4 T ry the Hom e P rin t Shop F trat 1.1rHE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-FIFTH YKAIt WALKER AND POOLE RPRINGF1ELD. IJ\NE COUNTY. OREGON THURSDAY AUGUST ». 1»28 a OVERDUE BOOKS ARE EMMIT A. APGER. 58, SOUGHT BY LIBRARY RESIDENT OF MARCOLA BOARD; 100 ARE OUT PASSED AT HOSPITAL How will the Sprlngfleld public I library recover «lore than 100 book» i now In the hand* of reader* In thia vicinity? The librarian, through the library board, bad Issued a call for the b in h ' ,n ordar • P<>“'P«P«« «««lit >' ib* library may be made before the lib­ rary la opened on full achedule thia Angling Privacy is Denied Hoover ROWLAND J. PARKER SUCCUMBS TO HEART TROUBLE SATURDAY “ T h s People's Papar** A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 31 SCHOOL WILL OPEN ON SEPTEMBER I? Kmmlt A Apgar. 68, for many year* Rowland John 8. Parker, 23, who a realdent of the Marcola community, Presidential Nominee Find* Hie had spent 16 years of his life In Followers Too Numerous to died at the Eugene hoapltal Wednea- Sprlngfleld. died at bis parent«' home Springfield And Eugene Under­ day morning after an lllneaa of more Permit Good Fishing hern last Saturday morning. He was Date For Starting of Class«« than two year*. HI* aur.tvor* in­ taking Plante Are Merged and the son of Mr. and Mrs. John (’. Shifted One Week Later On "There are two tlmea when a man Parker, native* of Lane County and clude Frank Apger of Hprlnglteld, a Two Familiee Exchange Reei- Account of Teacher«* Insti­ brother, and a atater, Mra. Jerry ahould be alone— when he praya and for many years resldeats of Sprlng­ dences; Recent Deal Second tute and Hop Picking; Roof Walker, Hlllaboro. fleld. when he flahe*." Change Within Past Year. Repairing Contract Awarded. The youth's death followed a long Horn In 1870 at Clinton, Iowa, hla Herbert Hoover, republican preal Illness of heart trouble. family moved to Chico, California, A conaolldallon of two undertaklna d i-n tlal candidate, *atd th l* and m eant Date for the opening of schools here Besides his parents he Is survives Home of the 100 bonk a have been when he waa aix month* old. After bualneaaea, one In Hprlngfleld and the has been changed from September 10 living there for two year* they moved “ when he ,r,"d n8n”” ! ,n Ore«Hn taat by his sister. Miss Eunice, who lives other In Eugene waa completed laat out for a long time. Some of the with her parents here. week. t to September 17. borrower* are away on vacation* and ' to Medfoad, where the children were Friday and announced publicly today He was graduated from the Wash- , At a meeting of the board of educa- W F. Walker and Charlea I’. Poole i otMera are Juat neglectful. Mlaa Mary I r, ar‘’d ln 1896 lhe)r moved to the He had no privacy In the latter pur- have formed a partnership and have Robert», librarian, atatea. i Willamette valley, living In Cervailla ault, with the reault that ne .eft with ingtnn high school at Portland and tion held Monday evening the change took work at the University of Oregon combined the Charlea P Poole chapel A complete Hat of all overdue book* ,or two year*' movlDi «» eaatern Ore- , met,|ng a catch later. He was born at Hoquiam, WM Tot8d Extpn8ion of the vacation gon for aeveral year* and then re- of thia d ly and the Walker funeral la at the library and It may be necea- Ben Dorrt*. Sprlngfleld rancher, a for one more week waa made for two ,b s vlclnl,y °* Marcola , member of the state flah and game Washington. home of Eugene file deal alao In *ary to make a personal call on each i tU5 n,n* Funeral services were held Sunday reasons, school officials stated. In the where Kmmlt Apger ha* realded ever (.omm,gg|on, and Harold Clifford, At volvea a tranafer of .Mr. Poole'a r c * e , of the borrower*. It la atated. at the Christian church of which h e first place teachers In the three I alnce. dence here to Mr. Walker and a bany game warden, met Mr Hoover He waa never married. He waa at Medford representing the atate com- had been an active member. Rev. 8. schools will be required to attend the change of locution for both fantlllea. MANY SEEK POSTMASTER found In hla hotel room at Marcola In mlailon and placed at hla disposal all E. Childers officiated at the church ! Mr. Poole and hla family have move I JOB AT WESTFIR OFFICE a aeml-conacioua condition Tueaday the angling resources this state has to and at the graveside at Laura! Hill j coun«y Institute In Eugene on Sept- to Eugene where they will occupy tho Cemetery where Interment was held. > ember 13 and This would break evening and never became conaclou* offer. apartment* In the funeral home. Mr. _____ _______________j Into the first week of the term when Applicant* for the position a* post before hla death. and Mra. Walker wil return to their "We found Mr Hoover a congenial classes are Just getting under way, It m aster at W e s tfir must live w ith in | | j e wai) a Of M oh aw k lodge I m an, very much lik e the rest of us." JULY MILK TEST SHOWS former home here. is pointed out. the delivery lim it, of the Sprlngfleld N„ m , Q Q f. wh|ch ,M |, haye Mr „a,d n„t yH N a m e * are Chanced ALL DAIRIES CLASS ‘A” , The school board also felt Justified The Eukene establishment will be |i<>* o it In o n .r to qualify for the ‘ charge of the graveside service. Fun- • signed himself to the fact that he I* In extending the vacation on account io i mi mg to alt< r Goaaler. Pra| gerv|cea w||] („.id Friday after- now a public character and will he known aa the Walker-Poole funeral Milk consumers of Sprlngfleld us- i of the hop crop. Picking will be In home and the Springfield mortltorlum *p,'r" a«T of the local civil aervlce coon a, 2 0-clo<.k j treated as such by the people Ing milk from any one of the four ' full swing on about September 3. Tha will go under the name of tne Walker i ,>,,ard 1 ------------------------------ “He and hi* party wept to the dairies covered by the report of the harvest usually takes about two Poole chapel. ! Several application* for the position r,vpr ,u"’ abou‘ 13 from city milk Inspector may be assured weeks. The lengthening of the vaca- Thia la the aceonil change within bave already been receive«, but on LAWRENCE ANDERSON AND ; Rn<',P Medford They got to the river late that they used good milk during the tlon gives children a chance to work the paut year for the tiwo men. Gu "frounl of the residence qualification i MISS CAPPS WILL MARRY ,n the evening and had little chance month of July. the hop yardg without missing any December 20, 1927, Mr. Poole, Mi i *bey have been turned down. Those ... , ~ to flah. Mr. Hoover got up at 5 o’clock A report of the tests made during school, Louise Dunnigan Capps of 81*7*1 . liityt i . . . . . Walker and J A ------ llu*h who then • •* ■ *• who are eligible for the Job must have g Ml*s .. ,, , ! next morning and went Into a riffle. the month shows that the first two Contract Is Let operated the Eugene parlurs made a llvpd ,n Sprlngfleld for at least two Dallas. Texas, and Lawrence Ander- Bpf()rp h(1 had hardly arrived he was of three tests made were good. The ! Contract for repairing the roof of ' son of Sprlngfleld will be married thl* three-cornered transaction. The lal- >’®ar* prior to the date of the exai surrounded by a flock of cameramen third test showed the bacteria count ! the high school gymnasium was let 1er took over Mr. Poole's place in “*H°n which Is set following the tll- evening, It was announced this morn- I and Medford people who waded Into high for the reason that the milk wan to Roy Foster of Evgene. Only one Ing Mlaa (-appa arrived here with her I r|ypr to g(jt p|ctnre I-ebanon, Mr. Poole came here ami ,n* °f applications on August 24. not kept on Ice as It should have been other company submitted a bid. The mother Mrs f appa. from Dallas on | ..xlth „ hp was no, digM,urteoug, Mr. Walker went to Eugene. j ' The dairies covered by the report , work will include a new roof all ove- W ednesday morning. he gp, g hH ..fl|n(y.. when he ff)und are the Cline, Montgomery. Peterson the building. 9everal leaks developed The chief reason given for the moat SPRINGFIELD STUDENTS recent change was that Mr Walker a-r-v-trair» e i .a a .a p e , Lawrence Anderson la a brother of ; that he was to have no privacy on his and Riverside. All these dairies were last year. A four-ply roofing paper desired to get back to Sprlngfleld ATTEND SUMMER SCHOOL Lum F. Anderson snd came here last re lt outing ” given an A” classification. , , vill be used. The Job will be finished where he has lived for more than 40 . l WJiat la considered the most auc ' ,em ber fri>m Dalla» H« *• , At no time during hla observation I — -------------- .before school opens.. years and ha. been In business for [ „ulnmer gchf has been laboring is plainly visible, h e, Springfield's city casn receipts for ment. particularly swings, will be In- unquestionably as good equ pment aa . ... . . us ness. Mrs. ( apps will return to nnt<]. ¡the month of July look pretty sizeable ' »Billed and repair work done to the ... . .. . reaentatlvea In the enrollment of over Texas on Saturday. any other similar business .In th-- ..... . <- . . . . . <> Mr Hoover Inquired of Mr. Dorris *s the result of some »5718.36 paid la gymnasium. A. J. Morgan, supervls- . cítate. . . . . i. i. . . . , , . . , 500 are Genevieve Beaman, a major m It 1 m pointed out. SnirnlUM enuln ' u *t a* how the flah rearing prAid system. ' to the tax fund during that period. fn8 principal of the high school, was e- ” 4“'P .education; Mrs. Aurora Humphreys, tnent In each place muy I»- used to which the former supported several | Three Items of taxes, one for »1005.- authorized to have this work done. I who Is a major in education; and Mrs. McLAGANS WILL BEGIN advantage, the proportelo™ stats. AUTO TRIP TO THE EAST ypari' 18 w°rklng out The eom-j 38. another for »3900 00 and another Arrangements are being made for Mary JC. Walker, also a major in Some of the overhead expenses are kduia(|^n mlssioner told him the idea Is success- for 8813.00. /were received during the . one additional room In the Lincoln I also cut down, chiefly In the release — building to accommodate an extra _______ _ 1-eavlng Sunday morning by way of ful "nd ha’ ho>n used In Oregon for month. These students ____ have __ attended of one employe. W llfreif Allen, who claasea conducted by educators from lh® McKensle pass and eastern Ore- 8ov**ral years Other Items listed In the summary *ra«« room will be provided In it e Eugene home. Harold Pools and mlx.pt with Rtudents from all and 8ona- Russell and Robert, will 1 ,hal hp have hi’" picture taken hold- Recorder 1. M. Peterson follow: Gen- bpforp »chool opens. will divide hl* I.me aa UHalaUnt In part* of the country, many of them b<,*ln a ,r |P to ,he Eaf,t ’ 8,rinB of flsh whlch someone eral fund. »1706 98; Bancroft sinking A door wi" be cut in tbe Brattaln each of the place* uh soon aa hla sum educators from Middle Western state« They will first visit relatives 'nj®!’ * . ha^ ‘'au*h t Hp refused point fund, »249 45; Improvement fund. 8ch001 for ,hp convenience of the mer vacation engagements in different here Io spend their vacation In study eastern Oregon and then start for ' **n,.,n* ,ha* 'f ®°u'dn * eaten »54.74; street improvement. »813.07- Pr«nc«Pel- The door will be between part* of the atate are completed. and enjoyment of Oregon's outdoor» Michigan by way of the Yellowstone | / ° " n R *ouldn t have hf.w real estate, »25 00; library, »98.11; ber offlce and thp room In which she Friends of the Poole family ex- -------- --------------------- ¡National park. They will visit Mrs. P'C,Ure ,aken w,,h any bond sinking fund, »1236.15; bond in- «eacbes in order that she may go into preaaed surprise un.l regret at losing “* ' terest, »1898.37. tbe °«0ce without having to walk Mcl-agan’s childhood home In Free- them from the community. Both Mr. CELEBRATION AT COAST ----------- - -------------- through the corridor. mnnt, Michigan, and her sister In GRADUATES OF 1Q15 mid Mr*. Poole have been active In t C iia / m d d a u c o o ..a .z - « h u rch ..civic and fraternal affair* T°W N PROVES PUZZLING Gulliver, Michigan, whom she has SPRINGFIELD GROUP TO Teacher is Elected AND 1916 HOLD GET- d i a si . Mi88 PearI E McMullen, who ha« ------ - i not seen for 12 years. They wll also slr.ee coming here, laical people are LAN COUNTY MEETING lived in Sprlngfleld for a number of TOGETHER AT RESORT Despite the warning of the Sluslaw visit other relatives and schoolmates high In their praises of the aervlce years, and whose pareats live here, given by Mr. I'....... In his business p '* !“ber ° f ron,,npr' « «hat roads ’ », |„ Grand Rapids and Flint. Michigan. Plans for the Lane county conven­ More than 20 graduates of Spring- here. ' business Horence are dangerous. Junction City Mr MrI ...... .. was elected to fill a vacancy In the tion of the W. C. Mr. McLagan will in me the Y« years of 1915 cussed ». . , T 1 Tnl be *” ’ ■ «ea t*>inR staff of the Brattaln school tu« ................ " " attend the Na- field ,,vul high school » « ’1 '»» ' W ill send a i lurirp (Ipl.wnHnn * tlonal Association of Power Engineer-, and 1916 got together for a reunion cussed at a special meeting of the ,e, t by the .esignation of Miss Doris I celebration for August 18 If there is a celebrat'l.m | c”n'.pnt,',n a‘ Dptrol‘ «nd visit some at Milllron resort, near Seavev's h°P i ^ aP‘Pr thP ,ea««* ! H n u / Miss McMullen will teach tha WALTERVILLE MAN WILL of the large steam plants in Chicago yards, Sunday. ; room at the Methodist church on Frl- fifth A e r a d o cs e u j u ENTER REALTY BUSINESS The celebration was originally an They will return by way of Great) A temporary organization was form - 1day ot tb*8 * pp8 -------------- had ab°"‘ --------- I nounce.l for that date and an Invlta- Salt Lake and California where they led. although only one officer was ap -, be cal,pd “> ° rdpr at 2:30 o'clock ’’ 1 a ^ w a s ^ r L ’^ / r t O i e « .« « . I w e s o p i l l l t l i A K Jennings, for several year« tlon was extended to all organizations w ill visit M r M c !.» r» n '« . ( . t o r in .... - Frances ______ _ . The ------------------- ... be , held , field * was principal of the West Spring- The countv county --- convention will school for will visit Mr McLagan's sister In pointed. . Miss Travis was an winplove of the Eugene Water In the I-ane county chamber of com some time. in Springfield on August 22. Com Escalon, California. They expect to named secretary. Board at Wallervllle, hns received his j msree, which Includes Sprlngfleld She took work at the University of return here about October 1. | One of the most interesting diver- slate license Io sell real estate and j Then the event was called off. but • " » ■ « - « ... now lh, co„ „ w I slons of the afternoon was a review of .“ - X will be located In the W. W Walker i Junction City sent a letter that Its ! the old high school year books. From WOODCRAFT LODGE WILL sessor’s office In E uzene real estate office on Main street here I representatives were going anyway. the class prophecy In one oi the books 7 member8 M«88 McMullen was elected from I Mr. Jennlng* will operate with Mr Now the Florence folk are trying to INI". IATE ONE CANDIDATE it was found that four of the predlc- p resen t^ t i h 7 Walker, but no parlnerahlp has been figure out whether or not to have a _________ . '______ of 16 applicants to fill the vacancy. One candidate was Initiated Into | ,,<,n" 88 to ,he fu,ure of ,hp "«“dents ELECTRIC SIRFN 1A/II 7 formed He opened hla activities here celebration. N° ° ther teacl‘,n< P°8lt1“"8 «re now Tuesday, Pine Circle No. 46. Neighbors of | *rad“a «lnK «hat year were cbrrect. EN WILL open and unless someone resigns be- Woodcraft at the meeting In the lodge j 14 ,s p,annpd to make the reunion Mr. Jennings has moved, with his BE RETURNED BY CITY fore school opens, the teaching staff family, to the corner of Ninth and K BEN DORRIS ELECTED TO hall last evening. A regular business .*n ann“81 affa«r- A president snd . . _ ’ ! win «»« complete in all three schools. A siren that cannot be heard would I ________ -__________ streets and expects to reside here ATTEND NATIONAL MEEET . session proceeded t h e Inltlatlory other oQlrers will be elected and a permanent organisation formed. be of no particular use to the city oi ! CITY COUNCIL TO H O L D permanently. This Is his first experi­ " ! ceremony. Teachers In the high school during Sprlngfleld, city officials have decided. Ben Dorris. Sprlngfleld rancher, and ; Lodge members whose names began ence In the real estate bnslii -s. MEETING NEXT MONDAY The siren sent here for trial was prominent In American Legion work I with the letter “T" served refresh- 1915 and 1916 came in for a good deal tested out last week with the result of discussion, with the graduates re­ In this Rtate. will be one of the 17 j mentR at the clone of the meeting, FORMER LOCAL MAN DIES With several matters to come ttp delegatee from Oregon who will at* Theee member* were Mra. J. E. Trot* lating the tricks they had played on that It was heard over only a small AT HOME IN S. DAKOTA fend the national convention of the , ter. Mrs. W. A. Taylor and Mrs O. F. Ihe Instructors while they were In radius. It Is stated that some of tha for discussion, a m eeting of tha residents within the city limits "could 1 Spr,ngfleld c,ty council la scheduled school veterans' organization In San Antonio, Thatcher. Sam McElhany, former well known for next Monday evening in the city not hear the electrical device. * > - October 6 to 10. He war elerted ai hall. « ¿ . 7 1 « r ? 7 7 J ' ’ <’ -'.Ud7 n_’r ,hp 8ta‘" co»’ « » '» » -which close,! at The steam whistle at tbe Booth- MORE YOUNGER PLAYERS Florence. 8. D„ recently, according to SPRINGFIELD MERCHANTS Routine business matters of soma Medford last week-end. ARE SOUGHT FOR BAND Kelly mill has been used for years Importance will he talked over at the word received here by relatives. Hla ATTEND PORTLAND EVENT as a fire alarm and will probably he Bert Bates of Roseburg, Carl Gab- brother, Leslie, Is in South Dakota Boys of Sprlngfleld are paasing up utilised for this purpose until a satis­ August meeting, according to I. M. rlelson of Salem, and Neal Morfitt of to attend the funeral. Several Sprlqgfleld merchants at- an opportunity seldom offered when factory siren can be purchased by the Peterson, city attorney and recorder. are other delegates from tho Mr. McElhany lived In Oregon for Astoria wh« E. E. Kepner has recently been ap­ » .ii _ t - v „ . . ¡tended annual Buyers' Week In Port they full to enroll In tile band now city. a number of years and spent two state who will go. The Salem drum land , hlB lW„ k pointed city engineer to take the under way, according to H. K. Fhllllpe, corps will participate ln the Texas ! „ years In Sprlngfleld. He is a nephew meeting place of Simon Klovdahl who resigned j portIan(1 flrm" RponRor the annual manager, who today Issued a call to icteho Editor Her* of Mrs. C. O. Kellogg and U. O. Mc­ affair to which merchantR from- all parents to urge their boys to Join the Mr. and Mrs. William A. -Fyne cf at the first of the year. Since there Oregon and Washington delegations parts of the state are Invited. Special Elhany who live near here. Hazelton, Idaho, arrived here last has been no engineering work to do band. He Is survived by a widow and child will go to the meeting probably on a showings of stocks are arranged and The organization Is In need of youn­ night to visit their son, E. E. Pyne. this year, the city was without this special train, Mr. Dorris said. | |n many cases special prices. The and his parents. ger talent to supply aeveral of the Mr. Pyne, senior, |g editor of the First official until the appointment recently hosts pay transportation expenses and aectlons of the band with more In­ Segregation News at Haxelton. The by Mayor G. G. Bushman. TWO MARCOLA WORKMEN furnish accommodations for the pur­ struments. Baritone, trombone, oboe, visitors came here from Seattle by VASBY REALTY COMPANY chasing merchants. INJURED IN ACCIDENTS and tenor saxophone players especi­ stage. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Pyne and HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF TAKES BANK BUILDING ally are needed at this time, he said. Mrs. Nellie Jordan wll! accompany CHURCH ENJOYS PICNIC A fractured skull