p IV m W A V JULY 26, 1 »«» PAOE FIVE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS tim e ago. y motored to B elk n ap S p rp ln g s b u t Mlaa Maude E d m ison who baa been Sunday. Running cattle over the Oregon- I By Special W ashington Water company'» water-1 seriously ill and In Eugene tor tbe One of tbe men working with tbe Correspondant» abed wa» reported a» a danger to the ' past several week# was brought home crew oiling tbe road here iwaa over­ health of title» of Coos Hay, by mein ( last Sunday. her» of thu Marshfield city council. Mr and Mrs Dick Harbit and aons come with the beat last Monday. Irerrel and Wayne, from Cottage Mins Mary Annin of l.oa Angela» Principal Events of tlie Week h it a been elected executive secretary | TH UR STO N UPPER. W ILLA M ETTE Grove visited relative» here last Sun­ Marriage L icenses for W eek of the laine county chapter of the day. Assembled tor inlormation During tbe past week County Clerk Mr.’ and Mrs. William Henson haa American Red Cross to succeed Ml»» I Mr« F M Hrnlth died at her hone* Mr. and Mr«. Cole from Jasper W. B, Dillard ban Issued m arriage Be­ of Our i.eaiiers. Marg.net Itarnunl, who has resigned. 1 at Goshen Monday July 23 ut 8:80 P- enjoyed a visit from his brother anil pent Sunday at William Henson's. en »es to tbe follow ing: Louis Emmons Mrs. fam ily from Idaho and hla sister from Vlrglnlu Mabon of Portland .haa rn a fter a lingering Illness The Thurston school board have I an(i Margaret Coghlan, both of Eu- .Medford the past w eek en d . Tlirm iiv w bu in t have bean pur* been i lioiten Oregon's delegate to the Smith was 87 years old and had boon bought tw o a cres of land from M r».| gt,ne ; Ixruls Du Buy and E lsie Miller, Professor George Milan from Med Margaret Campbell for the building both of E ugene; Herbert Vitus, Eu 38th annual convention of the Young a resident of lam e county for 40 year» t-bumd by tin* Canby Unit n bleb People'» Christian Union Societies at i Hhe lived with her fam ily at the ranch ford wa» culling on his old friends site for tbe new school house. school. gene, and N ellie Hickman, Spring- Conneaut Luke Park, P a , July 26 le al Ihe foot of Htnlth Hill on the W il­ here last Thursday. He tau gh t school The (i ■ ut Nurthr*n railroad will Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fink from Me field; George Hinkle, Eugene, and lam ette highw ay. She la survived by here und also lived here many year* >0. opvratu pasasngt r bu»»«*» b«iwuun Minnvllle visited Mr. and Mrs. George Esther Louis S etters, Astorta; O. P. Construction of the *100,000 freight her w idow er F. M Sm ith three »on» Hi nd nnd Klauiulb Full». Platt last Sunday. T heir son has Nordling, Eugene, and Martha Ever­ 1 aud passenger station at Klamath fatw rence J. Hrnlth and Frank L. George W yatt from California wa» spent the pant month at tbe Platt son, C resw ell; Charles Seavey, Eu­ T sx Itanklu ol I hi* Ituiiklu Flying ttorvks, luc., of porlland, will open | Falla for the Great Northern railroad Smith of Goshen and Thurman A. In Thurston last W ednesday, this Is home. gene, and C ecilia Sullivan, Portland; la nearing completion and Ills station Smith of Sutherlin, by five daughter». h is first visit bere In Si years. H e Jam es K B ell, Eugene, and Garnett a fly lug achuol In Mudlurd. Anda Calvert and fam ily from Junc­ will he put Into operation early In Mr». Ktta McKay o f C resw ell, Ml»» form erly resided here. tion City »pent Sunday visitin g rela­ Burkhart, Marshfield, and to D aale At least 40,000 casus of bean» will Margaret Sm ith and Ml»» Kl»le Smith Auguat. Campbell and B eatrice Ball, both j f .y tiv es In Thurston. be packed till» year by the llarbey Mrs. F ells Sparks from Blue River of Uoahsn, Mrs. Cathe Brabham of Eugene. A large fire, which will probably Packing company of Rainier. Mr. and Mrs. T aylor Needham Goshen aud Mr». Ella W ells of R ose­ I» spending som e lim e with Mra. "burn until snow files," ha» broken a John Price w hile she Is recovering Coo» county's prisoners will not burg, und by 11 grandchildren out lu the peat land» of lower Kla­ Mr and Mr» W A Elkina and from »" operation she underwent at laugulnh In Jail thia summer, a» long math lake on a large lease held by P» tb<*re 1» work to do on the roada, fam ily and Mr and Mrs. C. F. Hyde the Pacific Christian the 1.0wer l^luniath latke Graxlug as­ nnd tw o daughters are cam ping up the Paul D. (Ireene of Kugene was re sociation. McKenzie elected president of the Oregon Re­ Plans fur a I at Grande homecoming Mr and Mr» E B. Tinker, daughter. tail Clothier»' »»«delation at the meet Jubilee, scheduled for August 9, 10 aud Bonnie Jeanne, and son. Frederick t Ing In Portland. 11, were abandoned by the comm ittee Bruce, and the .Ml*»«» Florence and A 60,000 bushel elevator to coat *40, In charge. The comm ittee believes Luclle Jordan motored to Newport 000 will he constructed In Ontario thia the tim e of year selected was not Friday and returned Sunday. Thev summer by the Mullin» company In favorable. visited with Mr» Tinker'*, m other ¡ te.eat» of Colorado. Eugene's new garbage-hauling ordi­ Mr». H. O. W angelln. W hile people Muurlce E verett Klnauy of Hood nance, which pruvldea that an exclu in the v alley were scorching In the River has accepted a reserve appoint­ alve contract be given to one firm to valley heat, they report Nwwport wa» ment aa second lieutenant In tho haul ull the garbage, wa» declured eidd windy nnd* foggy. chemical wurfare aervlce. valid by Judge (tkipwortb of the ctr Many of the farm ers got their hay ¡ What 1» believed to be a record cult court. into the barns tbe past week. cherry crop 1» reported to C. W. Me Bunds of elk, rouging near Black­ Sw ift and Cooper will start thresh­ faddoti of Talent, who »old 7772 berry rock, In northern Curry coun ing the end of thl* week. The Schrenk pound» from 1H cherry tree». ly, are reported to he now extinct. threshing outfit began work W ednes­ Henry Cooper, one of the owner» Prospectors repurled that cougur* aigl day. of the Cooper hardwood mill, nine hunter» have killed the laid member Grandpa Jordan, father of C. K. mile» south of Molalla, wa» fatally In of the hand. Jordan arrived from Montana last Frl- a M iss Ella Van H cusen ot C hi­ Jured while adjuallna the »aw. Mrs II. W. Itodenwold, '19 graduate duy to visit at the home of his »on at cago, better known as Miss U n i­ Cutting of the first crop of alfalta In home economics, has been appoint­ I*|ea»ant Hill verse, tipp-ng the hat of the m e­ chanical man. Mr T elevox, during la practically completed In Crook More than 1080 ie*rson« attended ed scien tific assistan t In the United his exhibition in Chicago. T he county aud the crop la »aid to be States bureau of home economics. Hhe the annual píenle of the Knights of “robot" easily won the fair ladv about kb per cent of rn average. will assum e duties In Washington, D ColumbiiH held at Rlveralde park last and w a i caught holding her hand! Sunday Many cam e from Corvallis. The Portland achoot board voted to C., August 1. I f Include a tour»« In the mechanic» of After spending a half million dol­ Albany. Roseburg and other town« A aviation at tleii»on Polytechnic school lars In development work during the picnic dinner was »ervpd at noon and y llh the opening of the fall term. past four years, the Paisley-Elkhorn th is was followed by a program c f Mlnlug company, southw est of Haines, gam es and races. Sw im m ing and Bureau of public road» crew a art “ u>Aere savin g * a re g re a te s t” Is again producing gold ore with a l-oatlng was very popular during the at work ou both »lope» of the Css day. force of 35 men. tad e range tbl» week making a recon 942 Willamette St.. Eug ene. Oregon. Mr and Mrs. T F Kabler and fam nalatance aurvey of the Hanllam paaa. Tha city of Salem , through Its legal lly plan to move to Monmouth this Two logging camp» will open In advisor. Joined with the city of Rose­ burg In defending sn action to declare fall -where Donald and Jerry Kabler Coo» county Auguat 1, one on the aaat fork of tbs Coquille river aud I invalid bonds authorised In tbs will enter the sta te Normal school. Miss Mildred S w ift who has visitin g amount of *36.000. for the establish­ tb s larger of tbs two on Middle creek at Newport returned to her hom e at ment of sn airport Now Located in The Mount Angel Co-operative P leasant HUI last week. creamery Is Installing a new boiler An old stage coach, last used to Miner Building Suppote the next time you went ihoppm g the bring Governor Pierce from the depot at Its bultsr sod Ice plant, with four times tb s capacity of present boilers. to the hotel, and now standing In dis­ Choir Haa M eeting—The choir of teleswomen seiJ, "the price of this dress is f 10.00, repair on the Stringtown road, will be the B aptist church met with Mr. and * Tbs Cooper's Spur lateral highway madam, I g M rs. John D oe has not paid her ac­ is now open Its full length, and auto­ repaired and preserved by tbe Myrtle Mrs. W alter W illiam s last night for a count this ^senth, so we are obliged to diride the Point Women's club. rehearsal and osclal time. Refresh ! mobiles may be driven to the snow Portland receipts are *38,088.17 I m ents were served the singers. line In the forest around Cloud Cap cost o f carrying it among our cash customers. The ( short of those for the first seven j -------------------------------- Ina. dress will therefore cost you $10.11.” months of last year and city purse D E C R E E O F L IE N A N D N O T IC E O F 1 Tbs annual Douglas county (arm S A L E U N D E R E X E C U T IO N strings will have to be lightened or picnic was beld In Roseburg Saturday. Little eye troubles be­ W ould you pay the extra 11 cents? Probably the city will be short at the end of IN TH E CIRCUIT COURT OF THE AU farmers of the county and their come big ones through 8T A T E OF OREGON IN AND FOR not! tbe year, Commissioner Pier warned w ives were guests of tbe Roseburg LANE COUNTY. neglect. One pair is the city council. Klwanla club. ; L. E. B ussell, P la in tiff, vs., H a rv e y A. all you get. That is the reason the J. C. Penney Com pany R eceipts of tbe slate corporation , W heeler and Ruth “ "heeler, his F ire la Albany caused damage to w ife; O. F. N ichols and Jane Doe department for the year ending June does not open charge accounts or sell on the instal­ tbe extent of »30,000 when the Hub N ichols, his w ife; W illiam Kercher 30, 1928. were »487,547.30 or approxl Cleaning works and the Cohen b and Olga Kercher. his w ife; Read & ment plan. It isn't giving everyone the same square Make Appointments mately *40,772 In excess of those for Schlosser wholesale tobacco bouse Monroe, a co-partnership; Booth- Whenever Possible deal. W e prefer to give T O U that 11 cents. the previous 12 months. The expense Kelly Lumer Company, a corpora­ were burned. tion; O. K. Baldwin; Herbert G. of conducting the department during Oscar Rodney, fire guard In the Payne, D efendants. the past year was (3000 In excess of Umpqua national forest, was drowned Under and by virtue of an execution • D r. S h e r m a n U ). H lo o d y that of the previous year. issued upon a decree of lien and order , In Diamond lake when he dived from L. M. Hechtell, mayor of Prineville of sale, and Issued out of the Circuit : O C T O M e V f l iS T - F V E S IG H T 9P C C IA U S T a boat, came to the surface once, and S U IT E a s i M IN M I OlCXk PM OW t 5fcX sod attorney for the Ochoco Irrigation Court o f the County of Lane. S tate of then disappeared. Oregon, on the 18th day o f July. 1923, 1 |A » T ORO A DW AV district Joined Rhea Luper, state en­ In the above en titled action, w herein j e U C tN fc -O R E . Knights Templars on their way to gineer, at Salem, and will proceed to L. B. Bussell, the above named Plain tbe conclave at Detroit carried with San Francisco, where they will meet till and the above named defend­ them 26 boxes of Hood lllver cherries, with u com m ittee of the bondholders ants Booth-K elly Lumber Company, a which they purchased from the Apple corporation, and O. K Baldwin, ob i of the district to confer tegarding talned Judgments and decree of sale Growers' association. plans to settle the district’s financial again st the defendants Harvey A. , Benjamin Beaman. 80, one of the W heeler, and Ruth W heeler, higiw tfe; difficulties. founders of the Eugene Bible unlver O. F. N ichols and Jane Doe N ichols, Tranchell & Parelius of Portland re , . .. his w ife; W illiam K ercher and Olga »Uy. died at hla home In Eugene. He reived the contract for the g ne Kercher, his wife, on the I8th day of was horn In 1872. He lived In Mc­ construction of the new state tuber- j u| y 1928 which said decree was on Minnville for som e years. culosls hospital to be located at The the 18th day of July, 1928, recorded in Dalles on a bid of »102.310. The board Uuo>' 8 "I »»Id court at page 215; I Coos county Is expending *10,600 on „ . r, . __ »n> commanded to sell tbe market road between Broadbent allowed Barham Bros., of Salem to |()| Qf all that sl, certain uate(1 and Bowers, where the curves will bv withdraw their bid of »94.000. Thb sue- 1 lying, and being in the County of widened, and places where dirt slides cessful contractors have agreed to j Lane. S tate of Oregon, hounded and described as follow s, to-wlt; often occur will be cut bark. complete the structure In 160 days. Lot Two (2) in Block Three (3) In Nothing will be done by tbe state A report of tbe Linn county treaa Chambers Addition to the City ot highway commission with relation to Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. urer for tbe six months ending June paving the Klamath Falls latkevlew With N otice is hereby given, that on the JO shows receipts of *1,209,328.31, dis 26th day o f August, 1928, at the hour bursetnenls of *933,029.95, and a bal­ Junction section of The Dalles-Csll fornls highway until after the elec­ of One o'clock, P. M. of that day at ance In all funds of *278,293.36. the sou th w est front door of the Court torate has pssed on the so-called House In I^ine County, Oregon. I will Construction of a new railroad to Dunne m easures at the November In ob edience to said order of sale an,I 1 tbe Bear valley timber and an entire election. This was the Information 1 decree bf lien, sell all the right, title, ly new mill plant at Burns Is an given out by Roy Klein, state high­ ¡claim , and Interest of the defendants nounced by the Edward Hines Luiu , H arvey A. W heeler, and Ruth W heeler, 1 way engineer. his w ife; O. F. NicholR and Jane Doe her company for Harney county. Members of the board of directors N ichols, his w ife; W illiam Kercher The Southern Pacific company ha» of the Warm Springs irrigation die | and Olga Kercher. h is wife, or so I filed a schedule with the public serv trlct have requested permission of the much thereof as may be n ecessary to ! ice comm ission covering extension ot sa tisfy said plaintiff's judgm ents and 1 state reclamation comm ission to ex d efen d an t’s judgm ents with Interest , stage service to include a line be You who have dealt with us before appreciate our interest taken in serving you. pend between *160.000 and »200,000 i thereop and cost as fo llo w s: tw een Medford and Klamath Falls. Judgm ent of L. E. R ussell aggre received from the sale of water in re The Metolius river market road from habilitating the distribution system . gating the sum of *301,99. nnd legal Interest on sam e from July 19, IMS. I Sisters to tho Jeffersoti county line, u It wns pointed out that uny money and cost taxed In the sum of *14.00. I distance of 9.2 miles, has been taken expended In betterm ents would be re­ nnd the further sum of *65.00 at­ over by the state highway commission paid out of receipts from additional torney fees. as a part of the Santlnm highway. Judgm ent of defendants O. K. Bald- water sales. I win In the aggregate of *201.20 and W. O. Shellonbarger ot Portland Ten persons were killed and 419 legal Interest on sam e from July 19. past grand master of the Masonic ord­ were injured In a total of 2267 traffic l 1928, and cost taxed In the sum of m o to r o ils greases er In Uregon, was Injured when he accidents In Oregon during June, ac­ ' *7.50, and the further sum of *50.00 fell from a train at Sacom, Mont., cording to a report prepared by ¡attorn ey fees: Booth-K elly Lumber Company, a while on his way to attend the Knights Thomas A. Raffety, chief inspector for I corporation. Judgment In the aggre­ 'out that Templar conclave In Detroit. the state motor vehicle department. gate of *431.11, and legal in terest on The Marshfield school budget of Patrick Casey, employe at the Hau­ ' sam e from July 19, 1928, and cost tax­ *117,228, and a proposal to Increase ser Construction company quarry on ed In th e,su m of *11.50, and the fur­ ther sum of *70.00 attorney fees; the tax levy 6 per cent over that of Coos river, was burled under a slide To the highest and best bidder for year, was voted down. The budget of six tons of rock. A crane was lm- cash to sa tisfy said Judgments with lu- lost by a vote of 260 to 17«, and the m edlately put to work removing tbs terest and cost, and accruing cost. debris and C .a .y was soon « tr 'e a te d . V ’ T AY L o l . J S h eH ff’ of Increase proposal by 268 to 180. The SPRINGFIELD, ORE SECOND and MAIN STS sam e proposals were previously de His only injury was a crushed right Co()nty (••ted . * (00L t By BEULAH BRINNTCK. Deputy. J1 2«: A. 2 9-18-23: OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Community News Will You Help Pay Mrs. John Doe’s Bill? Come on ini FILL U P YOUR CAR A T THE NEW SERVICE S T A TION ASSOCIATED GASOLINE The Best That Money Can Buy Personal Service with a Smile CYCOL / Lum’s Service Station