The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 26, 1928, Page 6, Image 6

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character not unfam iliar Io those who
i know the w aterways. He seem ed to
- ho a quaint, good uautred old chap
w Hi sparkling eves and bushy beard
a man evidently sixty years of ugt
I and still sprightly as a chickadee.
I The m ission had evidently not at-
i fueled hltn nt all. lie culled us a
i heery greeting ns the boats drew
up. When he rose to make the motor
bout fast, all of us saw (hat his garb
I fitted the rest of him
He wore an
- old. mud huapallered suit, and queer
lltjle rubber boots that mere (led with
strings and cam e Just Io his unkles.
making a ludlerous hag of each of his
1 trouser legs.
Ham, the colored man, w h s III Iho
bach of the boat, and next to him
j »nt a lean, thlii-fucod man I hud n evjr
j seen before
Hut he had an official
▼slJ r *
H» A
----------- • '
r < // Edison Marshall
¿ «
\ \
V ' ~
Illusbuhons by /W¿
WHAT HAS HAPPENED BEFORE— the isthm us to the opposite high lands ward's fear—an «motion that Inspire I
Dr Long, out fishing with Alexan­ before the wall of w ater came. In him to run fast enough down that slope
der Pierce, a detective, tells of his that case he was still to be found to overtake Ills prey within ten yards
“I don't believe I like the word
projected trip to Southerly Downs. In the thick jungle beyond.
Since the light had made Its pos­ prey in thia capacity. Ernest." I told
P ierce ad vises him to keep his eyes
______ ___
hint "Theft*'»
an _ Inference In It that
w ide open while there. On the way sible, we had put a negro In an un- ____
In a train Dr. Long Is attracted by a ' stairs window with a powerful pair Isn't soothing to the spirit. Hut there
girl, who later faints. Dr. Long treats of Held g la sses If the murderer was Isn't any doubt about the fur» and
her, and looking into her bag. Is a s-1 . Indeed
--------- — in -------
- —
. . . . . . . . .............
. . slayer
In —
the .........
thick . . Jungles,
of . the
There s an-
ounded to find a loaded revolver, **»« g la sses would reveal any attem pt other elem ent that proves It even
Dr. Long m eets Ahmad Das. an ne
Hts only more clearly than the fact that he
he »nouia
should m
ake to escape
Oriental, who conducts him to South hope would he to keep the plateau overtook Hayward within ten yards.''
ley Downs, where he m eets Mr South-j Itself betw een him and the house, a
"What la that?"
» |r. tt,„| nune came." Ham told ma.
could not wall no more, th e detea*
tlve gen'niau said we hud to go with*
,,U| him mill Ilk" a hoi lie » o u l .n l
lie no good. Uotina,"
l>'( >11, MALL— tä r isin paper in large
sh eets, Xttx.iW Inch»», sul'ublo tor
making tracings. The N ew s Office.
PAINTING und Kulsixiilning In all its
Ileiliiued Prices
Koch. Call 126 J.
woman's strength, or e v e n
th e
than a large,
--------- of any
. other
____ ________
powerful man. to wdmlnlster such a
Mow ns killed llayw srd
We had now halted below the
' There'» one thing Io remember."
I told him
air, and I guessed him rlghl ns 'an
What Is that?"
¡Inspector from a nearby city —» man
Hand Saw w ith turning lathe and
"Another thing Io wonder at. As on the plain clothes force. He was au
Jig saw attachm ents.
you say. only n powerful man. or alert, determ ined man with u distinct
som ething very powerful, could have air of authority.
Musi be seen this week Call at
dealt that blow, A man could not
My rtr„ word> w -r# w „ h
ley and his son. Ernest Southley, Mr. fea« that would becom e Increasingly
"The terrible, rending violence of have done It, except with som e great
247 Main street. Mpringlleld
sw ore that he hud sent my telegram
Hayward and his son, Vilas, and then : difficult as he neared the mainland the blow
A co d-blooded murder >r heavy weapon that by Its own weight
to the address I had Indicateli
Josephine Southley, who is the girl And It was true the w ater was too - - wouldn't
—«« m »» * » have
« w a u struck
u s e this
m is. The
i nt would gather trem endous m onto
"I waited an hour for un answer.
he had m et on the train Jos»phine deep to wade. He would either have slayer would have walled In the dark
It was dark, and the two of inem
tells him the story of Southley Downs «° construct a raft, or else risk his n e ss—struck from ambush
>— >- with
— ■ •*- a were In mud (light down the hlu.
and Its ghost, which is not the ghost Bfe ,n a l ° n«* desperate swim
I hilly or knife ór pistol. Now look Then think what wonderful accuracy,
of • s a e human
u u io u ii
being M but
ta v
of l a a U tiger.
««C I.
was kept
r . like
. . . v
» .« v
u n iv
at this
what _ perfect
m uscle _______
iwaa nec
Dr. Long has i a quarrel with V
ilas ° f ;M* arm y cam
p. It
u was continuous.
i snoweu i-.ruest the Imprint In the | cssary for the pursuer to sw ing Ills
e __ a.
Hayward over J Josephine,
o s« -" '“
' w "Tien
x « « < the
k .,
- _ obliged
» .« — ■ to ■--------
and * “ finds
negro w as
leave turf where the (sidy had lulu
It was ' weapon and strike the tleetng figure In
rards have a strange b's post another took his place.
singularly deep and distinct
front of him In the durkness—a blow
that the Haywards
" e - picked
few surface
‘ “ —
Does It mean anything Io you?" I as accurate as that
with which a
authority over the Southleys. He is
---------- up
■ - a ---------------
- * d •—
P.-iwn* Th<.
butcher fella a steer.
It doesn't seem
ordered to leave * Aauthlev
Southley Downs.
The W " o ’e found
found a a man's
man’s hat:
hat; but
but it It w was
rain prevents him leaving at once. Perfectly evident that it was the hat 1 “Do you m ean that the blow was so hardly human.”
had worn. I » unu
had not
par violent
was simp
sim p!)
r . Long anu
e *••
mu par-
vw iw ui that
iiim i
a v w a rti wua
and c»rnesi
Ernest go out oü
on m
He started up (he steps, and turned
road in the rain looking for the tracks Hcularly noticed It as he went out knocked Into the earth when he fell
with a little laugh that was som e
of a tiger that E rnest says are there ,b e door; yet Ernest recognized It
"Nothing else. It is likely (ha!
that he
he how
how very
very grim
grim "You might us well
Department Store
They find the tracks. Later Ernest 88 tbe sam e exp en sive felt h atxh at he never moved or cried out after th it quü looking for things to he human—
and Dr. Long see a prowling creature had 8een
elder Hayward wearing blow struck him down He was hurl- around this house," he told me.
in the hall at Southley Downs. This on n,an-v Previous occasions. It con ed to the ground with such force that "Abandon such hope— ye who enter
frightens the elder hayward. who also tained no Initials or any other sign of he left th is Imprint—as If a meteor
Just then we heard the voice of
sees it. Ernest begins to feel that ownership, sad it had a trademark of had sm ote him The neck was broken the watchman, bellowing down the
Ahmad Das is perpetrating som e 8 hatter in the State capital.
; —a clean, violent break. I knew It stairs.
His glass had revealed the
laidles' very fine m ercerised
M , i i h Genuine Boaa of the lload
But the place it lay was som ewhat when I exam ined the body."
shadow of a boat upon the far reaches
cotton Hose In black grain,
Overalls, hit, or w»l»t In extra
and beige, A ho»e that
The elder Hayward is later found significant.
It was ten full paces
We found one other clew that for ° f the marsh.
hoavy blue Deaim. Guaranteed
will wash well, reinforced heel
to w e a r or a n«w pair. N e ver
farther up the slope than the place a little while made us hopeful
At first the boat was Just a Macs
dead, his neck broken as if by
and toe fluy by the d oien for
so low In price
•where we found the body.
w as one-half of a cuff-link, broken «peck ao far distant that we could
gaint's blow.
your outing trip Values to 50<-
N ow read on—
“Could we have dropped It off sharply off. It was a rich thing, of not l«B whelhe.r It was som e one
when we carried the body to the j S” W and a sin gle ruby. Then we escap in g from the plateau or a boat
K/xxcoV*' IT*-—
' - „ iv - . j v.. . .
. . .
. . .
"It is even an intruder's business house?" Ernest asked.
j walked back toward the house.
from the mainland
"When I lifted the head the hat
to be watchful, at a tim e ¡ike this. I
‘I suppose you'll know where sus-
“If tis the murderer, and he a get­
I replied.
believe you'd better try to get som e w as already
- off."
, ------
piclon will point." Ernest said. Just ting aw ay, there's no chance to stop
"Then you see what that means?" before we reached the steps
him," Southley said. "We can't get
of white, black
"Still the dtKtor— but there are no He *°oked at me darkly,
Children's und Misses' 14 a »d %
We stopped, face to face.
word to the other aide In time."
and suede high and low ruts
Black, brown inn. rose
It m eans that part of the struggle
"Good H eavens, man!
Don't yon
personal w ish es involved this time."
The speck was bard to follow Ther»
broken alien. Juat Ihe »hoe for
blege and nude With color tops
She even had the spirit to sm ile at occurred higher up the slope, or else think I have ey es? No one can help were so many tree clum ps and
gerden or beach wear. Some
to match dress Itegulur 50*
som e violent action at that point hut see the
sold form erly as high a» 17 50.
— way things point ^nd th ick ets that hid It. Hut slow ly it
Your choice any pair Iti th"
- • -
. . .
Your Choice.
But I cou ld n ’t answ er that sm ile knocked the hat from his head
there's nothing In this world to do became apparent that the bout ’was
The scene in the den had str u c k ' 8eem8 to —
me there
would -----
be „.B„_—
sign s— but cover our ey es and yell coin- draw ing nearer, and that It had a
I deeper—
w as the eldence!
But the detective» that ’ m ailer craft, evidently a large row-
home too hard.
‘ im prints— If the first
“Professional interest alone." I told case; and more likely that he saw or c°m e In the boat today—they'll be boat. In tow. And within a half-hour
heard his enem y for the first time fresh and have clear eyes. And th ey ’ll more we could distinguish Its oc-
Maybe it was Just the effect of the when he was on this point of the suspect Ahmad Das. He was the one cupanta.
man that was out on the hillsid e with
The l8r*e craft—a long, low motor
dawn that her eyes seem ed to lose path. ”
"He ----------------—
must have been - on his way Hayward at the moment of the mur- boa*—contained five men. Of course,
their luster before my gaze
hurried on up the hall, turning at the down to the driveway then,
d*r- ’
one of them was the negro I had sent.
door of her own room.
"®f course "
"Of course. Although it is true he one wa* evidently, the skipper or
He certainly could not
have _____
seen atafled in another
ner —
of _ the
craft, and
of the
"Thank you for your wachrulness.
_____ __________
_ ______
_ ........ two
And I'm
sorry , I w ell-in the
“ You remember that he took a long others were ih e coroner and his as
she called to me.
, u, ovrry
- He m ight have
__ - felt —
as--- .
, ___ __
n c
.. _ .
spoke so rudely when you first spoke heard »U-----a.
though, or
tim e to get down to the garage.
H - all,la nt. My hope lay in the fifth
T he m an w ho does not get G enuine F ord P a rts in Out
to me— and I don’t expect any other__'
'Perhaps he could m uioac
ake uui
out a a might have waited for Hayward
on my telegram had gone true to Its
o f L u ck.
We sto ck o n ly G enuine F ord Parts.
but professional interest—now. If shadow
L ikely he started to run. the tra,l— then circled back to
the destination, tonight there would be
you f lr r t bough t y o u r c a r It had G enuine P aris
there was anything that I could sa y _ and his hat fe " nir
off q at
the « first
> .u„
. . . leap
garage and only pretended to look new forces to cope with this problem
made by the M a n u fa c tu re r.
Be sure to get
about last night— I'd say it. too. But
'The levee was already breaking
them by co m in g h e ra
I know it wouldn’t help any."
the coroner
and the de-
Most of the male occupants of the
then. He must have heard Its faint that s what —
signs. It seem ed likely he must have tectlve8 w,n »uggest.
house were down at the edge of the
“I can't im agine that it would.”
But why
he ----
. dl(ln
------- 1 —
--- him as Progress was slow
Trey coiiftan tly
“But at least—you are not going known that retreat by way of the
chasing the fac®d the danger of snugs and sub-
roadway to the city was already cut be went past. Instead of
— -------
home today.”
merged shrubbery that m ight wreck
^ “ mlng man down the hill?”
“T he storm decided that matter for off Then why "—and the eyes bored ^
AU« opposite
_____ _
ho k know
n o w s s! ' ThMrsH
There ml»K»
might l be such tbe motor boat.
Ernest called to
me. I'm afraid
But there may be a m,ne— “<H<1 be run in V, the
direction from the house, rather than a th,ng 38 m issin g his first bid», and th em, and showed how they might
chance yet."
silen cin
g III»*
the make a --------
. — that - only
--- / by niicu,
- In the deep water
The door shut behind her.
The toward it? We found the body ten knowing
,-nezl ... f a «»A * J —
Hi HFIM lips
1 1 gvu could
> * I
he be saved . from beside Ihe Isthmus
early morning hours drew on, and yards farther down »ne slope.
the m ist that was
the tw ilight of
charge. At
At first we couldn't see their faces,
"Men in
in such
such terror
terror as
as he
he must an a ttempted murder
faw n faded like pain.
have been are not particularly care- lea st' Ahmad Das will be suspected.
The glitter of the twater prevented
One of the negroes had built a little iul which w ay they run. T hey only And the frow ning point
lg that he It. But when at last they drew close
nthlew joined, want
•• , bated Hayward.”
it was with the sen se of the deepest
fire in the library, and Southley
want to
to get
get aw
aw ay
ay in in anv
any direction
nated him," I disappointm ent to me. I looked In
"But the ------
m ost ••
frightened Midi
me here. And in » a uivujtzui
moment nihUlHU
, »«In for the face I had hoped to see
Das opened the door from the dining won’t run in the face of the danger. agreed'
We Repair All Makes of Cars and
'• is perfectly evident
-- - .■—
--------- , --- the
that his | ■
’ "Next after
» ‘« r Ahmad,
the negroes
negroes twill
.w ill; No one could m istake the coroner
He stood straight and calm and un­ foe came behind h lm -b e tw e e n his ** 8U8P<'ct*d. charged with being <n ! He looked the part- som ber clothes
Appreciate Your Business
the pay of eith er your father or m e .1— - .........................
ruffled. not an expression that the own position and the house."
and all; he had the voice, too— those
"That seem s to be Indisputable.” , or possibly you."
eyes of man could read on his im­
unm istakable (ones of a confirmed
"The murderer must have chased
Ye"' al1 of ,heni will be Invest!
passive face as he called us in to
roournci who knows all flesh Is dus>.
him .”
gated .”
His assistan t was a rather sprightly
“Of course."
• "Vilas won't be accused — very
“Authorize^ Ford Sales and Service”
After breakfast Ernest and I went
young man. with the gloom of his
"And ............—
he must • have urrii
been uiurj
u n b e-' naturally__and of course my sister profession yet to com e upon him. The
down to the
scen e - ...
of the muiuer.
murder. it
— —
Fifth and A Sts.
Phone 49
wonk! be several hours before the l,ev a bly flpet. It was true that Hay
man who steered the boat was
coroner cam e, and I thought that anv * ard was 8 lar«p man physically, and
obvious <*. ws should be collected and wo,,ld n° t ordinarily have been able
preserved at once. Such things have to run very fast
But in aurh terror
m> sterious ways of disappearing.
'vas» he would have run faster
We had no difficulty in locating than an exPf!t't track man You know,
the exact spot where the body had LonB' that nc man ever really runs
been Even the rain had not washed i un,)1 he ls ,n «error. Some reserve
away that evidence. My first work ' P°wer a «‘d strength com es to his aid.
was to look about for footprints. You rpmember that from your own
There were none to is- seen. The boyhood the way you could get away
I.. . l ì L.J
place was covered with a r’ch griw th frn,n 8 waterm elon patch when the
of grass, and root-filled turf as a rule i ow «>er got out his shotgun. He ran
ft / L . ì j
does not receive a very clear Imprint 8°m ew hat downhill, so every condl-
j J
Besides, the rains would have washed tlon was whh him for a fast flight,
away any imprint that had been made. ! And Y*“« bis enem y caught up with
We were no more successful in find- him w l«bln ten y ard s!”
Ing a weapon with which the crim e ; "It is an Important fact, Ernest.”
could have been comm itted.
We | "It certainly Is.
t-olice records
We recommend Biltw ell upholstered
searched the hillside with the great. ; «how that In very few cases have
furniture to those who take pride in
eat possible egre; and even waded a j crim es been comm itted b y a crim inal
their household furnishings. Iiiltw ell
short distance into the swamp. Qf i actually overtaking a fleeing victim
furniture is soundly constructed
course It seem ed like that any blunt | when they were both on foot
Instrument that could have Inflicted I victim 's fear makes him the fleetest-
-n d s k illfu ll;
the wound could have been easily ! and the criminal has only the strength
1 ,ns coveted In the choicest o f long-wearing
iossed Into the swamp water, from j or his purpose t.Hmake him f i d Yet
fiilirics. Biltw ell comes to us and goes
which It could not he recovered until Hayward was overtaken in ten vards
us to you w ith a guarantee from
tn f wafer« receded again.
i “ Yen.”
which assures you o f life­
Although It was inundated to a 1 “ He probably
ran scream ing—a
Available also in
depth of six feet now, It was per ! sound that could not he heard above
Y ou'll never regret
other coverings In
fectlv clear that the Isthm us twns the roar of the storm."
zour choice o f Biltw ell furniture.
TERMS You’ll Like
still above the surafee of the water
I agreed to this, too
at the moment of the murder. It was
“ It's no o rd in ary crim e, Long. T he
until the final w reckage
murderer ........
............................. ordinary
'iM iiia iy
I m
I I otives
IL I V v 'H
of the levee, several m inutes a fte r -' His passion, his blood madness, If |
ward. H would have been possible for ( may use the word, must have been
the murderer to have raced across Just as terrific an emotion as Hay-
it lain
Formerly Farmers Exchange
$ 1.69 A
Now 25c A Pa,r
10c * P8i'
24c A Pa,r
t fell
A il
) Penzoli
. Cycol
' Zerolene
F or Homes
& L
that want
the BEST