Try the H om e P rin t Sh op F trat THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW ENTY-FIFTH YEAH SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY JULY 26, 1&2S SPRINGFIELD BOYS SET CAMP RECORDS Troop 11 Has Best Attendance of Any Lane County Unit at Lucky Boy Session; Climb to Top of South Sister Is B"g' Feature of Encampment. E Some Baby I BRIDGE MAN SHEDS • CLOTHING TO JUMP TO RESCUE TOOLS Henderson Badly H art in Accident Muny of the people of thia vsl ley would gladly have abed the larger portion of their clothing Monday. A bridge worker did Just that, retainIng no more of his habtlia- ment than a amlle. But he didn't do It in order to cool off. While working on the McKenzie highway bridge he accidentally dropped a hammer and lom e other tonla Into the river. Descending to the narrow guage railroad be­ ing used at the bridge, he divested htmaelf of all hla clothing and plunged to the rescue of the tools. Springfield Man Rushed to Vet-1 eran's Hosptai After Mis­ hap at River Monday Trubert Henderson, proprietor of ’ the Springfield Bowling alley and well-known Springfield man. Is In a serious condition In the veterans' hoa I pllal In Portland following an acci dent here at 3:30 o’clock Monday afternoon. He waa swimming In the Wiliam- ' ette river Juat south of the bridge and at the time of the accident waa float­ ing downstream feet first In float- j Ing over a riffle hla body hit a »harp snag embedded In tre gravel. The J snag went Into hla lower bowels for j about 6 inches, narrowly mlnaing the bladder. Phantom Radio Man! "Th» P eopx t Paper” A LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN NUMBER 23 SPRINGFIELD GETS Hill Is Praised By Riders from All Parts of Northwest; Local Machine Places First In Pro­ fessional Event; Former Traf­ fic Officer Takes Two Events. Setting new records fur their home Springfield won three honors la the city mid winning honor» for thorn northwest annual motorcycle hill* »rlvii«, Springfield lloy Heouts ended ■ climb held here Sunday. their unnual encampment at Camp j In the first place the city furnished Lucky Boy on Blue river last Bunday I a hill which riders from all over the end returned here bronxed end In-; Earl "W Davtdson, railroad tele­ northwest declared Incomparable for vlgorated y half a month spent In the graph operator o f Reading, Pa., the purpose. opeg who has just discovered a means In the second place a rider under a Troop 11 of love I scouts set a re­ to talk between two radio sets, Springfield banner and on a Spr ng* over the carrier wave of a broad­ cord allt-nuuuce tor the entire ca'de , casting station. Davidson has mys­ field machine took first place In the SIX CRASS FIRES ARE of Luue e county oys by having 11 of* tified many by his 'phantom radio" professional events. the enrolled tneinberahlp of the troop i baffling experts by broadcasting REPORTED LAST WEEK­ A loving cup altnort as Lie aa he In the third place Springfield's in camp during the two weeks There : la w»i won by Stanley Goldberg, through his own loudspeaker. former traffic officer, Elmer Smith, Companions pulled him from the END; WARNING ISSUED ate only 111 active acoute In the troop.' 23 month» old, in the annual baby won first place in the novice and first snag and ruatied him to the office of contest at Sea Side Park, Coney Troop 12 waa alao represented at place in the amateur events. McKENZIE HIGHWAY TO Urasa lire in several section« of the a local physician who recommended Island. New York. camp. H ill Proves Victor city kept the fire truck on the move that he be sent to the Portland hospi- BE OPENED TO TRAVEL Most of the boys who went earned Under the blistering sun several on Saturday and Bunday. Six grass tai at once. TUESDAY; OIL DRYING hundred spectators watched the thrill- their own way by working at odd Jobs j ANNUAL PICNIC SET fires were reported during that time M B Huntly, chairman of the Am during dm eprlng months. ..... . .. „ „ , t *”« climb events from 1 o'clock to J FOR CHRISTIAN SUNDAY Two fires occurred near the South- erlcan Legj„„ char-g e Oiling work on the McKenzie high . The nine boya of troop 11 who »lay ! ern Pacific station, two on Seventh -hospitalization ...... ........... ........ ...... called to make 1 way over the 12 miles between thia ' 8f . mlnute to ‘ * SCHOOL AND CHURCH Tlm® Christian church and Bunday school Mill and D street». In each case the nienu over , o Mr, Huat)y who has op<.n Adame, Irvin House, Henry Trlnka ,hat k)nd Qf „ouncement this morning from the of- *Lke a k * « / '* ' will lie held at Coburg bridge on Hun itru»« waa on vacant lot. and property done a great dPaI and Lloyd Rlllson. Robert McLaxau day, according to final plana announ was hot In immediate - danger, work and she had the Injured man . fice of Raymond J. Walsh, resident ^ he hH, ’ i umX r and Itobert Htarka stayed oue week rad today by W A. Taylor, general Eire Chief Jesse Smltson has Issued aboard the Shasta limited Just one engineer for tre state highway com- | | n splendid condition and with chairman of (re affair. I a warning against permitting tall dry hour and five minutes after the ac­ mission. Eight Gat Emniama enough handicaps to make riding Gut of the group from here eight Kegular services will be held at the flrasH to grow near houses during such cident. (Hick work has been done on the ficnlL the hill won the praise of pro* got camp emblems during their stay, church and the group will gn from dry weather aa the preaenL The Injury, which might easily have highway since the crews arrived fessional riders who declare the Eel- In order Io gel an emblem a scout ‘ there to the picnic grounds to spend i Ixiw rumldlty also makes it advis­ been fatal. Is still very dangerous, Some drivers have already been us : erald Heights incline the best In the must make alx points in acoutcratt. the entire afternoon, the physician states. Because of the which meant passing testa In scout- j A big basket dinner la scheduled as able to be careful with all kinds of location of the wound there is danger Ing the newly oiled section of road northwest for the purpose and who but most of the traffic has gone by voted unanimously to return here tof Ing and must make a total of 26 point* 1 the first event on the program Bach stoves and fire, he said. of blood poisoning, It Is said. In the way of the Camp Creek road. Only future climbs. In camp helpfulness and camp nctlvl- j family will bring a basket lunch and 1 The sawdust pile at the site of th-» event no complications set In Mr | the stretch from here to Thurston The special hillcilmblng machine ly. Camp helpfulness Includes kitchen the food will be served family style, .old sawmill at Third street and Broad­ Henderson will be in the Portland gives any trouble from splashing olL owned by W R. Davis, present d tp duty and work In making the camp The picnic site haa been offered way caught fire Monday and a grass hospital for a least three weeks. Prom Thurston to Waltervllle the traffic officer, with Ray Tascher rid­ Kelly boulevard tetter and activity Includes hikes, fn*e of charge by the proprietors * "re war W » « « » Word received from the Portland ; coat has dried enough that it does not ing. won first In the 61-inch profes­ and E street. Another grass lire -was swimming meets aud other events. Swimming and other sports will oc- hospital this morning was that the splash sional event. Thst the local boya plied up so larfc cupy the afternoon No formal pro- extinguished at Mill and South A Injured man Is “doing fine" and has Just as soon as the oiling work Is Result* Are Listed streets Tuesday morning. a total ot points entitles them to much , ' B?ho<’1 c,a88 waa ,n hours and -five minutes, the fastest First—Elmer Smith, Indian, Eugene. charge of the program and the Junior Charfes Nelson and P. C. Lauridsen. Mlaa Florence Shauh pf Creswell ! ">er season, it is Impossible to get ISO feet. known time of any climber who has both of Junction City, received injur Salem, were ** attendance at the meetings. It ' » » men s ever registered on the mountain. ‘I re and Lovlnus Lynn of Sale Second—E. C. Jorgenson. Harley* The program consisted of two read- lea here Monday afternoon In an auto- There Is seldom much last of the party took four hours to quietly married at The Dalles, Oregon. I w“8 "’«fed Davidson. Salem. Ings by Mias Saturday July 21. 192k at 3 p. m. business to he transacted during this ii-u" ’’ u™ ""'’,. Moon, a vocal solo by mobile accident , near the corner of make the ascent. Third Tom Appleton. Harley, Port­ The Reverend Edward. M-rho,!!«. time of year Wilma Haack, two readings and a ; Second icond and Main streets. land. The trip io the foot of the South " ert n I Edwards. Methodist , X - . brief po„ tJca, addrPM kV Dr H n who is the grandfather Sister r waa was made Saturday by by motor motor .'"‘."‘l ' " . 0] ‘."T 1 Ja/nes. uwo readings bv William Cox' » Mr. Nelson, inches ror for amatet amateur chant- made Saturday ” .. ” Jsynes. . . . . ( 61 cubic mcnes , „ „horl hv ReT g E Crt,dp„ Mr\ J M I^ r8on' ’ ««‘»‘ned a j pionship of the northwest: from Springfield to Frog Camp Boys ‘ ••remony.a nd Mr. Arthur Taylor and '•» *' called by the president. This did not go to camp left Spring ,8"’"y wer*> I ”ro"bl>’ b<> ln September or Ocro- , . ' ht 7 2 aC,?red "nd ,acera,ef* hand a"<*' « r s t- E lm e r Smith. Indian, who Eugene, Mr" Lynn wa" “nd “> I " .7 , Lajur,',s*"' Mra A rso n 's uncle. 176 feet. held in car. and the ».outs In .am p n ic k e d lit. at B lu e r iv e r F la h C re 8 W e *1 w h ’'r e she graduated from --------------------------— re vl’ lt,n« her* f™m Grants Pass received a fractured Jaw. 61 cubic inch, expert- received a fractured Jaw. | 61 cubic Inch, expert: were picked up at High th> t _ Cri. Third—Joe Marshall. Seatle, Indian. the annual banquet. Over 600 dele- Stee* for ,be flnor oi ,h e bridge was House, John Adams, Billy Wheeler, MISS GRACE MORSE AND ATTEND SALEM MEETING gates. It is expected, will be In at- • a,readX ln and 8*de pieces were Earl Wlieeler, George Mason, Wlstnn JAMES MITCHELL WED tendance and these will represent as- ! pot up ,bl8 week- Hascus, Gordon Wright, Ralph Hughes, Five members of the Springfield ^OW NATION OF MAYOR ‘ Dorman Montgomery, Carol Adams. Al 6:30 o’clock Tuesday morning,. aocintions having a a .e t. of » 7 6 0 . 0 0 0 . - ^ 7 . » ^ r . ^ ^ I ' a« H* n * ‘h* MUST BE BY PETITION Boys who were also on the trip Miss Grace Morse of West Springfield ’ held in were Morris Stewart, Milton Doano, { and James Mitchell of this city were --------------------- -----1— rivets to support the frame and floor Salem ,a8t Saturday which welcomed Whoever is to be Springfield's next Everett Lajoy, Paul Schantol and marrletj at the home of the groom's STREET IMPROVEMENTS ( the national commander of the w o-, mayor must be nominated at least Lloyd Ellison. ; sister and brother-in law, Mr. and Mrs. j ARE BEING COMPLETED of the new structure. men s organization. ' one month before the general election Two are Leaders Dallas Murphy. Those who went from here were: Iin November, according to the city * Hamm Farm Sold Two Springfield boys received the Rev E. V. Stivers, pastor of the Kelly boulevard between K and L Mrs. M. B. Huntly, Mrs. Ira Peterson, I charter which provides for thia office, Sale of the William Hamm farm at distinctive honor of being selected cs i Eugene Christian church, perform- streets and a block of L street be­ 1 Mrs. Bernice Van Valzah, Mrs. Frank j The candidate's name is placed on Vida to Mrs, Racheal Herman of Cres­ patrol leaders of patrols organised In ' cd the ceremony tween Ninth and Tenth have been well was announced today by W. W. Deeds and Mrs, F. B Hamlin. H>e ballot by a petition signed by a the camp. Ralph Hughes headed a Both Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell are well graded this week and are now read They attended the meeting during number of legal voters. group of eight boys selected from the known here. The former has been for gravollng, according to George Walker, local realty man, who handled the day and the big banquet In the The only petition yet'slgneu up with the deal. The farm includes 60 acres Springfield troop and George Mason employed In the Gray's Cash and i Valller, street commissioner and chief evening, returning home late Saturday j ,be Proper number of names la ♦!««< | of fine farming land. Mr. and Mrs. was leader of another patrol. Carry store and the latter at K etels'; of police i for H. J. Cox, former president of the .... . . . i Hamm will continue to occupy the ni«ht. No aickness nor Injury was reported drug store. The national commander ana her chamber of commerce Lawrence ? I " .- .TPrOy.!mPnt.S * ° '! Property until about October 1. ac­ Following a honeymoon trip to Ing on Include the oiling of D street during the stay. C. R. Aldrich, scout sister were the women who originated . RaX- G- O. Wilson, M. J. McKlin and cording to present plans. master of the Springfield troop, was southern Oregon nnd < rater latke betiween Fourth and Seventh and a the Idea of giving doughnuts to the others have been mentioned as condl- on the Job during the two weeks as | *bpy WB1 make their home here, boys In the trenches tn France. stretch of south Fork street near the dates for the position. None of them Ice Cream Social Set assistant camp director and camp j ------ ----------------------- residence of Mayor G. O. Bushman. has yet made any statement. Members oof the Women's Mission doctor. Burton Nelson of Eugene was TEACHER RESIGNS PLACE Property owners are standing this nry society of the Christian church POSTMASTER HAMLIN TO the other assistant director and C. R. |^j GRADE SCHOOL HERE expense. ATTEND BIG CONFERENCE LI0NS CLUB WILL HEAR are giving an old tthie ice cream Clurk, latne county executive was the _____ _ social on the lawn of the M J. McKlin ------- REPORT ON CONVENTION general cantp director. Junior offlc'ra After the entire teaching roster for B STREET IS CUT UP BY Springfield will be represented at ’ --------- home at 606 D street Friday evening. are Kenneth Gxner, senior patrol lead- the three Springfield schools had been The social will begin at 6 o'clock. the annual convention of northweat I Report op the recent international HEAVY TRACTOR TUESDAY er, I hlllp I illnian, assiatant senior completed, it was announced today postmasters In Portland August 10 convention of the Lions club in D ei patrol lender and John Steelqulst, by Roy W. Carlton, chairman of the and It by F. B. Hamlin, local post­ Moines. Iowa, will be made at the A heavy caterpillar tractor, comhin-j Prayer Me’ting Off quartermaster. school board, that one vacancy Is yet ed with soft pavement« nnd a hot day j Hue to the camp meeting being held master. weekly luncheon of the Springfield Honor Court Slated to he filled. The convention will be held in the club Friday noon. Eric W. MerrelL succeeded In cutting up the surface of at Cottage Grove this week, no pray- A court of honor follows each I wo Miss Doris Uniat, n teacher In the | B street from tlftr to the end of the er meeting will he held at the Method chamber of commerce green room in member of the Eugene club, who waa weeks of the encampment, but Bprng sixth H last year who wipt scheduled i pavement Teusday. 1 ist church this evening, It was an- the Oregon building. a delegate to the convention, will be field oys could not attend the one this to tench the fifth grade this year, Government postal officiais will dis the speaker. A tractor to be used by the A. ] nouncod by Rev, Gahrlel Sykes. time because of the mountain Jaunt has resigned nnd will tench In the Guthrie construction company at the I pastor. Many Springfield M-thodl’ts , cuss technical problems, the conven Just what took place at the conven­ They will receive promotions nnd Corvallis schools this year. Leahurg power site operations was * «ce attending the camp meeting ses- tlon being largely for the purpose of tion, especially that which bears on merit badges at a later court of honor Several applications for the posi­ piloted over the street. The surface plfifi8 at the Grdve. instruction. the western clubs, will he told by Mr. session to be arranged by officials. tion have already been received nnd of the street was badly cut up. ! — --------------------------- Mr. Hamlin returned Wednesday Merrell. ' I have to report that the camp this others are expected, according to Mr. City Recorder Peterson notified the | from Drew where he was called by the Baptist Services Dwight Kessey and John F. Ketela year waa a complete success, especial Carlton construction company of the damage Bible school meets at 10 o'clock. illness of his mother. She is now re­ are members of the entertainment ly the Springfield Boy Scouts,” Scout­ done and a superintendent came here Morning worship at 11 o'clock, with ported improving. committee this week. master Aldrich said this morning. Ho Halsey People Here— Mr. and Mrs. to view the street. He advised the sermon by the pnstor. Rev. C. H. Blom. believes the hoys get valuable ex Walter Bumgunrdner of Halsey are city In have the work done and pres­ The choir will sing an anthem. Union Returns to Globe— Mrs. Ralph Hurl- Mrs. Knox la III perlenee from the summer camps here greeting old friends. Mr. Bum- ent the hill to his company. services at the*Christian church on butt, who has been visiting here for Mrs. Anna Knox, aged Springfield which iwlll help them In all activities guardner Is atp resent employed on Stein brothers have been employed Bunday evening, Rev, S. E. Childers , several days, returned to her home at woman, Is reported seriously ill at haf which they undertake. the bridge crew. to repair the damage. Olobe last evening. speaking. home on Fifth street