Dollars* and I HAROLD J. WELLS, Justice of ' o’clock In the forenoon, at the law of- | you *aR 80 to appear and answer, for w ore or !>•«» of land, all lying and be­ lli« w ilt,In the Town lim it« of the For family of eight — »28 00, Eugene Ninety Cents (»15 90, for cost and Peace. l flee of H. E. Slattery. 717 Willamette want thereof, the plaintiff will applv J I. 26: A. 2 9-16-23: ! L ^ ^ ^ . s r & g E - s ; ;n° iv d courf, th- lowti of Springfield, L a n f County, Ore Sewer Pipe, Well Curbing. Drain Tile dlKburKcments. current lawful money of the United State« of America, and and ChlUMiey Blocks. M«n this days DECREE OF LIEN AND NOTICE OF ’he above entitled Estate, shall pr,,. 1,1 8ald comPlaint, to*wit: For the sum with accruing cost; I hl All persons, having objection« to E U G E N E C O N C R ETE P IP E CO. levied upon all the right, title, claim. BALE U N D E R E X E C U T IO HR_________ - N -- ' ceed to «ell at . private sale to the high- oi E|Sht and 25-100 Dollars (»8.26); said proposed vacation are required to file then, with the City Recorder of, NOTfl i : ' l l ' F IN A L , S E T T I . I- M F N T and Interest of «aid defendant in an-l j IN TH E CIRCUIT COURT OF THE H 8t and b*8t Wider for cash the foi- for the further sum of Four Hundred to the following d< i'rlbed real pro- A T E OF O REG ON IN A N D FOR OW‘” K d«»cribed real estate belong- Dollar» (»400 001 together with in anld Town on or before August 20th, Estate of Emilia A. Smith. Deceased. perty, to-wit: NE CO UNTY. < ok to the Estate of Alice Bean Me- A e t h e r with in- 1928 hereby given that Paul teregt thereon at the rate of six per annum from and since the August, 1927; for the iur- Three Hundred Seventeen (»317.00) Dollars, together Interest thereon from the 19th September 1927, and for the disbursements of this action; Township Seventeen (17) South in I ln l8 Summo“8 is published once lue of an execution and order of sale , • _ 1.1 i.— ’ ” ." * * ....... in fore. Insure I»«......... ml of the f i r I „ 5 . .7 . C.U r‘ »>IUnnlng point run N. 26 degrees 45 weeks for the final «ettlement of t h e ; E. 12 65 chains, thence 8. 63 degrees «nil •('ourt of la n e County, Oregffb, and « B tfU F «•»Into of «aid deceased. 15' E. 4.49 chains, to the most Ea«ter- on the 2nd day of Augu«t, 1928. In a PAUL HADLEY, Executor. circulation pub- ly corner of the Tract of la n d con­ »nit wherein on the 3l»t .lav of July. A E W HEELER. Attorney veyed to Carl J. HuItgTen and Ben H. .u u .r aoove enut.eo aevon, wnereln I the Southwest corner of Block Seven lished In Lane County, Oregon, by or­ 1928, In said court The West Coast Jk 12-1926: A. 29: L. K. Bussell, the above named Plain Hullgren, Dec 16, 1920, by deed on t7) of Packard’s Addition to Eugene der of the Honorable C. P. Barnori, National Bank, Portland. Oregon, a Page 533 of Vol. 130 of the Deeds till and the above named defend­ City, thence running South 89” 52* Judge of the County Court of Lone N a tio n a l Banking As«nclatlon, ants Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, a 1 Records of la n e Co., Ore., as correct­ East 556.32 feet to Intersect East line Trustee, plaintiff, recovered Judgmeni N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S by quitclaim executed J. corporation, and O. K. Baldwin, ob of Madlgffn Street. If extended North County, Oregon, which order bears «gainst the defendant« Edward A NGTIt E 18 HEREBY GIVEN, That | ed ,< Lite« and wife deed to »aid Carl J. by Hult- talned judgment« and decree of sale Fegles and Jessie M. Fuglea, hla wife the undersigned h,a» been duly ap- ; gen and Ben H Hultgren, thence 8 against the defendants Harvey A with the same course as said street date the 9th day of July, 1928, and the of — the first puu.ium« publication of thia .„ a I»,.,« un, , u. ' .. ' haa Sou,h of Cheslre Street; thence date ----- — for the aum of »2756.18 with Interest . l ^ f b Or‘X C t e i’\ h ? U o u ^ ‘^ « ' W 1165 <"haln»' ,hpnce 8 218 8nd R“‘h W hee!^. h^ wife: «Knr^ 55' Fast 165 feet along said ! Summons is July 19th 1928 thereon at 6 per Cent per annum from ? State Oregon for the County ot 1 h , .hence N 5«« Lane County, Oregon Matoon, Plaintiffs, vs Alfred Stark«. rods of the west line of the above des torney« fees, costs of suit and accru­ Defendant FRANK A. DE PUE, Attorney for claim, and lnf«rest of the said de Notice Is hereby given, that nn the i cribed 12 acres ls To be The”west line ing costa to sell the following de­ the estate. fendant the above .u * . . . <° J »>e sold and the . al north 11 . . y ° Alfred Starks the above named nrooertv. In or and so to much th ereof describe) a . mav 25th dav of Aum«« ‘ 192« ’ ’A at J «a» h* hoU? ' o1 « th* scribed real properly, to->wlt: defendant: property, or so much thereof as may One o'clock, P. M. of that day at Jl. 19 26: A. 2-9-16: south lines of the said tract are I a t one and the South one hutf of be necessary to satisfy said )udg the southwest front door of the Court and to be parallel. The said tracts shall ' OF^OREGO n A ^ ,OF u THE STATE L ot. two, In Block eight of gladden'« ment, with interest anil cost, and ac­ House in Lane County. Oregon. I will be separately sold to the hlehest and 1 .«at Arthur" 1 \ * U. 8re herebF notified A D M IN IS T R A T R IX * N O T IC E Third Addition to Eugene, la n e ('nun- cruing cosL to the highest bidder. in obedience to said order of sale anj best bidder for cash at said private n Ratoon and Katherine FRANK E. TAYLOR, S heriff, of decree of lien, sell all the righ t title, sale ty, Oregon. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE I ”, 157,toon the h°Mers of Certificate Now, therefore, In the name of ih<- STATE OF GRBOON IN AND FOR Lane County, Oregon. claim, and Interest of the defendants ALBERT O. McGUIRE. Executor * °n the nu_mbered 2138 ¡88ued By BEULAH BRINNICK. Deputy. .. Harvey A. Wheeler, and Ruth Wheeler, the Estate of Alice Bean McGuire. d e J j ? , t „ p J State nt Oregon. In compliance with THE COUNTY OF LANE, IN PRO­ December. 1925 by Jl 26: A. 2-9 16-23: «aid execution and order of «ale and BATE. his wife; O. F. Nichols and Jane Doe ceased. ! ^ ° r the County ot . State of Oregon, for the amount In order to natlafy «aid Judgment In In re E«tate of Henry McCollum, de­ Nichols, his wife; William Kercher A. 9-16-23-30: S. 6: SUM M O NS I Of Thirteen and 30-100 (»13.30) dol­ ceased. lere«l, attorney» fees, costa of aull Nolle« Is herhye given that I. Isa­ lars, the same being the amount then and accruing costs. 1 will on Satu« N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE ON 2 - . » “io.o'1’ .1' “ *1"?111 toT taxes for U*« day the 8»h day of September. 1P28, bella A. McCollum, am the duly an- E X E C U T IO N IN FO R E C LO S U R E i l —. , a tO geth,r wlth P«naltY. in­ at the hour of one o'clock In the after­ polnted qualified and acting adminis­ FOR DIVORCE. j thereon and cost as follows: terest and costs thereon udod the noon of «aid day. at the «outhweat tratrix of the above entitled estate; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That real property assessed to vou of front door of the County fourt Hou«e,. that any one having claim«) «gainst Olaf Jorgen Hanssen. Plaintiff, versus. | j udgment of L E BuMeI1 aggre. Jennie JeaneUaHanaaen. Defendant. ¡ gatlnK^ he 8um of ,3 01 99 and , , by virtue of a decree . J order of which you are the owner as appears and In Eugene, la n e County. Oregon, of­ the «aid estate «hall present the same, ,.„i„ ------- --------j . .. . . . or record altnated ,n gaid County an<, fer for sale and «ell for cash, at pub­ with voucher« attached to me at the To Jennie Jeanetta Hanssen. Defend- , interest on same from July 19 1638 sale and foreclosure issued out of the ant:- and cost taxed in the sum of »14 00^ <1™““ Court of Lane County, Oregon. State, and particularly bounded and lic. auction, «ubject to redemption a« law office of H. E. Slattery. 717 Wil­ U o a fe rtR u V A M >• ia * n s t ♦ zx a n v w x a v * - n n th o la th H ov r\t In lv 1 Q ‘) C In n « ....4 You are hereby required to appear and « the further provided by law. all of the right, title lamette Street, Eugene. Oregon, with­ sum of »65.00 at on the 18th day of July. 1928. In a suit described as follows, to-wit: Lot Eight wherein E. C. Hinds was plaintiff and (8) in Block Ten (10) in the Original and Interest o f s a i d defendant« in 6 months from the first publication and answer .th e complaint filed torney fees. Edward A Feglee, Je««le M. Fugle«, of this notice, which 1» first published against you In the above entitled suit Judgment of defendants O. K. Bald­ A. C. Woodcock, Mrs. E. R. Wallace Plat or Extended Survey to Sprinx- " hl« wife; Jack L Fredericks, and May on August 9. 1928. and that all per­ within four weeks from the first pub­ win in the aggregate of »201.20 and and Charles Wallace, her husband, i field. Oregon. C. Frederick», hl» wife, and all per­ sons owing the «aid estate shall pay lication of this summons which is legal interest on same from July 19. and C. A. Wlntermeier and Katheryn ! You are further notified that said published the flrat tlmo on July 12. 1928, and cost taxed In the sum of O. Wtntermeler, his wife, were the de- J Arthur L. Matoon and Katherine R. son» claiming by. through or under the same to me. ISABELI*A A. McCOLLUM, Admin­ V>28; and you are hereby notified »7.50, and the further sum of »50.00 tendanta; and wherein on the 18th , Matoon has paid taxes on said prem- them or any or either of them In and that. If you fall so to appear, your attorney fees: day of July, 1928, in said court said . Ises for prior or subsequent year« istratrix. to »aid premine». H E. SLATTERY. Attorney for Ad­ default will be entered for want of an FRANK E TAYIZIR. Sharlff., Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, a plaintiff recovered a decree of lieu j with the rate of Interest on said' answer, and the plaintiff will make corporation. Judgment in the sggre- for the sum of Twenty-five Dollars amounts as follows: Bv BEULAH BRINNICK.’ Deputy. ministratrix. application to the Court for the r*-I gate of »431.11, and legal Inteiest on (»25.00) with Interest thereon at the i Tax for 1923. paid December 30 A. 9-16-23-80: 8. 6: A. 9-16 23 30: 8 6: Prayed within the said complaint j samp fronl j uiy u t 1928, and cost tax- rate of eight (8) per cent per annum ¡1925. Tax Receipt No. 29574- Amount ■' < - ------— — — — --------— which Is as follows, to-writ:- Thai the ed |n t^e sum of »11.50, and the fur- from February 24, 1927; the further I »12.90; Rate of interest 12% sum of One Hundred Dollars (»100.00; j 1924, Date Paid Dec. 30, 1925 Tax I marriage contract now existing he- (ther sum of »70.00 attorney fees; I tween you and the plaintiff he for- -j1(21: Jl. 19-2«: A. 2-9-19-23 3«