TUURAPAY AUGUST 2 . 182$ THB 8PRJNGPTHLD NBWfi ------------ Classified Ads LBUYB*»02SEmN6' TgTHCSUUS, No. No. TRAIN SCHEDULE 8prlngfleld Stopa M M TH 1« at 4:27 A. M (Flag) 8 at 3:45 P. M SOUTH 7 at 1:06 P. M 16 at 10:03 P. M (Flag) Some Aim I New York. Aug. X, (AC)—Policeman David Lcnahan, a rookie, ahouted after a speeding car: "Stop or I’ll shoot!” The auto sped on. Ijenahaa drew bis revolver and ttre.1 one .hot. HI. aim was poor, and be wounded himself In the leg. An am butance took him to the hospital PAGE THRBB > ,..I A I T ’ ENGINEER SNEEZES TEETH BACKS TRAIN UP FOR THEM Lexington. Ky., Aug 2. (AC)—A. O. Bush, veteran engineer, had Just start* ed on bis run from Hodgenville ta No, Ellaabethtown when he leaned out No. of bis cab and sneezed He hnrlM hla false teeth Into ditch beside the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION track. The train ran half a mile be* (Publisher) fore he could recover from hla sur* 015301 prise. D ep.rtm .nt of the Interior. U. 8. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Then be reversed the enlgne and Land Office at Roeetourg, Oregon. I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE July 30, 1328. ’ went hack to the scene of hit mla* STATE OF OREGON FOR THE fortune. Both crew and D ss.snxsre NOTICE Is hereby given that Wil­ raJnly (n |he COUNTY OF LANE. liam R Dicker!, of Mabel. Oregon, »bo, on February «, 1924. made Home­ Edward Trapp, Plaintiff, vs., Edmond The train went on, but looking back« stead Entry. Serial No. 015391. for SE>4 P. Pierre, Defendant. ward en engineer saw someone of a NW*4, Section 23. Township 16 South, To Edmond P. Pierre, Defendant: local searching party waving to him! Range 1 West. Willamette Meridian, IN THB NAME OF THE STATE i ^ annf ^ Cke'1 ° ’ T“P ”‘e,h bad has Ried notice of IntoBtlon to make three year Proof. to establish cliam OF OREGON, Too are hereby re­ to the land above described, before E quired to appear and answer the oom- Lstwl was the appiuse and cheering O, Immel, U. 8. Commissioner, at Eu­ plaint Hied against yon In the above a« he restored them to their place! gene, Oregon, on the Sth day of Sep­ entitled' Court and cause on or before tember. 1928. four weeks from the date of the first Claimant names as witnesses: Boy of 12 Saves Fonrth Life William Black, James Klnnaan. publication of thia Summons, and If George Riggs, all of Mabel. Oregon. you fall ao to appear and anrwer, for WMbtagton. Aog 2. (A C )-W a lte f Edward Freeland, of Marcóla, Oregon. ’h““ n' mad« “ 1« fourth rescue want thereof, the plaintiff will apply Non-eoel whpn ««'ed a man to the Court for the relief demanded i t " HAMILL A. CANADAY, Register. In said complaint, tocwlt: For the sum from drowning |„ the A nacostl. river, A. 2-9-18-23-30: of Eight and 26-100 Dollars (»8.25); O R ° * « \ ¿ f ° .7 J « ’ _ py « ‘-'CATiON for the further sum of Four Hundred: 8UF wOR»z-i - ' v a n o N i im «^CLOSURE OF TAX LIEN 8he: “8lr, do you realize whom you Dollars (8409 00), together with In are speaking to? I am the daughter of terest thereon at the rate of six per IX_ J HE CIRCUIT COURT OF THB an English Peer.” cent per annum from and since the \ c o b-L £.J)P OREOOX, FOR LAX 3 He: “Not so fast. I am the son of l«th day of August. 1927; for the fur -j Arthur L. Mat A m e i/i n n zl ä .. u * _ T V.. _ J _s < *■ > < _ Plaintiffs3vi' ‘ ther sum of ry Three Hundred Seventeen Matoon, an American doc.' ____________________land no 100 (»317.00) Dollars, together Defendant ” A,fred S U rk ,. F o il HALE- Modern K-room house on PAINTING and Kalaonrinlng In all Ita I FOR HALB—Carbon paper la large I) xtreet between 7th anil Sth. Two branches. Reduced Prtoea. Roy sheets. MxM Inches, suitable for aaragoa, flne lawn. Will aell or trade Koch. Call 126-J. making tracings. The News O S es (nr acreage or vacant lota. Kaxy WANTED — Hsisll Child to care for He: “What happened to the Fire De- terms. Hyde Realty Co., Kqgene. In my home. Address «60 K Street. Par‘“"'“ f« «Olclency exp ertr’ JI-2«: A-2 Hb" : weDl lnto ■ Eld»' school Springfield Flati Llvee In Log to Inspect the hose." FOR SALE WOOD I - - - - - ------------------------------------------- Owenaborn, Ky.. Aug. 8.—(AC)—A om O™ . o , huge log waa pulled from Ureep River recently to be sawed. It was u olloi ^*^* Aah. All lengths. Phone Spring Under and by virtue of an attach­ ment execution Issued out of the Cir­ and Inhabited by a 30-ln< h, 33 pound Held 1S4. cuit Court of the County of Lane, catttsh. State of Oregon, In an acuon wherein SEPTIC TANKS— Louis A. Horde waa plaintiff, and Heady for you to Install _ Jesae H. Bair defendant, upon the N O T IC E rof family of live — 121.00. Eugene Judgment rendered on the 27tb day of Notice Is hereby given that Iho un For family of eight — »28 00, Eugene December, 1927, In favor of the plain- derslgned have |Mt thpr'. that the following described real pro­ EUGENE CONCRETE PIPE CO. < > “ »1 seven (7) per cent per annum perty lie vnrated and Isken out of ----- ...........from the 2nd day of August. 1927. anil the City Limits as follows: Beginning nt u point 3.38 chaina NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT lor the further sum of Fifteen Dollar^ Kasi of the Northwest corner of Dona Estate of Emilia A. Smith. Deceased reo, lion Number 38()x in Township Seven H u X ^ e x e c X ’ of the U .r C n i ’a“nd •7.l7 ,> C*"U '° r *Bd tlon Number 3808 In Ttuwnship Seven teen (17) South Range _ Three (3) teslam ent of Emilia A Smith, de- i “•""“'•Benients. current lawful money West of the Willamette Meridian and ceased, has tiled in the County Court * tbp , n ,,t 'd States of America, and DECREE OF D EN AND NOT.CE OF ' d ^ T ' running thence East 9 32 ch ain s: of the State of Oregon. In anil for lame w l,h ac< ruing coat; I have this day SALE UNDER EXECUTION 7 , f J*!’ 1* l ® 27, d tO T th,i ’’’ »B NAME OF THF A T i-r e thence North 2.20 chains; thence East | County, his final report as au< h ex- i •‘’v**'1 “P«n al1 the right, title, claim, and ur.em en u of th l. aetlon; ^ OREGON: Too are hereby S i l l e d 15 90 chnlns, them e South 12 00 ! ocutor and that 10 o’cloc k In the fore- and of said defendant In and IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREOON IN AND FOR Th's Summona Is pnblished once j Rhat„ Afthur L Matoon and Rather £a chains; thence West 25 22 chains and I noon of Mouduy the 13th day of ,b*' following described real pro thence North 9 »0 chains to the place l August. 192S. at the Court Horn then - ,? w,t: LAsNE COUNTY. each week for four successive weeks | of tbe holders of Certificate of beginning, containing 28 2-3 acres, ! „f, | n Eugene. Oregon, has been by I rhe *',or,h 3 acres of the following L. E Bsssell, Plaintiff, vb ., Harvey A. | ln The Springfield News, a weekly • on the %)th "d* v 213# ®»sued more or less of land, all lying and be-1 „a|d c „ urt nx,.,i „« the time and place ‘,«»c«’>,»ed premises: Beginning at a ‘ pndM.it“t|h W? e7,er’ hi« newspaper of general circulation pub-1 the T a i Collectoi 1925 Ing within the Town limits of the for hearing objections of bald re|>ort I,oin* found by ht-ginniug at the motel S M - .5 ,? T . - » - : J ” town of Springfield. Lane County, Ore I and for , b,. ,lna| ««(tlement of the we8t*'r,T N'v c orner of the John P. gon. Eddlns and wife, D. L. C. No. 63, Vot «■state of aaid d«>ceaaed. and Olga Kercher. his wife; Read 4 I der of the Honorable C. P. Barnarl, lars the sam ¿ , 30'1’)0 ^13.30) dob All persons having objections to ! 6974 In T 17 8 It. 4 W of W. M and PAUL HADLEY. Executor. Monroe, a co-partnership; Booth- j Judge of the County Court of Lane due and dellann , * the »mount then snl«l proposed vacation are required ■ tunning thence South along the West A B. WHEELER Attorney. Kelly Lumer Company, a corpora i County, Oregon, which order bears ' Tear 1923 logather w ith*“ ’ i° r th9 to Ole them with the City Recorder Of line of said claim 5.00 chains, thence Jl 12 19 26: A. 2-9: s s l .% & ,- s x “ ■ H" “- " ° - j - - ■” •- - «*♦ : : r » j z said Town on or before August 20th. ! 8. 71 degree E. 9 89 chains, thence 1928 ¡8 64 degrees 80’ E. 17.36 chains to Under and by virtue of an execution d“te ° f Pub»<*«°n «•’« , which’ y o ^ a r e ^ ^ r tO you' NOTICE TO CREDITORS the place o( beginning and from said PAUL 8. BA8FORD. ' or record, situated i n «?’ aPPear’ AI.I.ENE P IIAHFORI) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That ' beginning point run N. 26 degrees 45’ issued upon a decree of lien and order I 8u®’“ ° “« '« J»b’ 19th. 1928. an2 LEXIE E BAHFORD the uuilurslgned has been duly a p -, E 12 65 chains, thence S. 6.7 degrees of sale, and lasued out of the Circuit j POTTER & KING, Attorneys for State, and partieularlv U?d^ d„,87‘* CATHERINE A. BA9FORD. pointed by the County Court of the j 16' E. 4 49 chains, to the most Easter- Court of the County of Lane. State of Plaintiff, Residence and Post Office d«"fribed as follow« . . . lo State of Oregon for the County of ' ly corner of the Tract of Land con- Oregon, on the 18th day of July, 1923. Address F u a e n e n « « , « Jl 1928- A. 2-9 16: Lane, administrator of th<- estate of , veyed to Carl J. Hultgren and Ben H. In (he altove entitled act'on, wherein Aadre88' Eu8‘>ne- Oregon , » ,w . o ,,;;,'," " 1“ 1 s “r“ >' •» Jl. 19 26: A. 2-9-16: Anna Glendunning. deieased. and has Hultgren. Dec. 15, 1926, by deed on L. E. Busaell, thf above named Plain SUM M O NS duly qualified as auch. All person« I Page 533 of Vol. 130 of the Deeds j an,l t*le above named defend- Arthur arFe v r,ther not‘fied ^ a t salt} IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE havlng claims against said estate are Records of I .a no Co., Ore., as correct- ' an,a Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, a Mat u Matoon and Katherine R SUM M O NS STATE OF OREGON FOR hereby notified to present the sam e I • R t’.v quitclaim deed executed by J. i corporation, and O. K Baldwin, ob IN THE JUSTICE COURT. EUGENE is e s 'X - taXe? on ,aId Prem^ Io me properly verlfi«*l at the oflice of - R Liles and wife Io said Carl J. Huit- ,a *ne"3 Amount »6 3d, the ------------ Interlbr, S U. 1« nt law ful lu-.uey o f the I nit.-il c h a m h Chambers - r - .............. of -- —- e r « Ait-Kilnn n fall Io appear or answer said com­ Department Addition to the City ot a«ain8t you in the sum of »29.08 which 192«. Date paid April 16 1927 -r«» Land Office at R«,.eburg. Oregon. ; H ates of Amen ia, all the right, title. ¿^ ™ n^ L « 1 C«^my ¿ r w » plaint, for WHlit thereof the plaintiff bum is now held under attachment in R eceip t N o x e , 27?r'* 1927- T a x will take Judgment against you for said action and for an order that said O f interest 1 2 ? ' Amount *10 88. Rate June 28. 1928. | claim, and Interest of the said de Notice Is hereb y g iv e n that o n t h e the sum of »54 50. together -with six NOTICE Is hereby given that Isaac • fendant In and to the above described ,5.1, rt.,v nf ,« « ' , h„ sum of money be paid into court to 1927> Q Howard of Junction City. Oregon, property, or so much thereof as may o„J^o'clock“ P M’ of thalf day at per rent Interest per annum thareon be applied on said Judgment. , Receipt No. 1370 Amount »29 ’ 3 Ra«J from Atiguat 27. 1926, together with This summons is served upon you of interest 12%. n a.« the costs and disbursements of this by publication in accordance with an Said Alfred Starks as the „ » n o r «a action, and that the property attach­ order prescribing the publication the legal title of the X v e deser bed ed herein be sold ns provided by law thereof once a week for four su cces-; property as the same appears o f r«2 to satisfy nr duply on such Judgment. Of 8rst Pub,lcatlon ™rd- and each of the rither person« 1 claim, and Interest of the defendants i . T.® The :rrder directing the service of three year Proof, Io establish claim By BEULAH BRINNICK. Deputy. . Harvey A. Wheeler, and Ruth Wheeler, July 26th. 1928. . i ab? Te. "amed are herehv further notl* lhe ’summon« herein hv publication to the land above described, before Jl ’ «: 8 29-152:: his wife; O. F. Nichols and Jane Doe HAROLD J. WELLS, Justice o f'fled that plaintiffs will apply to the thereof Is dated July 3, 1928. and E. O Immel, U. 8. Commissioner, at Peace. ¡Nichols, his wife; William Kercher ircult Court of the County and Stata SUM M O NS directs publication once each week (or Eugene, Oregon, on the 6th day ol Jl. 26: A. 2 9-16-23: ____________________ j afore8aid for a decree foreclosing the four succcsalvc and consecutive weeks August. 1928. ,NS ™ - i i o ? o r ^ S T a S d ™ r w “ i lien against the property above das- In. “THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS." Claimant names as w itnesses: n « D . v o i ? f V o r ''iX E S , , T S 5 S " ! . ’ w S ' ? « , ” ,'! NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ON | er'bed. and mentioned hi said certifl- printed and published at Springfield. Charles Neal, of Vida. Oregon. Frank EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE j cate And you are hereby summoned In Ij»ne County, Oregon, under which B Mason, of Vida. Oregon Edward order the first publication of this E. Orion, of Junction City. Oregon Olaf Jorgen Hanssen. Plaintiff, versus. thereon and cost as follows: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That fir st^ u b iic T tio ,? » L ’i d“ T8 after th t i , . .. . . Judgment of L. E Bussell aggre- summons Is made July 6, 1928. by virtue ot a decree and order of I "” alve «r »wl “ .° f ! i ,L a?mmon#- e*’ Fred Thompson, of Junction City, Jennle Jeanctta Hanssen. Defendant. ;gatlnK the gum of $j 01 99 and ALTA KING, Attorney for Plain Oregon. sale and foreclosure issued out of the elusive of the day of said first publl* To Jennie Jeanetta Hanssen, Defend- j interest on same from July 19. 1928. tiff. Renldence, Eugene, Oregon. cation, and defend this action or par HAMILL A. CANADAY. Register. a. . . . . . !and CO8t U»»ed the sum’ of »14.0o' Circuit Court of Lane County, Oregon, Jl 5 12-1928: A 2: 7OU are hereby required o appear ' an(1 the fnrther sum of »65.00 at’ on the 18th day of July, 1928. in a suit the amount due as above shown, to­ Jl. 6-11-19!«: A 8: and answer the complaint filed torney fees wherein E. C. Hinds was plaintiff and gether with costs and accrued inter­ A. C. Woodcock. Mrs. E. R. Wallace est, and in case of your failure to do ,n ‘¡?e ; bove. « nt'tled suit j judgment of defendants O. K. Bald- ] ( within four weeks frem the first pub-, win the agRregfl(e of >2Oi.2o and and Charles Wallace, her husband, so, a decree will be rendered fore­ closing the lien of said taxes and . “'J °b au™mon8 wbi,ch i legal Interest on same from July 19. and C. A. Wintermeier and Katheryn costs against the land and premise* P“ ’ da he flrst 1“ JUlL a ! i ’ » « . a"d cost taxed in the sum of G. Wintermeier, his 'wife, were the de­ above named. 1928; and you are hereby notified , $7 50i and the further sum of »50.00 fendants; and wherein on the 18th day of July. 1928. in said court said I o f ^ h V ^ o ^ a h l ? Pi W,2.hel ? 7 Ordei that. If you fail so to appear, your attorney fees: Office Phone I78-J Rea Phone 178-M defaalt will be entered for want of an plaintiff recovered a decree of lien | Judae o f thp r u u Skipworth Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, a 338 Main St. Phone 116 W ( ,rSu,f Court of the answer, and the plaintiff will make corporation. ______ Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. Judgment in the aggre- for the sum of Twenty-five Dollars I state of Oregon for the County ot ARCHAMBBAU’S app'lcatlon to the Court for the r e of » m a ' T M r i e » ' ) ini^-e7t"on (»25.00) with Interest thereon at the General Practice. Special Attention lief preyed within the aaid c amplaint | saTnp from JnIy „ 192g and U x , rate of eight (8) per cent per annnm Lane and said order was made and DRESSMAKING to Obstétrica and DIaeasee which Is as follows, to-vrlt:- That the ed In the sum of »11.50, and the fur­ from February 24. 1927; the further date this 17th day of July. 1928, and Ready to wear Prints, Voiles, of Children. j marriage contract now existing be­ ther sum of »70 00 attorney fees; sum of One Hundred Dollars (»100.00/ the date of the flrst publication of Ihlg Organdies, Etc. summons Is the 19th day of Ju ^ 1928. tween you and the plaintiff be for- First National Back Building To the highest and best bidder for with interest thereon at the rate i i All process and papers In this pro­ I ever dissolved and that plaintiff have rash to satisfy said Judgments with in­ eight (8) per cent per annum from 1.95 to $4 45 8pringfleld. Oregon ceedings may be served upon the un- an absolute divorce from you. Hon C. terest and cost, and accruing cost. February 27, 1927; the further sum -«f dersirned r« M (n. ¿ViK. P°.u F ive H undred D ollars «150(1 Ofli w ith „Kne<1 residing within the State P. Barnard, County Judge of latne Five Hundred Dollars (»500.001 with Dated thia 26th day of July. 1928. of Oregon at the address hereafter ¡County, Oregon, made, dated, and en ” RANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff of Interest thereon at the rate of (7) per mentioned. tered on order July 12. 1928, directing Lane County. Rea. Phona 1(0 riano Mnving cent per annum from May 18. 1927; DR. W. N. DOW the furtrer sum of One Hundred Fifty p |a|n«uv J?ddri^T°T^' aAti ”TiCy»» f°£ that thia summons be published in By BEULAH BRINNICK. Deputy. SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER D e n tis t Dollars (»150.001 as attorney s f e e i , , Bldg Fueene Ore J n S' Nat * Ban* the Springfield News once each week Jl. 2 6 :.A. 2-9-16-23: WILLl» BERT8CH, Prop. First National Bank Building with interest thereon at the rate of i ’ ’ j7 , 9 ¿6 I ’ » o , for four successive weeks, and that , you appear and answer the said com-1 six (6) per cent per annum from July A Z9-16-23 3Q OTF1CE AT SERVICE GARAGE Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon ALIAS SUMMONS plaint within four weeks from t h e ! , ____ 18. 1928; and the further sum of! »»3 Maln Street Office hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. date of the Arts publication of this I T H E Twenty Dollars (»20.00) costs and d is-; SUM M O N S Bucceaeor to Sutton Transfer Evenings by Appointment I , summons. ® ‘ STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE bursements; which said decree ot lien IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THB COUNTY. H. E SLATTERY. Attorney for was enrolled and docketed In the i STATE OF OREGON FOR ; Plaintiff and my residence and post O. S. Penney. Edna W. Penney, Amv clerk's office of said court in said ' LANE COUNTY R. Smith, Plaintiffs, -vs- Eunice M. ' office address Is Eugene. Oregon, county on the 18th day of July. 1928, ' S. A. Mogan. Plaintiff, vs Helen L, Edson, S S. FMson. Maude De- WM. G. HUGHES j Jl. 12-19-26: A. 2-9: and said order of sale to me directed I Mogan. Defendant Vaney. T. C. DeVaney, George commanding FIR I AND AUTO INSURANCE me in the Name of the j To Helen L. Mogan.’the above named Ware, Defendants. NOTICE TO CREDITORS State of Oregon, in order to satisfy : defendant: NOTARY FUSLIC To Eunice M. Ed son ( now Edson M | In the County Court of the State of Chapmnn) one of above named De­ said decree of lien, interest, attorney’s j IN THE NAME OF THF RTATB Office at fees, costs of suit and accruing costs, j OF OREOON: You are hereby sum- Oregon for the County of Lane. fendants: In the Name of the State FIRST NATIONAL BANK In the matter of the estate of John of Oregon—You are hereby summoned to sell the following described pro | moned and required to appear and Springfield, Oregon perty, to w lt: Lot Number Four (4) ¡answer the complaint of the plaintiff and required to appear and answer and the Southeast Quarter of t h e ' filed against you in the above en- Carlson, Deceased. the complaint filed against you In the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That Southwest Quarter (S E I * ^ > S W U ) of titled . suit on or before . . . . . the last dar _ Section Plrvklzvnn Eighteen (1Oi (18) in Township of aw 228 Main St. Residence 125 C Bt ' the undersigned- by order of the Coun­ above entitled suit within four week« □ the time prescribed In the order o t from the date of the flrst publication DR. N. W. EMERY ¡Sixteen (16) South. Range Six (6) 62 J 62 M ty Court of the State of Oregon for the ’ hereof, and If you fall to answer, the West of the W illamette Meridian in publication, to-wtt. on or before August 2. 1928, and if you fall to so OENTIST County of I^tne duly made and entered i plaintiff will apply to the Court for Lane bounty. Oregon appear and answer, the plaintiff will Full Auto Etiulpment on the 16tb day of July, 1928 was duly j ,be relief therein demanded, to«wlt. Now y h«re,ore' ,n the Nam« 01 tba I apply to the above entitled court for Sutton Bldg. Phona 20-J Lady Assistant . . i 2<1 foreclosure contract sale of CrpRf west State of Oregon, In compliance with a decree of absolute divorce against appointed Administratrix of the estate „ , pe, of of ]o, fi9 ,n of Col|pRe Residence Phona 163-M said order of sale, and In order to of Jphn Carlson, deceased, and that , Addition to Eugene. Oregon, being satisfy said lien, interest, attorney’s you. and for such other relief as to the court shall seem equitable. Springfield, Oregon said Administratrix has duly qualified j west 2 acres of said lot 69. dated fees, costs and accrued costa. I will This summons Is published pursu­ as such. All persons having claims 1 November 5th. 1920 to whlsh cou- on Saturday, the 25th day of August. ant to an order made by Hon G. F. FRANK A. DE PUE . . . . . . j tract you were a party, and for the against said estate are hereby notified I cos, a and d,HburRPlnPnt(, of gult, tn 1928. at the hour of One o’clock in the Sklpworth, Judge of the above en­ ATTORNEY AT LAW afternoon of said day, at the south­ General Law Practice Court, on the 3rd day of July, io present the same duly verified as re-1 eluding a reasonable attorney fee, and west front door of the County Court titled A. D., 1928, which order directs (hat NOTARY PUBLIC qvilred bv law to the said Admlnlstra-1 other relief. This summons is pul - House in Eugene, lavne County, Ore­ this summons be published for four I. M. PETERSON trlx at the office of L. M. Travla, Inc., ! ^ b(M' ’’"J8"'"1’ ,o P / L gon, offer for sale and sell for cash weeks In tho Springfield News, a Attorney-at-Law Springfield. Sutton , „ .... , .. Sklpworth, Judge of said Court dated at public auction, subject to redemp­ newspaper of general circulation pub­ In Eugene. Oregon, within six months , , . Oregon B u ild in g City Hall Building . « . . . . -U. .. -n. July 24th. 1928. directing service here tion as provided by law, all of the In Lane County, Oregon, and from the flrst date of this notice. The - of ,,pon vn„ bv pMbl1catlon , herpof right, title, and interest of said de­ lished that you be required to appear and Springfield, Ore. An optimist Is a guy who thinks first date and publication of this notice ! once a week for four weeks In Spring fendants A. C. Woodcock, Mrs. E. R. answer on or before the last day of field fsjews, of Springfield, Oregon, anil Wallace. Charles Wallace, C. A. the time prescribed In said order, to- that If he mnrrles a Queen he'll he Is the 19th day of July, 1928. Wintermeier, and Kathryn G. Winter­ wlt, on or before the 2nd day o t LILLIAN It. TRAVIS. Adminlstra the time within which you are re­ meier, a King. and all persons claiming by. August, 1928. trlx. c|o L. M. Travis. Inc., Eugene quired to answer as above begins 141 run from July 26th, 1928, the date through, or under them or either of Date of flrst publication, July 6,1928. Oregon them. In and to said premises. Jones: "What happened to you fliv­ Date of last publication, August 2.1923 DONALD W MILES, Attorney for of ,bp 8r8f pÎJÎdi™lt, ’on berpnf . JEW ELER FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff of ~ FRED E. SMITH, Attorney for 8. M. CALKINS. Attorney for Plain­ ver?" Admlnlstratr'x. 610 IHrst National P,a(n, tff Rps and p. o . Address, Eu- Lane County, Oregon. tiff. Residence and Postnffice addresff Repairing a Specialty Brown: “It Just crawled over to the Bank Building. Salem. Oregon. . gpnp OrPKon By BEULAH BRINNICK. Deputy. Eugene, I-ane County, Oregon. Jl. 19-26: A. 2-9-16: I Jl. 26; A. 2-9-16-23: side of the road and died.” Springfield, Orcgou Jl. 26: A. 2 9-16 23: Jl. 6-18-18-28: A. I s i C ’W » -“-k 1 . FW oro.,b ! "°TA-“ |B U S IN ES S JS.TKLJiy1 - °~ D IR E C T O R Y CHAS. P. POOLE Funeral Director D. W . Roof m