PAGE THREE T H B 8PRINGFTHLD NBWR THUHHDAY JULY S6, 1928 Mr*. Portland Woman Ha BIG PICNIC 18 HELO BY Rider and daughter of Portland are , WOODMEN CHAPTERS here to join their husband and father who la one of the foremen on the Springfield and Waltervllle Wool» bridge conatrultlon crew. They will men of the World kslges Joined In a remain rere tor several weeks, having picnic at Henderlcks bridge on Sun* apartments at the Elite. , day. Tlie Neighbors of W oodcraft — — — ——— — branches of each place were Invited Corvallis People Here— M r and to attend. Mrs Muriel Agates of Corvallis were H. C. Wheeler of Pleasant Hill do- N O T IC E TO C R ED ITO R S visitors here with friends over the Uvered the address of the day Notice Is hereby given that the un­ past week-end. program followed the talk. dersigned has been appointed by the ---------------------------- '----- Races, ball games and other sport« County Court of the State of Oregon SU M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N ¡w ere played during part of the after- for lacne County, Executor of the Estate of CATHERINE ROBIBON, de-IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE noon when the temperature would STATE OF OREGON FOR THE permit. ceased All persons having claims COUNTY OF LANE. ------------------ — against said estate are hereby re­ quired to present the same, properly Edward Trapp, Plaintiff, v s, Edmond Marcola Car Upsets verified and with vouchers therefor, P. Pierre, Defendant. No one was Injured In an a u t» to the undersigned at the law office of mobile acident on East Main street at Gordon 8. Wells. Court House, Eu­ To Edmond P. I’lerre, Defendant; gene, Oregon, within six months from IN THE NAME OF THE STATE the city limits Saturday night when 3 the date of the first publication hereof OF OREGON, You are hereby re- ! car driven by Guy M. Crothers of Date of flrat publication hereof Is qulred to appear and answer the com- Marcola skidded in tbe loose gravel June 28. 1928 JAMES RUTHERFORD. Executor plaint filed against you In the above (at the side of the street and the car of the Estate o í Catherine Robison, I entitled Court and cause on or before I upset in the ditch. four weeks from the date of the first deceased J 28; Jl. 5-12-19-2«: publication of this Summons, and If Returns from Bandon— Mrs. M erle you fail so to appear and answer, for Casteel returned from Bandon last N O T IC E want thereof, the plaintiff will apply Thursday evening after visiting her ?iotu.e hereby , bat , hfi to the Court for the relief demanded mother there for several daya. derslgned have petitioned the Com In said complaint, tow tt: For the sum mon Council of the Town of Springfield that the following described real pro­ of Eight and 26 100 Dollars (»8.25); j SU M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N IM the further sum of Vnnr Four Hundred Unrut'-ori FOR ECLO SU RE OF T A X I IK J perty be vacated and taken out of for »«.«, Dollars (»«00 00), together with In ----------- the City Limits as follows. C,« P DIT ------ COURT OF THB Beginning at a point 3 38 chains tereat thereon at the rate of six per , J'**'' OREGON, FOR LAN® , a « .a i C O U N TY, East of the Northwest corner of Dona­ tion Number 3808 In Township Seven- cent per annum from and since the , Arthur L Matooa anrf R tlon Number 3808 In Ttawnshlp Seven 16th day of August 1927; for the fur- Matoon, Plaintiffs, vs Alfred Starts’ teen (17) South Range Three (3) ; ther sum of Three Hundred Seventeen Defendant. West of the Willamette Meridian and and n o lqo (»317.00) Dollars, together . T° Alfred Starks the above named running thence East 9.32 c h a in s:1 .h - io.h defendant: thence North 2 20 chains; thence East wlth lntere8t thereon from the 19th, IN THE NAME OF T H g S T A T E 15 90 chains; thence South 12 00 day of September 1927, and for the OF OREGON You are hereby notified , chains; thence West 26.22 chains and costs and disbursements of this action; that Arthur L. Matoon and K ath erin e -• * 9 ** ---- --- the holders ■ thence — North 80 chains -- to »•-- the -•---- place 1 Tb|8 Summon8 l8 published once “ R. of Certificate • of beginning, containing 28 2-3 acres, successive weeks * nun«bered 2136 issued more or less of land, all lying and be- . °° 30th day of December, 1925 by ing within Ihe Town limits of the . In The Springfield News, a weekly the Tax Collector of the County of town of Springfield. Lane County, Ore 'newspaper of general circulation pub Lane. State of Oregon, for the amount K°n. . . . . , 1 llshed In Lane County, Oregon, by or- ?f_ Thirteen and 30-100 (»13.30) dol- Raunion la Sat Former reniflent of Tennessee Hr- lri«c in Lane and Linn counties will meet In a reunion on Bunday, August i ft at the Brownsville city park A basket dinner will tie held and a pro- | grain Is scheduled for the afternoon, J. R. Eox of Linn county Is president } of the Tennessee association. FOR HALE Modern Broom house on WANTED — Hmall Child to care for |) street between 7th and 8th. Two In my hom e. A d d ress ftftO-E S tr e et, t garages, line lawn Will sell or trade Hprlngtleld. JI-26: A-2 for acreage or vacant lots Easy FOR BALK W O O D terms. Hyde Realty Qp.. Eugene Old Growth Fir. Second Orowth fir. Oak, Ash. AU lengths. Phone Spring Mrs. P lrrls H u rt— Mrs. Robert Plr fit kl K4. 28 00. Eugene jew er Pipe, Well Curbing, Drain Tile and Chimney Blocks. E U G E N E C O N C R E TE P IP E CO. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT E sta te of Emilia A. Smith, D eceased Notice Is hereby given that Paul lla lley, executor of the last will and testament of Emilia A. Smith, de­ ceased. has filed In the County Court of the State of Oregon, In and for lain-- County, his final report as such ex­ ecutor and that 10 o'clock In the fore­ noon of Monday the 13 Hi day of August. 1928. at the Court room there­ of. In Eugene, Oregon, has been by said Court fixed as the time and place for hearing objections of said report and for the final settlement of the ••state of said deceased. PAUL HADLEY. Executor A E WHEELER. Attorney. Jl N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN. That the undersigned has been duly ap­ pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lane, administrator of the estate of Anna Olendennlng, deceased, and has duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me properly verified at the office of Frank A. Delate. Springfield, attorney for the estate, within six mouths from tjie date of this notice. Dated this 13th day of July. W»28 CHARLES P. POOLE. Administra­ tor of Ihe estate of Anna Olendennlng, deceased FRANK A DE PUE. Attorney for thq estate, Jl 192« A 2 9 16: N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N (Publisher) 015391 Department Land WILLI» BERTSCH, Prop. » ’FICE AT SERVICE OARAGE 583 Main 8trest Successor to Sutton Transfer of the Office at Interior» Roseburg U. S. Oregon, June 22. 1928. NOTICE Is hereby given that W il­ liam It Dlckert. o( Mabel. Oregon, who. on February 6. 1924. made Home stead Entry. No. 015391. for SE»4 NW%. Township 16 South. Range 1 West. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make t h » e year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before E. O. Immel, U S. Commissioner,' at Eugene, Ore­ gon. on the 10th day of August. 1928. Claimant names a» witnesses: William Black. James Klnman. George Riggs, all of Mabel. Oregon Edward Freeland, of Marcola. Oregon. Non-coal HAMILL A. CANADAY. Register J. 28: Jl. 5-12-192«: d ir e c t o r y Office Phone 176-J Ree Phone 176 M Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. Oenersl Practice, Special Attention to Obstetrics and Diseases of Children. First National Bank Building Springfield, Oregon Plano Moving ¡PRINGFIELD TRANSFER 12 192«: A. 2 9 : DR. W. N. DOW D e n tis t First National Bank Building Phone 43 Springfield. Oregon ORIee hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Evenings by Appointment WM. O. HUGHES F IR E ANO A U T O IN S U R A N C E N O T A R Y P U B L IC CHAS. P. POOLE Office nt FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield, Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY D E N T IS T Button Bldg. Phone 20-J Residence Phone 15S-M Funeral Director 228 Main St. 62 J Residence 126 C 8t 62 M Full Auto Equipment I.adf Assistant Springfield, Oregon FRANK A. DE PUE A TTO R N EY A T LAW Genernl I-aw Practico N O T A R Y P U B L IC I. M. PETERSON Attorney-at-l.uw City Hall Building Springfield, Ore D. W. Roof JE W E L E R Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon Sutton Building Springfield, Oregon Camping on McKenzie— Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Rot her and children of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Howard of Vancouver, Washington, stopped here last week-end enroute to ' the McKenzie country where they will spend the next two weeks camping out. N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S BALE ON A T T A C H M E N T E X E C U T IO N Under and by virtue of an attach­ ment execution Issued out of the Cir­ cuit Court of the County of lacnc. State of Oregon. In an action wherein 1-ouls A. Horde was plaintiff, and Jostie H. Hair defendant, upon the Judgment rendered on the 27th day of December, 1927. In favor of the plain­ tiff and against the defendant, for the sum of Flfty-slx Dollars and Twenty five cents (»56 2ft) and Interest there­ on at seven (7) per cent per annum from the 2nd day of August, 1927. and for the further sum of Fifteen Dollars (»15 00) attorney fees, and for the further sum of Fifteen D o iic s aiul Ninety Cents (»IS 90» for cost and disbursements, current lawful money of the United States of America, and with accruing cost; I have this day levied upon all the right, title, claim, and Interest of said defendant In and to the following described real pro­ perty. to-wlt The North 3 acres of the following described premises: Beginning at a point found by beginning at the most westerly NW corner of the John I’. Eddlns and wife, D L. C. No. 53. N°t- «974 In T 17 H R 4 W of W M and tunning theuce South along the West line of said claim 5 0« chains, thence 8. 71 degree E. 9.89 chains, thence 8. 54 degrees' 30' E. 17.3« chains to the place of beginning and from said beginning point run N. 26 degrees 4ft’ E. 12 6ft chains, thence S. 63 degrees 1ft’ E 4 49 chains, to the most Easter­ ly corner of the Tract of Ia»nd con­ H„„„ r , M e c p b .,.,,,. veyed to Carl J Hultgren and Ben H. said proposed vacation are required Hultgren. Dec 16, 1920. by deed on Io file them with the City Recorder of Judge of the County Court of Lane year 1923 together with penalty In- Page 533 of Vol. 130 of the Deeds said Town on or before August 20th, County, Oregon, which order bears forest and costs thereon upon the Records of Lane Co.. Ore., as correct­ 1928 date the 9th day of July, 1928, and the i . ProI>‘>rty assessed to you, of ed by quitclaim deed executed by J. PAUL 8. BASFORD. date of the first publication of this or re J s U u a t ^ In C ou^^nd R. 'Liles and wife to said Carl J. Hult- ALLENE P. BASFORD. ; Summons is July 19th. 1928. State, and particularly bounded^ and gen and Ben H. Hultgren, thence S. LEXIE E BASFORD CATHERINE A. BASFORD. POTTER A KING, Attorneys for described A----- - as - * follows, " to-wit: Lot Eight 26* 45’ W 11.6ft chains, thence S. 2.18 chains, thence N. 54* 30’ W. 5.55 Jl. 19-2«: A 2-9-1«: Plaintiff, Residence and Post Office (8) In Block Ten (10) |n the Original Plat or Extended Survey to Spring- chains to place of beginning, contain­ Address, Eugene, Oregon. field, Oregon. ing In all 6 acres, more or less, all Jl. 19-26: A. 2-9-16: N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S You are further notified that said being a part of aforsafd D. L. C. No. Arthur L. Matoon and Katherine R. 53, In I^ane County. Oregon Notice Is hereby given that I will. In the County Court of the State of .Matoon has pafd taxes on said prem­ SUM M O N S on the 25th day of August. 1928, at Oregon for the County of Lane. IN THE JUSTICE COURT. EUGENE ises for prior or subsequent years, with the rate of interest on said OREGON^RI< T’’ L’ANE the hour of one o'clock. P. M., of said In the matter of the estate of John amounts aa follows: day at the southwest front door of Carlson. Deceased. Willamette Collection A Credit Ser- ,.T .ax_ for 1923- paid December 30, the Court House in Laue County, Ore­ NOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN That vice, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. J. I?25' Ta£ Rece,pt No »5 7 4 ; Amount gon, sell, at public auction, for cur­ »12.90; Rate of Interest 12%. A. Owens, defendant. rent lawful money of the United the undersigned by order of the Coun­ 1924, Date Paid Dec. 30, 1925. Tax IN THE NAME OF THE STATE States of Amercla, all the right, title, ty Court of the State of Oregon for tbe claim, and Interest of the said de­ County of Lane duly made and entered OF OREGON you are hereby required Receipt No. 28283. Amount paid $12 90. to appear and answer the complaint Rate of interest 12%. fendant in and to the above described l8t H 1925. Date paid May 5, 192«. property, or so much thereof as may : on the 16th day of July. 1928 was duly which has been filed against you in be necessary to satisfy said Judg­ appointed Administratrix of the estate ' the above entitled court and cause Tax Receipt No. 12740. Amount »6.30. of interest 12% ment, with, interest and cost, and ac­ of John Carlson, deceased, and that j 7«O»ln four weeks from the date ot ,, a u f A 4 . . . . I»« k ' first publication of this sum m ons’ 1W5, Date paid Nor. 2. 192$. cruing cost, to the highest bidder. said Administratrix has duly quail t an(j ¡f you faj| to so appear and an- Tax Receipt No. 22163. Amount $6.30. FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff ot as such All persons having claims «wer the plaintiff will take Judgment j Rate of interest 12%. Lane County, Oregon. against said estate are hereby notified against you In the sum of $29.08 which 1926- Date paid April 16. 1927. Tax By BEULAH BRJNNtCK. Deputy. to present the same duly verified as re 8um is n° * held under attachment in No . i 82 Amount »10.88. Rate JI 26 A 3-9-16-23 1 said action and ior an order that said °f Interest 12%. quired by law to the said Administra- I sum ot money be paid into court to 1927. Date paid April 9, 1928. Tax SUM M O N S IN THE CIRCUIT COURT O F THE trlx at the office of L. M. Travis. Inc., be applied on said Judgment. io,e<(»»’>’ An>°unt $29.23. Rate STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR m Eugene, Oregon, within six months This summons is served upon yon | _ , .er?®, w !u n iv n n iw SPIT from the first date of this notice. The by publication in accordance with an .. , , ,re, , rJ8 ai' t*le f*wner of r()il lylVOKv b. Olaf jorgee Hansaen. Plaintiff, versus, ! *’r,,t da* * “nd publ'cat,on ,hls nOtlce ¡"hereof once* T w f e k 'for fo i^ su c » # * (PI°? ertyiJas same “Pheara of r^ *„ h.,.., «. fl„ a~ Jennie Jeanetta Hanssen, Defendant. ** the 19th day of July, 1928. ' slve weeks. Date of first publication c”rd- and each of the other persons To Jennie Jeanetta ilanssen. Defend- - LILLIAN ------- — . . . . . above named are hereby further noti- R TRAVIS. Administra­ July 26th, 1928. HAROLD J. WELLS, Justice of ,ft4 d ,*’a‘ will apply to the ant:- trix. c o L. M. Travis, Inc., Eugene, peace. ! Circuit Court of the County and State You are hereby required to appear Oregon. Jl 26 A 2-9-16 23 aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the and answer the filed DONALD W MLES, Attorney for ___________________ ' Ilen against the property above des- against you In the above entitled suit Administratrix. 610 First National ‘ N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F S SALE ON j " ‘t e^A nd'1 v o u ^ h e J h within four weeks front the first pub- Bany Building. Salem. Oregon Ucatton of this summons which is Jl. 19-26: A»29-16: E X E C U T IO N IN FO RECLOSURE 1 , 0 appear w ithin s lrtv da»« artTr°»h l published the first tlma on July 12. j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN T h a t! flrBtP^ bIlc, „ j '^ is summons ex 1928; and you are hereby notified ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION by virtue of a decree and order o f , clusjve , he d of that. If you fall so to appear, your ! out of the i c5 r«,ion nnd defe»d -a this .h i. action _______ o _____ flefanlt w lllb e entered for^want of an : De rt e _t o f Interior U S sale and k ' foreclosure n » nfS|UI n J issued r™ l»v"nroelnn# tion' and r ’par una the .h„ plaintiff „i.i-.iiv -in l °* th* Interior, U. S. Circuit Court of Lane County. Oregon. the am,.unt du. . . „ *7- answer, and will make De.partme-.n Land Office at Roseburg, Orogon. ¡ on the 1 ^ day of Jilly, 1928. In a suit geîher’ whh c ^ ts^ a n d ^ cc ru ^ ’ înteî- application to the Court for the re­ June 28, 1928. wherein E. C. Hinds was plaintiff and est. and In case of your failure to do lief prayed within the said complaint ^>TICE Is hereby given that Isaac A. C. Woodcock. Mrs. E. R. Wallace so. a decree will be rendered fore­ which Is as follows, to-wlt:- That the ~ the lien of said taxes and closing marriage contract now existing be­ R. Howard of Junction City. Oregon. | and Charles Wallace, her husband, ______ on July 2. 1923, made Homestead and C. A. Wintermeier and Katheryn j coat8 against the land" and "premises tween you and the plaintiff be for­ who n Wintermeier, fc‘- * p his 'wife, were the -»»-I d e-' above named - ever dissolved and that plaintiff have Entry No. 014988, for Lot 1. and NEU G. Thla summons publlghed by ord#r an absolute divorce from you. Hon C. SWt^, »ectlon 3. Township 17 S., fendants; and wherein on the 18th 19"8j a“ d C° Ur, !i?ld ot ,he Honorable G. F. Skipworth p" "Barnard,” County' judg^" of ' l i n e 2 Ei,8t- W illamette Meridian. d?y. County, Oregon, made, dated, and en ! no^ c« intent ion to make plaintiff recovered a decree of lie u . Jud(te of , hp Clrcu,t Court tered on order July 12. 1928. directing Jhree year Proof, to establish claim thg*re»«n at »¿2 ' 7 ?»a,e --------- ° - f Oregon for the County of that this summons be published in land above described before (»25.09) with Interest thereon at he r^ ne and aaid order waR ma(1e Md the Springfield News once each week E O. Immel. IT. S. Commissioner, at nite of eight (8) per cent per annum ; datp , his 17t„ day of Ju,y 192g an(, pub,|catlon y ,,. for four successive weeks, and that j Eugene, Oregon, on the 6th day of from February 24 1927 ; the further j , he datr derslgned within the e S State H. E SLATTERY. Attorney for J of Junction City. Oregon. Five Hundred Dollars (»500.001 with of Oregon at the address hereafter Plaintiff and my residence and post I Fvcd^JThompson, of Junction City, interest thereon at the rate of (7) per mentioned. cent per ------------ annum from Oregon. - - May u - 18, , 1927; C. N JOHNSTON. Attorney for office address Is Eugene, Oregon the furtrer sum of One Hundred Fifty piain, | ff Address U. S. Nat'I Bank ; HAMILL A. CANADAY, Register. Jl. 12-19-2«: A. 2-9: Dollars (»150.001 as attorneys fc«’- ' B ldg, Eugene. Oregon Jl. 5-12-19 2«: A 2: with interest thereon at the rate of | j | 79.245- A ’.g-ig-’ S-So I SU M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N six (6) per cent per annum from July J______' A L IA S SU M M O N S 18, 1928; and the further sum of SUM M O N S I TwentV’DolUro <»20.0?V c ^ . s ind d .7 | STATE OF OREGON FOR THE »TATE OF OREGON FOR LANE ¿uwr8em ents;“whl7h "said decree'of lien IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TOT COUNTY OF LANE COUNTY. Helga Schafer. Plaintiff, vs., George was enrolled and docketed in the STATE OF OREGON FOR O. S. Penney. Edna W. Penney. Amv clerk’s office of said court In said Schafer, Defendant. LANE COUNTY R. Smith, Plaintiffs, -vs- Eunice M. To George Schafer, Defendant: county on the 18th day of July. 1928, j S. A. Mogan, Plaintiff, rs., Helen L. Ed son. 8. S. Bdson. Maude De- IN THE NAME OF THE STATE xr rn ____ aai(i order of sale to me directed Mogan. Defendant. OF OREGON. You are hereby re- j u"JV7'n LnH,.n».D eV ,ney' ( e° rRe commanding me In the Name of the | To Helen L. Mogan. the above named qu.nn* to ... appear cpp-... and ...... .......... ---- ----- Pl w State of Oregon, in order to satisfy defendant; qulred answer the com- . : / ' ‘'CV' i feJ!|dap l a' plaint filed against you In the above Eunice M KxlsotH now Kdson M ga( the time prescribed In said order, to- bane County, Oregon, which order 1 tbe time within which you are re­ Wintermeler, and Kathryn G. Winter , w|t, on or before the 2nd day of hears the date the 26th day of June. ‘ qulred to answer as above begins t»i meier, and all persons claiming by. August, 1928. 1928, and the dale of the first publlcn run from July 26th, 1928, the date through, or under them or either of n nte of first publication. July 5.1928 them, in and to said premises Date of last publication, August 2, 1928 tlon of this Summons Is June 28, 1928. of the first publication hereof. FRANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff of g. m CALKINS, Attorney for Plain- POTTER A KINO, Attorneys for FRED E SMITH. Attorney for tiff. Residence and Postoffice address Plaintiff. Residence and Post Office Plaintiff Res. and P. O. Address, Eu- Lane County, Oregon. Bv BEULAH BR1NN1CK, Deputy. ! Eugene. Lane County. Oregon. Addross. Eugene, Oregon gene, Oregon. Jl. 26: A. 2 9-16-23: Jl. 5-12-19-26: A 2: J. 28: Jl. 5-12-19-26: Jl. 2«: A. 2 9-16-23: