A r 'A G k p j u i i í THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS FARMERS AND ORGANIZATION REAL MONEY. THROW OUT AMBITION? SOUND IN MOVIES. By Special Community News C o rres p o n d e n t, rants off in live annual payments the i Drat to be paid lu 1930. The school J board is considering purchasing two I Samuel A Park» who passed away ai'r* 8 of >»“ <* fr"«> Mrs Margaret at his home in Eugene last week was , 1 antpbell (or school grouuds buried at the Pleasant H ill cemetery J Thurston I Julies Aid wtll hold a UPPER WILLAMETTE Thursday July IS. Mr Parks who had been in ill health (or several months was born at Pleasant H ill and had lived iu Lane county a large part ot h>s life He is survived by (our j silver tea on Thursday July 26. at Mrs. , Charles T aylo r Refreshments w ill be served by Mrs. T aylo r Mrs. Roy Kd- mlaton. and Mrs Ira Nice. This w ill 0« the last meeting until next (all. brothers and three sisters as follows: ■ Mrs. Sam Morgan, who has been in L. E. Parks, Cloverdale: E. S. Parks. . Eugene for some time returned to Eugene; L. L. Parks, Marshfield; C. C. 1 her home here last Saturday. Flour tu-inut.icturers, including W ashburn-Crosby and Red Star organized a $50,000,tXX) comb.na­ tion, largest Hour m illing concern in the world. 1 hat s in the line of modern methods, big units, small overhead, powerful marketing. This news w ill interest farmers and make them wish somebody *>u ld show them how to organise. 1 Inf first thing, and absolutely nec­ essary, is to organise and intensif«- in cl hods of production. An old- fashioned blacksmith could not comi»ete w ith a modern automobds factory. THURSDAY JULY U». 1»Z8 THIS MAN EATS GLASS NEW PLAN IS USED IN WHEN HE IS HUNGRY RELEASING PHEASANTS T R A IN S C H E D U LE Springfield Stop. The schedule Includes three north­ Rockville Centre. N. Y . July 111, , . , .. , . ,,, * A liew m ethod of releasing I limn bound and three southbound trains (A i 1- Rockville Centre Is nil excited The northbound trains are: No i t about a man who ha. been eating »»»“ •«»•»••«" '• in this aet by the Oregon fish I <»“ ■» »» 4:17 " » : N " 2 SU » glass for fourteen years between *b,ll **f (he stnt ' m.; No 8, 3:6« p. m. i niiuils. He. Is Reginald Hlniea, an and game cumiiilaslnn lliis year, it Routhbonnd trains v»rn: No. 81. undertakers assistant, and doctors was announced this week by Ben declare that his glaas eallng Is per­ D o rris, a member of the e la te game 8:46 a. m ; No. 7 (flag ), 3.30 p. m . No. 16, (Hag), 9 ' 38 p tn fectly "straight." with no deception. body, Strong teeth and tough tissues make China yens with their broods are FO R HALE— Carbon paper In large it possible being placed in iho Helds near hero. sheets, 36x8* Inches, suitable fur Fourteen years ago Himes tied A man Is employed to watch the birds m aking tracings Tbs News Office dentally bit off the end a clinical for the first three' weeks in order to Tiiermomvter. He enjoyed the taste! protect them from varmints. loiter he sneake ' off with tumblera, The hell Is placed In a coop and Hie which he nibbled at during recess and little chickens run about this aboil« j before dinner time, while * other until they grow old enough to seek ! school boys were ’'hooking'' Jam from On denning nnd Pressing knowledge of more of the world the fam ily pantrlei*. rtunes is always Gene Sipipson, superintendent of , MEN'S SUITS and LADIES' the life of the party with his glass game farms In the state, has found ! WOOL DRESSES eating stunts I It easier to move the pheasants .11 j one day of age than ai any other FOR SALE W OO D Old Growth Plr. Second Growth Pir, time in their infancy. Prices Cut Parks W endling; Mrs E.sie Cooper. M r„ SWe# from C aI|fo rn U arrlved Pleasant H ill; Mrs. E. Y. Sw ift, Pleas . Tuesday (or a visit here. She was 1 Childish talk o f "necessary com­ ant H ill | a resident ot Thurston many years petition" and prattle about keeping Russell and Mike Dilley left last I ago She Is with Mrs. T aylo r Need business from getting "too big'f are week for Idaho to work there during ! ham. out o f date. W here nations combine to mo­ harvest. Mr. and Mrs Thomas P rtta from nopolise world business, great PRESSING 50 CENTS Donald. Jerry and Douglas Kabler, Texas arrived on Thursday fo r an ex- American units must combine for Sections where the bints are re Oak. Ash. A ll lengths. Phone Spring- self defense. Floyd John and Alvin Olson are work tended visit with relatives here. Mrs flt.d 104. (f 1 leased are watched carefully and If Possibly some one w ill find a ing with the Harvey Schrenk bailing Ernest BerUch and Mrs. Roy Edmis- ------ : there Is any pre-seusou shooting the 1 way to help our farmers form such crew west ot Eugene. ton are sisters of Mrs. Price Mr. i S U M M O N S FO R P U B L IC A T IO N IN •*n 'a ** used again for this pur- , a combination. They need it.’ Andy Olson and F. P. Cooper have , Price brought several horned toads : F O R E C L O S U R E O F T A X L IE N poae. The French settle down courage­ IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T OP T H E been binding their grain the past (ew here with him. ously to the drastic new money S T A T E OP OREGON. FO R L A N E days. Although there is much hay M r and Mrs. John Price and Mr. S U M M O N S F O R P U B L IC A T IO N rate. Four-fifths of its value is CO UNTY cut there is no hay bailer in the dis- and Mrs. Pred Gray and fam ily and cut from their money as a result A rthu r L. Matoon and K atherine It IN T H E C IR C U IT COI RT OP T H E , of a war W H I C H T H E Y W O N . Matoon. Plaintiffs, vs Alfred Starks. tric t as yet. . M r. J. P. Barnett motored to Belnap S T A T E OP O REG ON FOR T H E j T hey face that situation bravely. I Defendant D. G. Lintou and son. Carl, motored Springs last Sunday. M r Barnett CO UN TY OP LANE To Ofred Starks the ubove named to G alt. California, last week and and Mr. Price are going to spend Edward Trapp. Plaintiff, va.. Edmond I G A U Z E TS In place o f paper money, mean­ defendant : brought home Bill Linton, who has several days there in hopes of beus- ing little to peasants and working IN T H E N A M E OP T H E S T A T E ! ** •’■'•rre. Defendant THE people, the French again will sea been spending the vacation with re- (Ring Mr. Price’s health He has been OP OREGON: You are hereby notified i To Ectnond I' l*lerre. Defendant P E R F E C T S A N IT A R Y gold and silver coina in circulation. that A rthur L. Maloon and Katherine IN T H E N A M E OP T H E S T A T E I latives in G alt. suffering from rheumatism for some N A P K IN R Muloou the holders of Certificate o .« . , 0 v Mrs. O. H. Wangelin accompanied time. of Delinquency number,el 313« lssue.1 ” * O K M ,U N ' ,,u •«» re- T he gross« piece, size and weight on the 30th day of D ecem ber. 1925 by to uppear amt answer the com j of our silver dollar, w ill not come by Mrs. Emma Meyer of Crow went Mrs. Curtis De. W itt and son left back. W o rth five francs before the the Tux Collector of (he County of plaint filed against you lu the above to Newport last Sunday to be gone j for their home near San Francisco, war, it would be worth twenty-five l I *' " f <)r,’* " n- for lh,‘ amounl entitled Court and cause on o r before a month or six weeks. Bonnie Jeanne California, last Tuesaav after a three francs now. But ten-franc silver of Thirteen and 30-100 (31.830» dol- T in ke r and Emma Olson expect to weeks visit w ith her grandparents pieces worth fo rty cents w ill he lars, the same being the amount then (our weeks from -the date of the flrst coined, and the French w ill feel Join them in a couple of weeks. ¡here, Mr. and M s. A. W. Weaver. due and delinquent for taxes for the Pub,1‘ at,on «’< ,b l" Summon», and If that they are w orking for R E A L Mrs. Mid Kim ball and daughter.! _______________ ____ year 1923 together with penalty, In y,,u fal1 ••• •“ appear and answer, for MONEY. tereat and costs thereon upon th - wunt thereof, the plaintiff w ill apply lone, returned to their home at T re n t- N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S Wh chPv T r. lre .“h e T J n VOU’ ,h - CoU’"' f° r r," ,r f dema..,|.,,l after an extended trip in O klah om a; Stabilizing the franc is a boon to w nun you are the owner as appears .. . . , , ell Europe, ending financial dis­ or record, situated In said County and ln ’ aM comP**l‘“ « «<««•» *<>r the aunt visitin g, re la tive s . i In the C ounty C o u rt of the State of order that has lasted ten years. State, and particularly bounded and ,,r E *«ht nnd 25 100 Dollar» 1*8 36): C arsten N . Martenson who has lived Oregon fo r the County of Lane. I t is a great achievement by described as follows, to-wlt: Ixit Eight tor the further sum of Pour Hundred at Pleasant H ill for the past several ’ n tbe m atter of the estate of John Poincare, w orthy successor of P U t V ’S U d ^ ’ ^ y ^ ^ ............» Carlson, Deceased. Thiers. Turgot, Necker. Sully, and Daintiness, Poise, years passed away at his home out N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N That i a long liat of brilliant French field. Oregon I t* r«St thereon at the rate of six pet 01 Eugene Monday July 16 at the age Self-Confidence statesmen. You are further notified that said '* 'nt P *r annum from and since the of 78. Mr. Martenson had been fa il­ the undersigned by order of the Coun­ These are now possible A rthu r L. .Matoon and K atherine R 16th day of August, 1927; for the fur- ing hte past several weeks. He was ty Court of the State of Oregon for the ( every day. even under the Sir James Barrie tells Rhodes' £ ,’ • « 7 .................... born in Denmark in 1850 He is sur­ County of Lane duly made and entered scholars not to try for “greatness." moat trying conditions. T h e advice was humorous, prob­ with the rate of Interest on said no' , ®° (M17.BB) Dollars, together vived by his widow. Mrs. K atie M ar­ on the 16th day of July. 1928 was duly Garnets are made of ably. T ryin g for greatness pro­ amounts ss follows: : with interest thereon from the 19th tenson. one daughter. Mrs Pearl appointed A d m inistratrix of the estate highly absorbent cellulose duces desirable mediocrity Men J “ x ,o r Paid December 30. ! day of September 1927. and for the K norr of Ryder. North Dakota and j ot -John Carlson, deceased, and that ___ — ____________ t i s s u e a n d antlaeptic "aim high to shoot low" — as the il- »?s'onTai L i l.r <,?JP!_‘?i“ - £ 9R,7. f i An” ,un' costs and disbursements of this s< tion. two sons. Clinton, of North Dakota j 8aid A dm inistratrix has duly qualified 1 literate "colored m in said when he gauze 31290: Rate of interest 12%. atked Grover Cleveland to make This Summons Is published once and Joseph of W estfir Puneral ser- 88 8Ucb- A ll persons having claims 1924, Date Paid Dec 30. 1925. Tax They are especially su­ him Librarian of Congress. Ha Receipt No. 28283 Amount paid *12 90. ’,,<' b *e e k for four successive weeks vices w ill be held at the Pleasant H ill aKain8t »«id estate.ara hereby notified perior because of the pro­ really wanted a job as porter 1 Rate of Interest 12<4. In The Springfield News, a weekly church next Thursday afternoon. t0 Prese«t the same duly verified as re- \ tective under layer A baby cries for the moon and > . x R ^ e l S 8NoM i r 5 ; ' A “ S L t '3 6 ” J: ‘n ‘ i ' " " " 0" P” b About 190 men met at the C lo ver-' qulred by law to the said A dm lnistra-, is satisfied with a cooky Youth J U S T A S K FO R dale school house Sunday and formed tr4x at tbe otHc« of L. M. Travis, Inc., Ilshed In l^ n e County. Oregon, by or- reaches for greatness ar.d is con­ ' Rate of Interest 12%. QAUZETS 2nd H 1925. Dnte paid Nov. 2. 192«. ! der of lb * Honorable C. P Barnar I. j tent with modest achievement and searching parties to hunt for M r. W1I- in EuKenp. Oregon, w ithin six months a place on the golf course. T a x Receipt No. 2216.7 Amount 36 30 ¡Judge of the County Court of la in - ! helm who has been lost for some tim e 7ron> the first date of this notice. The , — ----------------------------- i ^ V n i f o T . i d a 1«. 1*27 t . x m b T “' r i ? r * er b• • , ' ra the Bear Creek district. They fa irly fir8t date and publication of this notice j Box of Ona Dozen W infield R. Sheehan, who knows combed the hills and could find no 18 tbe 19,h da.v of July. 1928. •bout moving pictures, says screen, Receipt No 462 Amount 310 88. Rate * tn " “ y ot July’ and the will be much bigger fo r large sized of Interest 12%. date of the first publication of this trace of the missing man. The wo-j G IL L IA N R T R A V IS . Administra- theatre, new building everywhere. I 1927, Date paid April 9. 1928. Tax Summons Is July 19tb, 1928. men of the district served dinner at Oregon ° ** T ra v *8’ ,n c - Euifrn<’. T h a t w ill make it necessary to re­ Receipt No. 1330. Amount 329 23 Rate P O T T E R A K IN G , Attorneys for the school house. vise production method,. | of Interest 12%. J 1 •'fALD W. M LES. Attorney for Most important for budding M r. and Mrs. H. C. W heeler of Trent Adm inistratrlx. 610 First National Said Alfred Starks as the owner of Plaintiff, Residence and Post office genius, he says the "talking movie” the legal title of the above described Address. Eugene. Oregon returned from California last week Bany Building. Salem, Oregon w ill create a new arm y of scenario property us the same appears of re-1 Jl. 11F26. A. 2-9-16: Jl- 19 26; A. 2 9-16: where they went on business con­ w riters, knowing how to make cord, and each of the other persons Jl. 19-26: A. 2-9-16: ■ - nected with the Woodman of the sound effective in pictures. above named atw hereby fu rth er notl- In a detective story, noise of a , fled that plaintiffs w ill apply to the World. N O T IC E creaking board, or a shot, might C ircuit Court of the County and State Mrs J. A. Phelps, the Misses Hazel be more effective than the hero's | aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the Notice is hereby given that the un and Gladys Wheeler, who are attend- smile. Hen against the property above des­ _ . . derslgned hare petitioned the f’nm. M r. Sheehan believes that the ing summer school at Norm al spent mon Council of the Town of Springfield I cribed. and mentioned in said certifi­ pictures with sound w ill double cate. Anti you are hereby summoned the week-end at their homes at Pleas- that *be following described real pro­ to appear w ithin s lx tr days a fte r the ant H ill. I Petty be vacated and taken out o f ' moving picture attendance. ---------- . ' first publication of this summ- ns. ex- Miss Leola Ewbanks of California ' Lim its as follows: In New Y o rk ', brutal dancing (elusive of the day of sulri first publi Who is attending summer school at Kast’of ^ N o r t h w e s ? ' " . L e ^ o / D ^ ' contest— the dance to go on until cation, and defend this action or pav 77 E. Broadway Next to I. O. O. P. Building the University of Oregon visited her i ” on Number 3808 in Township Seven I all but one couple drop— the female I the amount due as above slio«vn. to getber with costs and accrued Inter EUGENE, OREGON sister. Mrs. A J. Phelps last week-end I tinn x,,m b er 3S08 In Ttownship Seven ! dancers, nervously exhausted, slap ♦heir partners faces Then the men eat, and In case of your failure to do ----------- ---- ------------------ i ‘ e„en D 7 ) South Range Three (3) I West of the W illam ette M eridian and 1 siap the women's faces vigorously. ! so, a decree w ill be rendered fore­ T h e yahoos, called “fans,” looking closing the lien of said taxes and — — — — — — — ru n n n g thence East 9.32 chains: on, shriek with delight, as the half costs against the land and premises THURSTON : ib0"ee '’or,h 2.20 chains; thence East crazed dancers strike each other. above named. _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ | 15.90 chains; thence South 12 00 Such is our poor imitation of the This summons Is published by order nr . — chains; thence W est 25 22 chains and Roman arena. > W arrants not to exceed 34500 for i thence North 9 80 chains to the place of the Honorable G F. Sklpworth 1 Judge of the Circuit Court of the building and equipping a school house of beKinn1t>8. containing 28 2-3 acres, McLagan at Tillam ook— W . C. Me- State of Oregon for the County of for the Thurston ano ->avts districts, wore or less of land, all lying and be- Lane and said order was made and which have consolidated, were voted ing within the Town lim its of the Lagan, steam superintendent at the date this 17th day ot July. 1928, and for on Tuesday afternoon at a meet I g "n" Spr'nB" eW’ Lane County’ ° " Mountain S ta te . Power company date of the f lr it "pgb 'ltaitto i'tf t h li $1.25 J. E. Lindsey 45c Flanery’s D ru g Store n» WILLIAMS’ Self Service Store The Store Where You Serve Yourself and Save ing held in the Thurston school - AI1 Persons having objections to home. Twenty-nine were in favor o ' ' wa,d PfoPos^d vacation are required and .3 w ere nm a ls o w a rra n ts „o f i ‘b ^ ^ ' ’^ ,^ to exceed *600 for the purchase of land lf>28. near the centra: park of the district ! PA U L S BASFORD. for a building location were voted.! A L L E N E P. B A S F' RD. L E X IE E. BASFO RD 27 to 10. It was voted to pay the m a r-’ C A T H E R IN E A B * S ’’ RD P' ant here' drove to T llla n>°°k >»*« ,o a ,t,'n'1 ,0 company business. ---------------------------------- B ra tta I ns on V isit— Mr. and Mrs. Creed B rattain of Lakeview, at one time residents of Springfield, stop­ ped here for a time Wednesday to ’ 1 es ano »riepd- summons Is the 19th day of July 1928 A ll process and papers ln this pro­ ceedings may be served upon the un dersigned residing within the State of Oregon at the address hereafter mentioned C. N JO H N S TO N . Attorney for Plaintiff. Address U. 8. N a t’l Bank B ld g , Eugene, Oregon Jl. 19-26: A 2-9-16-23-30 F or Homes -1 Í -4- _ . that want the BEST — ♦' h . 500 Pairs Womens Novelty Footwear Strip Pumps, Buckle Pump«, Strap Slipper«, Oxfords _ and Novelty Ties In Patents, Kids, Galf Skin and Toyo Cloth. Values $6.00 $ 2 .9 8 Dependable Footwear for LESS Every Pair Ha» a Definite Guarantee Serve Yourself and Save on the Following Items: F.Jrtraordlnary value is represented In this Biliw tll S u ite - Covered in plain mohair, with tapes­ t r y r e v e r s e h io n s $145 TERMS Y ou ’ll U k s Available also in other covering, In • variety of color». We recommend Biltwell upholstered furniture to those who take pride in their household furnishings Biltwell furniture is soundly constructed, beautifully designed and skillfully coveted in the choicest of long-wearing fabrics. Biltwell comes to us and goes from us to you with a guarantee from the makers which assures you of life- king satisfaction. You'll never regret >our choice of Biltwell furniture. WRIGHT & S O N S Men's heavy weight Waist Overalls ......................... j j qq B oys’ heavy weight Waist Overalls 98C Boys’ heavy weight Bib Overalls ................... 98C Men's double back Hickory Shirts 98c Men’s heavy weight Work Socks. 2 Pairs 25c Men’s medium weight Work Sdbks.* 3 Pairs . 25c Men’s 12 ounce Canvas Gloves, Pair 12c Men’s Goat Skin Gloves, P a ir ............................. 38c Men’s good quality Corduroy P a n ts .................. 52.69 Men’s heavy weight Moleskin P a n t s .................. $2.69 Men's Mule Skin Work Shoes ............................ 51^48 BoyB’ Genuine KedR................................................ 98c 25c size Col gates Tooth P a s t e ....................... 18c 25c size IJaterine Tooth Paste ...................... .. 18c 59c size Hinds Honey and Almond C ream ................... 3 3 c Regular 10c Shlnola Polish t ....................................... I