p*nr m uR THB 8PRING FÏ1SLD NBW8 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thureday at Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS A m otorist fined $25 fo r a traffic violation sent an e x tra $25 to th e court because th e policem an who had given him a sum m ons was so polite to him. T h a t's w hat we call the height of apprécia- ! tion! M A IL SU B S C R IP TIO N RATE One year In Advance--------»1.15 Three Months __ TSc Btx M onths_______________»1.00 Single C o p y ________ be THURSDAY JULY 26. 1928 T he m ovem ent in favor of adding an o th e r m onth to tin* calendar is gaining headw ay. Must be sponsored by landlords! e e 600 ICE CREAM CONES GIVEN AWAY ON FIRST DAY AT NEW STATION Home Education "Ths Child's First School le th s Family"— Fro»»:el Issued by the N ations! Kltidargartoh Aaaorlallon, 8 Waal loth S treet, New York City. T h ese article« are appearing w eekly Io our culuiun«. H . E M A X E Y . Editor. Entered as second class m atter, February 24, ISO) at the postonica. Springfield. Oregon THURSDAY JULY 26. 1 »28 Giving uwuy Ice cream an a feature of the opening of hla new service ■ tutIon at the corner of Second and Multi Htreeta proved u su ecessfal plan, Lum F. Anderson reported Monday. The new ntatlon. which la Just com plctcil, waa opened Sunday. FOOLISH MOTHERS e Helen Qrepg Qreen Aunt Emmy Lou »nil I dropped In • able In an elghl-yextr-old I »hull •I Nunn « an uh«' w as (InlMhlng a con have Io inuke mynelf over And I'm vernation with Teddy'» teacher. »ure Teddy'» father will help me, I "I'm eo norry you are having nil cun nee now Hint he hna often felt ,hlH trouble with Teddy," Nana arm baffled by Teddy'» behavior. I know ’ P*th,«ed. “I can appreciate Just how whnl I'll do. I'll have Jim take a vaca­ you " looking over her shoulder tion, and we'll begin right away." I severely at the offender "I Just can't "You're eight yearn too late,” Aunt do a thing with him myaelt." Emmy Lou remarked, »till fain tly re­ Teddy nhnnibled from the room, ns proachful. "but among you—you cun Nana said goodbye There were tears nectire hla teacher'a aid you can In her ey es an nhe flung out, "Oh, work wonder»," Aunt Emmy Lou, you are no wine, Aunt Emmy l.nu and I ntarled to tell me whnl Io do with Teddy. He rise need» his fnlher so badly." "I've been only an onlooker. Naim." "I'll tell you whnl to do with your­ I »aid encouragingly, "but I heartily self. \ ’ana Jane Luce," Aunt Emmy approve." ,x>u »napped "You'll have to make "Imagine my Maying. "I can t do a ?Z«ri*» moth" " thing with hint," Nana replied, »mil "Make m yself over?" Nana repeat- fag S e n a to r C urtis will be officially notified of his nom ination for V ice-President on A ugust 18. W e' hope he ap p ears properly surprised. s e e More than «100 patron» called at the ■ tatIon during Hie day. Each pur- i hunvr mid the occupants of hla car were given free Ice cream Four girls were kept buay from 8 o clock Sunday morning until 10 o'clock at night pann­ ing out the cooling aubatanca. Although he »till Iru« Improvements to make at the ntatlon, Mr. Anderson la now open for bualneaa. He will re­ ceive more equipment noon and In a short lim e m ill add a grease rack and equipm ent for repairing Urea He will al«o handle sm all ucreHaorlea and In­ ner turbe« Mr. Andi't-Non formerly »»« pro­ prietor of Hie A alrsst aervlcs station and later built und operated a sim ilar plant al the corner of T hirteenth ave­ nue and High street In Eugene. WE W ild. GBT T H E ROADS IP WE VOTE TO Gene TUBney and Tom H eeney a re preparing PR O TEC T T H E STA TE HIGHWAY FUNDS. for th eir cham pionship hnttle ton ig h t. They If th e p rese n t autom obile license law is not w on’t he allowed to bring th eir hooks to the ring. • • • changed m oney will be available and will be used for early com pletion of the McKenzie highw ay, j Coast highw ay and W illam ette highw ay, so the 1 highw ay com m ission prom ised th e county court ! and Lane county cham ber of com m erce last Fri­ day. T h e com m ission cam e to Eugene and met i w ith the local organizations for the purpose of YOU CON'T H IT THE HIGH SPOTS ALL talking over the road situation here. THE TIME * v n im e l a , , Many rum ors have gone about th e county in SeprS^V<'n.t h T ^ w rwer2 to Florence, the com pletion of th e road to O ak- r i ' tim es » ? fl*n i 4mT8 8eenu’d drab and u ninteresting. ridge which is now being worked on w ith county f And she to u ld n t see th e vision ision nor nor envlsav«» en visage the the ed "Whai do you mean?" m oney, and the w idth of right-of-w ay on th e Me- I ideal. Life w as just plodding. "W ell, when Teddy wan a mere CITY MAY PURCHASE NEW MRS. FERROL PERKINS. Kenzie highw ay. T he com m ission show ed a dis- j , position to w ork all these problem s out to th e J. " h y not? T h a t is th e hum an lot and we baby, you began giving In to every FORMER RESIDENT. DIES ELECTRIC FIRE SIREN little whim and wl»h You used to satisfaction of the people of Lane county. " aa a s web accept it. DB.FRANK GBANESAÏS nay. 'He'» no cute. I can't renlnt let Word him recently been received in Lane county has the m ajor portion of th e un- j " e a J?’ fo rtu n a te if we get the vision once in a ting him have hln way.' You were 1 Springfield may have a new fire aíren that < an be heurd for tnllea Springfield of the death of Mr« Fer com pleted sta te highw ays in W estern O regon * “ o‘ cassionally we stan d on he m ountain never — ............. -... firm ....... with ............... him. A lw ays hln will rol I’erkln«. form erly a resident of A fter being assured now by th e th re e m em bers ,°P* hatbed in th e sunlight, and look out over th e won out. if he <>nlv fanned long amt “ " >uni thia city. She died In lx»a A ngeles A High powered Sterling »Iren In future. •*--* * - of the highw ay com m ission th a t these roads will *J*lu re '. M ost of th e tim e we have to travel loud enough Hr realised your weak­ now Installed In the old bell tow er ° n Sunday, July 1 Friend» re c e lv e l be built, it behooves us to keep the autom obile j th rough the valley of the shadow , n ess, Nana The Idea of a child rul­ at the city hall where It will be tested 1,h e on,v ,h l" WB"h m other!" license fee a s it is a t least for tw o or th re e years J In m ost N orth tem p erate clim ates rain is in -i ing « hln out by the city. . | Mr». Perkin« lived her«' with her ,« • « . m ore terminglBd with sunshine and. a s the poet e x - 1 . ¿ V 7 ° 7 7 ,7 7 w'd’' It w in n ecessary to run a line of i husband and son. Jack, for several , " ' . w h ,t vouW 1 d° r ,,h’< asked high voltage to the tow er In order to ; y ,,,r " About a year ago the fam ily Many counties of th e s ta te have all th e sta te .'p r e s s e d it. "In to each life som e rain m i s i f a l l ” I ......W! HI» father wan away so much and I _ , , - ------- --------- operate the m achine, voltage In the i ,o l«o» Angele«. She la aur- road they a re going to get. The residents of these counties who are not broad m inded enough to i r e c k o n in g W e C a n n o t *h V ’ ’" 7 7 dead , '* ,h* i"1'1' *"<’d «n,i «wc.-t (()|() |(n)< not h)(jh i vived hy Mr Perkin» and the »on. concede som ething to Lane county “ which is now »"wavs and Hfa T Vto‘° n ° f . l “ t end .r , n a « r , ,h" ! K“n"r"1 holding th e sack " w ith not a com pleted s ta te fu tu re steps tak en by faith in°the d ^ k " ’* We nr - ,,h .......Th" "lr”n “» ,r"»‘ '• «' »moi wor’‘ h,’ld ",,u' h,rn Calltomu highw ay except th e Pacific highw ay, will vote for fo rtu n a te Pif once" clouds sweet" with him all the tim e, what kind ot and If purchased will replace the use ¡ c ,,y ' a disposition would he have had?" .o f the w histle at the Kooth-Ketly mill. a reduction of low er lic e n se 'fe e . We m ust in aw ay and we can glim pse the goal ' "I don't know; I thing hla d isp osi­ Brlda Qlvan Sbowar L ane county pile up a su b sta n tia l m ajority a g a in s t, H A m iscellaneous show er waa given T on sils Aomovad th e proposed change. If we do not we will be Life is rhythm . It has its ups and dow ns and tion might have been belter." Aunt for Ml«« N ellie Hickman at the home bum ping over bad roads for m any years to come, the best thing we can do is to say in the language Emmy Lou fairly bit off the words. The sm all son of Mr. and Mri. of Mr« 8 K Moakop last Wndneaday • • • , ° f th e old negro hym n. “ I'm som etim es up and "It really couldn't be any worse thau Frank Miles of Jasper underwent an . ; som etim es down, but still niy soul is heavenlv It la. And I do know he would have operation for the rem oval of rla ton­ afternoon Thome prenent were: Max Final plans w ere laid in St. Louis by th e newly jb o u n d .” J i had more character and aelf-dlaclpllne Ine W heeler, Kthelyn Stark. Maxine and a lot more respect for hla sils last Saturday In the office of a Poaey, Emma Sm ith. Margaret Swarta. formed Sm ith A ssociation of th e World for a gigantic p arty to which nearly 2,000 000 Ameri- ' l a J i S r t c h e ? of ï u î ' l i Î Î r e o t i / Ï S Î t ï ï i " 1 T hen ’ "“" h " ” local physician The little non o f Mr. cans nam ed Sm ith will be invited. T his will pro- ; ¡8 sh o wn Our slaving niiniitv a «,t „ l.iu . "Oh’ Aunt En,my Lou."— the usually bably be the first p arty in history a t which people pursue a goa] by fajtb j ; . ’ . . , r a b i l , t y t o ■ equable Nana began io be im pressed, w on’t becom e em barrassed try in g to recall each ... „ann . h ... — "surely it i«n t as had a» that!" o t h e r ’s n a m e s w e ent. cannot ' e the not glory and the ecstacy . you ,u"‘ ”' 11 ,he ' e“,h,’r o th e r s nam es. m om We a a could stan d it. No m an everv can ' . live in a s ta te of perpetual intoxication. He m ust 1 7 , ' h” you ,oul,,n’* <,° a At N orth P latte. Neb., Colonel C harles A. Lind- get hls feet down to the ground once in a while ¿ 7 7 . 7 . 7 7 , 7 ’ Aun' K," 'ny Lou a«ked critically. bergh, presen tin g a check a t a re sta u ra n t counter, j an<* Just Plug along. "Why. why—" Nana healtated. at was greeted with this refusal: ‘‘Colonel C harles A We have the com fort of know ing th a t nothing Lindbergh? N ever heard of h im !” We w onder if lasts forever and if ou r mood is depressed a fte r last realizing how fooll«h «he had been. "I believe I did. Oh. why haven I a while it will pass aw ay. th ey know th e w ar is over! I been firm? I guea« you're r.ght You cannot hit the high spots all th e tim e. What waa cute In a haltv 1« dlN:)gre«- C onverts begin th eir religiouh life usually in a Every tfm e we eo into the T hree S isters peaks .« of « enthusiasm .i... , _ . They a re keyed up to higli area we are m ore th a n ever convinced th a t it has blaze ou tstan d in g n a tu ra l c h a ra c te ristic s 'h a t lustifv Pltcb anfl undergo an em otional ecstacy. if heine o.pde into a N ational park. This we be- It is afterw ard th a t th e tefJt lieve is bound to com e even if not in this genera- required to tak e up th e affairs of daily life which tion. are perhaps hum drum and u ninteresting. They crave em otion, but em otion is an occasional ex­ They last a t lea^t tw o years At last th e w eath er has becom e warm enough perience and not perm anent. In their daily life and cost 3c per day. Silk to give th e women an excuse for going bare leg- , 7 er,P niust bp steady application of th e tru th s hose for 2 y ears cost 3 ged. But we fear th e law will not perm it them to thp-v have learned in those rare m om ents of about 12 cen ts per day, a go any fa rth e r san s clothing even if it becom es ec®facy. so m any of them backslide, m a n ’s su it o r w om an’s hotter. i ri Quitting a bad h ab it very often we m ake a dress co sts 15 cen ts pi r day • • • vow or sign a pledge in a m om ent of enthusiasm and neckties cost 6 c e n ts . which is very hard to keep in th e succeeding per day, tw ice as m uch as Now than an edict perm its women of B osn'a to m om ents of drabness, the glasses. go about unveiled. Bosnian women m ay lose th eir . T he best m oral quality is th e quality of stick- i reputation for beautv! to-it-ive-ness, the quality of hanging on and doing T hese a r e in te restin g * * * rig h t when th ere are no drum s beating no r horns facts a n d com parisons. blowing. D on’t add up th e pennies, Sued for divorce, a New Y ork w om an ended her So in the m arriage relation, we begin in a b u r s t ' but add to your eyesight life. Som e people c a n ’t stan d good fortune! of love and violent affection w hat m ust be kept up with good glasses. th rough days of perhaps u n in te restin g detail. A m an m ay know a hundred languages and still So the Bible tells us th a t it is th e overcom ers who shall be given th e rew ard. be unable to say “ No” In any of them . Eye glasses at $25 Are Cheap ! Dr. Ella G. Meade O p t o m e t r is t I THE FUMBLE FAMILY By DUNKEL J WATTS OPTICAL CO. No 14 v Ave. West E ueere, Oregon Mr«. Pearl Vaahy, Mrn John * llalaey and Mrs T. J Sprinkle underwent a Mlaa Mildred Gate». Mia« Heasle Slew- alinllar operation at the sam e office art. Audrey McFurlafld. Eileen Schan Monday morning tol. Mr« Mmtkop and Ml«« Hickman c 1 ROI rÏ T ' s S M v âf.» r f t • *'’ U F TT ' Wi. •« JL Ci t-W. 1LY r rZ \ 9 í ‘ m > »X r, * 2 1 fl U S Pl sä y Ic e C ream ! T his Is the w e a th er when n othing tak es the place of Ice cream . It hits the spot right aw ay and cools down the system . It is th e m ost healthful food you cau eat in hot w eather. It's noruishlng too. and also pure ar.d wholesome. Lggim anii m akes his own ice cream . He g u a ra n tee s It to be good. T here is a big asso rtm en t of soft drink th irst quenchers alw ays on tap here. Follow th e crow d to F G G IM A N N ’ S "Where the Service is Different" V X Does Y our W ife D rive the Car - ?, • W hen she bids you good-bye and drives aw ay do you take a m ental inventory of the c a r’s equipm ent and "g u ess" th a t they will carry her safely and w ith o u t tro u b le ? You can tru s t th e safety and service of Solvertow ns an y ­ w here and any tim e. Your c ar should have these w onderful tire s as an e x tra safeguard to insure dependable perform ­ ance. Wm. Rodenbough ‘‘Everything Automotive” 553 Main Street Springfield, Oregon Phone 95