T ry the Hom e P rin t Shop F ir»t THE SPRINGFIELD NE'wa TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR REV. s m s QUITS PULPIT FDR TEAR HPRINGFIÍCLD. LANE COUNTY. ORWJON THUKHDAY AUGUST 2. 1Ö2« R A T F S FOR AIR M A IL R ED U C ED ; S C H E D U L E IS A N N O U N C E D BY H A M L IN Air mull mien huv«* been rvducud one half, tliti new ruling having gone Into effect yesterday Hereafter any III Henlth Following an Opera­ letter weighing under one ounce may lie unit for five rent*, ten cent* being tion Cause» Him to Take Ex­ charged for each additional ounce tended Vacation; New Metho­ Pew letter«, however, weigh over one diet Paator to Be Named in ounce, alnce that equal« four «heel» and an envelope of ordinary paper September. For the convenience of local patrona A request for a year'» leave of ab­ of tha air mull, l*oatma«ter P II. Ham sence will be prnaented by K«v. lln hua given out the following Infor­ Gabriel Sykes at the yearly confer mation concerning the schedule main >-ni< at Hood River Heptember 111. he lalned. Air mall for the noulh should announci d‘ at the quarterly meeting lie In the poatoltlce by 4.4a o'clock In al the Methodist church here Mondav the aftemraru. It goe» to Portland on evening Rev. Bykea' succeaaor will the Hha«ta, and south from Portland he appointed al the «tale Heplemher at 7 o'clock the next morning, arriv­ i n g In Han Francisco at 1:15, and it m eetin g „ 111 heultli u* u r c u l l o f a recent l.o Angelas at 8; IK. Mall for the east should be posted o p e ra tio n h a s prom oted Itev S y k es to leav e lh«> n erv o u s stra in of ch u rch by 10 In the morning, a« malf on the w ork for a y e a r He w ill v isit for later train«, either the Cascade or the a .lim e follow ing the co n feren ce a im Klissta, reache« Portland too late for his d a u g h te r In Hood R iver, his la te r connection with the mull plane wrich i leave« Portland at S o'clock In the p lan s being Indefinite. R outine re p o rts and co m m ittee a p ­ evening The schedule to Suit M ke 1« p o in tm en ts look u| th e q u a rte rly i on eighteen hours and forty-live m inutei, feri llce meeting of th e local church. to Chicago, thirty-one hours and forty- five mlpules, and to New York, fort' B ecause II Is not yet co m piled, Iho three rours. list of new me*llliers Will he p re se n te d nt th e a n n u al conference. AGED R E S ID E N T DIES AFTER SHORT IL L N E S S F U N E R A L H E L D TO D A Y City Pool H all and Restaurant Sold "The People'* Paper" A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E TO W N NUMBER 3Ó Husbands He w are! After an Illness lasting only one half an hour, Mrs. Joseph Mitchell Rice Cafe and Vasby Pool Hall Under New Management; died at her home In Weal Kprlngtleld ta t Tuesday evening at » 3 0 o'clock. She May Be Improved waa 70 yaara old. Puneral services Announcement of the «ale of two of will he held this afternoon at 2 io / i A O'clock from the Springfield chapel, Springfield's business houses were The Rice Cafe. I Reverend 8 E. Childers officiating. I made thia week. and Interment will be In la u rel Hill | formerly operated by Mrs. Inex Rice t was purchased Tuesday by C. H .' cemetery. Lena H. Chalfont -was born In l^ e s . « ’• » ’T a»d >*»»''• «a»*«F. ••»"<« ,b " burg, Ohio. February 27, 1H58. When Va«by Pool hall Is now owned by O. she was 24 she married Llodley M. ■ A. Marta, formerly of Molalla. Smith She waa the mother of three ' Mr. Shelley, one of the operators of children, two of whom survive her. i the cafe, came here from near I'l.sa After living several years at L ees-! ant HR!. They intend to calcimine j burg, the family moved to Minne­ 1 the restaurant In the near future.! apolis, later going to Hprlngltekl, Mis­ Mrs. Rice Is leaving immediately for 1 souri. where Mr. Smith died In 1924. Drain, where she will oversee the re- , pairing of a house she owns there, t The following year Mrs. Smith and will later go to California. came to Springfield to live wlY>- her inters Jeanne I » Mar is- the Mr. Marts took poasetptlon of the I *elf-»tyled woman* boxing cham­ darthter, Mrs Lucy Annetf on East William Vasby pool hall Wednesday. I pion of the world and is at Lot Main street, bn June 21, 192». she Wit«: his wife and two daughters, he ' Angeles giving a series of exhibi­ married Joseph Mitchell of (hit- city. I wll! make his new home at »25 E , tions to stimulate boxing amongst Resides her husband, and Mrs. An . street. women. Husbands beware! nett. Mrs. Mitchell Is survived by *a son, Ray Smith of Springfield. Mis- alourl. and three sisters, Mr... Alice N A D V O R N IK S E LLS T A IL O R E X A M IN A T IO N HERE 13560247 WOODEN BOX USERS Committee Starts Campaign to Patronize Tho«e Brand» of Goods Shipped in Wooden Containers; Workers to Take Steps to Benefit Industry. A campaign among lumber workers to show a preference for those arti­ cles shipped in wooden containers haa been started by the wood promotion committee of the Loyal Legion of I-ogera and Lumbermen, according to Roy Carlton, chairman. List of those L shippers who use wooden container* j for grocery products have been pro- , cured by the committee from Gary'» Cash and Carry. Other merchants I are requested to turn in similar lists in order that they can be published and the shippers In wood boxes known ' to the lumber worker. The campaign here is in line with wood promotion work being don« throughout the northwest. It is point­ ed out that the dull condition of the Latem lyy o f Ixis A ngeles, Mr«. J-ine S H O P TO W E N D L IN G MAN W IL L F IL L VACANCY IN lumber business Is largely due to the E y re and Mrs. I la D urnell, b o th of The Nadvornlk tailor shop, operated W E S T F IR P O S T O F F IC E widesPread use of wood substitutes. Z ep h y r H ills. F lo rid a T he d eceased --------- Lumber workers who have been >n w as a m e t h e r of th e S pringfield by John F Nadvornlk was sold Wed­ A R M IT A C E NAM E OF nesday to 8. M. Wicks, a barber of Examination for the position jf j abor' shifts for the past year or ?o C h ristia n ch u rch . M athoCut Church Announcement« N E W COBURG B R ID G E Mrs Mitchell seined In her iiMtial Wendllng Mr Wicks will take over postmaster at Westfir will be given now are beg nning to realize that'It Sunday School at » 4 5 o'clock a m the shop Monday. | at the Springfield postoffice In 8ept- is up to them to take a leading part In honor of a pioneer family the good health Tuesday until nine S erm on by p a sto r nt 11:00 o'clock, accord- Mr. Nadvornik’s future plans are ««“ her. Walter Gossler, secretary -if In boosting the use of wood, _______ o'clock, when she was seized with a new Coburg bridge across, the Me '‘Spiritual Peril* of Bigotry " Indefinite. He Is leaving the shop tb<‘ locaI b°«rd of examiners, announc-1 ,ng to Mr Carlton. While this Is not coughing spell, which caused her I'nlon services will he held at » 00 Kenxle river will be known us Arinl because of III health, and will flrsf I ed Tuesday. an attempt to boycott any brand of death one half an hour l^ter. o'clock In the evening at the Methodist tug« bridge. The new bridge Is loc rest for some time and later seek out- Applications for examination must good8 it a united movement to ated on the old Armltage place and — — _ _ _ _ _ side employment. bp ft,ed al Washington. D. C. before ! favor those manufacturers and ship- church With Reverend Gabriel Hyke« speaking on "The God That Christ S C. Armltage haa donated the right H IG H W A Y R EO P E N E D ___________________ August 24. and the examination will j pers wbo U8e wood. < f way for the road leading to It. In Ians Worship.*'* TODAY AFTER OILING NEW BARBER SHOP ¡probably be about fifteen days later. The local Booth-Kelly MIR sells a I'nlon Young People's Meeting st view of this fact the county court --------- * _ DC. i C ... . Application blanks and Information' large amount of Hemlock to the Eu- h*. authorised this name and will t south 8erond and D atree„ w)„ the same church at 7:00 o'clock. U r t N o IN LO N G B L D G , may be obtained at the local p ost-, ««“e Fruit Growers association for PUI a bronze plate on the new bridge ! opened to tr#m,. thl, ev8nln< after office. !box material. While litde of the A new barber shop Is to be opened " e< * being patched and treated to a second NEW MACHINE AT . . « «. on. . . , The position pays a salary of 5130» i Douglas fir is actually used tor b ig The new bridge I* ndkrlng coraplo courae of oiling. 2ei h « e L X yearly. It has been vacant since »«tertal any slackening to the use r>f WORK IN LAUNDRY doli, the steel being up and son feet Pled by the Springfield creamery, the July r , pine ““ J Oiling and rolling of the McKenzie first of the week. H. E. Gerber cf I of trestle In. ? _i_- . grades of ------------------------------ plne 'umber to be dumped on the A pres* machine for ironing list The Springfield approach froth highway near Waltervllle at Milltagns »town. North Dakota, who is Mrs. Hamlin’s Brother Dead market In competition with Hr, Mr. pieces of laundry b»" Just been con­ Armltage station on the present high-1 Corners will also be finished this even- moving here with his family. Is the '< Beauregard Williams, brother of Mrs. Carlet°n «ays. with demoralising ra- uected up at the Springfield Steam way and the Eugene approach from ln* The patching work was com- owner I-sundry Although the machine has j the county farm are being graded and p,ote<1 Tuesday. Since only hair .f , The shop will have two chairs and F. B. Hamlin of Springfield, died a t ' 8UltB been In the building some time. In-, put io condition to travel wbsn the the »»»«hway was treated at one tint ' . . thrm* shower*, and will be entirely hia home in Roseburg Tuesday morn-1 Following la a list of shippers to lag. Mrs. Hamlin left Immediately to grocery stores who are using wooden creasing business has only now made bridge la open. ' traffic was not hatted. T modern. It feasible to use IL I __ _______ - - .............. — I . ___________ attend the funeral there yesterday. containers: ' If It Is possible to get a lease » n 'BRIDGE STEEL PLACED* Mr. Williams is survived by a son. Pacific Coast Biscuit company pro- TWO MEN AND WOMAN Divorces Granted hls present building, J W. Avltt. * Dee Williams of Roseburg, a sister. dncta.’ Swift and Company lard and Six divorce» were granted by Judge TAKEN W ITH HUGE STILL manager of the laundry, lntenda to RIVETING IS STARTED |O. F. SklpWorth Tuesday In circuit Mrg B McAtee of Portland, meaU: M»rket day raisins; Thomp- put In more machinery within the I , j and • niec*. Rets Woods, also of Port- ra,sin8' _ Sun-mald rala* next few weeks. HI. plans .r e to Tb" ° f “ •* Mm‘I work on ' A huge copper still and several gal- j court. They wer^ as follows: Ina, Lang's Candles; Clipper tobacco; lons of moonshine 'were captured M. K. Htrberger from Ruby Har- lan by Mrs. A. R Moss of West Spring ; P. Nnt Butter; Rayma, | now being constructed, and aa soon as are W. H. Getty, 4». Mrs ----------. b Picnic at Trlangla the riveting la completed, In about i ° * UF* 44* and William Getty 23 Frank l*rendergast; Richard Carroll ! field went Into , lh the . rt.er river near the . Peache8; « Heirs of the Emerrlch eslste met at ¡three weeks, the wooden floor will he The family had the still In opera­ from ( arolvn Carroll; Katheryn Wll- swimming pool Friday, Trlsnxle lake Sunday for a picnic. laid. The floor will later be covered tion when it was taken by the kins from Merlin Wilkins. j Mrs. Moss pranked the car. but the pjiot *o h ,h a d ’ r ,e ''arI 1 imento«8; Those attending were Mr. and Mr». with concrete. , ' brakes . . . and . . the car went . Ca,nmet Iot roch Bakln? 8ha P'neapple; and Mrs Booth of Eugene, Mrs. W. L. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bean, their trucks being used by the highway d e -> and another woman Jumped out with ; i . n ° i6-*?,"?’ Royal Taba Bryans Return from Mountains Matlock and children of Goshen, Mr. daughter. Seville, and two sons, partment in oiling the McKenzie high- one of the children. The other three j , . pb e ' ®'a “ peaches. Royal and Mrs Vern Stewart of Natron Mr. Hobart and Norman, all of LaCrosee. ' mooa peaches: Mrs. Maude Bryan and Mias Crystal way raised a fire which damaged the 'were taken from the car by swimmers. _ . ^ ne.aPP™ and Mrs George Stewart of Spring ' Wisconsin, arrived here last Thursday Bryan returned last evening from a truck considerably Sunday. The truck As the car landed on Its wreels. It I 6 neaPP>e, Wlsdco Sal- i moo j Merito Salmon; Royal Club field. Henderson Stewart and Velma to visit Mr. Bean s mother. Mrs F E sixteen day trip to various lakes in was in West Springfield, and was bad was easily removed from the water. ‘ -- Kraut; Royal Club Hominy; Embassy Dyer of Triangle lake. Bean. They Intend to be here two the Cascades. After several days at ly burned before the Springfield fire Pears; Del Mouta Pumpkin; Buy ---------------------- —~ , weeks. Party Given for Mra. Frost Blue lake and Sifttle lake, they went department reached It to extinguish More Tomatoea; Fountain Corg; Mir­ M arriage Llcansas laiued | Tomorrow they will go iwlth Mrs. to Odell, where they found the fishing the flames. A surprise party honoring Mrs. Ellen ror Asparagus; Curtis Spinach j During the past week County Clerk . Ella lombard Ml«« Juanita .Lombard ’ and bathing excellent. Miss Bryan Frost was attended by the Ladles Aid Fowler Pears; Ringer Tomato Kat- W. B. Dillard haa Issued marriage lic­ and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gossler to set the record for the finest catch Visits Mother in Washington of the Baptist church at Mrs. Frost's ■up; Preferred Stock Corn; Prefer­ enses to the following: Harvey Hklr- Newport, returning Sunday afternoon. made by any ladles at the lake this Mrs. Asa Peddlcord returned to this home Friday afternoon. The after- red Stock Peas; Gray’s Golden Am­ vin, Eugene, and Onlta Young. Waco. year. / city Friday after visiting her mother | noon was aepnt in quilting, and re- ber Syrup; Gray’s Crystal Whits Board Elects Monday Texas; Dale Cooley and Frances in Granger. Washington. Mrs. Peddl freshmenta were served. Those at­ Syrup; California Home Catsup; Election of a teacher for the fourth Franiwa, both of Eugene; Floyd Ken­ Fir» Biran Triad cordla brother-in-law and sister,-M rs. tending ^ ere Mrs. Ed Robertson. Mrs. Maxwell Coffee; Armours Corn beef; A. to replace Miss Doris Bratt. who ney. Blarhly, and Goldie Marlin, Swiss and Mrs. Ray Taylor, and her brother. Al Montgomery, Mrs. Ada McPherson. Council Deviled meat; Criterion Sal­ hom .;7ph«'FrJstT Eu7e«e."a'ud“M^ , *Rch ■ * « ,hp Corvallis An electrically operated fire siren. Earl Perry, all of Durham. California, Mrs. William Stacy. Mrs. L. A. Tobias. Ford. Roseburg; John Piper and Paul- "1 b,>. h*’d Mo“^ay •»«>'»<. mon; Preferred bird seen; Diamond j Roy Carltorf, chairman of ihe school "oundln* 8,milar to ,h '’ " « ■ *rlatlo who accompanied Mrs. ’ Peddlcord. re­ Mrs. Wallace Hawke and Mr.s N. M. W. bird seed; Ghiradellis chocolate. ine Albin, both of Harrisburg; Herb now used at the mill, waa tried out in turned to their home Saturday. Blom. ert Harwood and Mabls Storm, both board. announced. At tho same time the board will con­ the old fire bell tower near the city of Eugene; Carl Akin ami Mildred CHILDREN OF LODGE sider tho reports of several roofing hall Tuesday evening. At the next Mrs. Coffman Burled at Albany Grass Fires Decrease Carpenter, both of Springfield. firms who have been asked to turn i mppU“g of the city council. It will he Springfield friends of Mrs. Nellie GUESTS AT PICNIC With the arrival of cooler weather. In estim ates „f the cost of repairing decided whether the city will pur-1 the fire hazard has been Yowered.'and Tibbetts Coffman, formerly of this « Visit Parent» Hara the leaks and treating the roof of the ! ch88« th« siren, A picnic at Midway auto park was only two grass fires were reported cltY* W"1 he Interested to learn of her Mrs. Ernest Fisk of Sacramento is high school gymnasium i ---------- this week. Friday evening there was death In Los Angeles recently. She given yesterday aftternoon by mem­ here to visit her parents, Mr. und Lodge to Meet a fire on south Second street and Sat­ was buried last Thursday in Albany. bers of the Springfield Neighbors of Mrs. Hans Furuset. Another daugli Fire Starts In Bln The Progressive 22 of the Rebekah urday the fire department was called Mrs. Coffman was a tlster of Mr«. Woodcraft lodge for the Juvenile ter, Mrs. Newton MeKawn of San- A small blase whleh started In the lodge /will meet tomorrow evening at j to extinguish another on south Mill John I-amberty of Albany, who is also circle members. All members and Francisco will arrive Saturday with fuel bln of the Mountain 8tates Power ! eight o'clock at the I. O. O. F. hall. their children, whether memers of the well known here. street. her son for a stay of several weeks. plant w*a extinguished Tuesday even- , Juvenile lodge or noL met at tne cor­ ------------------------------ Oscar Furuset of Portland Is also ex­ Ing by one of the workmen ner of 4th and Main streets at 1:30 Mayor to Portland— Mayor O. O. L ib rary Closed Scout Campers Surprised pected to spend the week-end here. Bushman spent a portion of the week Parents of the Springfield Girl The Springfield public library has o clock. Games and refreshments en­ tertained the company. Goes to Tillamook— W. C. Mclmgan. , in Portland on business for the | Scouts who are encamped at Seavay's Leaving on Extended Trip—Mr. and steam superintendent of tne Moifti Springfield Mill and Grain company. I Kerry surprised the girls Sundav been closed and all the books called In for renovation and rebinding. It _n______ . . . last . | I He ,, . . . . be In _ Portland . .* again next Mra. Dalian Murphy are leaving Frl- tain States Power plant, . left will bringing with them Ice cream and is expected that about two weeks will Outing Club Going to Three Slaters day for a motor trip which will last Thursda,* evening for a business trip , week as a witness before the Inter- cake. Scouts attending camp are be required for this work. A11 people about one month. Miss Eradell to Tillamook. The Outing club leaves Saturday i state Commerce commission at tho I.oudelle Williams, Barbara Adams, having books out are requested to Murphy, who has been visiting here for a week's camp at the foot of the —------ ----------------- — ; Cross state line hearing. Ellen Cox, Margaret Jarrett, Evelyn turn them In at once. will return wltr (,hem to her home In Middle Sister. Two dozen people are Return from Wedding Trip— Mr , —--- ......................... .. Harris, Melba Harris, Jewel Helter- Montana. The Murph.va will then and Mrs. James T. Mitchell returned I Return from Vacation—Mr. signed up for the outing. They will end brand, Adaline Perkins, and Doris Visiting Relatives Here — Mr. and be taken to Frog camp by stage and drive to Yellowstone Park. Monday from a wedding trip spent In Mrs Isaac Larimer, and their i ” arlon Adam« and Mrs. Arthur Woodmansee of Los then hike six miles to the permanent Ashland, nnd on the Crater !,ako high : ter. Miss Dorene Larimer, re charge of th-? Angeles are Springfield and Eugene Returning from Medford— After hav­ way. They will make (help rome for ¡from a vactlon trip Sunday, camp on the skyline trail. visitors. Mrs. L. . Stone of this city Is ing charge of the Conger funeral homo the next month nt the residence of j drove to Diamond lake, returnln an aunt of Mrs. Woodmansee, anil of Medford for three weeks during the Mr and Mrs. Dallas Murphy while I the Willamette pass, and later v Jesse I^orah Is an uncle. cted absence of Mr. Conger and Joy they are away on their vacation. I Florence. g made to Walker, the latter a former Sprlngfle'd on the north Leaving on Vacation— O. H. Jarrett, resident. Harold Poole will return to Leave for Legion Convention — Returns to San Francisco— ( olii from the superintendent of the Booth-Kelly Due to delay In train service hla home here Friday. Mr. Walktr Among the Rprlngfleld Legionnaires Lee Foxley left Tuesday after» the Mountain mill, and family are leaving today “Slim Jim" and the rest of the haa been III In Portland. attending the convention at Medford the Letterman's General hosi piar for a vacation at Diamond lake funny family which appears in whlph opened today are Oswald Ol­ SanFranelsco after spending and other points In the Cascades. our comic supplement did not Aid Haa Matting— The regular son, Jack Larson. M. B. Huntly, Mr. here with hls sister, Mrs. Hi ohn Richter, arrive in time to be included in social meeting of the la d le s Aid of and Mrs. William Vasby, Mr. and Mra. llff. ally plant, had Buys House Hera—C. I* Munn of today’s edition. We promise the Methodist church wns held at the Frank BennAtt and Mrs. Bernice Van V Injured Frl- Pleasant Hill purchased the house of this won’t happen again. If the thurch Wednesday ufternoon. Tea Vajzah. Mrs..Van. Vulzah, Mra. Vasby Leaving for California — »6.* In the drv Mrs. Ella M Kern on Mill street Fri­ railroads can’t get ‘‘Slim Jim” ’ was served after a short business and Mrs. Bennett will attend the Hueklns left Monday for a twi w»i unable to day. He will move to Springfield is here on time we will have to use meeting. Auxiliary meetings. trip through California. aoon as the house la vacated. the air mail. Comics D elayed