e I THURSDAY AUGUST 9. 192* THE SPRINOFIELD NEWS PAGE TWO Former Resident Here— Mrs Ju k i ONE NEW MEMBER TAKEN Return from Trip— Mr. and Mrs LIQUOR CONVICTIONS Mulligan of Los A ngeles arrived her« Glenn C. Radabaugh have returned IN BY REBEKAH LODGE Ibis w eek Io spend two w eeks visiting IN LANE COUNTY RUN from a motor trip to sou th er» Caltfor- ] HIGH, REPORT SHOWS nta where they visited the latter's I One colici biute, Mrs. N ellie Jordan, her sister In law. Mrs F M Mulligan parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Braden o f] was initialed Into the Springfield Mrs Mulligan lived here for many Maricopa. California. | Of the 707 liquor cases file«! between Rebekah lodge at Its m eeting Monduy years. Ha» Minor Operation— Jack Herbert January 1926 anil July IMS, 667 were Webber» at Newport— Mr a m i M rs. evening R e tu rn to California— A. D. Mein | convicted on pleas of guilty and trail, Ben Webber »pent the week-end nt of Thurston underwent a minor opera- Mrs. E stelle Finley, noble grumi. j i turn in the office of a local physician sons, Dwight rfnd Arthur, it report Issued from the office of tyre and Newport. , and Mrs Lee Putman, acting vice- I returned to their home at Turlock. District Attoreny John 8 Medley yes Monday. grand In the place of Mrs O. II Jar- | H e r e fr o m P o r tla n d — Ur. C. Ü. Van • California. Monday after visiting here terday Indicate«. rett, who Is awuy, were In generul , Here from Portland— Miss B essie Valxah of Portland was » week-end for the past tw o w eeks. _ Mrs Mc­ T his m eans that *9 percent of the i barge of the work. The degree stuff i Robinson of Portland was here this visitor here. Intyre will remain here for the rest of cases filed resulted In conviction The put on the work. week visiting friends and receiving the month. period covered Is the term of office Daughter I» Born— Mr and Mrs. M. medical attention. t A sack lunch was sorted follow ing 1 of Mr. Metlley. who divides honors c. Spores are the parents of a daugh­ Small Girl Hurt— The sm all d^ugh the cerem ony und lodge business s e s ­ with Gordon 8. W ells, deputy prosecu Pirrie Pays Fine— Robert Pirrie. Jr., ter born at the Pacific Christian hos­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Carter of sion. tor. i paid of tine of $15 in the recorder's pital last Thursday. Sw lsshom « was brought here Monday : Practice of the degree stall Is I court last Thursday when he pleaded S en ten ces resulting from th ese acti­ V isit at Newport— Mr. and Mrs. guilty to a charge of disorderly con­ after she had fallen and injured h >r vities totaled 21.449 days. Twenty scheduled for Friday «veiling In the ( wrist. An X-ray proved that no bone» Frank Sid well and son. Vern. spent duct. lodge hall, officers announced. were brokeu and that the wrist usd | four and a half years of penitentiary the past week-end at Newport enjoy­ sen ten ces were given lam e county DINNER FOR TWO Carlton« Have Guest— Miss Belle only been sprained. ing the beach. liquor law violators. F ines assessed After you have mad« « dinner engage H iree of Chicago is a visitor at the Her« from W isconsin— Mr. unit Mrs during (he period totaled $97,306 00 Here on Visit— Mr and Mrs. Harry home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carltou. n e a t you wonder wbero you will go W ithers and son. Harry, Jr., are here Mrs. Carlton and Mtss H lrse are J. H Bean and crlldren of W isconsin and of th is amount $<6,62090 was fur a delicious meal amid pl«aaaut sur are here visitin g the former's mother. paid. visitin g relatives. They live in Port­ sisters. For u few days I am offering n roundings In such e sse bring her to Mrs. F. E. Bean They toog a trip to F'tfty percent of the fines goes Into land. new 4-room house w ith -lire our restaurant und every desire will Here from Canada— Miss Kathleen Newport last week, returning here the stute prohibition »im m lsstoner's place, hardwood floor in living be gratified. Our d ish es are well Return from Coast— Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson of Lang. Sask., Canada, is Monday evening with a line catch of fund until he receives a total of $60.- prepared and courteously served. Our room fo r 12000. Terms $25 Enoch Stuart aftd son Prank, and spending several days in Springfield sea bass fi«9 and from then on the remainder , (|()W „ j.Jf) n io n th A ,g() m enus Include the d elicacies of th« I« l.t I Into »»• • the 4, M 4»»a««r tnonth. Idaho Printer Here— M F. Wernuck. their camp on L. F. Anderson's place 10.000 PEOPLE VISIT Return from Coast— Mrs. A. H. forem an in the H alley. Idaho, T im es WM. VASBY, Reni Estate Washburn and daughter, Mrs. Helen office stopped here Monday enroute north of the eitv. Mr. Anderson fur­ SHOWING OF NEW BUICK <>l«l Bank llltlg, 2ml ami Malli St. nished the girls the cam ping place Martin returned from Newport Sun­ to E ugene where he Is visitin g friends TONY ORAVDS. Prop. Springfield and wood for their outing Tables day after spending several days there for the next 10 days. More than 10,000 Lune county poo i were built by George Perkins. The on an outing. pie saw the new "silver anniversary" Rest at Lake— Mr. and Mrs M M camp was pronounced very su ccessfu l Bulck displayed at the Pettyjohn Back from Medford— Mrs. Bernice Peery and Mr. and Mrs. Welby and will likely be held another year. Motor com pany show room s last week, Van Valxah returned Sunday from S tev en s returned here last Sunday according to attach es of the company Medford after attending the sta te con­ after spending a week at W allowa C yclist Is Injured Among this xrnup of visitors wus a vention of the American Legion and lake. "Mike" Bainbridge, em ploye of (he large number of Springfield people, it auxiliary. was reported S eaveys are Back— Mr. and Mrs. Booth Kelly Lumber company. rec­ Automobile en lh u sla sts were said -o Return After V isit— Mrs. D. C. E ng­ J ess Seavey and children returned eived slight bruises lust Thursduv In on ler lo reduce our large stock of llu ls land and children returned to their this w eek from Warm Springs where even in g when be was struck by a car tie pleased with the new features In we »re offering for Sulurday Duly, I Mldsuin hom e at W estim ber T uesday after they spent their vacation. W hile th en ’ and thrown from h is bicycle. His the ear. lin e of the ch ief ch an ges tjf nuil Hut FREE a lili purchase of a new Fall v isitin g here with the former's they made a trip to Odell lake and elbow s and knees were Injured ana In the body lin e s .’ It is pointed out Felt nr Silk lint. Large ami sm all h ead slses The pr'nclpal motor features have mother, Mrs. C. 1. Gorri?, for several over the Skyline trail. he received other bruises. been retained The Eugene company w eeks. C learance of Bummer D resses. 1 lot reduced N O T I C E T O C R E D IT O R S Mr«. Magill III— Mrs Mary C. Magill has enough orders to keep busy for a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Tha- Here from Portland— Mr. and Mrs. was seriou sly ill at her home last S at­ the undersigned has been appointed | tim e. It was said. Elton Worden and Mrs. W orden's urday and Sunday. She was threaten­ by the County Court of the State or parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. W alt­ ed with ptom aine poisoning, but del1' R??*ir|t u O<*e l’ Mabel Chadwick, secieta ry of the I Mr. Page Improving— L. K. Page, Violet Odell, Florence Odell. Margaret . _ . 7 I who w as recently operated upon at Odell, and Darrell Odell, will, pursu-1 ° o ,r a - the Pacific Christian hospital at Eu­ ant to an order o f the County Court In ■ E verything we can do to put It over gene Is reported improving. His and for Lane County. Oregon, on th is and make It a fair to be remembered ! 10th day of Septem er. A D . 1928 at an(1 | D(.,d en ta „ y bp remembered | You can store your brother. Nelson Page o f Oakland. Cal­ 11 A. M. offer for sale to the highest There 1» no gasoline that beat» Ethyl for mileage and favorably. Is being done No stone ' memory with a million ifornia, was called here on account bidder the follow ing described real power. User« declare It takes them three or four miles w ill be left unturned to build this prem ises, to-wit snapshots through our of the local man’s Illness. more per gallon. It keeps the carbon out of your car too, Beginning at the southeast cornei .oad to a su ccess In 1928 glasses. of the southeast one-fourth of th- and saves engine overhauling. "We have new buildings and have Murphys on Trip— Mr and Mrs. northeast one-fourth of Section ♦. I painted up and cleaned up the old We're glad to tell you more about Ethyl. Drive In here. D allas Murphy are on a m onth's trip Tow nship N ineteen South. Range One Make Appointments ones W e have moved the stab les an.l , W est, th en ce running west 30 roil", You’ll be greeted with a smile whether you want som ething ' to Montana. They were accom panied thence north 80 rods, th ere« east 30 graded around the track Whenever Possible Among the or not. by Mr. Murphy's sister who had been rods, thence south SO rods to place new buildings Is the Industrial build f visitin g here from Great Ealla. Mont- of beginning, containing fifteen acres j J ana. The local people will visit of land, more or less, in Lane County, Ing financed by 36 E u g e n e m erchants. ] D r. ^ H e r m a n ID . H t o o f o O regon; and In wh'cb they each will have an Y ellow stone national park and other said sale to be held at Room No. 1 exhibit. There Is also the 4-H club | j points of Interest in the m lddlew est O T T O M E T tiIS T ' F V F S IC K T V K IA L IS T j in the First N ational Bank Building LUM ANDERSON. Prop. l u i l ’lng which will represent hun- . a u n t a l l M I N K OLCC. PMONt SOI before returning here about the last Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, subject (A » T DROAOW AV , ('-"ds of boys and girls of Iotne county ! ; to the approval of the County Court. The New Place at Second and Main Streets of August. eU C E N E -O R E . HENRY ODELL. Guardian who are In thia club m ovem ent. A I A. 9 16-23 30: S 6: new con cession pavilion and a new 1 autom obile show building are fea­ O R D ER TO SH O W CAUSE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE tured am ong other Im provements at STATE OF OREGON FOR THE the grounds this year." COUNTY QF LANE Prem ium list recently gotten out by In the Matter of the Guardianship of the fair board, show s that apprnxl Datus E Odell, Robert D. Odell, m ately $5000 will be given in cash Violet Odell. Florence Odell. Marg­ prises to w inners In the livestock aret Odell. Darrell Odell. Minors. THE ABOVE MATTER com ing duly shorw. Hors« s alone will bring their | before the Court upon the petition of ow ners nearly $1000. the guardian herein for licen se to sell All persons m aking en tries are the real prem ises particularly de- urged to follow the rules and Inatruc- arrlbed as follow s. to-wlt: B eginning at the southeast corner lion s as set forth in the premium Hat. of the aoutheast one-fourth of the The fair gTonnda will be open for the n o ith ca st uiie fourth of S.-ction Four 14), T ow nship N ineteen (19) South. reception of exhibits tw o daya before STANDARD O IL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. Range One Weat, theiWe running the fair opens w est 30 rods, thence nogth 80 pods, A. E. McCornack la general superin­ th en ce ea st 30 rods, thence south 80 tendent of the livestock departm ent, rods to the place o f beginning, con 56 S T O R E S talnlng fifteen (15) acres of land, with the follow ing m anagers of d ivi­ more or less. In foine County, Oregon sions: And It appearing to the Court that H. L. Plank. Jersey ca ttle; Raymond the foregoing real estate con stitu tes Johnson, sh eep and goats; J. W Max- the en tire esta te belonging to said , wards, and that there |„ no available **" • *’ ,nP ' Jpd W W heeler, poultry; m eans of support of said wards, ex- ’ • ” • Howland, rabbits, IN T H E W E S T cept through the property above de - - ■ ¡scribed, and that said property pro F O R M E R M D N T A N A N Q TCI 605 - 609 Willamette St. Eugene. Oregon vldes no Income In its present status. K M UNIANANb T O and It Is n ecessary for the m ainten­ HOLD ALL-DAY MEETING ance and -upport of said minors that STARTING WEDNESDAY AUGUST 8TH the sam e be reduced to cash by said petitioner In order to provide m eans 1 All people of 8prlngfleld and vicinity for th« care and support of said chll- who form erly lived In Montana have i dren. It Is. therefore. been Invited to attend a picnic of the ORDERED that the next of kin o f Montana club at R iverview park in 1 said ward« together with all persons ,, 0,1 »*• rrom Inter st fi in said estate appear before The Goodrich Silvertown tread with its balanced this Court in the County Cpurt Room all parts of Lane county will take of the Court House in Eugene. Ixine their fam ilies to the all-day outdoor design and center of flexibility wears long and I County, Ore-gon, at the hour of It event. o'clock A. M. on the 3rd day o f Sept­ evenly without cupping. Its gripping traction Coffee, cream and sugar w ill be fur­ ember, 1928, to show cause. If any Covering the Entire Breier Chain! Appealing to the Con­ there he. why a licen se perm itting nished by the club, but those rwho a t­ m akes fast driving safe. the sale of said property for the pur tend w ill take their lunch which will sum ing Public-of-the-W est! poses set forth should not be granted; be served at ntxjn Gam es and am use­ A VALUE GIVING FRIENDS HIP-BUILDING and it Is further CRDERED that a copy of this order m ents have been planned for the en- INSTITUTIONAL CAMPAIGN he personally served on the next of tire day. kin of said minors, and all persons In Involving several hundred thousand dollars worth of New, forested In the esta te above described, Former Springfield Woman Injured a t least ten days prior to the date Specially Selected Merchandise— That de­ Mrs. Roy Flora Is In the McMinn o f bearing above provided; or aald mands your Immediate Attention! CRDER shall be published at least vllle hospital suffering from serious three w eeks prior to the date of said Injuries received In an autom obile a c­ WHEREVER YOU LIVE! hearing In The SpUngfleld N ew s, a cident on the highw ay betw een Carle­ WHATEVER YOU DO— new spaper of general circulation lij ton and M cM innville July 28. Mrs. L f«n County, Oregon 533 Main Street Springfield Phone 95 DATED at Eugene, Oregon, thl» 9th Abbie Lynch, her mother, has return­ day o f August. A. D., 1928 ed to Sprlngfiold after visitin g her C. P. BARNARD. County Judge. daughter at the hospital. A. 9-16-23 30: For Sale sa Drop-In Cafe (II M IL L IN E R Y 2 fo r 1 S A L E $5.00 8th Avenue Hat and Dress Shop nr" E thyl Gas it in a Class By Itself! Lum’s Service Station KILLS insects by the roomful Come to This 10-Day Sales Event here’s your answer to balloon tire wear of Superior Merit We Reduce Tire Costs Wm. Rodenbough “Everything Automotive’' Remember to Come!