'AGF TOUR TUR 9PRINGFIKUD NBWS FIXING VALUES THE SPRINGFIELD NEW S T il UUS DAY AUGUST 2. 1D2H Return from Mountalna— Mr and Mra. tain n u Wright returned tu Springfield Sunday a f te r « p e n d in g tw o week« al McKenale Bridge. Home Education How to fliul the value of a piece of property for , assessm en t purposes seem s to be the topic of con- “The Child's FI ret School le the Family"— Froebel ! versation since the O. A. C. professor announced Issued by the National Kindergarten Aeaoelatlon, 8 Weat tilth his findings. One m ight as well adm it that noth ' Portlander« Return Home— Mr and Street. New York City. Three articles are appearing weekly In i in itself has fixed value in th is world. The Mr« Jni k Lilted drove to trelr homo our column«. . . . ‘ governm ent has to g u a ra n te e a >5 gold piece to BDlerm . . c l... m .ll.r, F-bru.r, 1» ) ,h . I „ ,|„ .rw ,s|. ,, WOu|,l J u t . In Portland Hunday Mr« l.lile ll baa poatofflce, Springfield. Oregon been a guest nt her brother and sister- tu a te with th e value of the m etal which com poses TH E MEEK-AS-MOSES CHILD In laiw, Mr. and Mra. R. K Morrison, it. In tax atio n as in business all we can hope for M A I L S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E for the pant fortnight, amt M r Llttell F lo re n c e S h a lb y is relative values th a t will be som ew here near Ona year In Advance___ *1.75 Three Months drove down Saturday afternoon growing. c o r r e c t W hat a m an buys a p a rticu la r piece of Mv ,,w‘r Helen; •tx Months ..._ __________ *1.00 Single Copy W rite me again, dear, and don't porperty for or what he sells it for m ay or m ay not 1 am *® t*“'1 >ou wrote me about THURSDAY AUGUST S. 1928 be som ew hat n e a r Its value depending upon the ,,u,e George Yea. Indeed, a child crowd your little man with too many RELIEF FROM CURSE circu m stan ces of the buying or selling. But what n,ax **• ",o° sood .” as you aay. It jprecept« „ lo ss hl» wee, human heart! OF CO NSTIPATION LET TH E LEGISLATURE REGULATE WATER a certain class of property is generally bought or '• of «'«»urae not exactly goodness, this Sincerely yours. A list tic Croak physlcvwi. ssy s. "< ho- Isold for is p retty clear evidence as to w hat th at «!»*»< up to other» »«> easily Like AUNT MYRA. POW ER DEVELOPM ENT atlputlon Is responsible for more m te- class of property is w orth and m ight as well he tnanv virtue«, m eeknesa carried to an ery than any other cause " T he initiative bills proposing to close th e tak e n so fo r tax atio n purposes. It Is the class o f extrem e become« a falling—an Mnper- SO M ETHING NEW; lint Immediate relief has been found. Rogue,, McKenzie, D eschutes and U m paqua property th a t is not m oving and apparently h a s j ,e c ,*on of character. A TALKING FLEA A tablet called Itexall Orderllee haa no cash value th a t w orries the assessor. j Nor can >”» begin too early to rivers to w ater pow er developm ent an d irrigation been dlacovered. Thia tablet attracta • • • educate your boy In thia regard. It London. Aug 2. (A C )— Professor m ay have som e m erit a t least in subject m a tte r . . . should be before he ever become« con- Vittorio **tr«*tll promise« to prenent w ater from (ho system Into the Uay but like m ost legislation it should be enacted bv W e h e a r a lot in O regon about developing our hlll weakneo. H very In the forthcom ing flea circus a talking dry. evacuating bowel called the colon. th e legislature a fte r th o ro u _ g h consideration. F o r ¡cheap w a te r power, but w hen a pow er site is d e - ____________ mUch harder ___ to __________ overcom e __ a failing. _ _______ ______ ___flea, that com m unlcatea with whom It The water loosens the dry fo o l w aste th a t reason these m easu res should be defeated *‘e a ' w a>’8 m any hundreds of thous- you know. If you once get the notion ro#Y tapping out signals In a sort of nnd causes a se n ile , thorough, natural and a dem and m ade on th e legislature for re g u la t­ an d s of dollars expended. In th e b u rn ers behind that you were "just naturally born "•’’’I’l* Morse code against it* head movem ent without forming a habit or th e th o u san d s of saw m ills in Oregon m ore energy thB( way "—and can t help it. I with ««• powerful leg« The flea used ever Increasing the dose ing these stream s. goes to w aste th a n will ever be developed in o u r , remem ber once going io the Post 1 wo *“ P8 f,,r “no" and three tor "ye« Stop suffering from constipation. The flea 1« «aid to try vainly and ‘ It is im p o rtan t th a t the recreatio n al adv an tag es feasible w a te r pow er projects. Why c a n ’t we O(Bce wtIh one of my own m tie Chew a Itexall Orderlle at night Next utilize m ore of it for electrical pow er— th u s help- d. UKhter.. sh e thought it . great ad with apparent anger, to com m unicate of these fo u r rivers be preserved. It is also im ­ day bright. Get 2t for She today at ing the lum ber Industry and also m ake unneces- venture , o buv m t u dim e « worth of with other flea» that do not seem to the nearest Itexall Drug S tore— (Adv ) po rtan t th a t th e salm on industry, one of th e sary a lot of expensive dam s and canals. ! , , anipa al ,h„ w|ndow wh„# , wm gel the Idea largest in the state, be protected and once these , busy with other mall It happened ! s tre a m s are rendered unfit fo r spaw ning grounds R ecently a fellow w ho put a classified advertise- ,hat 1 fln|"hed before the long "line“ then the Colum bia river Salm on fishing is gone. m ent in a paper for a lost dog received 27 dogs in ln * h,y eye »«e pompous usurper And he waited his T he 1928 lam b crop in th e 13 w estern s ta te s is _ 11 _ per cent larger v th ..o » c i year, ■ v «., a according w v n u iii in Every once in a while we h e a r a man say, turn. an u . last to governm ent statistics. T hese ' 13 s ta te s produce „i?.l.isinev s .*s b u s*nes®-" o r th a t he follows “a rt for The point, of course, is not that i 68 per cent of th e lam b crop. This y ears crop is °,r ,- at be as a 8c*e n tif’l <’arp only for won out. but that It gave me a chance over 17 million lam bs. B ecause of th e stro n g J 1* * ? 1“ !’ n„ot f° r ,ts P ractical results, and so on to teach my little daughter to hold dem and this is expected to be a profitable sheep '"L act ,18 h um anity is not put in w ater-tight her awn. Hours of “talk would not co m p artm en ts. hav# oprne<) ,h„ eye> of her under year. E verything you do afreets all p a rts of your n a - 1 <" an‘,,nK ** d,d ,hat ,,,M* experience H erbert H oover com es to O regon to do his fishing. Once he is president we m ight induce him to have his sum m er W hite H ouse on th e Me- Kenzie or the R ogue or som e o th e r good fishing stream . T his is an added reason why we should vote for him. Iu r e - n n .., -i i v , __ „ . Very carefully, I tried to show her afterw ards that If m e man had been The Dunne au to license and gas tax bills c a n ’t very good. Even th e a u th o r now rep u d iates them . T h at s the trouble w ith o u r initiative pro- visions, any boob can in itiate a n y sort of a law ssj 60 to ,h e e w W hat you do in business reflects on your art. ; w hat you do in a rt colors your business, and what hLe’*»«' ? 7 ° “»'- b*.’ * " lo*"ly you think in religion has m uch to do with your ’ y' ° n y°" *° nr"'’ Scientific conclusions. M ankind is one, one or- h'.r. . neXt . '“J " ganic whole, and its various d ep artm en ts of acti- * ’ B<,t h" I v vity i t v h have o v o m erely been listed / for — ________ Again. re M artha convenient , alw ay s had a wav feren ce- T h e Y do not exist in reality. ‘ wham' Vh* p l a y e d - ' n y ' ' ? , ’" m ik j If your religion is ugly and cruel vour business G,'orK'' >• som ething you cannot teach over 5000. Oregon mills se n t out last vear over j^on in v estigating som e perfectly useless m atter. Georg,- in a minute. Helen so:.-- 150,000 w om en's c o a ts B usiness m u st be beautiful. Art in som e wav he very .ike.y win im ust rest upon a business basis. ' ^ 7 7 - o win he a r,-.,, , | help If you make It clear to him that h o u rs from New York by A m an c an n o t have hj8 w ho,e ,, , he cannot suffer m ju r, without hav- a ir mail. T his m eans a g rea t deal to th e business in )iteraturet he niu st have 3ense en o u „ h K, ing the wrong reflected upon th os- n n / M ’’7 ’ » lyfiW,th tfheH,OV ringu ° f th e lette r 'm a rk e t his w ares. g tO , nearest and d e s .e s , ,0 him If you postage ra te to five cen ts by a irm a il. , Jllat np..n eves the sen se of ,us- , beaut,ful w orks of a rt of past g en eratio n s tied it require« be fair .0 him self W hat storekeepers wish m ost is th a t m ore ¡ J nfl,U7 ^ e -U,^ n -belLeVer8J n reIiK' on a »f| -* x -c iy the »am, a« he would •- is tn a t m ore .-piip-ion is ¡c w w h h at at it it is ow ing to a th ousand o t h e r , 8on,P other b ..y -v o u have done your negro women would ask for flesh colored sto ck ­ religion causes w ithin itself. par, Th„ lnd,v|dual do Mg ! ings. M uch recen t a rt show s contem pt for any but : call and s e e Dr. n . w Km.rv 1 n l i o ^ n ”8’ V H w i tr a ^ i745 . Pontiac Six has long served as an outstanding example of quality—of materials, design and workmanship. No other six so low In price offers bodies by Fisher—with the high- grade coach-work and materials which Fisher provides. None other offers a 186 cu. in. en­ gine-together with the stamina and long life for which Pontiac is famed. And none other enjoys the advantages of Being built in the world’s most modern automobile plant. Why not learn what such high quality of materials, design and construction means to a motor car? Why not drive a Pontiac Six tixlayf Coupe, S7Sf. Spjrt R „aa«,r. «745, Pha-„,n, »77S. 4- floor Srdnn. S/I2S, Sport l.a n d u u Won. M75. k »7»^ O a k la n d All! Ornerai Malora rimo Parmrnt Plan available ai min.mnoi__rr W. R. Dawson, Springfield c dupcr-Liibncation 1928 . raWAVC sax A STANDARD O IL PRODUCT WAR TAX REMOVED, DELI VERED PRICES REDUCED PRODUCT OP OBNBRAL M OM M I “