P A O » 8BVBN TUB RPRINOFTWLD NEWS t llV K H D A Y JULY 19. 192H N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S Notice la hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been appointed by the , County Court of the State of fJregon 1 for l-aue County, Executor of the Estate of CATHERINE ROBISON, de­ ceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby re- ; qutred to preaent the same, properly , verified and with vouchers therefor, ¡loader* tU nn*g a perniimi r tflp e»» addrtta to the undersigned at the law office of d u i Pio, n» tore ol Ik u nampnprr. Gordon H. Wells, Court House, Eu- - gene. Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication hereof Date of first publication hereof Is 1 hard for you to tell thia to your friend, HO W TO W IN H IM June 2«. 1928 but I am sure It la necessary for you JAMES RUTHERFORD, Executor I Dear Miss Vera, Catherine Robison, I am 20 years old and I really ’ to do so. If you really Bke the boy in LOST Riunii hand truck on streets PAINTING and KaLomlning In all Its ' “l ,he K*,a ,e the city best. love a boy who Is 21. I have only of Springfield last Saturday Itelurn branches. Reduced Prices. Key deceased. J. 28: Jl. 6-12-192«: been with him two or three times to Rodcnbough Garage. Rcwurd Koch. Call 125 3. but known him about a year Wbat LOST Rack ot Gruya Store In the can I do to win his love? I am S U M M O N * SUM M O N* alley, f> X 10 canvas. Kinder return very unhappy without seeing him IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OK THE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OK THE STATE OK OREGON KOR Io Gruy's Cash alore or News Office. or being with him. He la the man STATE OK OREGON IN AND KOR LANE COUNTY of my dreams. He is very charm­ Jl. 192« THE COUNTY OK LANK SI IT Paul Zlnlker, PlalntlfT, va., a . V. FOR DlVoit' 1. ing. Please advise me how I can Prnyn, Defendant. KOR SALK OR TRADE for Eugene Olaf Jorgen Hanssen. Plaintiff, versus, win him. Jennie Jeanetta llanasen, Defendant : To the above named A. V. Pruyn, de- properly. One Arre chicken ranch M. E. B. 1 fendant. In Sprlnglleld. Phone Springfield To Jennie Jeanetta Hanssen, Defend­ • • • rN THE NAME OK THE STATE ant:- 88W . ltf. You are hereby required to appear OK OREOON: You are hereby re­ Dear M E. B . by no means run amt anawer the complaint Died quired to appear and answer the com­ after him—be more subtle. On those : against you In the above entitled suit plaint filed against you In the above SEPTIC TANKS— I within four weeks from the first pub- entitled cause within four weeks from tare, sw eet occasions when you see Heady for you to Install llcutlon of this summons which Is the date of the first publication of this this charming man. be so very, very Kof family of five — *21.00, Eugene | published the first tlmo on July 12. summon«. to-wlt: Four weeks from nice to him that he will want to see Kor ftm lly of eight — 828 00, Eugene 1.928; und you are hereby aotlfled the 6th day of July. 1928; and If you Sower Pipe, Well Curbing, Drain Tile [ that. If you fall so to appear, your fall to appear or answer said com- you again soon. Look your beat and defanlt will be entered fo /w a n t of an i Pla,n«- for want thereof the plaintiff act your best. Take a lively interest and Chimney Blocks. answer, and the plaintifT will make ' w,l> *“kp Judgment against you for In his conversation—be a good listen­ E U G E N E C O N C R ETE PIPE CO. application to the Court for the re I the *llni of >64.60, together with six er. Invite him to parties whenever Bef prayed within the aald complaint per cent interest per annum thereon NOTICE OK FINAL SETTLEMENT ■which la aa follows, to-wlt:- That the from August 27. 1925, together with you get a chance. Do everything you Goes to Oakridge— W. A. Taylor Estate of Emilia A. Smith, Deceased marriage contract now existing be- the coat» and disbursements of this can to see him more often, but do not went to Oakridge Sunday on business. N otice Is hereby given Ibut Paul ,, ,, . ■ tween you and the plaintiff be for- action, and that the property attach­ be obvious or obtrusive about It. Just Dumb: “Hey you're setting on som-> Hadle«, executor of the last will and , w r dlaaolTad and , hut ,,la)ntlff havP ed herein be gold as provided by law be as nice as yon can be to him—but lestam eut of Emilia A Smith, de an aha„jU| e divorce from you. Hon C. to satisfy or apply nn such Judgment Jokes I cut out.” ceased, has filed In the County Court P. Barnard, County Judge of Lane The order directing the service of don’t give him the Idea that you are Bell: “I thought I felt something of the State of Oregon, In und for Lane County, Oregon, made, dated, and en the summons herein by publication pursuing him. That would »poll every­ County, his final report as such ex­ tered on order July 12, 1928. directing thereof Is dated July 3, 1928, and thing most likely. Slowly and persist­ | funny.” ecutor and that 10 o'clock. In the fore that thl* summon« be published In directs publication once each week for noon of Monduy the 13th day of the Springfield News once each week four successive and consecutive weeks ently, make him aware of all your “Oh, who broke your window, Karl?" August 1928. st the Court room there- ! todr"Zucre»alre " we“ekr,”"«nd "that In, “THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS." good qualities and show by your man­ "Mother, but It was father's fault, of. In Eugene Oregon, has been by you appear and anuwer the said corn- printed and published at Springfield, ner rather than by your words that you be ducked.” said C ourt fixe, l a s the time and place wl, h,„ four we» of Court The date of the first publica- , pw(s LaChareiie has paid taxes on in»* siiuaiion. • " nnbl’caHon. to-wlt: » on or before tion of this summons Is June -1««' . sai,, premises for prior or subsequent cares more for you than for the other August 2. 1928. and tf you fall to so ♦ First National Bank Building 1928. The date of the last PuW«"** jvpar9t w(th the rate of Interest on said girl; perhaps he is interested in her appear and answer, the plaintiff will Springfield, Oregon , tlon of this summons Is July 19. 1928. „„ follow s apply to the abovp entitled court for IMMEL « EVANS. Attorney for 1924 nnt(, pnl(1 Anr1l 4 192S Tax only for the moment. «... engaged to ,u divorce I l'nHi n tll vou are the young a you decree and of for absolute such pther rp„ pf against „ I ’lntntlff. Residence and Post office Recpfpt No 10108. »85.2,7. Interest 12-V nddress. Eugene, Oregon. 192B Date pai(1 Aprn 1926. Tax man you would not be exactly fair the court sh*»n seem eouitehle. DR. W. N. DOW J. 21 28: Jl. 6-1219 ¡Receipt No. 2255. »99.68. Interest 12r'r. to insist that he see no other gt-1. Thho, „„„ „ i. , , nefwsnaner Lane of general circulation pub- Cnunty. Orpi?on. and Schafer, Defendant. ; of the legal title of the above des- feel that you are sure she is Just a ,,Rhed To George Schafer, Defendant: ! crlbed property as tbe same appears passing fancy, and that you know no that you be required to anpesr and IN THE NAME OK THE STATE of record, and'each of the other per- one has a surer place in his heart answer on or before the last day of OK OREOON. You are hereby re ?ons ;,t,0Ve named are hereby further than you. the time prescribed in said order, to- qutred Io appear and answer the com- j notified that the plaintiff. Lewis Ln- ________________ I wit, on or before the 2nd day of plalnt filed acnlnst you in the above 1 chnoelle. will apply to the Circuit August, 1928. , entitled Court and cause ou or before ; p olIrt of the County and State afore- Date of first nuhltoatlon. July 5.1928. T W O BOYS four weeks from the date of the first ¡¡nj,] for n decree foreclosing the lien Dear Mias Vera, Date of last publication. August 2.1923 I publication of this Summons. n»d If nRainst the property above dlscrihed. S. M CALKINS. Attorney for Plain­ I am 18. 1 am corresponding you fall so to appear and answer, for nn(, mentlonod in said certificate, tiff. Residence and Postofflc? address nnd going with two boys. One boy went thereof tbe plaintiff w'll apnly I And yo„ nre hereby summoned to np- Eugene. Igvne County. Oregon. to the Court for the relief demanded i ppnr within sixty days after the first is in my home town, one about 150 228 Main SI. Residence 126 C 8t .11 5-12-19-2«: A 2: In said eomplnlnt. to-wlt: for n decre-j pnb,|cnt|on nf t'h)R R„ mmons, exclu- miles away, in a large city. With 62 J «2 M i of this Court that the bonds o f matri- ' )vp of tbe day of said first publics- N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N the bov In my home town I have monv now existing bet ween the plain 11,on nnd defend this action or pay Full Auto Equipment 014988 been going out for six months, and tiff and defendant be forever dlssol j th(, an,o,',nt due as above shown, Deosrtment of the Interior, U. 8 Lady Assistant i vpd, nnd th.it the plaintiff have Judg- j together with costs and accrued In- he has found out that I correspond Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, ment for her costs and disbursements , terest. and In case ot your failure to with the boy in the big city and June 28, 1928. | herein, and for the further decree of )1n s0 „ decree will he rendered fore- wants me to stop. I feel that I NOTICE Is hereby given that Isaac Ihls Court restoring to this plaintiff : closing the lien of said taxes nnd R. Howard of Junction Cltv, Oregon, like the boy In the big city the I here maiden name, to-wlt: Helga (costs against the land and premises who on Julv 2, 1923, made Homestead i Si honburg. nnd for such other and : abovp namPd best. Wbat shall I do? FR A N K A. DE PUE F ntrv No 014988, for Lot 1. and NE>4 further relief as to the Court may 1 This summons Is published by order A T T O R N E Y A T LAW JUST ANN. . . . ___n V C V In w n r th SWt4, 'Vet Ion 3, Township 17 S . of . .1 the Honorable G. F. Sklpworth seem equitable. • • • Range 3 East, Willamette Meridian, N O T A R Y P U B LIC This Summons Is published once Judge of the Circuit Court of the Dear “Just Ann," if you like the boy has filed notice of Intention to make each week for four seccessive w eeks State ot Oregon for the County ol year Proof, to establish claim Springfield, Sutton In the Springfield News, a weekly I^ine and said order was made and In the big city the best, keep right thre« to the land above described, before dated this 6th day of June, 1928. and newspaper of general circulation puh on writing to him no matter what any­ Oregon Building E. O Immel, U. 8. Commissioner, at llshed In bane County. Oregon, by the date of the first publication Is the one has to say about it. Do not let Eugene, Oregon, on the 6th day of order of the Honorable G F. Skip- 7th day of June 1928. 1928. worth, Judge of the Circuit Court of All process and papers In this pro­ the boy In the home town influence August, Claimant names as witnesses: "When I looked out of the window l4tne County, Oregon, which order ceeding may be served upon the un­ you too much unless you feel you Neal, of Vida, Oregon, Frank Johnny, I was glad to see you playing bears the date the 26th day of June. dersigned residing within the State would like to marry him. If you are Charles R Mason, of Vida. Oregon Edward 1928. Hnd the date of the flsst publica­ of Oregon at the address hereafter marbles with little Eddie.” not serious in your Intentions t o w * E Orton, of Junction City. Oregon. tion of this Summons is June 28. 1928. mentioned. him, let him know, and tell him you Fred Thompson, of Junction City, POTTER * KING, Attorneys for W ______ E L L S * W E L L S Attorneys for “We wuxn't playing marbles, ma. O. Ad- are going to write the boy In the city Oregon. Plaintiff, Residence and Post Office plaintIfT. Residence and P. We Just had a fight an' I was helpin' Address, Eugene, Oregon. _ HAMILL A. CANADAY, Register. dress, Eugene, Oregon as often as you like. I know lt will be Eddie to pick up his tooth." JL 5-12-192«: A 2: idaux.l'fr «OR 8ALF WOOD Old drown. Kir. Second Growth Kir. Oak, A"h All lengths Phone Hpiiiig ft. Id IM ' 'f WiOTICE Ft It PUBLICATION KOKKHT EXCHANGE No, 01 «003 Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Roeaburg, Ore gon, June 14, 1928. Notice I h hereby given Hint nn June «, 192«, tl W Thompson, of Eugene. Oregon, Oled application No. 018003 under the Act of March 30. 1922. 142 S t . it . 465) In e x c .o itig e III" N E *4 NWU, hh-c 111 Tp 17 H. It 9 W. W ^ RWM, Her 2«. K14 HE% Sot 29, T p . 1» H. H 10 Weal. W M. within the RluaUw National Korea!, for the tint her from approximately 14 ocrea with In the E% Section 35, Tp 9 S . Range 5 Kaat, W M . within the Hantlain National Forest, The purpose of thia notice la to nV low all persona claiming the Innda selected, nr having bona fide objec­ tions to such application, un opportun­ ity to file their protest with the Regia ter and Receiver of the United Stales Lund office nt Roseburg. Oregon Any such protests or objections must be fil'd In this office within thirty days f ro m t h e il.ilc o f firs t p u b lic a tio n of thia* notice, which first publication la June 21. 192« v’on-coal IIAMILL A CANADAY, Register. J. 21 28: Jl. 5-12 1» AUM M ONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OK THE STATE OK OREGON KOR THE COUNTY OK LANE Mabel Schardln. Plaintiff. Va. Stanley Schardln. Defendant. To Stanley Schardln, the above named defendant: IN THE NAME OK THE STATE OP OR BOON: You nr« hereby re­ quired to appear and nnaw«r the com plaint filed ngnlnat you lu the above entitled Court and cause on or before the 29th day of July. 1928. said date being mor« than four weeks from the date of the fit at publication of thia summons herein entered of re­ cord and If you fall *0 to appear and answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief In her complaint ugalnat you demand­ ed and prayed for. to-wlt: Kor a Judgment and decree of divorce dissolving fhe bonds of matrl Bony now and heretofore existing he twrx-n the Halntlff. Mabel Schardln r n d the defendant, Stanley Schardln, on the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment and that the plaintiff be al­ lowed to resume her maiden name and for such other relief an to the Court may seem meet. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof In the Spring field News pursuant fo sn order of fhe Hon O K Sklpworih, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore­ gon for the County of Lane duly made and enter' d of record on the 38th day of June. 1928. ordering that this sum mona be published once each week tor four consecutive weeks In the Springfield News and that thi d »to of the first publication thereof will be June 21st. 1928 and the dnt« of the Inst publication will be with the Issue of Julv 19th, 192R. FRANK A Del’ue. Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence, Springfield, Ore gon. J. 21-28: Jl- 5-1212: B U S IN E S S gu; Aluin St. Phone 116 W AKCIIAMBBAU’S DRESSMAKING Ready to wear Print», Voiles, Grgnndlus, Etc. 1.95 to ! hi . Phone l«0 $4.45 Plano Moving S P R IN G F IE L D T R A N S F E R WILLI» BERT8CH, Prop. OFFICE AT SERVICE GARAGE 633 Main Street Successor to Sutton Transfer W M . G. H U G H E S F IR E ANO A U TO IN S U R A N C E N O T A R Y P U B LIC Office at F IR S T N A T IO N A L BANK Springfield, Oregon DR. N. W . E M E R Y * C