THURSDAY JULY 20. 1H2H THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS P A G F TW O last night following their regular bual- SPRINGFIELD NINE WILL nesa meeting The refresh uiettts were MEET TOLEDO SUNDAY served In the banquet room of the lodge half, with Mis Sam Richmond With a lineup of the strongest play chairman of the committee In charge ers In the city. Springfield baseball Goes to P o rtla n d — M iss (Hadis team will go Io Toledo Sunday for the Hamlin’s Mother III—F B. Hamlin CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emory was called to Drew early this week by House left yeslerday for Port hind to j ao und game of the season for the as prices on plates and other work if , visit her brother for several duya. the serious illness of his mother. I e| tit n r, *4 t p tn o „ i<1 rrj^V <“* ««¿’vi» lineup tneludes Dean ami M r. P e rk in s H era— A1 I'e rk in « . form Take Coast Drive— Mr and Mrs F. H u t Pio. n> w v o/ tfcù itu n p o p tr. Mulligan, both good players B Flutter) and Dr. and Mrs. W. N. er Springfield resident, was here Wed- i The former has been playing Ibis sea nesilay from Portland transacting Dow spent Sunday ut Newport. soli as shortstop for the Coquille l< mu 1 Chiropractie and business, | ents and in good company. There | The rest of I he lineup Is: A McPhei Two Girls Ask Advice ..Jcmea Bonnie Here—James Bonnie tlsctro Thsrspy no reason why you cannot have as Wrights Have Guests—Mr and Mrs i son, Gene lielth, Don Palmer, Hugh Dear Miss Vera: was here from Bull Run to spend lit« many friends, both boys and girls, ns Spociallaing In We are two girls of 15 who are weekend visiting with his family 11« James Elder of Mils ankle have been | Cowart “Doc" Mfimh, "lluck'' Harper. you wish. very close friends. Du you think guests ut the home of Mr. and Mrs S. Lyle I lust mga. ’ Shorty" Meuta, Ormel Is employed at that place. Palnlsaa and girls of 15 should be allowed to as­ Redding und Hill Vgpby. Vasti C. Wright thia week Bloodlsss ftv B rin g s New Ford Here— 1 aturence sociate with boys? Do yon think The players will IPIive the Archway Rtm oval of Luckeys on Vacation—Earl Luckey Roof went to Portland last Friday an I a girl should ever let a boy kiss Baseball Idol Tonslla brought back a new Ford for the Dan­ and hta mother. Mrs Laura l.ui key. pool hall at ti a. m. Sunday. her if they are well ecquainted? lefi yesterday for Kttsou springs ner motor company. Should a girl of 15 go for a ride 16th year In Oregon p re rtlc ln g . M elon Feed la Held where they will spend a week on vaca­ with boys? Should girls tell boy Take Fishing Tirp—Jack Henderer tion. Phone 20«* Office 1237 Ferry SI friends of their secrets? Members of the Neighbors of Weed and M B. Huntly enjoyed a fishing Eugen« Would it be better for a girl to Leave for Washington—Mr. and cruft Uiilgu enjoyed a watermelon feed trip last Friday. They fished on the associate with a crowd or have Mrs. Welby Stevens and Mr. and Mrs upper McKensle river. her own personal boy friend? M. M Perry leave this weekend for Should a girl be allowed to go to Corporal la Visitor—Corporal Lee Wallowa lake where they will spend public dances at this age? Is it Foxley of San Francisco Is here vis» next week. proper for a girl at this age to Ing his sister. Mrs Hugh Jolllff, for Stuarts at Beach—Mr. and Mrs E. have as many boy friends as she a few days. C. Stuart and children drove to N*‘w Wishes? Here Over Week-end—Miss Mar­ port Sunday Enroute they stopped in • • • garet Sprague of Eugene was a week Junction City to visit frlenda. Dear Girls, 1 am going to try to ' end guest of Miss Elisabeth Rice and answer all of your questions as well Back from Convention—Mrs T. F Miss Anna Rice. D u rin g o u r re m o d e lin g w e are plac­ as I can. You rea Just at the age • Bennett has returned from the In in g on sale a ll o u r m illin e ry am i When questions of this sort crop up, Sutton Boys Here— Darre l and Her- ternutlonal Sunday school convention dresses. 3 groups o f hats to go on and you need more than anything else schel Sutton, formerly of Springfield, In Los Angeles sale at $1.00. $1.98 and $2.89. These the kindly interest and advice of are visitors at the home of Mr. and groups Include te lls , new silks and parents and older persons. There is Mrs. Duncan Has st—Mrs. Kath- Mrs. E. E. Morrison. They now live stra w s, large and sm a ll headsizes. n reason »hv you should not associ- ryti Duncan hat) as in Washington '■***•’ These hats are reduced to cost and a: with* boys. There are, however, last week «nil. Mrs T h e fans lo v e th e b r illia n t p la y » Tysons are Back—Mr and Mrs. W Salem. Ifess. a great many reasons why you should trig o f T r a v is Ja ckso n , voung P. Tyson «nJ daughters have return n ’ kiss or pet them—unless you are s h o rts to p o f th e N e w Y o r k 6 ta n ta . Dresses reduced to $5.95 and $9.95 cd from Bend after »te nding, several R ainbow Man In Hoep'tal— G eorg ■ sure you are really in love with them w h o is h e ld c a p ta in f o r th e 1-zj» 14 Io 62. William» of Rainbow underwent a season. J a ckso n succeeds R o g e r« ' day» there visiting with friends. and contemplate eventually marriage H o r n 'b v as fie ld c a p ta in major operation In the Pacifie Christ­ Wit!» them. Promiscuoifs love-making We Give S. A H. G roen T rading Rowes Have Guests — John ami ian hospital on Monday. Is harmful, both physically and men- Stamps i C h ris H o stO ttler. b ro th e rs of Mrs N tally, besides being unrefined and H a t O p e ra tio n — M rs H a ro ld M u l­ A. Rowe visite d here over the week- creating a bad impression. lin of Natron was taken to the Part Or.E.T. Helms Rem odeling SALE! It is all,right to go riding with a boy if he calls for you at your home, (net’s your parents and taaes you out with their approval. If you know a boy well enough, there is no reason why you cannot confide in him if you th'.nk be is to be trusted. At you age 1 think it best to have t great variety of friends, rather than one regular “boy friend". Unless, of course you find the one that you love. It would be best for you to keep away from public dances unless you go to them with the approval of your par When the Doctor Recommends M IL K OF THE GREATEST MAGNET ROCKEFELLER SEES KINDNESS WAR DOES NOT PAY Mammoths, extinct thousands of years, have been found preserved, skin, hair, flesh, in Northern ice. Hoping that men of the Stone Age might be similarly preserved, an expedition was sent to look. On an island, far North in cold Alaska, scientists discovered at the top of an almost inaccessible cliff the grave of an ancient Stone* Age chief. His coffin was lined with well cured skins of the sea otter. His shirt was of bird skins, his cloth­ ing made of the finest furs. A favorite child, a seamstress to sew for him, a servant and hunter to get game for him, had been killed and buried with him to accompany him on his death journey. This mummified family from the Stone Age will enlighten scientists. It interests us all. illustrating the unconquerable belief in a future life so deeply planted in the hu­ man brain. Why was the belief put there if only to be disappointed? M A G N ESIA for the treat­ ment of consti­ pation, heart­ burn, or other k i n d r e d ail­ ments, use $2^ Milk of M agnesia An especially high grade product of full official strength and purity. Highly recommended also as an alkaline mouth wash to protect the teeth from eroaion by t h e mouth acids. Smooth as Cream Pleasant to take Recall Milk of Magnesia straightens out your stom ach and gives you back your appetite. Sold only it the Rexall Drug Store. FULL STONE AGE MUMMIES P IN T 50c Flanery’s Drug Store Store . The French Government build« a gigaatic magnet several thousand times as powerful as any '«lilt thus far. It will be used in scientific ex­ periments in connection with the molecular and atomic consti^tion of matter, etc. The magnet even­ tually will be of great use in in­ dustry. Man is an intelligent animal, living on a gigantic combination power wheel and magnet—the earth. He constructs his own little power plant, builds his own elec­ tric and magnetic power. In the north day before yester­ day man's electric work felt an electric storm, and an amr’ ing au­ rora borealis, stretching J * across the northern part of the continent If men could borrow and use the Inexhaustible electric power of the earth, they need not turn ctw.l or water falls into electric current. John D. Rockefeller, beginning his ninetieth year, said: “I never .-.-o-ry «»'* ’ i arnar«'* ** ♦' Now his ships go out to every harbor of the world, his scientists are fighting disease in every part of the earth. And looking at his right hand, now wrinkled, he knows it has made gifts to educa­ tion and human progress totaling hundreds of millions. A good deal in one life time. Drop-In Cafe TONY GRAVOS. Prop. T he fo rm e r is co n sid e rin g lo c a t­ ing in Eugene. Yarnell's at Springs— Mr. and Mrs A. L. Yarnell and daughter and Mar Jorv Recaard who is visiting here fro m Nevada, are spending this week at Belknap springs on a vacation. I Mannings Moving—Miss Alta Man­ ning. teacher in the Brattaln school, ’ and her parents are moving into the residence at the southeast corner of Sixth and A streets today. John Bushman Away—Mr. and Mrs. John Bushman are spending this wees on a vacation at the Oregon beaches. They plan to visit at Seaside, Cannon beach, Gearhart and Astoria. Mrs. Bushman's parents reside at the lat­ ter city. Thomas W. Lamont, partner of J. P. Morgan, and an able citizen« tells business men they can be a distinct factor in preventing future wars. They can and will be. for they have discovered that war. in the past often promoted by business, DOES NOT PAY. Another big war would mean not merely sixty per cent income tax, but confiscation of principal, on A gigantic scale. Young men wouH not again consent to have their bodies sent to war, unleaa the rich man's dollars also w eat Wise business men will opoose war and demand preparation for it tic Christian hospital Wednesday where she underwent a major opera tion . Washington Guests Here—Mrs Dun Cooper of Filma. Washington, was here over the week end to visit friends and relatives She was a guest of hot grandmother. .Mrs. E. E. Vincent 8th Avenue Hat and Drees Shop 40 8 th Ave. W est, Kugene. O regon Rest at Resort—Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Rebhan and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Me- j Cready spent Suiyiay at Cascade re- , sort. Ashland People Here— Mr. and .Mrs O. H. McDonald and daughter. Mr. William Doren of Ashland spend Sun­ day visiting with friends In West Springfield. First Grain Received—The first con­ signment of local grain to he received by the Springfield Mill and Oram com­ pany was purchased from a Junction City farmer Wednesday. A good crop of all fall grains la expected. Drain Mayor Here— Mayor Clarence 1 Leonard and wife of Drain stopped In Springfield Sunday evening enroute to their home from a vacation trip to Bend. They visited with Mrs Inez McKlin Sells Houee— M. J. McKlin Rice who formerly '«as In business In has sold bis property on West K street Drain. to F. B. Ctonnent of Mabel who will take possession Immediately. The deal was made through the W. W Walker realty company. Visits Parents— Mrs. Frank Isom of Halsey who has Just been dismissed from the Pacific Christian hospital 'following treatment for an injury re­ ceived n an accident In which her shoulder wag broken, in vlsltln* at the home of her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lusby on Mill street Here the steel companies use magnets picking up tons of steel rails and loading them on cars, dropping them down, lifting them up, as a boy lifts tacks with his toy magnet. kindness of people generally “ Eighty years ago, from his father's cottage doorway, in the Catskill foothills, he watched his uncle drive off, to trade horses— and saw him come back with bet­ ter horses. GOOD THINGS TO EAT If your appetite is a little off egde or if you want certain dishes a little out of the ordinary, then come to our reataruant and your desire for some thing really good will be immediately (ratified. We will serve you any­ thing from a regular course dinner to a delicious sandwich and something to drink. You will enjoy eating with I end Lumber Worker Hurt Struck on the head by a rolling tim­ ber, Leonard Boggs, an employe of the Fischer Lumber company at Mar- cola, was brought to this city yester­ day for treatment. He received a puncture wound In the skull. His condition is not believed serious. IN T H E W E S T Eugene, Oregon 605 - 609 Willamette St. Just Unpacked —Hundreds of Stun­ ning New Dresses, All Ready For Our Moat Sensational Surprise A surprise that Is bound to take the Women by storm. It's our July feature of New Summer ProckB which will smash every former record value. models. The most “Startling’’ values we have ever offered the public. All Borden's Guaranteed tub- fast Prints, arfd every yard of tape or trimming used is guar­ anteed tub-faBt. Ten different Scores of different patterns. Choice Voile Frock» Exquisite Printed Organdies P w -I > o 3 o á 0 92 Z V) o i- -4 -n o c Z 70 o mO c (Z) > < c (_ 2 c 3 1“ r < GENERAL ^E L E C T R IC Refrigerator Mrs. W rig h t Honored Roy Wright, a recent JSu1e, can flyer, who was killed when his will be honored at a party at her home U p, crashed near Burlington, N tonight. Members of the Progressive Carranza, “good will” flyer who Recently flew irons Mexico City to 22 drill team of the Rebekah lodge Washington, was attempting a re­ will go to her home here for the party. turn flight to Mexico City, when the tragedy occurred. The Mexi­ C h ris tia n Chuch can Lindbergh, as be was called, is Sunday school at 9: 46 a. m. Preach­ being widely mourned both in this ing service at 11 o’clock, Rev. 8. E. eounirv aad. is M e xico Childers, pastor, preaching on "Christ NEW MODEL BUICK WILL and the Christians.” At 8 o’clock the nulon service will e held In this BE EXHIBITED TH IS WEEK church. Rev. Mr. Childers will preach The The new model Bulck will be ex­ on "Rc-digglng Old Wells.” Moshler Murphy quartet will sing. The hibited at the F. W Pettyjohn com­ union young people's meeting will be pany salesroom on Saturday, It was In this church and will be led by announced touay Considerable In­ Elizabeth Rice. The topic Is "Ap­ terest has be< n ^xpresser as to what preciating our Immigrant Neighbors.” changes will be made In this make jf RELIEF FROM CURSE car. Mrs J Dealers themselves do not know what the new cm will look like, but they have «en asured that nothing will be put into the new machines which will depreciate the value of the older models. The famous valve- ln-head motor and other features will be retained. OF CONSTIPATION A Battle Creek physic»«-., says, "Con­ stipation Is responsible for more mis­ ery than any other cause.” But Immediate relief has been found. A tablet called Rexall Orderlies has been discovered. This tablet attracts water from the system into the lazy dry, evacuating bowel called the colon. The water loosens th dry food waste and causes a gentle, thorough, natural movement without forming a habit or ever Increasing the dose. The showing of the car Saturday celebrates the silver anniversary for the manufacturers. The first Bulck was built In 1903. the first year's pro­ duction totaling 37 autos. This year Htop suffering from constipation. the 260,000 mark has already been Chew a Rexall Orderlle at night. Next passed. More than two million Bulcks have been manufactured during the day bright. Get 24 for 26c today at the nearest Rexall Drug 8tore-^(Adv.J 26-year period. Outstanding Features Not a belt, fan or drain pipe. Never needs oilin g Unusually quiet. It’s portable— install it anywhere — move it anywhere. And do not overlook th* strong, attractive cabinets— built for service. Guaranteed by General Electric, M ountain S tates power C ompany