The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 19, 1928, Page 5, Image 5

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    ’ T *v *' ** R »* ’
TlfUKHDAY JULY 19, 192«
Main Street in Hoover's Home Town
A monster air circus In which some
30 of the fastest planes on the coast
will participate will be one of the
major attractions of tbe American
Legion convention at Medford August
2. 3, and 4. This will be staged under
the direction of Seely V. Hall, state
chairman of aeronautic^ for the Am
erlcan Legion and promises to be oae
of tbe most complete aerial displays
ever seen on the Pacific coast.
Among the features to be shown will
be aerial races, loop contests, dead
stick landings to a mark 'with motor
cut off from 5,000 feet, aerial forma-
tlona, wing walking, acrobatic stunts,
such as hanging by toes and knees
from landing gear from an airplane
traveling one hundred miles a« hoar,
wire work, rope ladder act and a man
changing from one ship to another In
mid-air at an elevation of 5,000 feet at
a speed of 100 miles per hour, cabin
plane races and aerial stunts of all
One of the major attractions and
possibly one of tbe most thrilling
stunts In mid-air will be a triple para­
chute Jump from an elevation of 5,000
feet and bombing of a miniature vill­
age by airplanes which will give evi­
dence of modern warfare from the
This Is u view of Main Hires! In West Branch, Iowa, the little town where
Herbert Hoover, the Republican Presidential candidate, was born There
were areal (loin’s here when the tow n celebrated In honor of Its favorite
Portland Man Visit»—Charles I’latt
of Portland was here Hunday visiting
with relatives.
Camping on McKsnsla— Mr. and
Mrs Larson Wright are spending two
weeks cumplnit near McKenzie bridge.
Parkins In Albany—George Perkins
local contractor, made a business
trip to Albany Tuesday.
Qo to Newport— Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Woods and son, Liston, and
Arlle Anderson are spending this
week on an outing als Newport.
W ill Visit Son— Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Hinson are In Portland for a vacation.
They will visit with their son, Del,
while there.
Leave on Trip— Mrs. Maud liryan
and daughter left Monday morning on
Visits in Seattle— Mias Grace Male a motor trip which will take them *o I
IV K R H IT Y O F O R EG O N , Eugene.— W bst more appropriate!
I ,, rnies
Eugene, was elected o ffic ia l barber for next y e a r’s senior elsse at tks
went to Keattle last Friday to spend Udell and Crater Lakes.
I C alvi-reity o f Oregon.
a faw days visiting with relatives.
The senior barber has an all-year job, but functions only ones, at’ the frosh-
Lebanon People Guests— Mr. and
eophoniorr mix in the fa ll, when the barber shaves a senior mustache as a signal
A rthur Roberts III— Arthur Roberta Mrs. William Curtis and yon Dale and
for all seniors to remove their mustaches and start growing new once.
la reported quite III at the home of Miss Betty Alvin of Lebanon were i ——
lba sister, Miss Mary Roberts, at visitors here Bunday with Mr. and
, t Bend— Mr and Mrs Hugh
Arlxona Doctor Visite— Dr. R. R.
Second and A streets.
Mrs Charles P. Poole. Mr and Mrs j ollfY spent the past week-end at Bend. Knotts, head ot the Cochan hotel san-
Curtis are the parent* of Mrs. Poole, j
atarlum of Yuma, Arizona, an old
Harrisburg Ptople Hare— Mrs. Pearl
Holvereont at Lake— Mr and Mrs. school mate of Dr. W. H. Pollard, visit­
Fawver and daughtera Urace and
Flsnerye at Waldport— Mr. and Mra Pratt Holverson. who returned from
Gladys were here from Harrisburg F B Flanery and children and Ala 1 Newport last week-end are enjoying ed the local doctor and hla family
last Saturday to visit relatives.
dine Campbell, their nelce, drove to another vacation at Crater Lake.
Former Officer Here— Mr and Mrs.
William Patton of Cottage Grove stop­
ped here yesterday enroute- to Kltson
Springs for Mr. Patton’s health. They
are former residents of thia city, Mr.
Patton at one time being traffic of­
Dog Left »6.000
New Orleaae, La., July 1». LAC)—
Orlgonette, a New Orleans rantee, kaa
been left »6.000 under the terms of
tbe will of hie mistress, Mrs. Mary L.
M BrhaffIer. The dog ia reap the
benefit of »2,000 in cash aud aa In­
come from an additional J3.000
Bell Theatre
F R I. — 8A T. — J U L Y 20 - 21
Tom Mix In
“Tumbling River”
Comedy and N ew t Reel
8 U N . — MON. — JU L Y 22 - 23
John Gilbert and Jeanne Eagles In
“Man, W oman’s
A Fascinating Newspaper Story
Also Comedy and New t
T U E S D A Y — JU LY 25
Conrad Veldt in
A Man’s Past”
COMEDY and other short subjects
Bring Whole Fam ily fo r 50c
Every Tuesday Night
By All Means save enough time
to see Harold Lloyd In
(<C _____ 1 »»
F R I. — S A T . — J U L Y 27 - 28
'w A e re savings a re g r e a [ t t t ”
Harold Poole Away— Harold Poole Waldport Bunday to spend the day. >
Oakland Printar Here— A. J. Buell,
Mr. and Mra John Henderer accom I Tysons In Bend— M r and .Mrs. W.
is In Medford where he will spend
942 Willamette St., Eug ene. Oregon.
panted them to the beach.
I p T ’r*on Bnd daughters, Wlnlfrld and secretary-manager
of the
the n eit two months as temporary
Muriel, left Monday for Bend where Printers Guild of Oakland, California,
manager of an undertaking business
On Way to Canada— Mr. and Mrs | they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Clarence la spending two weeks on a camping
Fred Tatman of Not! stopped here for , Guderlan.
trip near McKenzie bridge. He vizlt-
Mr. Pallatte Here— Mr. and Mra. W.
a short time early this week enroute
Moahlere are Here— Mr. and Mra. ed the Springfield News office last
Il Pellette were business visitors
Io Canada where they will sepnd their Roland Moahler, former residents of week-end.
from Kugene Monday morning They
vacation Mr. Tatman la a farmer In this city, are visiting here for two
have friends In this city.
the Not! district.
Drive to Newport— Mr. and Mrs.
weeks. They naw reside near Grants
Local Boya Return— lAurence Roof,
E. Pyne and Mr. and Mrs.
July 13th Unlucky— The small sou
Evan Hughes, Arthur Potter and
of Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Wagner, who In the mining industry. They are Laurence Mofllt and son spent Sun­
Edward Ixiuk spent me past week-end
We hold no so-called sales of any kind nor1
are visiting here from Coquille, found guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. day on the beaches near Newport.
camping near Roseburg
They reported good roads on the
Friday, July 13th, an unlucky day. He Dallas Murphy.
do we name comparative prices of any kind. !
entire drive.
Rally S t m t Graded— Kelly atreot
from a cherry tree and sustained
Moving to Albany— Mr.and Mrs. WII- I
Goods are always sold ai the lowest possible
between K and L. streets waa graded a fractured right arm.
bur Andrus and children are moving
Undergoes Operation— Stanley Cop-
Monday by George Valller. street com-
prices consistent with prevailing market con­
Bushmans Tak« Trip — Mayor and thla week to Albany where they will page of Leaburg Is a patient at the
mlaaloner, and hla crew of workmen.
Mrs. O. O. Bushman drove to eastern j make their future home. They have Pacific Christian hospital following a
ditions, and when the price of some article is
Visits In Bandon— Mrs. Merle Cas Oregon last week, returning here Sat- , resided here for some time.
Mr. ma Jo Jr) JopJJeJrJatiJoJnJJJICoo th a)
teel left last week-end for Bandon urday. They went by way of the Me Andrus has been employed by the major operation yesterday morning.
marked down to its replacement value, the
where she will visit with her mother, Kenxle pass to Prineville, Bend and Mountain States Power company
former price is never mentioned. We aim
other eastern Oregon towns, then to
Danks on Vacation— L. E. Danks of
Mrs. Jess Catrow for a time.
■ ir
Visit— Mr. and Mrs.
Crater and Diamond lakes. They en- j
the Mountain States Power company
to give the same fair, square treatment to you
Mashes Thumb — Charles countered no had roads except be­ j Charles Masaee of St. Louts, Missouri, force is now enjoying his annual vaca­
were vllstors here from Thursday to
Gulley mushed his thumb while 4 t tween the two lakes, they reported.
every day.
tion. E. W. Albers returned to work
I Bunday last week. They visited Dr.
work for the H ill Creek lumber com­
today after his two weeks vacation.
Returns from Washington — H. H. 8nd M r" N W Emery. Mrs. Emery
pany at Jusper Monday. He was treat­
ed here.
I*arker, 8 S. Parker. Mrs E M. Park- ! *" “ B,8,er of Mr Massee. The visitors
Wheelers Have Guests— Mr. and
er, la»na and Fraucea Frtzell returned left Sunday for California where thev
Returns from Drain— Miss Elizabeth
Monday evening from a short visit to will spend a month before returning Mrs. James Wheeler and Mrs. B. D
Rice has relumed from Drain where
Grant are guests at the home of Mr.
Kelso, Washington
They visited J. east.
she was n guest of Mrs. Myrtle Frost
and Mrs. W . H . Wheeler In West
A. I’urker in Kelso and attended the
California Editor Here — J
A. Spr inKfleld.
and other friends.
Miss Rice and
big anniversary celebration at Long­ Wagner, editor of the Fillmore, Call- J ___________________________________
her mother formerly resided In Drain
fornla weekly newspaper, was a v's’- —
— —
— ----
Visiting from Canada— Mrs. Mura
W. C. T. U. Meeting Set— Regular tor h*‘re
He and his family
Wltbeck of Canada Is visiting her son meeting of the W C. T. V. will be held “ re “ >urin< Or»lK<m They turned from
R II Wltbeck and family, motor route
In the Christian Endeavor room oi the the Pacific to the McKenzie hjghwai
She 'Was here Saturday on busi­
Christian church next Tuesday after­ seeking fishing, spending last night
noon at 2:30 o’clock. Mrs. . E. Uatch- near McKenzie bridge. Their home
town was In the path of the flood n
Mra. Collins Away— Mrs. Ida Collin* e,der w111 ,*‘“d l’ie emcusalon.
Ventura county caused by the recent
Is visiting here son, Harvey, In
Arrives from’ Longview — T e d dam disaster. Several people of the
Olympia. Washington, for two weeks
O’Reilly and family have arrived from town were among the victims of the
Harvey Colllpa was reared In Spring-
Longview. Washington.
They were tragedy.
moved Monday to the A. Guthrie c o n - ------------------------------- -
Back from Convention— Sam Rich­ structlon camp at the stle of the Eu­ FOR SALE— Modern 6-room house on
D street between 7th and 8th. Two
mond returned Saturday evening from gene Water Board power operations
garages, tine lawn. W ill sell or trade
McMinnville where he attended the Bt I-eaburg.
for acreage or vacant lots. Easy
slate convention of United Spnnlsh i
War Veterans which convened at (h it
Hamline in Roseburg— Mr. and Mrs.
terms. Hyde Realty Co.. Eugene.
place on July 12-14
P ®- Hamlin drove to Roseburg In
1 their new automobile Sunday to visit
Seattle People Here— Mr. and Mrs. the J. O. Newland and Charles Fields
128,305 IN LAST 5 MONTHS
O. H. Dunlap and children, John and famlllea who are relatives of Mrs.
Elizabeth of Seattle stopped here Io Hamlin. The local postmaster and hla ,
visit M r and Mrs. A. D Gray of West wife formerly resided In Roseburg ■ 88168 of o “ kland and Pontiac sixes
Springfield. They are on their way where he was city superintendent of 1 <lurlnK ,he first five months of this
i year reached o record total of 218,305
IH H f l
to California for a vacation.
schools for some tlnje.
■ ■ I
dirs according to figures released at
Mra. Hughes Improving— Mrs. W il­
Olympia Visitors Here— Mr. and Ihb factory this week,
liam G. Hughes who underwent a Mra. E. II. Turner of Olympia and j This volume of sales shows an in
major operation In the Pacific Christ­ Mrs. E. O. Strand and son of Spokane i crease of 4», 019 or nearly 62 per cent
ian hospital last week Is reported re­ : were visitors'here this week with Mr I over the 79,286 Oakland-Pontiac sales
covering nicely. She wIR be at the ■ and Mrs. H. E. Maxey. The Olympia recorded (luring the first five months
hospital for another ten days the people are parents and Mrs. Strand of 1927 when the Oakland Motor Car
Just as half-baked bread raises havoc with your digestion, so im­
doctor announced.
Is a sister of Mra. Mhxey who return­ company was moving up from nlntn
properly cured (baked) tires raise havoc with your motor comfort
ed with tneni to their nome Wednes­
Visitors are Listed— Among week­ day for a brief visit.
and your pocketbook.
end visitors here were the following:
Oakland executives are making no
Mrs. Frank Miles, Jasper; Henry
Indiana People Leave— Mr and Mrs. predictions as to what position the
To be properly cured a tire must be heated from the inside as well
Cook, Walton; Joe Williams. Mr. and E. D. Kggimann who have been guest* company may attain by the end of
as out because rubber is a poor conductor of heat. ..The Goodrich
Mra. George
Rainbow; of Mr. und Mrs. C. F. Egglmann here the year. They merely point to the
Cure” is the only method which cures a tire equally, inside
Mrs. R. W. Calllaon. Mrs. J. F. Miles, for the past several days, left Tues­ figures. One Illuminating bit of data
thereby insuring you of the maximum mileage for your
Fall Creek; I. B Mathews, Dexter; a. day noon for their home In Fort shows that when the year 1928 was
B. Elliott, Jasper; 8. M. Palanuk, Wayne, Indiana. They went first to only three months old. the sates of
Marcola; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crabtree, San Francisco where Mr. Egglmann Oakland and Pontiac sixes had reach*
Camp Creek; Clarence Ek, I’engTa; had business for t t * Bowser pump ed a* total of 74,118 which very nearly
Mra. H. Mullen, Natron; Mr. and Mrs. company of which he la secretary- equals the sal»« registered by the com­
Bert Glllon, Mr. and Mrs 8. W. Rich­ treasurer, then by way of I he grand pany during the entire first five
ardson. Pengra; Mr. and Mra. Noah canyon of Arizona to their home. Thia months of 1927.
Miller, Lowell; Ix r r y Johnson, Mc- was the second visit of the eastern
W. R. Tracy, vice-president In
Olynn; Mr. and Mrs. A. F Flowers, people to Oregon and each was Im ­ charge of sales, states that recently
Cottage Grove; R. W. Mhtzan, Dexter; pressed with the state. While here Increased factory facilities now are
Mra. Perry Wallace, Jasper; C. W. they wero ahown the scenery of the adeqnate to take care of the growing
553 Main Street
Springfield, Oregon
Phone 95
Brewster, NoU.
McKenzie country.
volume or orders.
Our Selling
Policy Is TxJs:
a n d ''lheu’re all
Half BaKed Bread!
Wm. Rodenbough
Everything Automotive”