The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 02, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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    p firih f a pgrM«»«i rrgf* «»« odiir»«
Mui ptö. ia m t * oi Hi» a«t«ap>>prr
oiJe. Alfred E Smith, started work in
Be Courageous
the trucking business, later laboring
Dear Miss Vera:
at a fish market. Think of ull he has
. 1 am a truck driver, a gent at
¡achieved!’ If you make an honest ef-
heart, but a rough-looking person
I love a girl of high school age, but | tort, there is nothing you cannot do.
Please write me again I want to
she thinks I'm too lowdown for
• her. 1 go to night school and try I hear from you as you go on in your
task of »«ductaing yourself. Drive the
to improve myself. Please help
thought of ending It all from yeur
me 1 must win her or 1 11 end It
head! You are a man of strength and
deli rmination—be bravo— M in.v men
• • •
of wealth aud fame would t r a il places
Dear Discouraged, please do not with you because of your health and
give away to your grief.
Your j strength.
•trength and health are priceless ad
vantages. If the girl does not think
How to Win Him
Dear Miss Vera:
you well enough educated for her, 1
I am a girl of 1« and really love
am sure this condition will be remedied
a boy of 20. I have often seen hint
»oon by your hard work at the night
but have ndver been alone with
■chool. There are no heights to which
him to have a good talk. What
you cannot climb. Most of the -eat
can 1 do to show him my love? He
meo of the world began humbly. Think
of the two men now running for presi­ 'is writing to me. but I know he
takes out other girls once In a
dent. Each one was a poor boy. and
I am lonesome without him. Do
you think It would be wise If I’d
go out with other boys if he
Good Bicycle for sale cheap. Strong
doesn't showe me. more love? Or
Double Bar frame. Good tires. In­
should I tell him to write me
quire E. E. Pyne, Springfield News
oftener and come gnd see me?, 1
really love him and I know he
loves me too.
Dear Miss K. O. D.. your emotions
in regard <o this boy seems to be
strangely mixed up. In one line you
indicate that he does not show much
love; in the next you say “1 know he
loves me." I think all you can do is
wait for the passage of time to solve
_r ________
Sorely you should go out with other
1 boys and have as many friends is
| you like. 1 think you are too young to
I be devoted to one And as for the boy
| that you love, it should be easy for
Go to the A Street Service r°“ to »i»vtt« hl“ to parties and in
Station and fill up with good other wavs arrange meetings with
General Gasoline before going him without putting yourself in the
anywhere__then you’ll be sure position of running after him. I am
to pom e h ack
confident that eventually you will have
T i n hey’ll
that ’’good talk" with him that you
e y u g iv e y o u w o r m s u i tr e e
iervice along with the gas a n d j e r e v * Be patient. Everything comes
•end you on your road rejoicing, to him —or he -who watts!
Fifth and A Streets
We specialize in large
head size. Dresses of sizes
14 to 50.
8th Avenue Hat and
Dress Shoo
40 8th Ave. West, Eugene
We Give
S* & H. Green Stamps
An Ideal
Face Powder
A beautifully decorated
white satin box contain­
ing the softest powder
have ever seen—Be-
Word has reached Mr and Mrs. F.
Winsted, f t ,, August 2 (A O A
white leghorn pullet owned by Ixitlls
son, John Nellis Hamlin, from the
Cord ano. of Danbury Quarter, has tak
American legation In Madrid Io
en to smoking after the modem fein
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Mr. Ilatttlln has been third seerr
lary to the American lugiitlou al Mu I-
When a lighted cigarette Is thrown
rid, hut will become the Secretary to the ground, this pullet rushes over,
at Buenos Aires lie is now III N'-w picks It up In her beak and proudly
York, and will remain In the eaat beginn smoking It. strutting through
several weeks before going on Io Ills the linmyard.
new post.
The pullet smokes all brand«.
So far none of the companies have
Henderson Improving — T ru h e rl
tried Io gel a testimonial from the
Henderson, who was Injured Inst
pullet, hut she lias hope!
week when he ran a snag Into his
buck as he was swimming. Is Improv­
ing at the Veteran's hoapltul lu Port­
Mrs. Henderson will return
to Portland to be with her husband
C h lro p rac tlo and
Come as
Photo show«
banner ovei tin I ’fu i
t arivts ( Rurch at
5th and Wvndotte Streets. Kansas City, Mo., that is making a go-to-
Church Sunday Drive and wants the members of its congregation It
tome dr ess ed as they please aud in overall» if they cate to
■ — "■■■
i i ^ i
Or.E.T. Helms
Baby Boy Born— Mr. and Mrs Prank
Drive to Albany— Mrs. Eugene
Redmond Man Here— I. J Boyles
Kester and Mra. Clara Pawver drove Snodgrass are the parents of a bubv
Is In Springfield this week
boy, born Saturday afternoon.
to Albany yesterday.
Mrs. Boyles he will return to their
D riv e to Newport— Mr. and Mrs.
Road Employe Injured— Ivan J. Dar­ furm near Redmond next week Mrs.
Morris Berg, their daughter, Miss ling one of the state highway work­ Boyle has beeti at their home on East
I Juue Berg, and Mrs. Sophia Berg men. had an Infected finger treated by Main atreet.
motored to Newport Sunday.
a local physician Friday.
Drives to Eastern Oregon— J. II
Has T on sils Removed— Bruce Curry
Elliott of Jasper drove to Cloverdale | o{ j eWin, rg |liul his tonsils removed
! valley, near Redmond. Sunday, re Monday.
turning In the evening.
Boy Breaks Wrist— Ed Knowlton .if
Go to Portland— Mr. und Mrs > route 2 fractured his right wrist Wed
j Henry Hanson went to Portland Wed ; ngsduy while playing at his home.
I nesday on a business trip.
D rive to W ln ch estei —Mr. and Mrs,
Mr. Page*ill— L. K. Page underwent
Henderer drove to Winchester
a major operation ut the I'aeltl.'
hack Sunday.
Christian hospital yesterday.
M rs. W e s t H e re — Mrs C A W est
Here from Cascade— Al. J. Kuhn of
Cascade Resort was iu town yester­ of Portland is a guest of her parents.
Mr anil Mra John C. Ketels.
, day.
Spend W eew -end at Beach— Mr and
j On V a c a tio n — W. H. Uuutx. Janltitr
of the Lincoln school Is taking h:s Mrs. C. E Kenyon spent the week end
l vacation this month.
at Newport.
Former Teacher Here— W.
! In F ro m W a lte rv llla — Mr. and Mrs
ton of Burns, who taught
Preil Hasten of Wultervllle were
Springfield schools .nauy years ago. s ^rtagft«ld visitors Monday,
la a visitor here this week.
V is it« Cottage Grove— M rs Verne
Painting Hopse— Frank Peebles is Stewart made a business trip to Cot
painting his house on 9th and A tage Grove Tuesday.
Mr. Peebles now lives at
Returning from Vacation— Mr and
Mra. O. H Turner will return this
j W e n d lln g People Here— Mr. and ; week-end from a vacation at Cascadia
Mrs. J. M. Blackley were Springfield Springs.
visitor» Saturday.
1 M oving to W a n g lin g —
o .r
Baby Born Sunday— A baby girl was u aye8 family Is moving to Wendllng
born Bt the p#clJ|c ChrUtUn ho8pltal (" lB week Mr Hayes w)11 be „mp|oy.
Sunday to Mr. and Mr». Grant Beason
June Carroll, formerly of the
;horus of the Ziegfeld Follies, will
-,oon carol in grand opera! She ia
me of two American-born Singers
vho have just been admitted to
he Metropolitan Opera Company.
Cam p
M eeting —
Hpecluliglng In
Palatela and
Rem oval of
T o n ali»
16th year tu Oregon prectlclng.
Ofllce 1237 Perry Bt
Phone 201»
Piano for Sale
Plano to b<- sold for unpaid bal­
Terms us low us »8 OO per
a in t m s le i
and Mr» Catherine Wood», 79. wil
bt married loun at La Verne. Cal
Evidently no '’companionate mat
' '.1 . -. ' lirent
V «
C y / ir t d e r
Informiti Ion
A- Company, 01
W est Broadway, Eugen«. Oregon.
Wheel Aligning
Brake Service
Pembrooke & Moritz
824 Pearl Street
Stroke— C.
Give her a box of our wonderful
' candles. Packed to your order
in whatever size you wish, these
candles provide a gift ever ac­
ceptable and one that is long
N e a l,
Springfield was well represented at fol niprly of Oakridge, was the victim
the Methodist camp meeting at Cot- nf a KUn „troke at Redding. California
tage Grove Sunday.
|aat Monday.
Moving to Frazier-M rs. Walter
Convention— M B. Hun;
Llpes and her children left Saturday ]y ,ef, w „dneH(lay
a„ end the Am
j morning for Frazier, where her hus erlcan Legion Convention In Medford
band is working on the Southetn Paci He will return Sunday evening.
he construction crew
R esurfacin g T ra c k — A work crew
W eek-end Up River Mr. and Mrs. ar(Ved n r „ Saturday to surface the
Roy Carlton and Mr and Mrs. Ilarry 1 ra(]road track from Mohawk Junction
Chase spent the week-end at Belknap tQ j;Ugene
Taking Vacation—H. L. Gillette, em
Take Trip Sunday— Mr. and Mrs p|Oyed at the A. R. Sneed grocery. Is
Wilbur Lloyd,, aud thrtr daughter», spending this week at the coast. His
Jean and Evelyn, drove down the Slus- i p|ace ln the store is being taken by C.
. law and back Sunday.
R. Franklin
Tha King of Mechanic».
Sofia, Bulgaria, Aug. 2. (AC)—Two J Visitor Haa Operation— Mrs J . 1 Undargoea Operation — Genevieve
Americans motoring near here were In Adrian of Portland, daughter of C. W Carter, daughter of Walter Carter of
a dilemma when their engine broke Ruth of Springfield, underwent a . i.ea burg, underwent a major operation
mlnor operation at the office of a ' at the pgclftc Christian hospital Mon­
Ano'her auto pa.ised, the driver of local physician,
which asked in Bulgarian: "Can II
Tigard Peaople Here---Mrs. S R.
Haa Hand Maahed—Ethmer Griffis
1 help you?"
Vincent and her son. Arthur of Tigard hud Ills hand mashed by a roller when
The Americans expressed doubt that
were visitors at the home of Dr. and lie was working at the Loud mill Wed­
the car could be put into shape, but
Mrs. W. H. Pollard Tuesday. They nesday. He was taken to the Eugene
the Bulgarian managed to fix it for |
are making a motor trip to Bend and hospital.
Klamath Falls.
As he left, one of the two Americans i
Highway Worker III—Wilbur Davis,
suddenly remarked:
Dismissed from Hospital— Mrs. W. employee on the highway, underwent
*'We didn't give the poor fellow a O. Hu-zhes returned to her home Fri­ an emergency Operation at the Pacific
cent for his trouble.”
day evening from the Pacific Christ- Christian hospital Saturday night. He
Ten miles later up they were sur- |an hospital, where sho has been ill is recovering.
pristd to see the whole countryside for the past tlfree weeks,
Away on Vacation— Dan Crfles,
saluting and bowing to the man who
Goes to Balknap— Mr. and Mrs. John filer at the mill, Is away ori his vaca­
had helped them.
i Lamberty of Albany spent a pari of tion. He will be gone until Septem­
He was King Boris of Bulgaria!
■ Monday in Springfield visiting Mr. and ber. He has already made several
Mrs. N. A. Rowe. They are flow on motor trips to the mountains and
Keeping Peace in the F a m ily l
Northampton, Mass., Aug 2, (AC)—A ; their vacation at Belknap springs.
Naw York auto parked on Main Street I Sunday 8chool Picnic Held—ln\
Out of Town Visitor»—Among the
here was attracting considerable at­ mediately following the services Sun­
people from other towns who were in
tention. It had a Hoover plate in the day, members of the Christian church
Springfield yesterday were OladyH
front and an Al Smith plate ln the Sunday school drove to Coburg Bridge
Faiwver of Harrisburg, Mrs. Oeorge
for a picnic. A large number attended. Williams and her son, Joe, of Rain­
The man In the machine, asked why
bow, Mrs. Eliza Wltbeck of Eugene
the plai.ea were not for the same candi­
Motor route C, Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Meyer of Wendllng, W. A. Park of
Waltervllle, Alma Wallace of Jasper,
and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Miller of Mar
dates represented on the car!
Eugene, Oregon
The Way to
Her Heart
Return» from Baker—After spend­
Dism issed fro m
H o s p ita l— George
ing a week In Baker, Miss Amy Lore Williams of Rainbow was dismissed
of Jasper returned to her home Satur­ from the Pacific CrrlHtlan hospltul
A tte n d
E le c tre -T h e ra p y
ed j,y the Booth-Kelly company
Ha» Nervou» Breakdown— Mra 1).
vialt from Gardner— Mr and Mr».
W. McKInnin la 111 at her home with |Tom Richmond of Gardner spent Mon-
a nervous break-down.
day as guest» of Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
Here from Sweat Hom»— Mr. an I
M any
Il Hamlin of the transfer of their
Mrs. Henry Blankenship of Sweet
Baby Girl Born— Mr. and Mrs Sam
Home spent tre week-end with Mr. Montgomery are the parents o f a baby
and Mrs. E. A. Cole.
girl born Friday at the Pacific Christ­
ian hospital.
Lodge will Initiate— Initiation of
several members to the Rebekah lodge
Visit at Belknap— Mr. and Mrs. Nell
' will be held Monday evening at the L. Pollard visited Mrs Alma Pollard
Odd Fellows hall
ut Belknup Springs Sunday.
During the remodeling
of our Store we are Selling
All Hats and
Dresses at Cost
and Less
Now You Gin Co <<> Church in Overalls
T H U R SD A Y A V G U ST 2, I92H
"Where the Service is Different"
Self Service Store
77 E. Broadway
Next to I. O. O. P. Building
Guaranteed Shoesfor LESS!
Women’s Footwear
$1.98 l° $4.98
Men’s Work Shoes
$1.48 t<> $4.98
Men’s Dress Shoes
$2.98 to $4.98
Children’s Footwear .
98c to $2.48
Serve Yourself and Save!